western wedding(西方婚礼)

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,2013-5-4,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,WESTERN WEDDINGS,Leader:,Members:,杨小龙 宜梦婕 路涛 杜欢 陈俊,1,Western-style wedding divides into two parts,:,ceremony and banquet. generally, the couple invite only the most important relatives and friends witnessed the wedding ceremony, relative to rigorous and seriousness of the ceremony , banquet is more informal and lively, more people is invited by the guest,2,3,Bridal gown:,It is the white bridal gown that Queen Victoria wore when she married her sweet heart. After that, the white bridal gown won its fame all over the world. However, before that, any color is suitable to the wedding gown, even black, if,it,is beautiful.,The bride,will wearing,a,white wedding,gown and holding a bouquet of flowers in her right hand,.,the groom is black dress so that the whole wedding was the solemn seriousness,.,Unlike traditional Chinese wedding, western-style wedding is not follow the male left female right the location of the stand. Let the bridegroom stand on the bride, once a rival in love,(情敌),come, he can immediately pull out the sword to repel the enemy.,BACK,4,5,Wedding veil:,It is used to cover the brides face. It is said that it can prevent the jealousy of the brides,ex-boyfriend.,6,Bride Groom,The,wedding,ceremony,hold in a church or,outdoor in a western country.,location,7,But sometimes, it can also be held at the familys home, a private club or somewhere special like a beautiful beach, a botanical garden, etc.,2024/9/20,8,9,the bridesmaid / the best man,Best man,(伴郎),and,the bridesmaid,(伴娘),kitted up in formal gown, because westerners believe that rich smell of flowers and plants and spices to protect them from evil demons,(恶魔),who envy the couple happiness, bad luck and disease, so in addition to the bride holding flowers at the wedding, bridesmaid bouquets also need to hand.,10,Flower girls/boys,(,花童,) is the symbol of angel, is used to confuse the devil, she will laid,flowers in front of the bride and groom, wish their marriage happiness on the road. In addition, flower girls hand bell, in this way, to disperse the devil for the couple .,11,Bride appearance,When the bride arriving the organ(,风琴,) begins to play the wedding march, in the music, the brides father takes his daughter walk through the corridor(,长廊,), then the bride and groom join hands, then the wedding begins.,12,13,priests,will ask the,bride and groom,to make a lifetime commitment to each other, and this is the climax of the wedding. and then they will,under the blessing of priests and all the other people,exchange of marriage rings and kiss each other.,14,A promise to each other,From this day forward , for better for worse , for richer for poorer , will you love her , comfort her , honour and protect her , forsaking all others , be faithful to her , as long as you both shall live?,15,16,the reception,A wedding reception is a party held after the completion of a marriage ceremony,.,T,he couple receives society, for the first time as,spouses,.,It applies to any social events such as dinners, balls or tea to show hospitality to the guests.,17,18,Wedding cake,Dances,Toasts,Throwing,the,bouquet,activities on the reception,19,Throwing,the,bouquet:,It is the last but one item of a wedding, which also is the most popular one. It is said who is lucky enough to catch the bouquet, she will,be,the next bride. In some place, only girls has the access to take part in this exciting activity.,British wedding,In the United Kingdom, the wedding was usually held in Saturday afternoon , in the church or at the registry(,注册处,).,20,Once held the wedding, the bride and groom go out the church,,,People sprinkle the wheat at the groom and bride, sometimes also with various colors. Wheat not only symbolizes the harvest(,丰收,) and affluent life, but also congratulates the newlyweds having a long and happy life.,21,The royal wedding,When it comes to English wedding, what I have to say is the royal wedding, among,them, the most spectacular is Prince Charles and Princess Dianas century wedding in 1981 and Prince William and the peoples princess Kate Middletons wedding in 2010,22,The,Proposal,订婚须经女王批准、王室成员不准与天主教徒结婚,The Royal Marriages Act of 1772 requires all royal descendants to seek the,sovereigns approval(,女王批准,),for marriage.,1701,Act of Settlement,(,王位继承法,)prohibits,royals from marrying,Catholics,(天主教),.,23,Location,The most traditional site for a royal ceremony is the Chapel,Royal,(皇家礼拜堂),which housed the weddings of Queen Anne (1683), George III etc. More recent royal couples have since outgrown the small chapel, which