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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,2013年全国英语写作大赛,主讲人:张媛飞,钦州学院外国语学院,写作大赛比赛内容,初赛:,1个小时写一篇250300词的短文;,决赛:,1个小时写一篇350450词的短文。,写作大赛类型,一:记叙文写作(Narrative Writing),二:议论文写作(Argumentative Writing),三:说明文写作(Expository Writing),一段落的组成,段落大多由三个部分组成:, 主题句(Topic sentence);, 扩展句(Developing sentences);, 结尾句(Ending sentence).,1. 主题句,主题句表明全段是关于什么及讨论什么的段 落中心句,即:明确地表示全段要展开的 中心点,四级短文写作中最好是把主题句放 在段首 。, E.g. Smoking is harmful to peoples health. Medical science has now proved that smoking can cause lung cancer and other diseases such as emphysema. Your chances of having a heart attack also increase the more you smoke. Smoking is definitely a health hazard.,2. 扩展句,扩展句是用来说明,解释,引申,或论证主题句 所表达的中心思想的句子。,It is not difficult to make a right choice between buying a house in the low-rise area and buying one in the high-rise area (主题句).If we want to economize and get more personal area, we can choose the low-rise; but if we want to live more comfortably, we will choose the high-rise (扩展句). In a word, the key lies in the alternative of economy and comfort (结尾句).,3. 结尾句,结尾句是用一句话对段落的主题进行重 述,评论,或总结,借以强化主题,加深读者的 印象.,English is favored on the following grounds. It is the official language of a number of countries. Of other countries, it is their second language. In still others, English is spoken as their major foreign language. Thats why English is so popular in our present world.,二. 段落的基本特征,要写好段落就要清楚段落应具有的基本特征,即,统一性(unity),,连贯性(coherence),,简洁性(conciseness),,重点突出(emphasis),,用字遣句有变换(variety),1.段落的统一性,一个段落只有一个主题。组成该段落的所有 句子都应为这个主题服务。任何与主题无关 的内容,任何不能支持段落主题的内容都必 须舍弃。,例如: Autumn is a good season for picnic. The weather is fine and it is not as hot as it is in the summer. People feel cool and comfortable. The scenery is very beautiful with all kinds of flowers here and there. And there are various kinds of fruits. The peasants begin to gather in crops and fruits.,修改后的段落为:, Autumn is a good season for picnic. It is easy for people to choose a fine day for an outing because the weather is always nice, neither too hot nor too cold. The scenery is beautiful,too. The red leaves covering the mountains, the wild flowers booming in the fields and colorful fruits hanging on the trees are all pleasant to look at. A picnic in the open air in autumn will certainly be enjoyed by everyone.,2.段落的连贯性, 一个段落除了内容统一, 意思完整之外, 句 与句之间还必须按一个清晰, 合乎逻辑的顺 序安排内容, 转折自然,结构紧凑., Since she lost her weight, Carole has changed her image. She no longer wears dark-colored clothes. In fact, she often wears red, pink, and even bright orange. In addition to wearing bright clothes, she has lighted the color of her hair. From mousy brown, she has progressed to sun-streaked blonde.,三.段落内外的衔接过渡,为确保段落内容的连贯性,除了内容安排 要符合一定的顺序外,句子与句子之间还 应使用过渡句型或者是连接语。,例 一 : (1)To develop tourism has advantages. Tourism helps develop a nations commerce and contribute to one nations economy. Tourism provides jobs for many people and helps us solve or ease the social problem of unemployment. Tourism helps increase understanding between peoples and helps people learn about different cultures of the world. 上段无连接词语,实质是一堆简单句的拼凑, 读起来枯燥乏味。,(2) To develop tourism has many advantages. In the first place, tourism helps develop a nations commerce and contribute to one nations economy. In the second place, tourism provides jobs for many people and helps us solve or ease the social problem of unemployment. Third, tourism helps increase understanding between peoples and helps people learn about different cultures of the world. 上段虽然也是由简单的句子组成,但由于有效使 用了连接词语,并不给人留下简单的印象; 相反, 读者通过连接词语,正确地了解到作者所陈述的 many advantages的具体内容。