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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Welcome to our English class!,Good afternoon!,Language in use,Language in use,Grammar focus,Language in use,“Please tell the class to get ready.”,“I find my communication skills have greatly improved,” said Zhang Ming.,“These activities are very useful,”,Xu,Liyan,said.,Mr,Zhang told us to go to Workshop 1.,Li Kai said cooperation with Beijing,Xinxing,Vocational School was a big success.,Mr,Zhang said we should be divided into at least three groups.,直接引语与间接引语,Direct speech and,indirected,speech,一,.,直接引语与间接引语的概念,1.,直接引语是直接引述别人的话,有引号。,例:,lily said,,,“,I am a teacher.,”,(引号中的,I,是,lily,),间接引语是用自己的话转述别人的话,无引号。,例:,lily said she was a teacher.,(,she,指,lily,),2.,间接引语大多可以构成,宾语从句,,在动词,said,,,asked,,,told,等后面做宾语。上面例句就是。,lily said she was a teacher.,句中,she was a teacher,是,said,(说)的宾语。,二,.,将一个直接引语改为间接引语时要记住下面几点:,1.,人称的改变:“一随主、二随宾、三不变,”,2.,时态的改变。,3.,语序的改变。将疑问句语序改为陈述句语序。(针对直接引语是疑问句的情况。),4.,应用引导词,that,(可以省略),,whether/if,,或,what/where/when,等。,一般现在式,一般将来式,现在进行式,现在完成式,一般过去式,过去将来式,过去进行式,过去完成式,一,.,直接引语与间接引语的概念,1.,直接引语是直接引述别人的话,有引号。,例:,lily said,,,“,I am a teacher.,”,(引号中的,I,是,lily,),间接引语是用自己的话转述别人的话,无引号。,例:,lily said she was a teacher.,(,she,指,lily,),2.,间接引语大多可以构成,宾语从句,,在动词,said,,,asked,,,told,等后面做宾语。上面例句就是。,lily said she was a teacher.,句中,she was a teacher,是,said,(说)的宾语。,二,.,将一个直接引语改为间接引语时要记住下面几点:,1.,人称的改变。,2.,时态的改变。,3.,语序的改变。将疑问句语序改为陈述句语序。(针对直接引语是疑问句的情况。),4.,应用引导词,that,(可以省略),,whether/if,,或,what/where/when,等。,一般现在式,一般将来式,现在进行式,现在完成式,一般过去式,过去将来式,过去进行式,过去完成式,三,.,分四种情况一一讲解,1.,当直接引语是一个陈述句时,这是最简单的一种:,去引号,改人称,改时态,加引导词,that,(常常省略),例,“,I,am going to study English,.”,She,said,was,going to study English .,she,2.,当直接引语是一个一般疑问句时:,除了去引号,改人称,改时态以外,还要加引导词,if/whether,,再把疑问句语序改为陈述句语序。,例:,He asked,,“,does she have lunch at home,?”,He asked_ _ _lunch at home.,if,she,had,“,Is,Mr,green,an,Englishteacher,.”,She asked,Mr,Green was,an English teacher .,if,3.,当直接引语是一个特殊疑问句时:,除了去引号,改人称,改时态外,将引语中原有的特殊疑问词直接做引导词,再把疑问句语序改为陈述句语序。,Jim asked,,“,where do they play games,?”,Jim asked,,,_ _ _ games.,where,they,played,“,What are you doing?”,She,asked me,I was doing.,what,前面反复提到了改时态这个环节,但是,有一种情况是不能改变时态的:,当直接引语是一个客观真理,自然规律时,无论任何情况都一律只用一般现在时态,记住:真理是永远不能改变的。,Our teacher,said,“the,moon goes round the earth.”,Our teacher said the moon goes round the earth,.,My mother,said,“the,light travels faster than the sound”,.,My mother said the light travels faster than the sound.,Language in use,Tom said that this summer practice was very meaningful.,3,Tom said that he was feeling ill.,1,“Dont shout,” I said to Jim.,2,“Lets have fish for dinner,” mother said.,4,【,】,【,】,【,】,【,】,Read and choose.,Mr,Zhang told us to go to Workshop 1.,Li Kai said cooperation with Beijing,Xinxing,Vocational School was a big success.,Mr,Zhang said we should be divided into at least three groups.,Read and choose.,Language in use,He told me about his summer experiences.,7,He said nothing about the social practice.,5,Tom said “New York is more lively than London.”,6,I told her that I had no interest in such movies.,8,【,】,【,】,【,】,【,】,“Please tell the class to get ready.”,“I find my communication skills have greatly improved,” said Zhang Ming.,“These activities are very useful,”,Xu,Liyan,said.,Read and complete.,Language in use,A: I wonder where Sue is. She _ she would be here at 8 oclock.,B: Oh, I saw Jack this morning. He _ me that Sue was on her holiday in Australia.,A: Really? But her doctor _ that she should rest for at least a month.,B: Whats the problem? Jack _ me to watch out for her doctors call this morning. I was wondering why.,A: Ive just got the message. Her doctor didnt _ what illness she had got.,said,told,said,asked,say,Read and answer.,Language in use,Question,What did the staff tell the customer to do?,1,Staff:,Customer:,Please complete this application form.,OK. Thank you.,The staff told the customer to complete the application form.,Language in use,Question,What did Jack ask Mary to do?,2,Jack:,Mary:,I want to exchange some money. Can you help me?,With pleasure.,Read and answer.,Jack asked Mary to exchange some money for him.,Language in use,Question,What did the customer say?,3,Waiter:,Customer:,Would you like to order now?,Id like a beef steak and a glass of beer, please.,Read and answer.,The customer said he would like a beef steak and a glass of beer.,祝你学习进步,天天快乐!,Goodbye,!,


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