WYZ Chapter 3 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 3,Part II Chinese Calligraphy & Painting,1,Evolution,Four Treasures of the Study,Categories,Characteristics,Influences,2,The earliest Chinese writing script,Oracle bone script:,It refers to incised ancient Chinese characters found on,oracle bones, which are animal bones or turtle shells used in,divination,in ancient China.,3,王懿荣,4,5,Chinese Calligraphy,refers to writing Chinese script with a writing brush,6,Evolution of Chinese Calligraphy,bronze script &,bamboo script,West Zhou Dynasty,Spring and Autumn Period.,Silk script,West Han Dynasty,Paper,East Han Dynasty,Oracle script,Yin Shang,Writing instruments,7,Watch the Video and complete the following metaphor.,Chinese calligraphy is like _.,8,Four Treasures of the Study,writing brush,ink stick,paper,ink stone,9,Hu brush (,湖笔,),Hui ink stick (,徽墨,),Xuan paper (,宣纸,),Duan ink stone (,端砚,),Representatives:,10,11,元,天,飘,埋,Chinese character comes from pictures.,By writing styles,12,Categories of Chinese Calligraphy,13,14,Wang Xizhi (,王羲之,),the “sage of Chinese calligraphy” ”,书圣,”,兰亭集序,The Preface to the,Lanting,Collection of Calligraphy,Famous calligraphers?,15,Zhang Xu (,张旭,),the “sage of the cursive hand” ”,草圣,”,肚痛贴,Cure for Stomachache,16,Yan Zhenqing (,颜真卿,),“Yan Style” “,颜体,”,17,Liu Gongquan (,柳公权,),“Liu Style” “,柳体,”,“Yan Muscles and Liu bones”,“,颜筋柳骨,”,18,Characteristics,Constructive,Expressive,Comprehensive,Practical,19,Influences,Chinese calligraphy is,1. The Soul of Chinese Fine Arts,2. A silent reflection of the calligraphers soul.,3. A way to help a person to achieve relaxation and repel outside disturbance.,4. An art of self-cultivation: a way to improve ones temper,20,Influences,5. Chinese Calligraphy has exerted,world,-wide influence.,Koreans and Japanese equally adore calligraphy as an important treasure of their heritage.,If I once lived in China, I must had become a calligrapher rather than a painter”.,-Picasso,21,Traditional Chinese,Painting,22,Traditional Chinese Painting,I. Classifications,1. Technique,2. Subject matter,3. Painting forms,II. Symbolisms used in Chinese painting,III. Characteristics,23,Classifications,1. Mode of expression/Technique,-The,xieyi,style,(写意),(literally “painting the feeling”),characterized by exaggeration of form and liberal use of ink.,-The,gongbi,(工笔),(literally meticulous brushwork) style,characterized by strict and detailed representation of the subject.,24,25,26,Classifications,2. Subject matter,figure paintings,landscape paintings,flower-and-bird paintings,27,Figure paintings,Figure painting came into maturity as early as the,Warring States Period,(475-221) and reached its peak during the,Tang Dynasty(618-907,).,Famous figure painting artists include,Gu Kaizhi,and,Wu Daozi,.,28,Landscape painting,Landscape painting had already established itself as an independent form of expression by the,4th century,Two separate styles:,29,30,Landscape painting,Two separate styles:,blue-and-green landscapes,using bright blue, green and red pigments; and,ink-and-wash landscapes,relied on vivid brushwork and inks.,31,Flower-and-bird painting deviated from,decorative art,and formed its own independent style around the 9th century.,Flower-and-bird painting,32,3. Painting forms,hanging scroll,卷轴画,album of paintings,镜框画,fan surface,扇面画,long horizontal scroll,长卷画,33,hanging scroll,卷轴画,34,album of paintings镜框画,35,fan surface扇面画,36,long,horizontal scroll长卷画,37,II. The symbolism used in Chinese painting,“three friends in the Cold Weather”岁寒三友,pine:,vitality, strong will, longevity (immortality), uprightness,bamboo:,inflexibility , modesty, gentleman, strength against adversity , security, and grace,plum:,Nobleness, purity ,the coming of a new life,38,39,“flowers of the four seasons”四季花开,40,Flowers of the four seasons”四季花开,peony: riches and honors,lotus: purity,chrysanthemum: longevity,plum blossom : bravery; the messenger of spring,41,III. Characteristics,1. Traditional Chinese painting pays more attention to,verve,and,artistic conception,and advocates that,painting should contain more meaning than it depicts,.,42,徐悲鸿,43,44,45,2. Chinese painting is,grandiose,3. Chinese painting contains,ruggedness,as well as detail and magnificence.,4. Its contents are rich with colorful forms.,III. Characteristics,46,Uniqueness of Chinese painting,5. Chinese painting is usually an,integrated whole,of four branches of Chinese art-,poetry, calligraphy, painting and seal-cutting,.,47,48,Discussion,“Computers will lead to the disappearance of Chinese calligraphy.”,What is your idea?,49,


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