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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,宾 语 从 句,The Object Clause,I know him .,2. I know who he is .,主语,谓语,宾语,(简单句),主语,谓语,宾 语 从 句,连词,从句主语,从句谓语,主 句,(复合句),宾语从句的概念:,宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语。,句子结构:,主句,+,连词(引导词),+,宾语从句,通常的引导词有:,That,,,what,,,which,,,when,,,how,,,if,,,why,,,who,,,whom,,,how many,,,how much,,,whether,一、连词(引导词),1.,当宾语从句是陈述句时(包括肯定句和否定,句),连词由,that,引导,因为,that,在从句中不作,任何成分,也没有任何具体意思,因此在口语,或非正式文体中常省略,林涛觉得他自己的队伍越来越好了,Lin Tao feels,(that),his own team is even better.,她说她不会参加下周日的运动会。,She says,(that),she wont take part in the sports meetin,g,next Sunday.,他说他想去照顾他的教授。,He said,(that),he would like to,look after,his,professor,.,他告诉我他明年上大学,.,He told me (that,),he would go to college the next year.,他告诉我们在整个工作中,他们都会帮忙的,.,He told us,(,that,),they would help us through the whole work.,在主句为动词,be,加某些形容词(如,sorry, sure, afraid, glad,,,ashamed,,,proud,,,pleased,,,satisfied,,,confident,等)作表语时,后面所跟的省略,that,的从句也可算是宾语从句,对不起,我不知道。,Im sorry,(that),I dont know .,我们确信我们队会赢这场比赛。,Were sure,(that),our team will win .,我担心他不会通过这场考试。,I,m afraid,(that),he won,t pass the exam .,很抱歉我这么长时间在打扰你,.,I am sorry that I have troubled you so long.,他很高兴在他生病的时候李明能去看望他,.,He is glad that Li Ming went to see him when he was ill.,2.,当宾语从句是一般疑问句时,由连词,whether,或,if,引导(口语中常用,if,),因为,if/whether,翻译成:“是否”,具有一定的意义,所以不能省略,莉莉想知道是否喜欢那个手提包。,Lily wanted to know,if /whether,her grandma,liked the handbag .,让我们想想我们是否能找到关于那个城市的一些信息。,Lets see,if /whether,we can find out some,information about that city .,她问我她是否能借这些书。,She asked me,if /whether,she could borrow these books,.,我不知道是否还会有公交车,.,I dont know if there will be a bus any more.,没有人知道他是否会通过考试,.,Nobody knew whether he could pass the exam.,3.,当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,由连接代词(,what, who, whom, which, whose,)或连接副词(,when, where, how, why,)引导,因为连接代词,或连接副词在从句中担任一定的句子成分,具,有一定的意义,所以不可以省略,你知道他刚才说了什么吗?,Do you know,what,he said just now ?,我不记得我什么时候到的。,I dont remember,when,we arrived .,我不知道他为什么看起来如此悲伤。,I,dont know why he looks so sad.,我问他我从那儿可以借到这么多钱。,I asked him,where,I could,borrow,so much money .,请告诉我,我必须去看谁。,Please tell me,who (whom),we have to see .,你知道飞机什么时候起飞吗?,Do you know,what time,the plane leaves ?,这本书会告诉你最好的执行总裁该了解什么,.,The book will show you what the best CEO should know.,你能告诉我这本书是谁的吗?,Could you tell me whose book it is,?,带,how,的词组也都可以引导宾语从句,你能告诉我们你多久去国外度一次假?,Could you tell us,how often,you go abroad for a holiday ?,谁能告诉我们会议要持续多久?,Could you tell us,how long,the meeting will last ?,你能告诉我们飞到海南要花费多少吗?,Could you tell us,how much,it costs to fly to Hainan ?,我不知道到电影院有多远。,I dont know,how far,it is to the cinema .,请告诉我们你们学校有多少学生。,Please tell us,how many,students there are in your school ?,你能告诉我们他的弟弟多大了吗?,Can you tell us,how old,his brother is ?,请告诉我们多久你能准备好。,Please tell us,how soon,you will be ready .,“,it,”作形式宾语,“,it,”作形式宾语,代替宾语从句。这是为了保持句子结构平衡。,她想当然地认为他儿子会学医的。,She took it for granted that her son would study medicine.,她澄清了她不对这个事故负责。,She has made it clear that she wasnt responsible for the accident.,我们认为人人遵守交通规则是非常重要的。,We think it important that everyone should obey the traffic regulation,。,二、时态,1.,如果主句是现在的时态 (包括一般现在时 ,,现在进行时,现在完成时),从句的时态可根,据实际情况而定,(包括一般现在时,一般过,去时,一般将来时,现在完成时等),我知道他住在那里。,I know he lives here .,我知道他十年前就住在那里了。,I know he lived here ten years ago .,我已经听说他明天会来。,I have heard that he will come tomorrow .,2.,如果主句是过去的时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时),那么从句的时态一定要用相对应的过去的某种时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时, 过去完成时),我知道谁住在那里。,I knew who lived here.,我看见她正在跟她妈妈谈话。,I saw she was talking with her mother.,他问道她的父亲明天能回来吗?,He asked whether his father would come back tomorrow.,他说他已经见过她了。,He said that he had seen,her,.,我只知道他当时在西方的一个国家读书,可不知道是哪个国家,.,I only knew he was studying in a western country, but I didnt know what country he was in.,3.,当从句是客观真理,定义,公理,定理,时用一般现在时。,老师说太阳围绕着地球转动。,The teacher said that the sun travels,around the earth .,三、语序,宾语从句的语序用陈述语序:,连接词,+,主语,+,谓语,+,其他成分,当宾语从句的引导词是,who, which, what, when, where, how, why,等表疑问时,不能按正常语序安排,经常将这类引导词置于句首,1. When will he go to the library?,他弟弟问道他何时会去图书馆。,His brother asks when,he will go to,the library .,His brother asks when,will he go to,the library .,2. What does he want to buy ?,我不知道他想买什么。