Lesson 1 标题的语法特点

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Basic Features of News Headlines,新闻标题的基本特点,1,1.,省略,(,omission,),2.,时态,(,tenses,),3.,语态,(,voices,),4,.,标点符号的运用,(,punctuations,),2,省略是英文报纸新闻标题的主要特点之一。,省略是突出重要内容的语言手段。,省略指省去非关键性的词语,从而更突出关键性的词语。,标题原来都是一句完整句子,但为了起到言简意赅、节省版面的效果,常常被删略去某些语法成分或词语,尤以虚词为主,如冠词、连词and,系动词to be等等。,3,省略的种类,冠词的省略,连词“and”的省略,人称关系代词的省略,联系动词的省略,助动词的省略,4,Man saves drowning dog with CPR,(=The man saves drowning dog with CPR),China Daily, March 12, 2007,Aging population a major challenge,(=The aging population a major challenge),China Daily, March 12, 2007,5,Deaf teenager wins 175,000,The Daily Telegraph, Oct. 14, 1986,(= A Deaf teenager wins 175,000),37 killed in Italian plane crash,(= 37 killed in an Italian plane crash),Top Indian hotel angry at BBC,(=A Top Indian hotel angry at the BBC),6,Gunman Flees to Ningbo,Walks into Police Web,Shanghai Students Post, Dec.8, 1987,(=,The,gunman flees to Ningbo and walks into,the,police web),NBCs President Seeks Big Acquisitions, Ventures for Network,(=NBCs President Seeks Big Acquisitions and Ventures for Network),“强势兼并”+“巨额投资”,NBC总裁为公司扩展孜孜以求,7,连词“and”被省去后,通常由逗号 “,”代替。,8,Irish group kills ex-chief,The China Daily, March 17, 1987,(=The Irish group kills its ex-chief),Man saves drowning dog with CPR,China Daily, March 12, 2007,(= Man saves his drowning dog with CPR),9,Airline passengers upset with service,Dec 13, 2006,21st Century,Airline passengers (are) upset with service,10,Shanghai stock market hungry for shares,Ta Kung Pao, Nov. 27, 1986,Shanghai stock market (goes) hungry for shares,11,Jefferson, the Chosen President?,Newsweek,Mar.12, 2007,(Is) Jefferson the Chosen President?,12,Still BusyBut Staying Out of the Spotlight,Newsweek,Jan.29, 2007,(is) Still BusyBut Staying Out of the Spotlight,13,助动词 ,to be,的省略形式,在英文报纸新闻标题的撰写过程中,编辑们通常省去助动词“to be” 的各种时态形式,以单独一个过去分词或现在分词构成被动语态或进行时态。由于在英语中许多动词的过去式与过去分词形式是完全相同的,所以要弄清标题中的词究竟是某一动词的过去式还是用作被动式的过去分词形式。,14,Service industry seen as key to development,(= Service industry is seen as key to development),China Daily, March 12, 2007,Ambitious space program unveiled,(= Ambitious space program is unveiled),China Daily, March 12, 2007,15,History, Pivoting On the Unpredictable.,History (is) Pivoting On the Unpredictable.,16,Global Nuclear Ban to Be Debated in Princeton,The New York Times, Sept. 28, 1986,(=Global Nuclear Ban Is to Be Debated in Princeton),Legislation to focus on social issues,China Daily,March 12, 2007,(= Legislation is to focus on social issues),17,当然,英文新闻标题中有时也会有冠词、助动词或联系动词 ,to be, 或连词,and,。这些词之所以没有被省略,主要是为了使某些英语词组或习语保持完整,如:,TB on the rise again in London,The Observer, April. 19, 1983,on the rise,在英语中是固定词组。保留它还可以突出这个词组的意义,即强调结核病在伦敦重新增加这个惊人的事实。,18,报纸编辑有时因为时间紧迫,为赶在截稿时间前发稿,也会使用那些通常该省去的虚词来填补空缺。,Four killed,and,five hurt,in,a,house fire,19,英文报纸的新闻标题中一般不用过去时态,当然更不用过去完成时等时态,而采用现在时态,使读者阅报时一如置身于这条新闻事件中。新闻标题中常用的动词时态有三种:一般现在时、将来时和现在进行时。,20,新闻标题中常用的动词时态,一般现在时,将来时,现在进行时,21,在新闻标题中,一般现在时除了表示当前存在的事实外,更多的还是被用来描述过去发生的事以增强报道的生动性与真实感。,22,Abe tries to limit sex slave fallout,China Daily, March 12, 2007,事实上,这则新闻报道的是前一天发生的事,但为了吸引读者,给读者以一种动态的新鲜感、现实感和直接感,仍使用动词的一般现在时。,23,Liang wins in Singapore,China Daily, Mar 12, 2007,此例新闻标题中所叙述的事实也属于过去时态,但还使用了现在时态。,24,英文新闻标题对即将发生的事和未来事件通常采用 “be+动词不定式”结构,。,例如:,Legislation to focus on social issues,China Daily, March 12, 2007,Singapore to help build Dalian industrial park,China Daily, March 12, 2007,25,在报刊新闻英语的标题中,往往省去助动词 “be”,余下的动词的现在分词直接表示正在进行的动作或正在变化的事件。,26,Little Yi Jianlian still growing from boy to man,China Daily, March 12, 2007,US building a new system,21st Century, Dec 13, 2006,Deposits, loans rising in HK,(=The Deposits and loans are rising in HK),27,新闻标题中动词主动语态使用或出现的频率远远超出被动语态。以中国日报2007年3月12日一期为例。所有标题中,使用动词主动语态的有25例,使用被动语态的有6例。被动语态结构中的助动词 “be” 往往被省去,余下的单个动词过去分词在新闻标题里可直接表示被动意义。