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,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,大家一起来玩串串烧,Hello.,My name is _,I am _ years old .,.,Im from _primary/junior,/,middle/school,I like _.,What is your name ?,坚持每周听课文,第一步:不要看书,将整篇课文听写下来。,第二步:把听写下来的文章与原文比对,查找错误,知道自己错在哪,以后今后如何避免。,第三步:跟着磁带反复跟读课文。,:,背诵,背诵一些经典课文将对英语的记忆、理解非常有益。尤其对于英语初学者而言,通过背诵课文可以加深对英语的记忆,坚持在课堂上踊跃回答问题,争取每一个能够说英语的机会练习。,:语法和阅读。建议大家进行课后的习题练习和同步测试,巩固学习内容,检验学习效果。,:,坚持记单词,完成作业。你可以在接触一篇新的课文前,先不要看它的英文,而是根据它的中文翻译自己写再翻译成英语,然后再和原文对照,这样一经对比,就可以找到自己写作的弱点和问题,及时修正,日久积累,从而获得提高。,If you persist, you will become a superman,still,stl,adv.还,仍旧,move,muv,v. 搬家,miss,ms,v. 想念,思念,neighbour,neb,n. 邻居,person,p:rsn,n. 人,people,pi:pl,n. 人们,poor,pr,adj. 可怜的,New words,still adv.还,仍旧,eg.I still want that toy!,我还是很想要那个玩具。,She was still beautifull at the,age of 50.,她50岁时依然美丽。,Expressions,Expressions,move v. 搬家,move from.to.从.搬到.,eg. They moved from Nanjing to,Shenzhen.,他们从南京搬到了深圳。,We are going to move to a,house in the country.,我们将要搬到乡下的房子里去。,Expressions,move v. 移动,eg. Dont move.别动。,The teacher moved to the front,of the classroom.,老师走到了教室的前面。,They move the desks to the left,of the room.,他们把课桌移到了房间的左边。,Expressions,miss v. 想念,思念,1)想念,思念,eg. We will miss you if you move.,如果你搬家了,我们会想你的。,I really miss my hometown.,我真的很想念我的家乡。,2)错过,We missed the bus.,我们错过了那辆公车。,Expressions,neighbour n. 邻居,eg. He and I are neighbours.,他和我是邻居。,neighbourhood 四邻,邻近地区,eg. This is a quiet neighbourhood.,这一带很安静。,Expressions,person n. 人,people n. 人们,eg. He is a good person.,他是个好人。,There are a lot of people,in the street.,街上有很多人。,person单数,people是复数(不加S),Expressions,poor adj. 可怜的,1)可怜的,,eg. The poor old woman had no one,to talk to.,那个可怜的老妇人找不到人和他说话。,2)贫穷的,, rich,eg. We must help the poor people.,我们要帮助穷人。,第一遍 听文章大意,第二遍 听力填空,Poor Ian.mp3,Lesson9192.flv,第三遍,听课文、回答问题,1 Has Ian sold his house yet?,2 Has he moved to his new house yet?,3 When is he going to move?,4 Is he a very nice person?,第三遍,听课文、回答问题,1 Has Ian sold his house yet?,Yes, he has. He sold it last week.,2 Has he moved to his new house yet?,No, he hasnt.,3 When is he going to move?,He is going to move tomorrow,. afternoon.,4 Is he a very nice person?,Yes, he is.,What shall I do,语法课堂,CATHERING: Has Ian sold his house yet?JENNY: Yes, he has.,He sold it last week.CATHERING: Has he moved to his new house yet?JENNY: No, not yet. Hes still here. Hes going to move tomorrow.,课文理解:,现在完成时的标志词,原形:,sell,过去式:,sold,表示过去的时间状语,be going to,打算做某事,将来时的时间状语,Grammar - 一般将来时,1)一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作、,状态以及打算。一般与表示将来意义的时,间状语连用。,tomorrow 明天,this month 本月,the day after tomorrow后天,next week下周,in two days time两天之后,from now on从现在开始,in the future将来,Grammar - 一般将来时,2)一般将来时的形式,主语 + will/shall +,动词原形,will用于所有人称,shall可用于第一,人称 I 和 we 。,will表示说话人的意图和意愿。,shall表示说话人的责任或决心。,一般将来时的肯定、否定和疑问句,Grammar - 一般将来时,肯定句:,eg. He will (Hell) come next week.,他下个星期来。,I will (Ill) have eggs and toast,for breakfast tomorrow morning.,明天早饭我吃鸡蛋和烤面包。,Grammar - 一般将来时,否定句:,eg. He will not (wont) come back,next week.,他下周回不来。,eg. She will not (wont) go to visit,her friend this afternoon.,她今天下午不会去拜访她的朋友。,Grammar - 一般将来时,疑问句:,- Will you see him tomorrow morning?,你明天早晨会见他吗,?,- Yes, I will.,No, I wont.,- Will she post the letter the day,after tomorrow?,她后天会把信寄走吗?,- Yes, she will.,No, she wont.,Grammar - 一般将来时,除了will/shall外,还可以用其他方,法表示将来时。在口语中,常用be going,to do的结构。,1)表示说话人的意思或打算。,eg. She is going to travel by air.,她打算乘飞机旅行。,2)表示有迹象某事即将发生。,eg. It is going to rain.,要下雨了。,阅读课堂,CATHERING: Has Ian sold his house yet?JENNY: Yes, he has.,He sold it last week.CATHERING: Has he moved to his new house yet?JENNY: No, not yet. Hes still here. Hes going to move tomorrow.,课文理解:,现在完成时的标志词,原形:,sell,过去式:,sold,表示过去的时间状语,be going to,打算做某事,将来时的时间状语,课文讲解,-Has he moved to his new house,yet,?,-No, not yet.,move to 搬到,我明天要搬到B区的办公室。,Ill move to the office in zone B,tomorrow.,yet用于疑问句和否定句的句尾。,No, he has not moved to his new house,yet,.,Hes still here. = He is still here.,副词still也可用于一般现在时,注意位置在,be动词之后,。,Hes going to move tomorrow.,be going to do 计划、打算做某事。,Ill miss him. = I will miss him.,I miss home very much.,He missed the train yesterday.,I miss you because I missed you.,CATHERING: When? Tomorrow morning?JENNY: No. Tomorrow afternoon. Ill miss him. He has always been a good neighbour.LIDA: Hes a very nice person. Well all miss him.,将来时的时间状语,思念,想念,错过,person,强调单数“一个人”,people,强调复数“许多人,人们”,为集合名词。,have / has been +,形容词 “一直都很,”,He has always been a good neighbour.,现在完成时,指Ian自从在这住开始到现在一直都很好,Hes a very nice person.,表达人的人品很好可以用good或nice。,person 强调的个体的人,可以有复数形式persons,people 通常是人的统称,单复数形式相同people,When will the new people move into this house?,move to = move into 搬进,people = neighbours,她是这个职位的合适人选。,Shes the right person for this job.,公园里有很多人。,Therere a lot of people in the park.,Please give him my regards.,give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.,给某人某物=把某物给某人,请代我们问候你的父母,Please give your parents our regards.,Please give our regards to your parents.,Poor Ian! 同情某人时的常用语。,听:每周至少三次的听磁带并模仿其发音。要求家长签字.,说:请以微信形式朗诵课文一次,单词两次。,读:听磁带模仿大声跟读。下周要求课文背诵过关。,写:在家听写所要求的单词,并签字。 下周课堂要求听写。,Homework,


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