seats 100, as the ceremonies have become more of a public spectacle. Kate and,William,are,Westminster Abbey(,威斯敏斯特教堂,),.,24,Westminster Abbey,25,At,an event as exclusive as a,royal,wedding, the guest list is everything. Fellow royals, foreign leaders, church officials, and diplomats,the list along with the,couples,own friends and family. The Royal Family sits on the right-side of the church, unless the groom is not royal, in which case they sit on the left. Male attendees are expected to wear military uniforms, morning dress,(,长礼服,).,Female attire is less specifically outlined, though hats are a must.,guests,26,Transportation,Most royal brides arrive to their wedding in horse-drawn regal style , but Kate will instead arrive at Westminster Abbey with her father in a car.,After the wedding Kate and William will be in carriage to Buckingham Palace,27,Bouquet,新娘花束中须含维多利亚女王种的桃金娘灌木枝,之后花束将留在威斯敏特教堂的无名战士墓前,When Queen Victoria married Prince Albert in 1840, she carried,myrtle(,桃金娘灌木,) ,known as the herb of lovein her bouquet. After the wedding, Victoria planted a myrtle,shrub in,her,garden.,Every British royal bride since has carried a bouquet containing a sprig plucked from the same shrub. In an act of love to honor the armed forces, Kate will leave her bouquet in Westminster Abbey at the grave of the Unknown Warrior, a tradition begun by the late Queen Mum.,28,The blue diamond ring means a lot for Prince William, because its from his mother Diana. Now he has given it to his girl Kate when he proposed to her,. The ring has contained precious Welsh gold (,威尔士黄金,).,The Wedding Ring,29,Reception,Following William,and,Kates,ceremony, guests will join the new couple at the Palace for a buffet-style,(自助),wedding,breakfast,hosted by,the Queen. The reception will also include two cakes: one fruit and one chocolate .Then, the couple will appear on the Buckingham Palace,(白金汉宫),balcony,to share a public kiss, a tradition begun by Charles and Diana. Last, Kate and,William,plan to stick around for a private dinner and night of dancing at the Palace hosted by the Prince of Wales,.,30,31,The bride must have four kinds of things.,Old things that must be a happy marriage life woman, such suggests that transfer of happy life.,Something new is the gown or shoes normally.,Something borrowed should be gold to ensure future can have good fortune.,Something blue, symbolizes modesty, fidelity,(忠诚),and love.,America wedding,Americans in the marriage, the first stress of feelings, communication freedom, freedom of mate choice, love freedom. Love between men and women generally do not need matchmakers, parents rarely interfere.,32,Americans like to married in June, so in the United States, June Groom argument is the meaning of words throughout the United States each year in June, married couples can meet. The reason why Americans like to get married in June, because in English the June (JUNE) and the Roman god in charge of love and marriage -the goddess Juno (JUNO) sounds similar. Americans will believe that the wedding in June, the goddess of marriage will bring joy and happiness to the couple,.,33,The Frenchmans wedding is traditional and casual. General wedding presided over,(主持),by the mayor or one of his deputies,(副手), French people like to choose get married on the weekend. It is easy to have more friends to come to the ceremony. In the process of Chinese traditional wedding, the man usually give money. In France, just the opposite: the bride to prepare enough dowry,(嫁妆),.,French wedding,34,French girls, from the beginning of the teenagers, will be prepare for their own future marriage to buy household products, such as sheet, dishes, towel .And wedding costs in general must be borne by the woman. Therefore, France has a “dowry devourer” (,嫁妆吞噬者,), used to describe a few bad men , who choose marriage object is the daughter of rich family, as a way to get rich.,35,The bride and groom before the wedding will be in a local store to set up a schedule of marriage, list the things they need. Since then, a note will attach in the send invitation : schedule of our wedding in XXX market. You will have to go to the mall to see something has not been in the schedule of the other guests bought, again according to their own economic ability for the couple to buy a sheet or a set of crystal cup, and so on. Of course, cant afford not to buy!,36,French people get married, also can earn a little from the guests : method is to auction,(拍卖),the brides garter,(袜带),. Auction process is pretty interesting: every time someone pay, put her skirt a little higher, until the garter appear.,37,


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