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,LOGO,LOGO,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,上海版牛津英语8Bunit1Trees精品课件知识点全,If I plant this seed in the ground,will it become a pear tree,Hi?,Yes,Thats strange.Its an apple seed,.,a seed,a pear,Reading,Pollution fighters,How much do you know about trees,1. How long do they live on the earth?,mice,mimi,pine trees,dolphins,a. 75 years,b.14 years,c.25 years,d.1,200 years,e.2 years,means the,process,of making things dirty,and unhealthy.,Pollution,air pollution,noise pollution,water pollution,Which type of pollution do trees help,fight,?,all of the above,3. Which of the following,come,from,trees?,trees,apples,beans,tea,oil,rubber,cotton,Which is the Shenzhen,city flower,?,azaleas,B Look and think,1. The “pollution fighters” are probably scientists.,2. Few useful things come from trees.,3. Trees,give out harmful,gases.,4. Trees can,pass,information to one another.,F,F,F,T,Look at the,title, the,introduction,and the,pictures,. Which are T or F?,He is a fire,fighter,Dont,fight,each other, boys.,1.Pollution Fighters,pollution (n.) pullute (v.),Pollutions,are becoming very serous,The dirty rubbish,polluted,the air.,fighter (n.) fight(v),2.Why are you so,interested,in trees?,interested (adj) 感兴趣的,interesting(adj) 有趣的,interest (n) 兴趣,Mary is _ in _ coins. She also takes an _ in stamps.,be interested in =take an interest in,interested,interesting,interest,surprised (adj) 感到惊讶的,surprising(adj) 令人惊讶的,surprise (n) 惊讶,frightened-frightening-frighten,excited-exciting-excite,类似的词有:,3.Do you,enjoy breathing,fresh air?,enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事,breath,n,呼吸 breathe,v,呼吸,他喜欢看故事书。,He enjoys reading story-books.,All the animals need to _ to live.,Hold your _.,breathe,breath,4.Trees are,natural,air conditioners.,natural,adj,自然的,天生的,nature,n.,大自然,天然,Some desert countries have few,natural,resources.,Nature,is at its best in spring.,5.For example, whe insects ., it can,warn,its neighours.,warn,v,警告,I tried to,warn,him to keep away from,that dog, but he would not listen.,warn sb to do sth,6.The other trees then,produce,a,chemical,to,make their leaves taste,.,produce,v.,产生,product,n,.,产品,The factory,_,many cars every year.,This boy used to like French,_,.,produces,products,make sth /sb do sth,7.Trees are,communicating with,one another.,communicate with 与.交流,one another 彼此,互相,In the past, people would often,communicate with,each other using letters.,8.Are tree,in danger,?,be in danger 处于危险之中 danger (n ) dangerous (adj),The big fire is very,dangerous,.,在这场洪水灾难的人们处于危险之中,The people in the flood is,in danger,.,这场大火十分危险,9.We,cut down,and,burn,a lot of trees.,10.We are,destroying,our best fighters,against,pollution.,cut down,砍倒,cut the tree down=cut down the tree,cut it down (V),c,ut down it (X),Dont cut down the tree,against,prep,反对 -(反义词) for,pollution,process,environment,project,end,insect,chemical,in danger,fighter,underground,fresh,natural,interview,breathe,produce,attack,join,warn,protect,communicate,destroy,burn,cool,名词,动词,形容词,C1 Find the meanings of the following words according to the passage.,1. colleting,A,.,picking someone up,B,.,bringing things together,C,.,buying,2. join,A,.,take part in,B,.,put away,C,.,make two or more things together,3. communicating with,A,.,attacking B,.,joining C,.,sending messages to,4.,in danger,A,.,not dangerous B,.,safe C,.,not safe,5.,burn,A,.,save B,.,damage something by fire,C,.,make warm,6.,destroying,A,.,protecting B,.,helping C,.,damaging badly,7.,against,A,.,for B,.,saying no to C,.,saying yes to,A,project,interviewing,breathing,natural,warn,a chemical,cut down,C2 Find the words in Column A in the interview and match them with the meanings in Column B.,A made by nature, not by man,B talking to someone and asking them questions,C a careful study of a subject by school or students,D taking in air,E something produced by or used in chemistry,F cut something to make it fall