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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,他们早上八点吃早餐。,They have breakfast,at 8 oclock in the morning.,Do they have breakfast at 8 oclock,in the morning?,They dont have breakfast at 8 oclock,in the morning.,他正在做什么?,What is he doing now?,他正在看电影。,He is watching a movie now.,他正在做什么?,What is he doing now?,他正在唱歌。,He is singing now.,他们将要去做什么?,What are they going to do?,他们将要去爬山。,Theyre going to climb the mountain.,她将要去做什么?,What is she going to do?,她将要去游泳。,She is going to swim.,Have you ever been there?,butcher,-Do you eat meat every day?,你每天都吃肉吗?,- _.,Lesson 49At the butchers,New Words and Expressions,butcher,卖肉的,meat,肉,beef,牛肉,lamb,羔羊肉,husband,丈夫,steak,牛排,mince,肉馅,chicken,鸡,tell,告诉,truth,实情,either,也,New Words and Expressions,butcher n.a person who sells meat,e.g.: The old man is a butcher .,at the butchers a place where you can buy meat,eg: The boy is at the butchers . He wants to buy some meat .,I have to go to the butchers.,doctor doctors,在英文表示“某一商店”的商店中,往往可以把,shop,省略,,如课文中的,the butchers (shop),和,the greengrocers (shop),,,类似的例子还有,the hairdressers (shop),,,the stationers (shop),,,the doctors (office),,,my mothers (house),等。,butcher n.,屠夫;刽子手(残忍的或滥杀无辜的人),He is a real butcher!,他是嗜杀成性的人。,meat,肉(食用),Do you want any meat?,beef,lamb,steak,chicken,mince,steak,-How do you like your steak?,你想怎样吃你的牛排?,- Steak rare/medium/well-done.,生些,/,五分熟,/,全熟。,Waiter, thissteakis toorare.,服务生,这牛排太生了。,How will you like your steak?Rare!,您要怎么做的牛排?嫩些的!,I want mysteakmedium rare, please.,我要半生的牛排,麻烦你。,Would you like thesteakwell done orrare?,你喜欢牛排煎得透一点,还是略生一点?,lamb n. (uc),the meat from lambs,e.g.: Do you want beef or lamb ?,Beef , please .,Lamb , please .,a lovely lamb,mince n. (UC),I want a pound of mince.,Because I want to make some dumplings .,chicken n., chicken n.,鸡,鸡肉,cock,kk,公鸡,hen hen,母鸡,chick tik,小鸡,tell v.,告诉,说,truth n.,实情,事实,to tell you the truth ,说老实话,To tell you the truth, we cant lower the price again.,实话说,这个牛排不是很好。,truth n.,实情,事实,true adj.,真实的,come true,梦想成真,The truth is ,真相是,/,事实是,find out the truth,找到真相,either adv.,My husband likes steak .,I like steak, too .,=I also like steak .,Do you like steak too ?,My husband doesnt like chicken,I dont like chicken, either .,I like lamb, too.,我也喜欢小羊肉。,Can I come, too?,我也来,行吗?,I, too, have been to Shanghai.,我也到过上海。,either,一般用于否定句,位于句末,前面通常有逗号。,too,常用于肯定句,有时也用于疑问句,但不能用于否定句。常见于句末,,too,前常有逗号;如果不在句末,,too,前后都应当有逗号。,also 用于肯定句中,位于居中,Listen,& Answer,1,.What is Mrs.Bird doing now?,2.Does she want any fruit?,3.Does she want any meat?,4.Does she want beef or lamb?,5.Who doesnt like lamb?,6.How much steak does she want?,7.How much mince does she want?,8.Does she buy any chicken?,9.Do they like chicken?,Analyze of the passage,At the butchers,方位副词,at,与,in,的区别是,,at,和,in,在,里;,at,表示的地方较小,,in,表示的地方很大,例:,at the school,at home,in China,in Asia,in,Wuhan,Do you want beef or lamb?,or,或者,还是,(,表示选择,),Do you want beer,or,wine ?,Beer , please .,Wine , please .,Do you want an apple,or,a banana ?,An apple , please .,A banana , please .,选择疑问句的例句如:,What would you like to drink?,你喜欢喝什么?