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You must _ _ _,11,我们必须总是穿校服。,We always _ _ _ the school _,12,家长和学校有时会很严厉,但是要记住,他们制订规,则是为了帮助我们。,Parents and schools are _,_,,,but _,,,they _ _ _,_ _,Dont,arrive,late,for,be,on,time,have,to,wear,uniform,sometimes,strict,remember,make,rules,to,help,us,13,我们必须拯救树木,而且一定不买象牙制品。,We must,_ _ _ and not buy _ _ _ _,14,你想和我一块儿吃晚饭吗?,Do you want _ _ _ _ _,?,15,朱辉想念他的家人,希望吃他妈妈做的好吃的粽子。,Zhu Hui _ _ _ and _ _ _ his,moms _ zongzi.,save,the,trees,things,made,of,ivory,to,have,dinner,with,me,misses,his,family,wishes,to,have,delicious,重点语法,1.,情态动词,can,2,频度副词,3,祈使句,4.,情态动词,have to,与,must,5,why, what, where,及,because,引导的句子,6,现在进行时,(I),话题,Unit 1,加入俱乐部,Unit 2,日常活动,Unit 3,交通工具,Unit 4,规章制度,Unit 5,动物园里的动物,Unit 6,日常活动,考点一,say, tell, talk,与,speak,A: Jerry, can you tell us something about your country?,B: Of course, I can. What would you like to know?,A: What language do you speak?,B: Most of us speak English, and some speak French.,A: Can you say “,你好”,in French?,B: Yes. “Bonjour”,A: Great. Can you talk about this picture in French?,B: Sorry, I cant. I can speak just a little French.,1,say,意为“说”,强调,_,。,2,tell,意为“告诉,告知;讲述,说”,其后常接双宾语,或,_,作宾语补足语。,说的内容,动词不定式,常考短语:,(1) _. “,告诉某人某事”,(2) _. “,告诉某人关于某事”,(3) _. “,告诉某人去做某事”,(4) _“,讲故事”,(5) _“,说实话”,tell sb. sth,tell sb. about sth,tell sb. to do sth,tell stories,to tell the truth,3,talk,意为“交谈,谈话”。常考短语:,(1) _. “,与某人交谈”,(2) _. “,谈论某人,/,某事”,4,speak,意为“说”,意为“发言,讲话,说话”,,后常接表示,_,的词。,talk to/with sb,talk about sb. /sth,语言,1,Would you please _ to me_your problem face to,face tomorrow?,Certainly I can.,A,tell; to,B,say; to,C,talk; about,D,speak; about,C,2,用,say, tell, speak, talk,的适当形式填空。,(1)My granny often _me about her lives in the old age.,(2)Many people in China can _a little English now.,(3)What do you _when you meet your friends in the morning?,(4)Dont _in class.,tells,speak,say,talk,考点二,good,短语集锦,There are three people in my family. My mother is a,teacher. She is good with her students. So her students love,her very much. She always cooks healthy food for us. She,says its good for our health. My father is a kind man. He is,good to everyone. He is popular with our neighbors. Im,good at singing. I always sing for the old in the old peoples,home. We are a happy family.,1,be good at,意为“,_ ”,,相当于,_,。,2,be good with,意为“,_”,,后接表示人的,名词或代词。,3,be good for,意为“,_”,,反义短语,“,_”,意为“,_”,。,4,be good to,意为“,_”,,,同义短语为“,_”,。,擅长,do well in,善于应付,的,对,有好处的,be bad for,对,有害,对,好,be kind to,Its good _ the health to take a walk in the morning.,A,at,B,with,C,for,D,to,C,考点三,too, also, either,与,as well,A: What kind of movies do you like?,B: I like action movies, and I like comedies, too.,What about you?,A: I dont like documentaries, and I dont like thrillers, either.,B: Oh, I like cartoons as well. And you?,A: I also like cartoons. I think they are interesting.,1,too,用于,_,,也可用于疑问句,一般用逗号与前,面的句子隔开。,2,also,用于,_,或疑问句中,位于行为动词之前,,系动词、助动词或情态动词之后。,3,either,用于,_,,放在句末,前面加逗号。,4,as well,与,_,位置相同,两者可以互换,,但,as well,前不加逗号。,肯定句,肯定句,否定句,too,He was not interested in that movie and I didnt like it, _ . We think it was boring.,A,too,B,also,C,either,D,as well,C,考点四,dress, put on, wear,与,be in,A: How time flies! The baby can dress herself.,B: Yes, and when she wears a pink coat, she looks happier!,A: Really,?,I cant believe that. Which is your son in the picture?,B: The boy who is in blue is my son.,A: He is very handsome.,B: Thank you! And the man who is putting on his jacket is my husband.,A: Your son takes after him.,B: Yes. Everyone said that.,1,dress,的宾语通常是,_,。