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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,四种一般时态,纲领提示,:,动词是识别英文是由三种基本句型构成的主要方法。因此要想掌握好时态,主要有以下三点:,1.,熟记每种动词变化的构成。,2.,明白每种变化到底意味着什么?它们与中文的动词有什么区别?,3.,最关键的是,要了解什么是时态,其实时态的本质是一半时,一半态。,当你能够回答并掌握以上三点时,你的英语就会产生一个极大的飞跃。,一般时态所表示的时间概念,过去,现在,将来,过去将来,(即相对于过去的将来),一般时态的构成,主系表,主谓宾,谓主状,一般现在时态,一般过去时态,一般将来时态,一般过去将来时态,时态,句型,is,am,are,do,does,there is(are),was,were,did,there was,(were),will be,will do,there will be,would be,would do,there would be,一般现在时态的基本用法,1.,表示客观事实或普遍真理,(,1,),The earth moves around the sun.,(2) Practice makes perfect.,2.,表示目前的情况及反复发生的动作,或习惯性的动作,常与频率副词连用。如,sometimes, often, always, usually, seldom,这种副词常放在主语和动词之间。,(1)She seldom gets up before 6in the morning.,(2)They oten go for an outing on Sunday.,否定式及疑问句的构成,They dont often go for an outing on Sunday.,Do they often go for an outing on Sunday?,一般过去时态的构成,一般过去时态表示过去发生的动作及状态,(,1,),I went to see a doctor yesterday.,(2) He was a pilot five years ago.,否定式及疑问句的构成,I didnt go to see a doctor yesterday.,Did you see a doctor yesterday?,一般将来时态,的基本用法,在英语中,表示将来的动作或状态时,有多种形式。这里介绍常见的四种。,1.will, shall,Shall,用于第一人称,,will,用于其他人称。但在现代英语中,尤其在美国,在表示将来的时候,所有人称都用,will,而,shall,只用于一些习惯用法。,(1),她将在星期五到伦敦,。,She will arrive in London on Friday.,(2),我将永远不会忘记你。,I will never forget you forever,.,否定式及疑问句的构成(省略),2.be going to do(be),这种形式口语中用得最多,常常含有“打算”的含义。,(1),我打算明天早上五点起床。,I am going to get up at five oclock tomorrow morning.,(2),今天晚上我打算在家吃晚饭。,Im going to have dinner at home this evening,.,否定式及疑问句的构成(省略),3.be(is, am.are) to +,动词原形,这种形式含有“计划”或“安排好了”的意思,是正式用语。,玛丽和我的 兄弟计划明年结婚。,Mary and my brother are to be married next year.,4.be(is,am,are) about to+,动词原形,指马上就要发生的动作。,看!飞机马上就要起飞了。,Look! The plane is about to take off.,一般过去将来时态的基本用法,一般过去将来时态的形式有多种,常见的有四种,参照一般将来时态。,(1) I thought he would take the chance.(,相对于,thought,这个过去时态的将来),(2)I knew he would be a good teacher. .(,相对于,knew,这个过去时态的将来),(3)Last evening he said he would go to Americad. .(,相对于昨天晚上的将来),注:一般过去将来时态在使用时通常会给出一个过去的时间点,(4)Yesterday you said you were going to take me out for swim.,Practice:,把下列句子变成一般疑问句,再就划线部分提问。,1.John taught,in a middle school,.,2.Tom studies,Chinese,.,3.The meeting will begin,at two oclock,.,4.She was happy,because she passed the exam.,5.They were neighbors,three years ago,.,6.He can finish the job,in two weeks,.,7.,We,sold the cotton by weight.,8.We went to the cinema,twice a month,.,用所给的动词时态填空。,Last Sunday the minister,(神父),_,_,(call) the children to the front of the church while he,_,(tell) them a story. Once he,_(,bring) a telephone to better,_,(illustrate),(说明),the idea of prayer,(祷告),.,“You,_,(talk) to peaple on the telephone and,_(,not see) them on the other end of the line, right?” he_ (begin). The children _ (nod) yes.”Well,talking to God _ (be) like talking on the phone . He _ (be) on the other end, but you _ (can not see)him. He _ (listen), though.”,Just then a little boy _(pipe up),(尖叫),and _(ask), “What _ (be)his number?”,called,told,brought,illustrate,talk,dont see,bigan,nodded,is,is,cant see,Is,listening,piped up,asked,is,


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