down,G say that something bad or dangerous may happen,D. Find the facts. Four mistakes in Judys notes,Trees,1.live much longer than people;,2.produce wood, rubber,paper,etc.;,3.heat the air;,4.cannot clean the air,5.are like air conditioners.,6.cant protect themselves against insects.,7.can share food and water with one another.,8.are in danger,mainly from insects.,cool,can,can,human beings,E Read and think,RITA: We get some useful things from trees. Is that right?,MAY: _.Two examples are_,2. RITA: Trees do two main things to the air. Is that true?,MAY:_. They_.,Yes,wood and rubber,.,Yes,cool it and clean it,3 RITA: One tree has the power of 15 air conditioners. Is that right?,MAY:_. One tree has the power of _.,4 RITA: Do scientists know a lot about trees?,MAY:_. They are_.,5 RITA: Can trees communicate with one another?,MAY:_. For example, when insects_.,No,five air conditioners,No,only now beginning to Understand them,Yes,attack a tree,it can warn its,neighbours.,6 RITA: And can they protect themselves from insects?,MAY:_. They can produce a_.,7 RITA: Can trees help one another?,MAY:_. For example, they can_.,8 RITA: Every year, there are fewer and fewer trees in the world. Is that true?,MAY:_. People_.,Yes,chemical to make their leaves taste,bad.,Yes,join their roots together underground and,Pass each other food and water.,Yes,cut down and burn a lot of trees,every year,Fill in the blanks with correct words.,He _ the letter after reading it.,Some people like to _ stamps from different countries.,I put some ice into the glass to _ the water inside.,I must _you not to go out. There is a storm coming.,burnt,collect,cool,warn,Exercises,5,. These days we can,_,with pen-friends by e-mails.,6,. The TV progarmme _ a famous film director about his latest film.,7,. The forest was badly _ in the big fire.,8,. There is a small bookshop at the _ of the street.,9,. The new road will _ the village and the city.,10,. It took me 2 weeks to finish that science _.,communicate,interviewed,destroyed,end,join,project,英文释义:,1.be interested in,=be keen on,=enjoy,=be fond of,=take an interest in,Doctor Ray is interested in trees.,2.in the end=at last,=finally,I passed the important exam in the end.,e from=be from,He comes from America.,Find the phrases:,对,感兴趣,例如,呼吸新鲜空气,因,而感谢,天然空调,自我保护,互相,彼此,交流,处于危险之中,最好的抗污染的战士,1 be interested in,2 for example,3 breathe fresh air,4 thankfor,5 natural air conditioners,6 protect oneself,7 each other,8 communicate with,9 be in danger,10 the best fighters,against pollution,Completing a poster,Listening,poster,n.,海报 oxygen,n.,氧气,alive,adj.,活着的 reduce,v.,减少,point,n.,观点,理由,Before listening,make sure you know the following words.,Eight reasons to help plant trees:,Trees make streets more _.,Trees make streets less _.,Trees make our air _.,Trees make our air _.,Trees make _ to keep us alive and _.,Trees produce _ things like _ and _.,Trees help us fight _.,Trees are in _.,Come and help us plant some trees!,beautiful,noisy,purer,cooler,oxygen,healthy,useful,fruit,paper,pollution,danger,The present continuous tense,be +ving,language,The kids,are watching,TV. I,am sitting,down, because I am tired. I,am not learning,German, because this is an English class. Who,are,you,writing,to?,USE 1: Now,Examples,Things to remember,A2: Complete the description of the scene in the picture on page 21.,It is the first morning of the holiday. Everyone is one the beach. Ted is _volleyball with_. _ is playing badminton with_. _ is_.,playing,Carol,Jenny,Henry,Grace,fishing. Dick is walking. Ivan is swimming. Dora is eating an ice cream,and Jim is playing the guitar. Johnny,is listening to music.,USE 2: Longer Actions in Progress Now,1.,Sally,is studying,really hard for her exams,this week,.,2.,I,am reading,a really interesting book now. How,are you brushing,up on your English for the trip?,3.,We,arent working,hard,these days,.,Non-Continuous Verbs,I,am knowing,the answer.,Are,you,liking,milk?,They,are not understanding,you.,This book,is belonging,to May.,We dont say,We say,I,knows,the answer.,Do,you,like,milk?,They,dont understand,you.,This book belongs to May.,Emotion Verbs,Possession Verbs,Abstract Verbs,Non-Continuous Verbs,A3: Complete these dialogues,DANNY: _.