aiaa american institute of aeronautics and astronautics (aiaa)

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,AIAA Resources for Education Outreach,CWDC Workshop,5 January 2010,Karen Copper,AIAA Section PCO Activities,What can you or your section do to change the future?,GET INVOLVED,Judge science fairs,Be a coach for Robotics, Science Olympiad, Odyssey of the Mind, Math Counts, Project Lead the Way,National Engineers Week and other programs,Mentor and tutor students,Volunteer to help “teach” a class so the teacher will benefit from your experience,Need Ideas?,Review Annual Staubs Reports,Observe what other Sections are doing,Seek direction from other Sections,Attend the Pre-College Outreach Workshop,Wednesday evening ASM,Attend the AIAA RLC,Network with other Sections,AIAA K-12 Resources,At the click of a mouse:,Prepare for PCO activity,Educate other to use,AIAA Educational Partners,You dont have to reinvent the wheel,Additional Educational Resources,AIAA TAC Materials,Structural Dynamics DVD,TAC websites with educational experiments and information,Other Professional Societies,American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),Society of Women Engineers (SWE),Society of Automotive Engineers International (SAE),American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE),American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM),Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE),Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA),Need Materials?,Contact Lisa Bacon at least 4 weeks prior to event, provide age and number of students,Booklets “Careers in Aerospace” excellent resource for middle and high school libraries and guidance counselors,Items to distribute,Section purchases,Ready to Rock!,Ask An Engineer,Communication,Is your section doing a Precollege event?,Let us know about it! Even if you do not request supplies, please e-mail,Lisa Bacon,with your event, how many people came and what the target audience was. We are trying to keep track of any precollege outreach that occurs so we can assess how effective we are in reaching students and teachers. If you need supplies, please allow at least 3-4 weeks to get them in time for your event. Also, dont forget that the Bulletin is a great place to put articles and pictures of your events.,AIAA Pre-College Programs,Educator Associate memberships for K-12 educators,Grants to provide educators materials to excite students hands-on learning math & science,Educator Achievement Award to recognize outstanding teachers,Give aways and materials for sections to interact with teachers and students,Educator Associate Membership,Provided at no cost to K-12 Educators,Classroom teachers qualify for grants,Discounts on AIAA publications,Attend AIAA Conferences for free,Interaction with local sections,Classroom Grant Program,AIAA Foundation provides $20,000 per year,Classroom teachers can qualify for up to $200 in grant money for hands-on math and science materials,Teachers submit proposals, if approved for funds are made available as reimbursement to the teacher or school,Educator Achievement Award,Recognizes up to 7 K-12 teachers who inspire students and do extraordinary things to motivate students to do well in math, science or technology,Winner and a guest receive an all-expenses paid trip to be honored at the AIAA Gala in Washington, DC Click to add text,


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