,作文常用句式和过渡连接词,A proverb says ,It is easy to see that ,As the proverb says,The pie graph shows ,Some people say that,No one can deny that ,Many people believe that,As we all know that,It is quite clear that,Various views exist as to, but,There is much discussion about / attention to ,扩展段的过渡性词语或常用句式,Clearly, However, Obviously, Similarly, Moreover, Likewise, In addition to , Meanwhile, In contrast to, In principle, First, second, Third, Finally, Last but not the least Not only but also,For one thing, for another,On one hand, On the other hand,It is true that but,There is no doubt that,终结段与扩展段之间的过渡词语,Personally,As for me,As far as I am concerned,In my opinion, To be frank, I think,With respect to ,From this point of view, It follows that,All in all, In summary, In short, On the whole, To sum up, To summarize, To conclude,As a result, For this (very) reason,段落之间的转接承启词语, 结论归纳过渡词 generally speaking generally, as a general rule, in general, in a sense, on a larger scale, at a local level, to take the idea further, in a way, to some extent, in my view, practically speaking, in terms of, in some respects, all in all, in a word, on the whole, as far as I am concerned, etc,表例证关系的过渡性词,for example, for instance, as an example, as an illustration, such as, a case in point is, to illustrate, in particular, specifically, say, next, namely, that is, like, take as an example, etc.,让步过渡词,although, however, nevertheless, in spite of, it is true but, even though, but, granted that, yet, at the very worst, admittedly, though, still after all, of course, clearly, and still, etc.,常用表因果关系的过渡词语,because, as, since, for, owing to, because of, due to, on account of, as a result of, for the reason, result from, thus, so, hence, therefore, accordingly, consequently, for this reason, on that account, as a consequence, it follows that, result in, contribute to,四. 段落写作常用方法,1.列举法 2.举例法 3.比较和对照法,4. 因果法 5. 分类法 6. 时间顺序,7. 空间顺序8. 综合法,1. 列举法,列举法是指在主题句之后列举足够的(至少三个) 足以支持主题观点的具体细节.,Bicycle has many advantages. First, it ishandy and convenient. It can carry you to anywhere you like in city and does not need a large parking place. Secondly, it is not so expensive, and therefore, every family can afford to buy it and to repair it. Thirdly, it does not cause air pollution. Besides, it does good to your health if you ride it regularly,2. 举例法,举例法通常指用具体的事例来阐述主题句中包含 的中心思想. Public television in American presents many kinds of programs. There are news and opinion programs. There are films about social and historical events. And there are shows about science and nature. There are shows to teach people how to cook, grow vegetables or fix a house. There are many drama programs produced in Britain. And there are programs that present music, dance and theater of America.,3. 比较和对照法,比较(comparison)主要是指出两个或两个以 上不同种类的事物的共同点或相似点。 (1). 整体对比。即先描述甲,再描述乙(A1, A2, A3,; B1, B2, B3),(2) 逐项对比。 即双方同时描述,逐点进行比 较(A1,B1;A2,B2;A3,B3;), 整体对比 It is easy to be a winner. A winner can show his joy publicly. He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate his victory. People love to be with winners. Winners are never lonely. Unlike winners, losers are the lonely ones of the world. It is difficult to face defeat with dignity. Losers can not show their disappointment publicly. They can not cry or grieve about their defeat. They must suffer privately, but they must be composed in public. They have nothing to celebrate and no one to share their sadness.,逐项对比 ,My two friends have similar and different characteristics, such as appearance, personality and hobbies. Wendy is short and blonde. In contrast, Lisa is taller than Wendy, and Lisas hair is much darker and curlier than Wendys. Wendy is the shy type and doesnt talk loudly when other people are there. On the other hand, Lisa is more outgoing than Wendy and likes to speak more. Both Lisa and Wendy enjoy doing different things ,and they do them well. For instance, Wendy is a folk dancer, and she dances more gracefully than Lisa, but Lisa can play baseball better than Wendy. Wendy and Lisa are friends; for this reason, other people like to compare them.,4. 因果法,因果法是指按事物的因果关系发展段落.可 以先把结果提出来, 然后解释其(多种)原因, 也可以先列出原因, 再说明其(多个)结果. (1). 先因后果 (2). 先果后因, (1). 