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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2 How often do you exercise?,英语,新课标(,RJ),能力提升训练,Unit 2,能力提升训练,. 单项填空,( )1. How often does he write emails to his,friend?,_.,AOnce a month BIn a week,CFor half an hour DEach Monday,A,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,( )2. He _ gets up early, so he is,_late for school.,Aalways; always Balways; never,Cever; always Dnever; never,( )3. It is terrible.Its raining so _that we,can_ go out.,Ahard; hardly Bhard; hard,Chardly; hard Dhardly; hardly,B,A,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,( )4. _ have you lived in Beijing?,For about ten years.,AHow soon BHow often,CHow long DHow much,( )5. Hey, Nick. _ comes the last bus! Hurry,up, or well have to walk home.,AThis BThere,CThat DIt,C,B,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,( )6. I think eating more _ food can help,you keep_.,Ahealth; health Bhealth; healthy,Chealthy; health Dhealthy; healthy,D,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,. 完形填空,Jack is one of my good friends.Before, he had a _,1_,lifestyle. For example, he hardly ever got up before seven oclock in the_2,_,. After supper, he always watched TV before_3_ his homework. He didnt like eating fruit and he_4_ a lot of junk food every day.,Then one day,he was ill. He had to _5_ in hospital for two weeks.It made him feel that he must look _6_ himself well.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,Now Jack_7_every morning. Usually he does some running before breakfast. He only watches TV_8_. He has good eating habits,too. He drinks milk every morning and eats lots of fruit and vegetables. _9_he likes junk food very much, he only eats it once a month. A good lifestyle helps him to keep_10_ good health.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,( )1. A. good Bhealthy Cbad Dhealth,( )2. A. evening Bafternoon,Cmorning Dnoon,( )3. A. do Bdoing Cdid Ddoes,( )4. A. eats Bate Ceating Deat,( )5. A. stay Bkeep Chave Ddo,( )6. A. for Bup Cafter Dat,C,C,B,B,C,A,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,( )7. A. sleeps Bexercises,Csports Dstudies,( )8. A. at school Bafter supper,Con weekends Din the evening,( )9. A. But BAlthough,CSo DAnd,( )10. A. to Bon,Cin Dfor,C,C,B,B,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,. 阅读理解,A,What Helps Them Stay Healthy?,Zhang Wei:What helps me stay healthy?Well,I like fruit and vegetables. I eat a lot of them. I dont eat unhealthy snacks like chips. Chips make me fatI hate that! I am also on the badminton team. My teacher has me practice a lot. All that exercise helps me stay in shape!,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,Susan Brown:My mom helps me stay healthy.She always makes me go to bed early on weekdays.So I feel ready for school in the mornings.My mom also gives me a lot of work around the house.Sometimes I dont like that,but I do it all.This work keeps me busyits like exercise!I like any kind of exercise.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,Wang Gang:Well,I go swimming in the summer and skating in the winter. I dont like watching television very much. I read books. I learn a lot in this way!I also drink a lot of milk. Milk helps bones (骨头) become strong. All these things keep me healthy and happy.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,( )1. Whats the reading about?,AHow to study hard.,BHow to be healthy.,CHow to eat every day.,DHow to stay busy.,B,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,( )2. Susan Brown_.,Awatches a lot of television,Beats a lot of unhealthy snacks,Cis on a badminton team,Dgoes to bed early on weekdays,D,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,( )3. Who helps Susan Brown stay healthy?,AHer mother. BHer teacher.,CHer friends. DHerself.,( )4. Wang Gang usually gets a lot of knowledge,by _.,Areading newspapers,Bwatching TV,Clistening to his teacher,Dreading books,D,A,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,( )5. Which of the following is TRUE?,ASusan loves eating apples.,BWang Gang likes milk.,CVegetables are unhealthy.,DZhang Wei never exercises.,B,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,B,中学生上网一直是备受关注的热点话题。某班就这一话题组织了一次主题班会。以下是几位同学的观点,请仔细阅读下面内容,完成信息记录卡。,Li Hua:Surfing the Internet is very exciting. We can do lots of things,such as playing games,listening to music,chatting with our friends and so on. I really enjoy it.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,Wang Gang:I like surfing the Internet,too. Because I can learn a lot from it. I can get the latest news all over the world. I can also find the information I need so that I can spend less time on my homework.,Zhang Jie:Its hard to say. I agree that the Internet is helpful to our study. But its not right to spend too much time on the games. And some information on the Internet is bad for our mind. Whats more,surfing too much does harm to our eyes. In a word,we should use the Internet in a right way.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,Names,Opinions,Li Hua,play games,listen to music,chat with 6._,Wang Gang,get the latest news,get useful 7._,do homework,8. _,our friends/friends,information,faster/more quickly/better/easily,.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,Zhang,Jie,be helpful to our study,dont spend too much time on the games,be bad for our mind and 9._,use the Internet 10.,_,eyes,in a right way/correctly/properly,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,. 词汇,(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。,1The sun light goes t_ the window.,2H_ is more important than wealth(财富).,3Would you m_ turning down the radio?,4I often go to the movies with my sister t_,on weekends.,5Whats your favorite TV p_?,I like,Animal World.,hrough,ealth,ind,ogether,rogram,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,(B)用所给词的适当形式填空。,6How often do you go to the shop?,_(two) a week.,7We go to the movies three _(time) a month.,8My friend _(watch) TV on Sundays.,9The best way_(get) to the train station is,to take the taxi.,10My mother wants me_ (eat) lots of fruit.,twice,times,watches,to get,to eat,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,. 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话,A: 1._,B: I usually exercise.,A: 2._,_,_,B: Hmm,about twice a week.,A: 3._,B: Never. Its boring sometimes, and the cinema is noisy.,A: Do you usually surf the Internet?,D,C,B,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,B: 4. _ And I love watching TV on it.,A: 5. _,B:,Lucky 52,on CCTV2.,A: Thanks for coming to the interview.,B: Youre welcome.,E,A,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,A. Whats your favorite program?,B,How often do you go to the movies?,C,How often do you exercise?,D,What do you usually do on weekends?,E,Of course.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,. 书面表达,假如你最好的朋友Mary各方面的习惯都很好。请从以,下几个方面向大家介绍一下她的生活习惯,70词左右。,1在学校很努力,经常在家看书,有时上网。,2身体很健康,每周锻炼三四次,每天步行上学。,3饮食习惯很好,每天吃很多蔬菜和水果。,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,能力提升训练,One possible version,:,Mary is my best friend.She studies hard at school,and she often reads some books at home.Sometimes she surfs the Internet.She is very healthy.She exercises three or four times a week. She likes playing basketball,playing soccer and running.She walks to school every day.She has good eating habits, too.She eats lots of vegetables and fruit every day.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,易错点针对训练,易错点针对训练,( )1. _ did you spend doing your homework,last night?,For half an hour.,A. How often B. How many,C. How much D. How long,( )2. He is young, _ he is brave.,A. though B. although,C. but D. /,D,C,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 2,易错点针对训练,( )3. The children are so excited that they can,_speak.,A. hard B. hardly,C. difficult D. difficultly,( )4. Lets get the key _ the question.,OK. Lets start.,Afor Bwith Con Dto,( )5. If you _ for your favorite TV programs,you will feel sleepy.,Astay up Bset up Cstay at Dpick up,B,D,A,


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