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36,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,97,th,Annual Convention and Trade Show,September 25th, 2003,SUCCESSION PLANNING,AND,WHY IT MATTERS NOW!,Presented By Daryl Johnson, B.Ed, CCP, CHRP,Setting the Stage ,What is Impacting Attraction and Retention in Your Organization Today?,What are the Attraction and Retention Strategies Your Organization is Considering?,What “,Alternative”,Workforce Management Strategies has Your Organization Considered and/or,Implemented?,By 2010, Canada may lack as many as 1.5 million skilled workers, with unemployment at 4%.,-COMPAS Inc. Canadian Survey, Dec. 2002,Defining Succession Planning,A dynamic, on-going process of systematically identifying, assessing and developing leadership and management talent;,and,assessing, developing and recognizing “key contributors” to meet future the organizations strategic and operational needs.,40%,of Canadian companies do not have an employee retention strategy of any kind,-COMPAS Inc. Canadian Survey, Dec. 2002,What Is Your Strategy for Succession?,Does your organization have an effective plan for executive succession? To secure your organizations future success, you should answer some challenging questions:,Leaders are responsible for future leadership. They need to identify, develop and nurture future leaders,-Max DePree, Leadership is an Art,Does your company have a plan for leadership growth to keep pace with business growth? Who is being developed and groomed?,Do you have a plan in place to fill the gaps and do they have plans for current employees to “step up to the plate” to fill those positions?,Do you have an objective plan in place to identify and develop the future leadership?,Do you have the bench strength for future leadership needs?,Yes,No,How can an organization maximize the human asset potential and allocation for the best alignment with strategic objectives?,Drivers of Succession Planning: Demographics,“,Demographically driven changes are affecting workplaces globally, primarily by the baby boom generation who are cited as the largest single sustained growth population.”,-BNAC Report,November 2001,BABY BOOMERS, 1946-1963,GENERATION X, 1963-1978,GENERATION Y, 1979-1994,Baby Boomers, 1946 1963,Population 72 million (USA),“80%,of boomers say they expect to work after retirement.”,-AARP Survey, 2001,Baby Boomers, 1946 1963,Population 72 million (USA),Todays Traditionalists, Confident in social security and health care access following retirement, still plan to work during retirement.,The Self-Reliant, Aggressive savers, confident in retirement savings, plan to work part-time for the sake of enjoyment mainly.,The Strugglers, Not saving any money for retirement, not satisfied with current savings, concerned about social security and health care access, will need to work during retirement.,The Anxious, Not optimistic about retirement, not satisfied with current savings, concerned about social security and health care access, will need to work during retirement.,The Enthusiasts, Optimistic about retirement, do not plan to work when retired, cant wait to retire.,“,The baby boomer population, totaling 49% of the current workforce, will close in on retirement in the next 10 to 12 years. At the same time, Gen Xers make up just 23 % of the total workforce and are too few in number to adequately fill the potential labour gap.”,-workspan, March 2003,Reality,Gen Xers think about work differently than earlier generations,Are cautious about investing in relationships with organizations and employers,Fear of unreliability,Invest emotionally in themselves and think like entrepreneurs,Are independent and creative problem solvers,Seek effective managers,Thrive on feedback so they can adjust to become more successful,Comfortable with computer,Technology and information overload,Generation X, 1964 1978,Population 62 million (USA),Myths,Gen Xers have a bad reputation as,Disinterested in the organization,Self-absorbed,Disloyal,View the organization with disdain,“,Problem Solving One of the Most,Desired Skills,Employers are,Looking For, IS a Talent Many,Xers Possess,”,-GCM, January 2001,These are the sons and daughters of the boomers,Gen Yers want to work with a highly motivated team of committed people. This group has perfected multi-tasking.,Job satisfaction is driven by playing a meaningful role that helps others. “Paid volunteers” mentality.,Fiercely independent like Gen Xers, but more comfortable with their self-reliance. “Of course I can fend for myself” versus “Id better be able to fend for myself. Now get out of my way.”,Have typically been micromanaged by parents, teachers, counselors that they are eager to manage their own time. Will not want to be micro-managed at work.,Have never experienced life without computers i,n fact, were l,earning computers at nursery school age.,Business Week, Sept. 2001 & Jan. 2002,Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Jan. 2002,Generation Y, 1979 1994,Population 60 million (USA),“,Generation Y is,Part of a,Generation that,Rivals The Baby,Boom in Size”,-Business Week, January 2002,Canadian Age Demographics,49%,of Canadians are 45 & older,Alberta Population Pyramid, 1991 versus 2001,Labour Force Age & Sex, Alberta 2000 2011 (%),Source: Statistics Canada, RAL,8,6,4,2,0,2,4,6,8,15-19,20-24,25-29,30-34,35-39,40-44,45-49,50-54,55-59,60-64,65-69,70-74,Male,Female,Western