先因后果 Since I have changed my curriculum to law enforcement, there have been amazing consequences. First of all, I am now interested in my courses. I am so interested, in fact, that I have done a lot of extra reading for the course. Also, my parents are much more involved with what I am doing in school since my father is a policeman. Finally, my grades have shown remarkable improvement. I expected better grades to result form the switch, but I never thought I would get all the As I have been getting.,(2). 先果后因,Guiyou Restaurant is losing business for three major reasons. First, customers are staying away because of the unsanitary conditions in the restaurant. The tables are often messy and the floors dirty. In addition, the service is poor. The waiters and waitresses are generally slow and unfriendly. The waiters and waitresses wear uniforms. Most important of all, customers are not pleased with the food at Guiyou Restaurant. The meals are of poor quality and overpriced.,5.分类法,分类,即将某一复杂的事物分拆开来,根据性 质、形态、成因功能等属性的差别分成若干类, 然后逐一进行说明. Chinese food can be classified into four types: northern, coastal, inland and southern. Northern Chinese food is light and delicate. Beijing duck is an example of a northern specialty. Coastal food contains a lot of soy sauce and sugar, soy sauce chicken is typical of this area. Most inland food is very spicy and contains hot pepper. Kang-pao chicken, for example, is found in the inland area. Food from the southern area is often stir-fried and contains highly concentrated chicken broth.,6.时间顺序,How to make a telephone call? First, you lift the telephone receiver. Then, you listen for the dial tone. Next, you dial the number you want. After that, you carry on a conversation. Finally, when finished you put the receiver back in the telephone.,7. 空间顺序,My room is on the second floor of Dorm No. 3. It is a small rectangular room with a white ceiling and green walls. As you enter the room, straight ahead you will see two large windows. My bed which is covered with a blue bedspread is under the left window. Under the right window is Marks bed. Desks and chairs are placed in the middle of the room. Behind the door there is a built-in closet.,8.综合法,同时使用几种不同的方法来展开段落,例如: The United States Census Bureau reports that Las Vegas is the fastest growing city in the United States. The population increased almost 14 percent between 1990 and 1992. The city now has more than 970 thousand people(例证). There are several reasons why people are moving to Las Vegas(列举原因). The weather is always warm and sunny. There are many jobs in the building industry and in the hotels. There are no earthquakes. And people do not have to pay taxes on the money they earn(原因).,修辞格是什么,词可以有两种使用法:一是按本来的意思使用;一是按引申的意思使用。后一种用法也可说是比喻的或形象的用法,目的在于激发读者或听众的想象。在 a colorful garden 这个短语里,colorful 是按词的本来意思使用的;但在 a colorful life 和 a colorful career 这两个短语里,colorful 就是比喻的用法了。,1)明喻,明喻用 like,as 或其他词指出两个截然不同的事物之间相似之处的手法叫明喻。,O my loves like a red, red rose. Robert Burns,That man cant be trusted. Hes as slippery as an eel(鳗鱼).,The old mans hair is as white as snow.,2)隐喻,用一个词来指代与该词本来所指事物有相似特点的另一个事物的手法叫隐喻。这也是一种比较。不过这个比较是暗含的,而不用 as 或 like 点明。假如彭斯把上面引的那个诗句写成 O my loves a red, red rose,省去原有的 like 这个词,他便是用隐喻而不是明喻了。,3)拟人,把事物或概念当作人或具备人的特质的手法,叫拟人。拟人在诗歌中很常见:,Youth is hot and bold,Age is weak and cold,Youth is wild, and Age is tame.,William Shakespeare,4)换喻,用某一事物的名称代替与之密切相关的另一事物名称的手法叫换喻。例如 crown可以代替 king,the White House 可以代替美国总统或政府,the bottle 可以代替 wine 或alcohol,the bar 可以代替 the legal profession 等。换喻用得好,则可产生简明生动的效果:,Sword and cross in hand, the European conquerors fell upon the Americans. (说明:sword “剑,代表武力,cross “十字架”,代表基督教,the Americans 不宜译为“美国人”,因为当白人开始侵占美洲时,那儿的人是美洲印第安人,而不是现在意义的“美国人”。),When the war was over, he laid down the sword and took up the pen.,His purse would not allow him that luxury.,5)提喻,指用部分代表整体,或用整体代表部分:,The farms were short of hands during the harvest season.,He had to earn his daily bread by doing odd jobs.,Germany beat Argentina 2 to 1 in this exciting football match.,The poor creature could no longer endure her sufferings.,在上面的例句中,hands 代表人,bread 代表食物或生活费,两个国家名字代表两个球队,creature 代表女人。