,I dont know what,he wants to,buy .,I dont know what,does he want to,buy .,3. Who are we going to meet ?,你能告诉我我们将去见谁吗?,Can you tell me who,we are going to,meet ?,Can you tell me who,are we going to,meet ?,4. Does he know French ?,我们想知道他是否懂法语。,We want to know if/whether,he knows,French .,We want to know if/whether,does he know,French.,5. Will they go to Canada in summer ?,他们不确信他们夏天是否会去加拿大。,They re not sure if /whether,they will go to,Canada in summer .,They re not sure if /whether,will they go to,Canada in summer .,Did the students have a picnic last Sunday ?,Do you know ?,你是否知道他们上周日举办了一次野炊?,Do you know if/whether the students had a picnic last Sunday ?,3. Which book should I read first ?,Please tell me .,4. Light travels faster than sound .,Our teacher told us in yesterdays class .,Please tell me which book I should read first .,Our teacher told us (that) light travels faster than sound in yesterdays class .,1,could / would,是委婉语气,而不是过去式,因此宾语从句的时态根据实际情况用不同时态。,注意事项,你能告诉我在哪出使我们的票吗?,Could you please tell me where we show our,tickets ?,你能告诉我们我们应该往哪个们走?,Could you tell us which gate we have to go to ?,你想知道他什么时候回来吗?,Would you like to know when he will come back ?,2.,如果主句的谓语动词是,ask,时,连词不可能是,that,;如果主句的谓语动词是,say,时,连词用,that,她说她她将在桌子上留一个便条。,She says (that) she will leave a message on,his desk .,他说他将去照顾那个小孩。,He said (that) he was going to take care of,the child .,他问我是否喜欢弹钢琴。,He asks if I like playing the piano .,你可以去问那边那个人你怎样才能到达车站?,You may ask the man over there how you,can get to the bus station .,3.,如果从句中含有,or,或,or not,时,只能,用,whether,而不用,if,你能告诉我那辆车是慢车还是快车?,Could you tell me,whether,thats a fast,train,or,not,?,你知道他对还不对?,Do you know,whether,he is right,or not,?,我不介意他呆不呆在这。,I dont care,whether,hell stay here,or not,.,主句,从句,一般将来时态,一般现在时态,祈使句,含有情态动词,Do you know if _back next week ? If he _ back , please let me know .,A. he comes , will come B. will he come , comes,C. he will come , comes D. he will come , will come,4.,连词,if,和,when,在不同从句中的区别:,C,I dont know when he _ (come) . I cant wait here any more . When he _ (come) , would you please ask him to call me ?,will come,comes,5.,连词,+,宾语从句 连词,+to do,I dont know what I shall do next .,I dont know what to do next .,She didnt decide which one she would choose .,She didnt decide which one to choose .,Please tell me whom youll give the letter to .,Please tell me whom to give the letter to .,1.,The young man asked _ its summer or winter.,A. either B. that C. weather D. whether,2.,We dont know _ they did it .,A. how B. who C. what D. which,3. The teacher asks us _ Jim can come back on time .,A. that B. if C. when D. what time,4. Does anybody know _ we will have a sports meeting this weekend or not .,A. if B. where C. whether D. that,D,A,B,C,5. I wonder _ he is crying now .,A. that B. why C. how D. when,6. Have you found out _ we can do on Hainan Island ?,A. what B. how C. if D. whether,7. Lily said _ she had finished her composition .,A. if B. that C. when D. where,8. I dont know _ he still lives here .,A. where B. what C. when D. whether,B,A,B,D,1. Could you show me _ ?,A. how can I get to the station,B. where is the station,C. how I could get to the station,D. how I can reach the station,2. Please tell me _.,A. what does he like B. what he does like,C. what he likes D. what he like,3. My sister told him _ .,A. what day was it B. when the train arrived,C. who she was waiting D. where did you live,C,B,D,4. Could you tell me where we _ next week .,A. would go B. to go,C. had to go D. will go,5. Could you tell me how much _to fly to Hainan ?,A.do it cost B.does it cost,C.it cost D.it costs,6. The small children dont know _.,A.what is their stockings in,B.what is in their stockings,C.where is their stockings in,D.what in their stockings,D,B,D,7. Someone is ringing the doorbell . Go and see _ .,A. who is he B. who he is,C. who is it D. who it is,8. Could you tell me how long _ ?,A. you have bought the watch,B. you have kept this science book,C. have you been away from China,D. have you been a member of Greener China,9. He says that if it _ tomorrow , he _ fishing .,A. will rain , wont go B. rained , wasnt go,C. rains , wont go D. rain , will go,B,C,D,THE END,


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