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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1,热身活动,(,复习,),2,话题导入,3,4,句子学习,5,问答练习,(,根据书中图片,),6,重点提炼,7(,情景交际,语言输出,),8,作业,新概念课程教学流程,.,例句:,There is a noise in the living-room.,There is someone downstairs.,There are two students in the classroom,There is/are,表示“有,there is,用于单数,there are,用于复数,Westminster Bridge,Tower Bridge,the River Thames,the London Eye,Big Ben,New words,1.,伦敦眼,(n.),London eye,2.,泰晤士河,(n.),River Thames,3.,塔桥,(n.),Tower Bridge,4.,桥梁,(n.),bridge,5.,相信,(v.),believe,6.,一起,(adv.),together,7.,真正地,(adv.),really,8.,递给,(v.),pass,words,1.,望远镜,(n.),binoculars,2.,轮船,(n.),ship,3.,威斯敏斯特桥,(n.),Westminster Bridge,4.,大本钟,(n.),Big Ben,5.,一些,some,6.,一些,any,7.,它的,its,8.,下面那里,down there,Challenge your eyes,挑战你的眼睛,(比比谁最快),Westminster Bridge,believe,the River Thames,really,pass,London Eye,bridge,any,binoculars,believe,down there,bridge,some,binoculars,ship,Challenge your eyes,挑战你的眼睛,(比比谁最快),fun,believe,Westminster Bridge,really,pass,London Eye,Big Ben,Tower Bridge,any,down there,some,binoculars,its,ship,River Thames,There are some people on the bridge.,1. there be,句型的用法,there is, there are,表示有,有,有,单数名词用,is,,复数名词要用,are,,变疑问更简单,,is, are,要提前,,is,问,is,答,,are,问,are,答。,2.some,与,any,的用法区别,均表示“一些”,some,用于肯定句,,any,用于疑问句和否定句,E.g. I can see some boats there.,Can you see any boats there?,I cant see any boats there.,What kind of building can you think of?,cinema,church,park,classroom,cinema,classroom,church,park,New words,1.,电影院,(n.),cinema,2.,教堂,(n.),church,3.,公园,(n.),park,4.,教室,(n.),classroom,/f/ /v/,f-fun football field fair front referee outfit fifty,ph-nephew photo phone,v-very clever silver river heavy five seven eleven twelve,1. A: Are there any children in the classroom?,B: Yes, there are.,A: Are there any children in the park?,B: No, there arent.,2.,A: Are there any children in the classroom?,B: Yes, there are, but there arent any children in the park.,3.,A: Can you see any children?,B: Yes, I can. There are some children in the classroom.,A: Are there any in the park?,B: No, there arent any in the park.,4.,A: Can you see any children in the park?,B: No, I cant, but I can see some children in the classroom.,Grammar,1. there be,句型的用法,there is, there are,表示有,有,有,单数名词用,is,,复数名词要用,are,,变疑问更简单,,is, are,要提前,,is,问,is,答,,are,问,are,答。,2.some,与,any,的用法区别,均表示“一些”,some,用于肯定句,,any,用于疑问句和否定句,E.g. I can see some boats there.,Can you see any boats there?,I cant see any boats there.,Can,的用法,can,是情态动词,后接动词原形,否定形式,cant,变一般疑问句时把,can,提前,按要求改写下列句子,1. can you see any cars on the street?(,肯定回答,),Yes, I can.,2. Are there any students in the classroom?(,否定回答,),No, there arent.,3. There are,three,trees in front of the house.(,就画线部分提问,),How many trees are there in front of the house?,4. I can see,some books,on the desk.(,就画线部分提问,),What can you see on the desk?,汉译英,1.,教室里有人吗,?,Are there any people in the classroom?,2.,是的,但教堂没有,.,Yes, but there arent any in the church.,3.,沙滩上有小船吗,?,Are there any boats on the beach?,4.,是的,河里也有几只,.,Yes, there are. There are some in the river, too.,10,作业,1.,新单词,5,英,1,汉,(6,页,),2.,汉译英,1,)你能看见桥上有人吗,?,2,)是的,我能,.,也有一些小汽车,.,3.,完成练习册,Goodbye!,


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