(无限性选择),Which/What would you prefer, tea or coffee?,茶和咖啡,你喜欢哪一种?(两项选择),Would you like tea, coffee, or milk?,你喜欢茶、咖啡、还是牛奶?(,3,项选择),How shall we go, by bus or by train?,我们怎么走?乘公共汽车还是坐火车?,Did you go there, or didnt you?,你去了那儿还是没有去?,Did you or didnt you go there?,你是去了还是没有去那儿?,What about some steak?,来点牛排怎么样?,=How about,怎么样?,/,如何?,You look,unhappy, how about watching a movie together?,-You dont like beef? What about pork? Or lamb?,He is going to dance, how about you?,举办一个聚会怎么样?,To tell you the truth,,,I dont like chicken either.,实话说,他真的很笨哦!,其实,我也不喜欢吃鱼。,Grammar,助动词,do, does,在英语中,助动词一般没有词义,主要帮助构成谓语,表示时态,语态或构成疑问及否定。,do :,主语为,I, you,及复数时。,do not = dont,(,否定形式,),does :,主语为第三人称单数时。,does not = doesnt,(,否定形式,),3.,我不喜欢,Sonic,.,I dont like Sonic.,4.,她不喜欢,Sonic.,She doesnt like Sonic.,dont = do not,doesnt = does not,1.,我喜欢牛肉,.,I like,beef,.,2.,她喜欢羊肉,.,She likes,lamb,.,3.,我不喜欢,棒球,.,I dont like,baseball,.,4.,她不喜欢棒球,.,She doesnt like,baseball,.,dont = do not,doesnt = does not,5.,你喜欢音乐吗?,她喜欢音乐,吗?,Do you like,music,?,Does she like,music,?,1.肯定句,sb.,+,V.(s/es),我每天说英语。,I speak English every day.,他每天说英语。,He speaks English every day.,注:主语是第三人称单数时,动词要加,s,,或,es,2.否定句,sb.,+dont / doesnt +,V.,在助动词后加,not,我不是每天说英语。,I dont speak English every day.,他不是每天说英语。,He doesnt speak English every day.,3.疑问句,将助动词提前,Do / Does +,sb.,+,V.,?,你每天说英语吗?,Do you speak English every day?,他每天说英语吗 ?,Does he speak English every day?,我喜欢牛奶。,我不喜欢牛奶。,他喜欢苹果。,他不喜欢苹果。,1. I like milk.,2. I,dont,like milk.,3. He like,s,apples.,4. He,doesnt,like,apples.,你有钱吗?,她有钱吗?,他们有手机吗?,你们有书吗?,1.,Do,you,have,money ?,2.,Does,she,have,money ?,3.,Do,they,have,cell phones ?,4.,Do,you,have,books ?,Lesson 50He likesbut he doesnt like,New Words,tomato,西红柿,potato,土豆,cabbage,卷心菜,lettuce,莴苣,pea,豌豆,bean,豆角,pear,梨,grape,葡萄,peach,桃,Structure,Do you like ,or.,?,I like but I dont like,Does he/she like ,or.,?,He likes but he doesnt like ,Exercise:,用动词适当形式填空,1. _you _(clean) your classroom now?,Yes, we _(be). We _(clean) it every day.,2. _he often _(watch) TV?,Yes, he _,.He_(like) watching TV.,3. _ they _ (have) lunch now?,4._they _(have) lunch at 12 everyday?,5,. Can you _(answer) the question in English?,Exercise:,用,too,或,either,填空,1. I,can speak English and he can, _.,2. Does the butcher like chicken? No, he doesnt, _.,3. Jane,is watching TV now,and her brother,is watching, _.,4. There,is some,water in the glass and in the cup, _.,5. I dont know how to repair a radio. My brother doesnt _.,将下列句子变疑变否,1.I want a piece of cake.,2.He wants some coffee.,3.They like football.,4.She likes shopping.,5.We go to school by bus.,6.He goes to school on foot.,


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