(ring),MAY: I_. I _ it.,(know, hear),2. MAY: Your dinner is on the table.,DANNY: I_. I _ it. It _ good. (know, see, smell),The doorbell is ringing,know,hear,know,see,smells,3. DANNY: These cars _ to me. (belong),RITA: I _ you. (not believe),4. RITA: I _ her. What_? (not understand, mean),MAY: I _ that she _ “Be quiet!”,(think, mean),belong,dont believe,dont understand,does she mean,think,means,5. MAY: Look! Your baby_. (smile),RITA: Yes, she _ you. (like),6. DANNY: Why is your case so heavy?,MAY: It _ books. (contains),is smiling,likes,contains,use 3: near future,Polly,is coming,for dinner,tomorrow,.,Are,you,flying,to Beijing,tonight,?,We,arent going,on holiday,next week,.,come, go , leave, arrive, fly.,these verbs show movements:,DANNY: Hi, Rita.,RITA: Wow, you (1) _ (look) great today, Danny.,DANNY: Thank you. Where (2) _ (be) May? The train (3) _ (leave) in twenty minutes. We (4) _ (miss) the train.,RITA: She (5) _ (be) on her way. I (6) _ (phone) her just now and she (7) _ (be) in a traffic jam.,DANNY: We (8) _(have) to get on the train now.,RITA: Wed better wait for her. She (9) _ (come) soon. Oh, there she is! Hi, May!,MAY: Hi, everyone. Nice to see you again.,look,is,is leaving,will miss,is,phoned,was,have,is coming,一、写出下列单词的现在分词形式:,1.plan 2.cut 3.dig,4.read,5.help e,7.show 8.make 9.use 10.enjoy 11.join 12.warn,planning,cutting,digging,reading,helping,coming,showing,making,using,enjoying,joining,warning,fighting,polluting,saying,用所给的动词正确时态填空:,1.My grandma_(watch) TV now.,2.He _(listen) to the teacher,at present.,3.Listen! Who _(shout) in the classroom?,4.Hurry up! The bus _(leave) in 15 minutes.,5.Tim _ (write) his novel these days.,is watching,is listening,is shouting,is leaving,is writing,6. These cars _(belong) to me.,7.Mrs Li _(like) playing football and,now she _(play)with his,friends in the playground.,8.Every night he_(read) English,but now he _(read) story-books.,9.The Liu family_(fly)to New York,tomorrow morning.,10.You _(look) fine today,granny.,belong,likes,is playing,reads,is reading,is flying,look,Writing,A newspaper report,A: Work in pairs. Look at the pictures on page 26 and write the answers to the questions.,1.What did May see last week? What was on the back of the lorry? ( workers/ arrive/ lorry / be/,trees/ flowers),2. What did the workers do? (dig/ holes/ ground/ plant/ trees/ holes),The workers arrived on a lorry. On the back of the,lorry there were some trees and flowers.,They dug holes in the ground and then planted the trees in them.,3. What did the workers do then? ( bring/ large/ containers/ put/ earth/ containers/ plant/ flowers/ containers),4. What did the workers do next? (pick up/ all rubbish/ clean/ area/ water/ plants),5. How does the leisure area look now? (pretty),They brought some large containers and put earth in,them. Then they planted flowers in the containers.,They picked up all the rubbish and cleaned the area.,After that, they watered the plants.,Now, it looks pretty.,B: Complete Mays report by adding more details.,DAILY POST 23 MARCH,Our new leisure area,Near my home, there is a new leisure area. Some workers finished it last week. I watched them from my flat.,First, the worker_.,arrived in a lorry. On the back of the lorry there were some trees and flowers. Second, the workers dug holes in the ground and,planted the trees in them. Next, they brought some large containers.,They put earth in them. Then they planted flowers in the containers. Next , they picked up all the rubbish and cleaned the area. After that,they watered the plants. Then the work was finished. Now it looks very pretty.,汇报结束,谢谢大家,!,请各位批评指正,


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