例如:,28,Bodies Wanted,Newsweek, June 11, 2007,Lead singer for Boston found dead,China Daily, March 12, 2007,22 miners killed,China Daily, March 12, 2007,29,Workers trapped,Police told to watch manners,Tobacco ban lauded,Farm minister pressured to quit,Great Wall of APEC erected in Sydney,Musharraf-Bhutto talks stalled but not over,September 3, 2007,China Daily,30,by 和由它引出的动作的执行者也经常省略。,?,为什么使用动词的主动语态的频率远远超过被动语态?,因为从修辞角度而言,主动语态比被动语态更加丰富多彩且富有感染力。,(Active voice is more colorful and appealing than passive voice.),主动语态所表达的意义更为直接或更具说服力。,(Active voice is more forward and powerful than passive voice.),31,英文报刊新闻标题什么时候使用被动语态呢,?,在事件或动作的接受者更重要时,为了突出强调动作接受者,引起读者注意,往往使用被动语态。,500 Reported Killed in Korean Building Collapse,Clashes Claim 500 Lives in Korea,两条标题都起到了提示与浓缩韩国某百货大楼倒塌致使500人丧生这一新闻内容的作用,其中死亡人数是一个重要的内容。使用被动语态的标题以死亡人数开始,突出了这个重要内容,使其非常醒目,一下子吸引了读者。,32,押韵,双关,套用文学作品,33,押头韵(,alliteration,),押尾韵(,rhyming,),34,头韵指的是连续的词语的开头出现相同的字母或语音。英文新闻标题经常采用押头韵的修辞手段,以引起读者的兴趣和注意。,35,Hillary Hits the Hustings,The Weight of the World,CHINA BRACES FOR A BUBBLE,Brilliance Beyond the Border,Blunt Bishop,Constant Candidate,36,尾韵指的是连续的词语末尾出现相同的语音。例如:,Too Cool for Preschool,A BLAST FROM the PAST,37,双关语即利用词的一词多义现象或同音异义现象产生出的词的诙谐用法。,38,Skies Were Cloudy Before Jet Blew It,JetBlue Airways: the Americas eighth biggest airline,39,这篇新闻报道了美国第八大航空公司,JetBlue Airways。显然,这则新闻标题运用Jet Blew和JetBlue 同音异义,创造了双关的修辞效果,立意新颖,引人注目。,40,A Tale of Two Dynasties,Newsweek, June 11, 2007,这个新闻标题套用了狄更斯的小说,A Tale of Two Cities,。,Tub With A View,Newsweek, Apr16, 2007,这个新闻标题套用了福洛斯特的小说,A Room with A View,。,41,英语报刊新闻标题中不使用标点的情况占了大多数,例如,为了简洁,使用陈述句的标题都省略句号。,英语报刊新闻标题有时也用标点符号,用来表示各句子成分或意群之间的关系,使简洁的文字标题所表达的意义更为清楚明确,易于读者接受和理解。,42,逗号,(comma,),冒号,(colon),破折号(dash),43,An environmental reporter finds hope at the NPC, CPPCC sessions,March 12, 2007,China Daily,An environmental reporter finds hope at the NPC (and) CPPCC sessions,Wuhan achieves social, economic progress,March 12, 2007,China Daily,Wuhan achieves social (and) economic progress,44,逗号被用来替代连词,and,以节省标题词数和空间,有时还在行文中表示标题中并列成分之间的停顿。,Ready, Aim, Flame: Army, Marine Cooks Battle Each Other,USA Today, Dec. 25, 2002,此例中冒号前的两处逗号用来表示罗列,功能上相当于汉语的顿号;冒号之后的一处逗号相当于and。,45,Ready, Aim, Flame: Army, Marine Cooks Battle Each Other,预备、瞄准、开火:海陆两军交“火”厨师各显神通,译文达到了双关的效果,46,Musharraf: Ties with China deeper than sea,March 12, 2007,China Daily,(Standing on the deck of a Pakistani warship and pointing to the blue waters of the Arabian Sea, Pakstani President Pervez Musharraf said: “ China-Pakistan relations are deeper than this sea.),冒号经常用在引语之前,表示“说”,47,Yeltsin: Muslim Nations Call for End to Tension in Bosnia-Hergezervena,(=Yeltsin,says,that Muslim Nations Call for End to Tension in Bosnia-Hergezervena),Newsweek, Oct. 17, 1996,48,冒号还经常用来代替联系动词be,以节省标题词数。,Chinese Cooks: Masters at Turning Turnip into Flower,The Christian Science Monitor, Dec. 8, 1980,(=Chinese Cooks are Masters at Turning Turnip into Flower),中国厨师技艺佳 掌中萝卜雕成花,49,World unity against terrorism neededBlair,The Guardian, June 20, 1998,(=Blair says that world unity against terrorism is needed),Economy Grows Slowly As Unemployment, Inflation RiseEconomists,(=Economists says that economy grows slowly as unemployment and inflation rise),The Washington Post, July 3, 1988,经济学家认为:失业率及通胀加剧造成经济增长缓慢,50,破折号主要用于引进某一说法,即交代说话者。,此外,破折号还可以表示转折或解释之意。,Yes, big harvestit brings big troubles for farmers,The Times, Aug. 31, 1996,(=Yes, its a big harvest but it brings big troubles for farmers),农作物喜丰收 农场主苦担忧,51,US, China tackle food safety issues,Modern services, technology to meet clients goals,Hungary: Gateway to Europe for Chinese business,DPRK, US reach deal in Geneva,Govt stopped civil war: PM,Industry: dynamo of Vietnams economy,52,


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