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,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,live,lv,v. 住,生活,stay,ste,v. 呆在,停留,home,hm,n. 家;adv. 到家,housework,haswk,n. 家务,lunch,ln,n. 午饭,afternoon,ftnun,n. 下午,new words,usually,juuli,adv. 通常,together,tge,adv. 一起,evening,ivn,n. 晚上,arrive,rav,v. 到达,night,nat,n. 夜间,new words,New words and expressions,1.,live,住、 生活,live in,住在,(国家或城市),live at,住在,(有确切地址的小地方),I live,58,Zhonghua,Road.,He lives _ England.,at,in,2.,stay,呆在、停留,stay at home,呆在家,stay with sb.,和某人呆在一起,3.,housework,家务,house n. 住宅;家庭 work n. 工作,do the housework,做家务,4.,lunch,午饭,have lunch,吃午饭,I often have lunch at 12:30.,He usually _ lunch at school.,breakfast,supper/dinner,has,The eating habits of,Americans,美国人的饮食习惯,Breakfast,Breakfast time, the general in 8:00,They always eat baked bread, cereal and coffee, or have milk, pancake.,通常吃烤面包、麦片及咖啡,或者还有牛奶、煎饼。,baked bread,coffee,烤面包,咖啡,milk and cereal,牛奶、麦片,pancake,煎饼,法国土司,蛋饼,Lunch,Lunch time is usually in the 12:00 to 14:00, and sometimes more,late,.,Lunch is also relatively simple. Many work, school personnel from home with rice Levin, or buy fast food to fast food shops, food content is often sandwiches, hamburgers, plus a drink.,午餐也比较简单。许多上班、上学人员从家中带饭莱,或是到快餐店买快餐,食物内容常常是三明治,汉堡包,再加一杯饮料。,drink,饮料,hamburgers,sandwich,汉堡包,三明治,hot dog,热狗,Dinner,Dinner is a more Americans pay attention to a meal in the evening around 6:00, ate the main course of a steak, fried chicken, ham, plus vegetables, a staple food such as rice or noodles.,晚餐是美国人较为注重的一餐,在傍晚6时左右开始,常吃的主菜有牛排、炸鸡、火腿,再加蔬菜,主食有米饭或面条等。,在晚饭时一般都会先来一份果汁或是浓汤,然后再上主菜。,steak,fried chicken,牛排,炸鸡,salad,色拉,冰淇淋,ice cream,Other food,fruits、 salad、meat、 fish、 potatoes、rice、noodle and so on,some sweetfood,(cake、pie、cookie、ice cream),餐饮礼仪,1.,用餐前,你要简单梳妆一下自己,既不要太正统,也不要太随便。,2.,用餐时,把碗碟、刀叉平放好,左手用叉,右手用刀。,3.,美国人习惯喝点加冰的饮料、葡萄酒,大型宴会喝鸡尾酒。一般不喝烈性酒。喝酒,不能大口大口的喝,不能发出响声。同样吃饭时也尽量不要发出响声。否则,他们认为是不雅观的行为。,4.,用餐结束时,要把你用过的餐具整理好,放在你原来的位置上,并把剩下的东西收拾干净,。,5.,afternoon,下午,in the afternoon,在下午,evening,晚上,in the evening,在晚上,night,夜晚,at night,在夜晚,morning 早上,in the morning 在早上,6.,arrive,到达,arrive in,到达,( 大地方),arrive at,到达,(小地方),My father will arrive _ London tomorrow.,I often arrive _home early in the evening.,in,/,Lets read and remember the new words:,live,住、 生活,usually,通常,stay,呆在、停留,together,一起,home,家,evening,晚上,housework,家务,arrive,到达,lunch,午饭,night,夜晚,afternoon,下午,The text,Lets learn the dialogue:,First listen to the tape and answer this question.,When do the children do their homework?,They do their homework at night.,1.,Where do the Sawyers live?,2,.,In the morning, what does Mr. Sawyer do?,What do the children do?,What does Mrs. Sawyer do?,3.,At noon, who always eats lunch at home?,Mr. or Mrs. Sawyer?,4.,In the afternoon, what does Mrs. Sawyer usually do?,What do they often do?,5.,In the evening, do the children arrive home early?,Listen again, and answer these questions:,Where do the Sawyers live?,2.In the morning, what does Mr. Sawyer do? What do the children do? What does Mrs. Sawyer do?,They live at 87King Street.,Mr. Sawyer goes to work.,The children go to school.,Mrs. Sawyer stays at home and does the housework.,3.,At noon, who always eats lunch at home? Mr. or Mrs. Sawyer?,4.,In the afternoon, what does Mrs. Sawyer usually do? What do they often do?,Mrs. Sawyer.,She usually sees her friends.,They often drink tea together.,5.,In the evening, do the children arrive home early?,Yes, they do.,6.,At night, what does Mr. Sawyer usually do?,What does he sometimes do with his wife?,Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper.,Sometimes he and his wife watch television.,The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.,索耶先生一家住在国王街87号。