人教版九年级英语 Unit 11 Section A period 3 课件 (共13张PPT)

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It makes me want to tell them to,clean up,the streets.,get good grades,It,makes,me,happy,.,It,makes,me,feel like dancing.,How,does it make you feel,when,?,get 100 points,A:,What,makes you.?,B:,When,. , it makes me . .,A: Me, too. It makes me . .,you,see,someone,off,It makes,me,sad,.,It makes,me,want to cry,.,How,does it make you feel,when,?,A:,What,makes you.?,B:,When,. , it makes me . .,A: Me, too. It makes me . .,comfortable,r,elaxed,want to have a travel,How does this picture make you feel?,T,his picture make,s,me,_,?,stressed out,want to .,How does this picture make you feel?,T,his picture make,s,me,_,?,How does this picture make you feel?,The snake,makes,me,cared,uncomforbatle,.,makes me,cry,/scream,.,Things affect our feelings!,1.,越.就越.,2.,有很多共同之处,3,.成为某人的朋友,4,.被冷落,5,.使友谊更巩固,The more,you,have in common,the stronger,that can make your friendship.,Try to,be friends with,him, or he will,feel left out,.,重点短语,the +比较级, the +比较级,have,a lot,in common,.,be,friend,s,with sb.,feel/be,left out,make,our friendship,strong,er,Read the passage and answer the questions.,(快速阅读短文并回答问题),1.,Who,is Alices friend?,Who,is Nancys friend?,2.,What is Nancy worried about?,3.,Why,is Alice,unhappy,?,4,.Whats,Bert,s,suggestion,to Nancy?,1.Who is,Alices,friend?,Who is,Nancys,friend?,JulieNancy Alice,adj.共同的,Nancy and Alice have a common friends.,Alice,is friends with,Julie.,Nancy,is friends with,Julie.,3,.Why is Alice unhappy?,Because she thinks Julie,is,now,better,friends with,Nancy,than,with her.,4,.Whats Bert,s,suggestion to Nancy?,Nancy,should ask Alice to join them each time,she,do,es,something with Julie.,2,. .,Why is Nancy worried ?,She thinks shes,made,Alice,mad,and shes not sure,what to do,about it.,Dear,Diary, June 29th,I thought today was going to be,real,bad. To start with, it was cloudy,_,grey, and cloudy days make me feel sad. And this was the day we would get our exam results back, but I didnt answer the exam,question,very well last week. That,m_,me anxious. I walked to school,_,my best friend Holly. She,not,say much to me. That made me a little upset.,In class, the teacher,hand,back our exams. That made me nervous. But I found out that I didnt do too,bad,. That made me very glad. Then things got even,well,. Holly bought me my favorite lemon juice and turkey sandwich,_,lunch, and we talked a lot. That made me happy.,really,and,questions,made,with,didnt,handed,badly,better,for,to start with:,起初;开始时,hand back:,退还,交还,lemon,n.,柠檬,起初,开始时,退还,交回,弄清楚,交谈了很多,5.,取回考试成绩,to,start with =,first,hand,back,find out,talk,a lot,get,the exam result,back,划出,4 a,中的重点短语,:,Exercises,大音量的音乐让我感动紧张。,The loud music _ _ _ .,2.,轻柔的音乐令我很放松。,Soft and quiet music,_ _ _,.,3.,金钱与名誉并不总是让人们开心。,Money and fame dont always,_ _ _.,4.,她说那个感伤的电影让她哭了。,She said that the sad movie,_ _ _,.,5.,这首歌曲能让每个人跟着一起唱。,This song can _ _ _ along with it.,makes,me,nervous,.,makes,me,relaxrelaxed,make,people,happy,made,her,cry,make everyone sing,6.-I dont like the awful pictures.,-Neither do I. The awful pictures make me_.,A. happy B. comfortable C. anxious D. pleased,7. We were made _ fifty new words every week.,A. learn B. to learn,C. learning D. learnt,8.Danny did all kinds of things to make the,baby _ .,A. to stop crying B. stop crying,C. to stop to cry D. stop to cry,B,B,C,Thank You!,Dear,Diary, June 29th,I thought today was going to be really bad.,To start with, it was cloudy and grey, and cloudy days make me _. And this was the day we would,get,our,exam results back, but I didnt answer the,exam questions,very well last week. That made me _. I walked to school with my best friend Holly. She didnt say much to me. That made me a little _.,In class, the teacher,handed back,our exams. That made me _. But I found out that I didnt do too badly. That made me very _. Then things got even better. Holly bought me my favorite,lemon juice,and turkey sandwich,for,lunch, and we,talked a lot,. That made me_.,feel sad,anxious,upset,nervous,glad,happy,to start with:,起初;开始时,hand back:,退还,交还,lemon,n.,柠檬,4a,Complete the survey. Then ask two other students.,4b,What makes you .?,You,Student 1,Student 2,happy,want to cry,uncomfortable,angry,nervous,feel like,danc,ing,get good grades,A:,What,makes you,angry,?,B:,When,people,throw,rubbish,on,the streets, it makes me angry.,C: Me, too. It makes me want to tell them to,clean up,the streets.,1.make sb. do,sth,.,使某人做某事,eg.Our,teacher,makes,us,feel,more confident.,我们的老师使我们感觉更自信。,2.sb. be made to do,sth,.(,被动语态,),eg,. Every day I am made,to have,an egg and some milk.,3.,make,sb.,+,adj.,意为“使,处于某种状态”,,make,的宾语后面可跟,名词、形容词、分词,来充当宾语的补足语。,The color red,can,make,a cow,angry,.,make,的用法小结,2.make,用法总结,(1)make sb. do sth.,使某人做某事,被动语态:,sb. be made to do sth.,某人被迫做某事,(2)make sb. + adj.,使某人(感到)怎么样,(3)make sb. + n.,让某人成为,.,(4)make sb. sth. =make sth. for sb.,为某人制作某物,axious, feel sad, happy, nervous, upset, glad,1.,下雨天让我感到很忧伤。,Rainy days,.,2.,我们想让他们做我们的班长。,We want to,monitor of our class.,3.,妈妈让他每天都做家务。,Mom,the housework every day.,4.,他每天被迫做家务。,He,the housework every day.,5.,妈妈为他做了一个生日蛋糕。,His mom,a cake.,= His mom,a cake,.,make me sad,make him,makes him do,is made to do,made him,made for him,nervous,How does this picture make you feel?,T,his picture make,s,me,feel,_,?,bored,tired,sleepy,How does this picture make you feel?,energetic,excited,How does this picture make you feel?,我的朋友总是使我发笑。,My friends always _ _ _.,2.,这首歌曲能让每个人跟着一起唱。,This song can _ _ _ along with it.,3.,那部电影让我很悲伤。,The movie _ _ _.,4.,他的话让我非常生气。,His words _ _ _.,make me laugh,make everyone sing,makes me sad,made me angry,


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