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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,重点知识点汇总,外研版新标准英语一起点,Book1,Magic eyes!,crayon,book,pencil case,monkey,panda,Thinking,What words did you see?,pencil,book,schoolbag,eraser,pencil case,pen,ruler,crayon,monkey,dog,bird,panda,cat,Group work:,Find the rule,(找规律),Stationery,(文具),Animals,(动物),What other kinds of words do you know?,(你还知道什么其他种类的单词?),Colour,red,blue,yellow,green,white,black,orange,pink,brown,purple,Number,(数字),one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,zero,Family(,家庭,),father =daddy,mother,brother,sister,grandpa=grandfather,grandma=grandmother,课本上重点句子总结,课本上每个单元的标题,:,要求会读,知道意思,问句能够回答。,Hello,!,How are you?,Whats your name?,Im a boy.,Sit down!,Point to the window.,Its red.,Its a red dog.,This is our teacher.,That is a yellow cat.,课本上每个单元的标题,:,要求会读,知道意思,问句能够回答。,11. What this?,12. Its my ruler.,13. Is it a dog?,14. Its a yellow cat.,15. How many?,16. How many pink balls?,17. How old are you?,18. Happy birthday.,19. That is my father.,20. That is his car.,重点句型的区分,1. How are you?,你好吗?,Im fine. Thank you.,我很好,谢谢。,2. How old are you?,你多大了?,Im +,表示年龄的数字。 注意,five,与,fine,的区别。,five,是五,,fine,是好的。,3. Whats your name?,你叫什么名字?,回答有两种:,My name is +,名字,. Im+,名字,.,4. Whats this?,这是什么?,Whats that?,那是什么,?,两个的回答都用,Its aan.,5. Is it aan.?,回答有肯定和否定回答两种。,肯定回答:,Yes, it is.,否定回答:,No,,,it isnt.,6. What colour is it?,回答:,Its+,颜色,.,7. How many,?回答,:Its+,数字,.,重点句型的区分,8.,当别人对你说,Happy birthday.,时,回答应该是:,Thank you.,9.,你要送给别人礼物,应该说:,A +,礼物,for you.,10.,当别人送给你礼物时,你应该说:,Thank you.,11.,当你送给别人礼物,别人对你说,Thank you.,时,你应该回答:,You are welcome.,12.,能根据提示做出动作或者选出相应的图片。,Sit down,! 坐下!,Stand up!,起立!,Open the door!,打开门!,Open the window!,打开窗户!,Point to .,短语,Point to the door!,指着门!,Point to,the window.,指着窗户!,Point to the ceiling!,指着天花板!,Point to the floor!,指着地板!,几个形容词性物主代词的区分,1. my,我的,2. your,你的,你们的,3. our,我们的,4. his,他的:指的是男士的,5. her,她的:指的是女士的,注意:它们用在句子中时,后面都可以加一个名词。例如,book, father, pen, dog,cat.,举例说明:,This is my book.,This is your book.,This is our book.,This is his book.,This is her book.,注意:红色字体代表了书的所属关系,一定要区分开噢!,猜的小游戏,仅供娱乐,Guessing game!,A:Whats this?,B: Is it a?,A: Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,B: Its a.,Its a schoolbag.,Guessing game!,A:Whats this?,B: Is it a?,A: Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,B: Its a.,Its a monkey.,Guessing game!,A:Whats this?,B: Is it a?,A: Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,B: Its a.,Its a pencil case.,Guessing game!,A:Whats this?,B: Is it a?,A: Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,B: Its a.,Its a kite.,Guessing game!,A:Whats this?,B: Is it a?,A: Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,B: Its a.,Its a monster.,Make a dialogue,Choose a scene,(选一个场景),Make a dialogue,(做对话),A. classroom,B. zoo,A:Whats this?,B: Is it a?,A: Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,B: Its a,


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