,_.,“,给某人穿衣服”。,dress oneself “,自己穿衣服”;,_ “,穿着,(,状态,)”,;,_“,穿上盛装;乔装打扮”。,2,put on,表示穿的,_,,宾语通常是衣服、鞋帽。宾语,如果是代词,必须放在,put,和,on,之间。反义词组为,_,。,3,wear,表示穿的,_,,宾语为衣服、鞋帽等。,4,be in,后可接衣服、鞋帽,也可接,_,。,表示人的名词或代词,dress sb,get dressed,dress up,动作,take off,状态,颜色,dress, put on, wear, be in,的区别,这几个词表示动作还是状态、其后跟什么名词作宾语是,考生容易触雷的两点。,After he heard the news, he _ his coat and went out.,A,dressed,B,put on,C,wore,D,was in,B,考点五,job,与,work,His father used to work in a factory, but he thought the,job was boring. Soon he was out of work. He had to find a,job.,1,job,是,_,名词,指一项具体的工作。,2,work,作名词时,为,_,名词。,work,还可用作动词,,常用搭配:,_“,从事于,致力于”;,_“,算,出,计算出”。,可数,不可数,work on,work out,Though I had a lot of experience and a Masters degree,I couldnt find a satisfying _,(job/work),job,考点六,between,与,among,The relationship between teenagers and parents is getting,serious. The problem you are facing is common among our,teenagers.,between,指,_,之间,常和,_,连用。,among“,在,之间”,强调,_,之间。,两者,and,在三者或三者以上,Four students _ the 20 students won the first prize on Friday at the English Speech Contest.,A,among,B,between,C,along,D,beside,A,考点七,arrive, get,与,reach,A: Dad, when you were in the middle school, when did you usually get home?,B: I usually arrived at home at about 4 oclock in the afternoon.,A: When did you usually get to school in the morning?,B: I usually reached school at 7,:,30 in the morning.,1,arrive,是不及物动词,表示,_,,后跟地点名词时,需加介词,_,或,_,。,_,大地点;,_,小地,点。,arrive,后接副词时,不加介词。,2,get to,意为“,_ ”,,后接表示地点的名词。如后接,表示地点的副词,则省略介词。,3,reach,表示“到达”,为,_,动词,后面可直接跟宾语。,“ 到达 ”,at,in,arrive in,arrive at,到达,及物,Tired and out of breath, Andy was the first to _ the top,of the mountain.,A,arrive in,B,get,C,reach,D,arrive,C,考点八,either. . . or. . .,的用法,A: Cindy, which pen can I use?,B: You can take either the blue one or the black one.,A: OK. Thanks.,either. . . or. . .,意为“,_,_”,,可连接两个词、短语或句子。连接主语时,谓语与靠近它的主语一致,即遵循“就近原则”。,或者,或者,,要么,要,么,1,neither. . . nor. . .,意为“既不,也不,”,,谓语动,词的形式遵循“就近原则”。,2,not only. . . but also. . .,意为“不但,而且,”,,,谓语动词的形式遵循“就近原则”。,3,both. . . and. . .,意为“两者都”,连接名词作主语时,,谓语动词用复数。,either. . . or. . . , neither. . . nor. . . ,not only. . . but also,与,both. . . and. . .,这四个短语通常放一起考查,考生要理解句子意思,根,据语境选出正确的一个。,A: How is the weather in Australia now?,B: Its _ hot_ cold. Its the best time to go there.,A,either; or,B,neither; nor,C,not only; but also,D,both; and,B,考点九,join, take part in,与,attend,A: Is that Mrs. Green speaking?,B: Yes. Whos that?,A: Mrs. Smith speaking. I called you last night,,,but you wasnt in. What did you do?,B: I attended an important meeting yesterday.,What do you call me for?,A: Tomorrow well have a talk about online shopping in,the future. Will you join us?,B: Id love to, but I have to take part in the Talent Show,in our neighborhood.,1,_,指加入党派、团体、组织、俱乐部并成为其中的,一员;,_.,意为“与某人一道;加入某人的行列”;,join in sth. /doing sth.,意为“参加”,后面的宾语一般是表,示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词或,v,. ing,形式。,2,_,指参加会议或群众性的活动,着重说明,句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。,3,_,多指参加、出席会议等。