,换喻和提喻有相似之处:二者都是一种替换,有时它们与隐喻不易区分,因为后者在一定程度上也是一种替换。,6)婉言,即用温和或模糊的表达法替换生硬的或令人不快的表达法,例如:,to die to pass away, to leave us; ones heart has stopped beating,old people senior citizens,mad emotionally disturbed,dustman sanitation worker,lavatory bathroom, mens/womens room,invasion, raid military action,driving inhabitants away pacification,7)反语,这是指与真正的意思明显相反的词,用它的目的在于产生特殊的效果。假定你准备郊游,并且期待天气会很好,但是那天却下大雨。如果你不说天气糟透了,而说 What fine weather for an outing! 那就是用反语了。把野蛮的行为称作 civilized 或cultural,也是反语。,8)夸大和缩小,前者是把事情说得过分;后者是把分量或程度压低。两者的目的相同,都在于使陈述或描写鲜明、有趣。,She is,dying,to know what job has been assigned her.,On hearing that he had been admitted to that famous university, he,whispered,to himself, “Im the luckiest man in the world.”,It took,a few dollars,to build this indoor swimming pool.,“He is really strange,”,his friends said when they heard he had divorced his pretty and loving wife.,9)移位修饰,把修饰语从它本应修饰的名词之前移到与该名词有关的词之前的手法,叫移位修饰。当某人说 Ive had a busy day 时,他就用了这个修辞手段,因为 busy 本应修饰人,现在却用来修饰 day。,10)矛盾修饰,意思矛盾的词有时可用在一起,以达到加深印象的目的:,The coach had to,be cruel ,to be kind,to his trainees.,When the news of the failure came, all his friends said that it was a,victorious defeat.,The president was,conspicuously absent,on that occasion.,11)头韵,两个或更多的词以相同的辅音字母开始,便构成头韵,如as proud as a peacock 和as blind as a bat。头韵常用于诗中来突出意思上有联系的词:,Wherefore feed, and clothe, and save,From the cradle to the grave,Those ungrateful drones who would,Drain your sweatnay, drink your blood? (,Shelley:A Song: Men of England,),写作类型一:记叙文写作(Narrative Writing),比赛内容:,选手完成一篇记叙文写作(250350词)。侧重考查选手的阅读理解、语言运用、细节描写、形象思维、创意构思、人文素养等综合能力。,1 Content/Ideas 40%,2 Organization/Development 30%,3Language 30%,1 Content/Ideas 40%, Theme is strong and well-defined;, Setting, characters, and plot are fully fleshed out and connected;, Writing uses multiple subplots (if appropriate);, Ending is fitting and effective, and provides a sense of completion.,2 Organization/Development 30%, Flow of action is logical and deliberate;, Vivid and imaginative descriptive details are provided;, Writing reflects a unique, consistent personal voice;, Writing uses appropriate and varied rhetorical devices.,3Language 30%, Spelling is accurate;, Word choice is inventive, appropriate, and deliberate for illustrating the topic and presenting character(s);, Sentence structure is varied and complex, and serves the purpose of writing;, Dialogue (when present) is believable, appropriate, and effective.,Sample task 1,Read the story starter and continue the story. Complete the story in 250-350words.,The little man came up to me as I was about to enter the telephone box, and asked me whether I had a match.,“Im sorry,” I said. “I dont smoke, so I havent any. You had better ask someone else.”,He looked rather disappointed, hesitated, and then turned away. I watched him walk slowly down the street before I picked up the telephone directory to look up the number I meant to dial.,I am not used to a public call box so, at my first attempt to get through, the warning pips had stopped before I realized I had to insert a coin.,When I was at last able to speak, I was told that the person whom I urgently wanted to give a message to had just that minute gone out.,Swearing slightly under my breath, I emerged from the box and came face to face with the little man, who was looking as pathetic as a stray dog. As he raised his hat again, I could see he was quite bald. A thin line, resembling a duelling scar, crossed one cheek. He spoke nervously.,“Excuse my troubling you again,” he said. “May I walk along with you a little way? I must confide in someone. I need help desperately.”,Sample task 2,Look at the pictures, and write a story that fits the pictures and the sequence. Your story should be 250-350 words.,类型二:议论文写作(Argumentative Writing),比赛内容:,选手完成一篇议论文写作(800词左右)。