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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,tall,taller,tallest,The little boy is,tall,. PCJ is,taller,than,him. YM is the,tallest,of them.,形容词副词的比较级,最高级,原级,(,positive degree),比较级,( comparative degree),3,.,最高级,(superlative degree),一,.,规则变化,1.,一般直接加,-,er,/,-est,;,eg.,tall long,2.,以,不发音的,e,结尾,时加,-r/,-est,;,eg.,late large,3.,以,“,辅音字母+,y,”,结尾的,双音节,词,变,y,为,i,加,-,r,/,-est,;,eg.,easy happy,4.,以,“,辅元辅,”,结尾的词,,双写,末尾辅音,加,-r,/,-est,;,eg. fat thin,5. 以er结尾,直接加,-,er,/,-est,;,eg. clever,6,.,多音节词,和,部分双,音节词,词,前加,more,/,most,.,eg.,careful beautiful,Write out the,Comparative Degrees(,比较级),and the,Superlative Degrees(,最高级,),of these words,.,big,nice,thin,easy,cheap,late,thirsty,safe,young,light,carefully,clever,heavy,early,happy,easily,beautiful interesting,二,.,不规则变化,原级,比较级,最高级,good/well,better,best,bad/ill,worse,worst,many/much,more,most,little,less,least,far,farther,further,farthest,furthest,old,elder/,older,eldest/,oldest,原级:,1.表示两者相等时,A+be+as+原级+as+B,eg.,The coat is as beautiful as that one.,2.表示两者不相等时,A+be+not+as/so+原级+as+B,eg.,The pig is not so heavy as the horse.,Usages,注意,:,3.强调倍数时用(A是B的几倍),A+be+倍数+as+原级+as+B,eg. The classroom is twice as big as the office.,The house is three times as large as the kitchen.,比较级用法:,1.,A+be+比较级+than+B,表示A比B.,eg.The man is taller than that woman.,2.,比较级+and+比较级,表示“越来越.”,多音节词可用“more and more.,eg.,fatter and fatter taller and taller,3.,t,he+比较级,the+比较级,表示越.就越.,eg. The sooner,the better.,The more ,the better.,4.,当有表示程度的副词,a little ,a bit ,a lot ,much, even, still,far ,rather, any,等修饰形容词时,该形容词用比较级,.,eg.,Japan is a little larger than Germany.,5.,两者比较用比较级,,带有than的用比较级,;,eg.,Who is younger,Tom or John ?,This story is more interesting than that one.,6,.,the+比较级+of the two 表示“两者中比较.的一个,eg.,The girl is the taller of the two.,最高级:,1.,三者或三者以上,用最高级,带有,of.或in.,短语的句子用最高级,eg.He is the tallest student,in,his class.,2.,one of the +最高级+名词复数,,表示,最.之一,eg.Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in China.,3,.形容词最高级前一般用,定冠词,the,,但形容词最高级前有,物主代词,时,则不用定冠词,eg.,Today is,my,happiest day.,Changjiang is,the,longest river in China.,Complete the sentences with the right forms of the words.,Jim is very _. Li Lei is _ than Jim. (hungry),Kate,s,mooncakes,are _ of all. (nice),Your box is _ than mine. But his is _ of the three.,Unit 2 is quite _. Unit 3 is _than Unit 2. It,s _in Module 1.,This TV play is,_,than that one.(good),My mother is very _. She is _in my family. (busy),Lingling,gets to school _than the others. (early),She speaks English _in our class. (well),Lucy jumped quite _.(far),I think English is as _as Chinese. (important),This picture is _ of the four. (beautiful),Lucy did _ than Lily.(bad),选择题,:,1.-Tom is good at drawing. How about Mike?,-Mike is _,I think. He has got more prizes than Tom.,A.good,B.worse C.better,2.-How far is it to the airport? 20 kilometers?,-No, it,s _. About 30 kilometers.,A.,farther,B.,the,farther,C.,the farthest,3. Now telephones are very popular and they are much _than before.,A.cheap,B.cheaper C.cheapest,4.-Bob,how are you feeling today?,-Much _.I,don,t want to eat anything.,A. better B.worse,C.healthier,


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