,1. t,he Sawyers,是指索耶一家。 在英文中,姓氏后面加-s,前面加上定冠词the,用来指一家人,特别是丈夫和妻子。例如:the Smiths.,2.,live in,住在,(国家或城市),live at,住在,(有确切地址的小地方),In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.,Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day. She does the housework.,She,always,eats her lunch at noon.,此段使用的是哪个时态?,上文中出现了几个动词?分别是哪些?,这些动词的共同点是什么?,In the afternoon, she usually,sees her friends. They often drink tea together.,下午,她总是会见她的朋友。,她们经常在一起喝茶。,一般现在时的用法:,当主语是第三人称时,它的构成是:?,当主语不是第三人称时,它的构成是:?,In the evening, the children come home from school. They arrive home early.,Mr. Sawyer comes home from work. He arrives home late.,arrive是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟名词作宾语,我们通常加上一个介词。,arrive in,到达,(大地方),arrive at,到达,(小地方),At night, the children always do their homework. Then they go to bed. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television.,do ones homework 做作业,their,【形容词性物主代词】:,单数:my(我的)your(你的)his /her/its(他她它的)。,复数:our(我们的)your(你们的)their(他们的)。,形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特性,常放在名词前面作定语,表明该名词所表示的人或物是谁的或xx belongs to sb.,Fill in the blanks and try to retell the story.,The Sa,w,yers live at _. In the morning, Mr. Sawyer _.The children _. Mrs. Sawyer _and _.At noon, Mrs. Sawyer _at home.,In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually_. They often_together. In the evening, the children _ early. Mr. Sawyer _home late. At night, the children always_. Then they_ Mr. Sawyer usually_ his newspaper.Sometimes he and his wife_.,87 King Street,goes to work,go to school,stays at home,does the housework,eats lunch,sees her friends,drink tea,arrive home,arrives,do their homework,reads,watch TV,go to bed,Talk about your family,What do they usually do?,In the morning.,At noon.,In the afternoon.,In the evening.,At night.,Homework,Talk about your family,1.假如你叫 Tom,请你描述一下你的家庭情况。,2.必须包含以下几条内容:, Tom 一家住在中华大街521号。, Tom 先生是一名工程师,他早上开车去工作。晚上回来。晚饭后,Tom 先生通常看电视。, Tom 夫人是一个家庭主妇,每天呆在家里。在早上,她经常做家务。下午会和朋友一起喝茶。, 孩子们总是在晚上做作业,然后他们就会睡觉。, Tom 一家是很幸福的。,c,B,A,D,Do some exercises:,( ) I often _ up at 7:oo in the morning. My mother often _up at 6:30.,A. get, get B. gets, gets C. get, gets D. gets, get,2.,( )Jims brother _ in a factory. He usually _ to work by car.,A. work, go B. works, goes C. works, go D. work, goes,3.,( ) _ you always _ basketball on Sundays?,A. Do, play B. Does, play C. Are, playing D. Are, play,4.,( ) _ your father often_ TV in the evening?,A. Do, watch B. Does, watches C. Does, watchs D. Does, watch,1.,My sister often goes to school,on foot.,(,对划线部分提问,),2.,Jimmy has lunch at home.(,改成否定句,),3.,My father usually,reads newspapers,in the,morning.,(,对划线部分提问),4.,She often does her homework at night.(,改一般疑问句),How does your sister go to school?,Jimmy,doesnt,ha,ve,lunch at home.,What does your father usually do in the moring?,Does she often do her homework at night?,


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