,join,join sb,take part in,attend,1,Where was your brother? I havent seen him for a,long time.,He _ the army 2 months ago.,A,joined,B,joined in,C,took part in,D,attended,A,2,选词填空,(join/join in/take part in/attend),(1)Would you like to _the sports meeting?,(2)We shall be glad to _the discussion.,(3)Ask him to _ us for lunch.,(4)She didnt come to the party because she had,to _a meeting.,take part in,join in,join,attend,考点十,take/spend/pay/cost,的用法,A: How long did it take you to get to the Sanya for vacation?,B: It took us about 3 hours.,A: Did you buy anything?,B: Yes, I bought this T-shirt.,A: It looks nice on you! How much did it cost?,B: I just paid ten dollars for it.,A: How long did you stay there?,B: We spent 5 days there.,1,take,意为“花费”,常用句型结构为,_,_.,意为“某人花费多少时间做某事”。,2,spend,意为“花费”,主语为,_,,常用搭配:,_.,意为“某人花费时间,/,金钱,在,上”;,_.,意为“花费,做某事。,It takes sb. some,time to do sth,人,sb. spend time/money on sth,spend. . . doing sth,3,pay,意为“花费”,作及物动词时,后面接表示人的词,语,即,pay sb.,意为“付款给某人”;表示“为某物付钱”,,可用“,pay,money,for sth. ”,;,pay,作不及物动词,常用,搭配:,_.,,意为“付款买某物”。,4,cost,的主语为,_,,常用搭配:,_,意为“某物花某人多少钱”。,pay for sth,物,sth. cost sb. some money,1,(2017,营口中考,)What did you do last Sunday morning?,I _ two hours _ books.,A,took; to read,B,spend; to read,C,spent; reading,D,take; read,C,2,The watch was very good. How much did the,watch _ you?,I _2,,,000,yuan,for it.,A,cost; spent,B,take; spent,C,pay; spent,D,cost; paid,D,考点十一,too many/too much/much too,的用法,Last summer vacation it was much too hot. So we decided,to go to the beach in Qingdao. Unexpectedly, there were too,many people on the beach. We couldnt play beach,volleyball. When we went back to the hotel, there was too,much traffic in the street. I had a really boring vacation.,1,too many,意为“或,_”,,后接,_,。,2,too much,意为“,_”,,后接,_,。,3,much too,意为“,_ ”,,后接,_,。,太多,可数名词复数,太多,不可数名词,太,形容词副词,too many/too much/much too,的用法,考生做此类题,一定要根据后面的词来选择正确答案,,看是不可数名词还是可数名词复数,还是形容词、副词。,Its _ cold on the top of the mountain. Youd better take your coat to keep off the cold.,A,too many,B,too much,C,much too,D,many too,C,话题三,规章制度,1,There are many rules that we should follow in our,daily life.,2,In order to make us grow safely,,,our school has made many safety rules for us to follow.,3,Im writing to kindly remind you of the school rules.,4,In order to make sure of our safety, we must follow traffic rules.,5,I hope you can read the following rules and obey them.,6,I think we should stop those students from wasting water.,7,We must obey traffic rules and mustnt cross the streets,when the traffic lights are red.,8,We should eat healthy food and keep away from junk,food.,9,We should be friendly and get on well with others, and,dont quarrel or even fight with others.,10,Anyway, school rules are necessary for us to make,fewer mistakes and become better teenagers.,11,The harder we try, the happier our life will be.,Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.,没有规矩不成方圆。,假如你是,Jack,,你的好朋友,Henry,向你询问你们的校规。,请你用英语介绍一下你们学校的校规。,准时到校穿校服,见到老师问声好;,上课专心勤思考,作业认真按时交;,教室干净常打扫,离班熄灯关门窗;,和谐相处应友爱,互相帮助共进步。,要求:,1,内容完整,表达通顺,书写清楚、规范;,2,请勿逐字翻译,,80,词左右,(,开头和结尾已给出,不计,入总词数,),。,Dear Henry,,,Let me tell you about our school rules.,First, we should come to school on time in school uniforms. Its polite to greet our teachers when we meet them. Second, we must listen carefully in class and be active,in thinking. Also, we should do our homework carefully and,hand it in on time. Third, we need clean the classroom often,and always keep it clean. And we must turn off the lights,and close the windows and doors when we leave. Fourth,being friendly is important. Were supposed to get along,well and help each other to make progress together.,Its our duty to follow all the rules. What about yours?,Yours,,,Jack,谢谢!,


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