Canadian Municipality A,Real,Demographic Assessment,Age Distribution of All Management,1,11,22,55,99,142,162,45,18,1,0,20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,200,0-24,25-29,30-34,35-39,40-44,45-49,50-54,55-59,60-64,65+,Age Categories,Total Employees = 556,Aged 45-54 = 304 or 55%,Aged 45+ = 368 or 66%,6,256,Years of Experience, Expertise, Skill & Knowledge,#,of Full-time Employees,A “10,000 Foot Look” at Succession Planning,What are the SWOT factors associated with Succession Planning?,S,trengths,W,eaknesses,O,pportunities,T,hreats,“,Organizations That Take a Systematic & Intentional Approach To Leadership Development & Succession Planning Have a Tangible Track Record of Success And Improved Performance For Doing So”,-PWC June 2001,The Role of The Organization,“,A deliberate and systematic effort by an organization to:,ensure leadership continuity;,technical continuity in key positions;,retain and develop intellectual capital for the future; and,encourage advancement.”,William Rothwell, Pennsylvania State University,“,With a Large Bubble Of Baby Boomers Edging Toward Retirement, Succession Planning & Management is a Key Activity of Human Resources”,-HR Magazine, 2001,Business Case for Succession Planning,Proactive,planning will prepare your organization for the future,Provides a,competitive advantage,over unprepared organizations for attracting and retaining essential talent,Baby boomers,are entering their fifties, and starting to plan for retirement,Steadily,declining skilled workforce,population,Can help,retain your current key staff,at all levels,“,Theres A Need To,Grow Extensive,Leadership,Communities,Inside All,Organizations.”,-Growing Leaders, PWC,Design Criteria,Must be linked to overall business strategy,Easy to implement /Cost and time effective,Repeatable, on-going process,Include both management and key/technical positions,Align with,mission critical,HR functions:,Performance Management,Employee Development,Compensation ,Reward Systems,“,Even New Hires Should Be Looked Upon As A Rich Source of Future Upper Level Talent.”,-HR.com,Succession Planning Process,Implementation Phase,Planning Phase,1.,Executive Validation of the Succession Roadmap,Assessment Phase,2.,Align Individual Plans with the P.M. and T&D Processes,3.,Launch Individual Plans,5.,On-going Planning for Succession & Continued Development,4.,Assess Relevancy of Succession Plan,Design Phase,Obtain,Executive,1.,Review Relevant Documentation,2.,Review Existing P.M. and T & D plans,Strategy,3.,Risk Assessment,Identify,Competency Gaps,1.,Identify Target Positions,Identify,Competency Gaps,2.,Identify Required Competencies for the Future,Identify,Management & Leadership Competencies,Job Specific Competencies,b.,a.,Identify,Competency Gaps,3.,Select Assessment Tool,Identify,Competency Gaps,4.,Prepare Communications Plan,Identify,Competency Gaps,1.,Validate Competencies,Identify,Competency Gaps,2.,Identify and Evaluate Talent Using Assessment Tool,Identify,Competency Gaps,Identify Succession Readiness for Each Incumbent,b.,a.,Identify,Competency Gaps,3.,Build Succession Roadmap,Identify Competency Gaps,Strategy,4.,Formally Communicate Executive Sponsorship,Competency,Definition: Competency,“Any,skill,knowledge, or,behaviour,that is essential to perform the job, that is,observable,measurable, and differentiates average from superior performers.”,“,Its A Process,That Requires,Ongoing Review &,Scrutiny From HR,A Well As The CEO,And Other,Department,Leaders.”,-Watson Wyatt,Iceberg Model,Knowledge,Skills,Social Role,Self-Image,Traits,Motives,Select For,Identify & Train For,Behavioural,%,%,Iceberg Model Definitions,Knowledge, the information a person know within a content area. (i.e. Customer Service Representatives knowledge of product features or product options),Skills, the ability to do specific physical or thinking tasks. The behavioural demonstration of expertise. (i.e. Ability to complete an income tax return),Social Role, the image one displays, predominately in a public setting, or to others (the outer self). Is closely linked to personal values and plays a significant role in the behaviours one projects to others. (i.e. Whether one sees oneself as a leader, an expert, or a family person),Iceberg Model Definitions,Self-Image, a persons sense of identity or self-worth. It is the individuals belief in his/her ability to be effective (i.e. Showing confidence, seeing oneself a leader/developer of people),Traits, the enduring characteristics of an individual and can be related to physical abilities and/or personality characteristics. A general disposition to behave in a certain way. (i.e. Introverted vs. extroverted, aggressive vs. accommodating, patient vs. impatient, attention to detail vs. “big picture thinker”),Motives, the unconscious thoughts and preferences that drive behaviour. Motives include ones desire to set and achieve challenges and goals. Motives are recurrent thoughts that drive behaviour. (i.e. Ones need to form relationships, need for achievement, affiliation, power),Competency Framework & Design,Organizational,-,Applicable to all employees,- Sometimes Scaled,- Behavior-Based,Not Always Included in Competency Assessments,i.e. Ethics,Leadership,- Applicable to Key Performers,- Scaled,Internal Focus Group Assessments,i.e. Vision Development,Managerial & Technical,-,Applicable to Specific Job or