侧重考查选手的文献阅读理解、信息综合处理、判断分析、逻辑思辨、评价论述等能力,展示选手的知识广度、视野维度、思想深度等综合素质。,1Content/Ideas 40%,2Organization/Development 30%,3Language 30%,1Content/Ideas 40%, Writing effectively addresses the topic and the task;, Writing presents an insightful position on the issue;, The position is strongly and substantially supported or argued.,2Organization/Development 30%, Writing is well-organized and well-developed, using appropriate rhetorical devices (e.g. exemplifications, classification, analysis, comparison/contrast, etc.) to support the thesis or to illustrate ideas;, Writing displays coherence, progression, consistency and unity;, Textual elements are well-connected through explicit logical and/or linguistic transitions.,3Language 30%, Spelling is accurate;, Writing displays consistent facility in use of language;, Writing demonstrates appropriate register, syntactic variety, and effective use of vocabulary.,Sample task,Read the following two paragraphs with contradicting views, and write a passage on the issue. You should clearly state your opinion and explain the reasons for your opinion. You should write about 300 words.,Tablets are the ideal system of organization in schools. They are convenient, in which much information is stored in small sizes and kept together in one place, and cheap, as digital information is now becoming more affordable than print. As evolution continues to rock the modern world, digital devices will become more and more reliable. Someday, they will entirely replace print books, and hopefully, that day will come soon.,Many may argue that tablets are much more convenient than paper books. But not everyone shares this preference of tablets or finds them convenient. In fact, in a study conducted by Book Industry Study Group (BISG), it was found that 75% of college students preferred traditional textbooks in which they can highlight the key words and write notes. Also, some may suggest that it is cheaper to invest in tablets than textbooks. In fact, in a 2008 study of public schools in Kentucky it was estimated that the cost of textbooks and supplies totaled around $44 million. The cost per school was around $988 for textbooks and supplies. That is roughly the cost of only two tablets. To provide tablets to all the students in a school would be an enormous sum. Therefore, we may conclude that while tablets have their purposes, they should not replace the printed books used in schools.,类型三:说明文写作(Expository Writing),比赛内容:,选手完成一篇说明文写作(300词左右)。侧重考查选手解说事物、阐明事理的能力,以及运用知识、观察理解、梳理分析、提炼总结、跨文化沟通的综合能力。,1Content/Ideas 40%,2Organization/Development 30%,3Language 30%,1Content/Ideas 40%, Writing effectively addresses the topic and the task;, Writing presents a clear thesis;, Writing maintains a formal style and an objective tone.,2Organization/Development 30%, Writing is well-organized and well-developed, using appropriate development patterns (e.g., definition, illustration, casual analysis, process analysis, classification, comparison/contrast, etc.) to support the thesis or to illustrate ideas;, Writing displays coherence, progression, consistency and unity;, Textual elements are well-connected through explicit logical and/or linguistic transitions.,3Language 30%, Spelling is accurate;, Writing displays consistent facility in use of language;, Writing demonstrates appropriate register, syntactic variety, and effective use of vocabulary.,Sample task 1,Write a passage based on the chart below, which shows the influences of various factors on work performance in two age groups. You should summarize the features of the two groups and make comparisons. You should write about 300 words.,Sample Task 2,Write a passage to introduce the Chinese Moon Festival to foreigners. You should write about 600 words.,Thank you!,


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