Job Family,- Scaled,Assessment of Tangible, Behavior Based Skills,i.e. Negotiation Skills,Leadership/Management Competency Development,Technical Positions Competency Development,Orgl,10%,Managerial/,Technical,30%,Leadership,60%,Orgl,10%,Managerial/,Technical,30%,Leadership,60%,Orgl,10%,Leadership,30%,Managerial/,Technical,60%,Orgl,10%,Leadership,30%,Managerial/,Technical,60%,“,Rarely if ever, do Knowledge and Skill Differentiate Performance; What Does differentiate Performance is a Persons More Deep Seated Characteristics”,-,Hay Group, 1999,Leadership,Definition: Leadership,“Leadership is a process in which one,person sets the purpose or direction,for others, and motivates them to move together in a,predetermined direction,competently and with full commitment,.”,Laques & Clement, Transformation Management Leadership,“,Dont Be Afraid,To Challenge,The Pros Even,In Their Own,Backyard”,-General Colin Powell,Management,Definition: Management,“Management is a,set of processes,that keep a complicated system operating. These processes, such as budgeting and planning, produce a degree of predictability that brings expected,short-term results,to stakeholders.”,“,Being Responsible Sometimes Means Pissing People Off”,-General Colin Powell,Kotter, Transformation Management Leadership,Leadership vs. Management,Creating,an,Agenda,Developing,a,Human,Network,Leadership,Management,Establish Direction,Develop a vision,Build strategies to achieve vision,Planning & Budgeting,Establish timelines and actions to achieve results,Allocate resources,Aligning People,Communicate direction,Influence creation of teams to execute vision,Organizing & Staffing,Structure staff requirements,Providing policies and procedures to guide people,Transformation Management Leadership,“,A leaders Job Requires More Than Character, Knowledge, and Action; It Requires Results.”,-,Results Based Leadership, by David Ulrich, Jack Zenger, Norm Smallwood,Leadership vs. Management,Execution,Outcomes,Leadership,Management,Motivating & Inspiring,Energize people to overcome barriers resource, bureaucratic, and political,Controlling & Problem Solving,Monitoring results versus plan an acting to resolve any deviations,Produces Change,Produces extremely useful change,Produces a Degree of Predictability & Order,Consistently produces key results expected by stakeholders,“,HR Superstars:,Create Business Impact,Communicate Clearly,Know Their Stuff,Take Charge,Take a Chance.”,-,MRG Research Report, 2000,Transformation Management Leadership,Customized Assessment,Sample Assessment:,Assessment Phase,Build the “Succession Roadmap”,Leadership/,Management,Business,Knowledge,Skills/,Experience,Overall,Assessment of,Readiness,Technical,Skills,Other,Ready,Ready with Development,Not Ready Development Required,Alignment with Performance Management,4-,Phase Performance Management Cycle:,Plan,Coach,Review,Reward,Determine “readiness”,Link to Individual “action” plans,“,Performance Evaluation Time is Also A Good Time To Identify Areas Where Employees Excel And To Discuss Opportunities For Future Development.”,-HR.com,Implementation Phase,What do,you,think their roles should be?,Senior Managements role:,x,HRs role:,X,Others?:,“,Your Plan Should Also Ensure That Potential Leaders Will Work Alongside Current Leaders Who Have The Knowledge & Experience That The Organization Cannot Afford to Lose.”,-,Municipal World, 2002,Bottom Line Results of Succession Planning,Examples: ROI Evaluations,Cost Per Hire:,External Hire =,Advertising Costs + External Recruiter + Referral Bonuses + Travel Costs + Relocation Costs + Internal Recruiter Costs,Typically: 90% of cost to hire. Add 10% to total for full costs.,Internal Hire =,Advertising Costs + Travel Costs + Relocation Costs + Internal Recruiter Costs,Typically: 90% of cost to hire. Add 10% to total for full costs.,Bottom Line Results of Succession Planning Example,Retention of 1 employee,$50,000 annual base salary,Saratoga Institute Benchmarking,1 times annual base salary,$75,000 ROI,Alternative Work Arrangements,5,Drivers Shaping Organization Now and into the Future,Many retirees wanting to remain in the workforce after retirement,Retirees will make up a larger and larger share of the pool from which employers draw,Pension plan restrictions,Pressure to revisit benefit program design and administration,Eligibility,Premiums,This will result in:,An overall increase in the average age of workforces,Increased average level of experience in the workplace,Alternative Work Arrangements,Most upcoming retirees,(80%),believe they will be,working,during,their retirement years,Demographics are changing so dramatically that it will force workplaces to consider,flexible work schedules, retention of older workers, and post retirement employment,Phased retirement, part-time employment,and,consulting,reflect options of,flexibility on the part of the employer,to meet the needs of older workers,Organizations and governments that,respond early,will garner a key,competitive advantage,New recruitment strategies,will be required that tap under-used resources such as older workers while,targeting younger workers,more effectively,Thank You,Questions?,Answers,The materials and information in this presentation are proprietary to TkMC and may be reproduced in whole, or in part; without the expression written consent of the author.,


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