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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,大学英语口语测试题库,目录,进行性评估,终结性评估,主题功能句型,进行性评估,课堂测验,课堂活动,评估原则,比例,课堂测验,教师以口头作文、看图说话等命题方式对学生口语表达能力进行考核。,教师在测验完成后对学生口语能力的多方面进行指导和反馈。,条件允许的话,可以进行录音,以备教师再次打分和学生进步对比用。,课堂测验的成绩可按照一定的比例计入学生总评成绩中。,课堂活动(1),根据形式和内容分:,语法类:英语解释、改正句子、句型变换,技能训练类:朗诵段落、复述短文、重复句子,图片类:填充表格、看图说话,综合类:口头报告、摘要、面试,课堂活动(2),根据参与者分:,学生参与类:对话、角色扮演、讨论、辩论,教师与学生共同参与类:提问回答、面试,课堂活动(3),根据活动的难易程度分:,初级类:重复句子、大声朗读、填充表格、改正句子、句型转换、,中级类:看图说话、描述/解释、提问回答、讨论,高级类:摘要、面试、口头报告、辩论,评估原则(1),进行性评估可通过多次多形式的方式进行记录。学生的参与程度与参与效果根据学生的表现给予打分。全程记录和打分之后,统计为形成性评估部分的学生成绩。,终结性评估多在学期末,考试形式相对教固定。通过交换教师监考、统一评分标准、统一考试内容、统一考试形式、统一考试时间等手段尽量保证终结性评估成绩的准确性。,评估原则(2),“,人本主义,”,:无论是形成性评估还是终结性评估,都应注重,“,人本,”,方法,即,学生是参与的主体,评估和测试都应以学生的需要和实际情况为出发点和落脚点。,整体设计:各种评估和测试手段应从整体考虑,纳入教学的整体安排中,评估过程要连续一致,在时间上、参与者上保持统一。,动态平衡:两种评估方式的具体形式和比例要根据学生实际和教学实际及时调整,动态变化。,比例,进行性评估在整个成绩评定所占的比例为70%-80%左右。,终结性评估比例在整个成绩评定中为20%-30%左右。,终结性评估,一级话题(8),二级话题(8),三级话题(8),四级话题(,to be continued),一级话题(1),SPORT,1. Tell your partner about your favorite sport, your way to exercise, how do you like it and why?,2. Can you offer creative plans or thoughts to help China successfully host 2008 Olympics? Let,s work on it.,3. Tell your partner the knowledge of the sports mentioned, such as their rules, stars, histories, a memorable match, etc.,一级话题(2),FRIEND,1. Describe one of your best friends to your partner and explain why you choose him/her as your friend.,2. Tell your partner your understanding of the saying,“,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,”,and Give examples.,3. What role friendship plays in your life?,一级话题(3),SEASON,1. To ask your partner which season is his/her favorite and why he/she likes it.,2. To give the Beijing Olympic Committee some suggestions on how to make Beijing Olympic Games more successfully in terms of weather forecast.,3. To ask your partner,s view on the relationship between the weather changes and human activities in today,s world and explain why.,一级话题(4),FOOD,1.,Talk with your partner about your eating habits, whether they are healthful? If not, try to offer suggestions to each other.,2.,Talk with your partner about different food cultures in the world.,3.,Which do you prefer: Chinese food or the Western food?,一级话题(5),SHOPPING,1.,Do you enjoy shopping? Why? Talk about your shopping habit with your partner.,2.,What do you think of shopping on line?,3. Where do you prefer doing shopping: a large shopping mall or a small shop?,一级话题(5),PETS,1.,Have a discussion on why people keep pets?,2.,Which is your favorite pet, dogs, cats or some others? Why?,3.,Do you think pets should be treated as human beings? Why?,一级话题(6),HOBBIES,1.,Have you got any hobbies, tell them to your partners.,2. Many people have some strange hobbies, do you know any?,3. What can hobbies do in your life and study? Are they healthful?,一级话题(7),INTERNET,1.,How convenient is it for you to use the internet on campus? What do you often do on the internet?,2. What are the positive and negative impacts of the internet on students?,3. Why are some students addicted to the internet? What can be done to help them?,一级话题(8),STUDY,1.,What is you major and why do you choose it?,2. What do you think is the most difficult in learning English? And how are you going to study it?,3. Are you satisfied with your schools and teachers? If not, what are the problems and how to improve them?,二级话题(1),CAMPUS LIFE,1. How do you pay for school? And have you thought of supporting by yourself and how?,2. Tell your partner whether you like your dorm life, and give the reasons. If you could choose, would you rather live on or off campus? Why?,3. Talk with your partner about the College English study here in our university, how do you like it? What are the problems you have encountered and what are your suggestions for the next term.,二级话题(2),HEALTH,1.,Talk with your partner about your life style, whether they are healthful? If not, try to offer suggestions to each other.,2. Talk with your partner about your opinion on,“,Happiness lies first of all in health,”,?,3. What factors contribute to people,s longer lives in modern China?,二级话题(3),ADVERTISEMENT,1.,Describe one of your favorite ads and have a discussion with your partner.,2.,Discuss with your partner on the advantages and disadvantages of ads.,3,.,Suppose you are a designer of ads. Design an advertisement for a certain product of your own choice. Explain your design to your partner.,二级话题(4),MONEY,1,.,You may notice that some college students spend money like water. What is your comment on it?,2,.,If you were given a billion dollar, what would you do with it?,3,.,How do you arrange your monthly money given by your family?,二级话题(5),MUSIC,1.,Describe one of your favorite songs/ singers.,2.,Suppose you are a journalist and your partner is a famous singer. Try to interview the singer on the factors lead to his/her success.,3.,Can you explain why some Hong Kong singers are quite popular in the Chinese mainland?,二级话题(6),MOVIES,1,.,Describe one of your favorite movies or your least favorite movies.,2,.,Suppose you are a director, what kind of movie would you make? Try to conceive a short plot and discuss it with your partner.,3,.,Comment on the phenomenon that nowadays many books have been made into movies. Is it a successful try or it would cause reading less in the future?,二级话题(7),MARRIAGE,1.,Make up dialogues with your partner on: what an American Wedding is like and make a comparison with that in China.,2.,What may young and old people in China think about the American casual dating? Is the dating system suitable for youth in China?,3. When your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to break up with you, how would you convince that you are the right person for him/her?,二级话题(8),FASHION,1.,When you wear something new and fashionable, what do you feel?,2.,Please describe one or two things you know that are in fashion, eg. one type of MP3, mobile phone or a piece,of clothes, to your partner.,3,.,To debate with your partner on the topic: Are you for or against following the fashion trends.,三级话题(1),TRAFFIC,1.,Do you think it is necessary for every one to obey the traffic rules? Discuss it with your partner.,2. Have you ever been in a dangerous traffic accident or just had a narrow escape of it? Describe it to your partner.,3. Have a discussion on traffic safety with your partner.,三级话题(2),MEMORY,1.,What factors may weaken one,s memory, according to you?,2. Can you describe some possible advantages of having a poor memory?,3. Can you introduce some ways of improving one,s memory, and give examples to illustrate them?,三级话题(3),SINGLE PARENT,1. What do you think of a life of a single mother?,2. Why do many young people choose to live along instead of getting married?,3. What possible effects might single- parent-family have on the children?,三级话题(4),EMPLOYMENT,1.,What do you thing you will choose: a low-paid job you like or a boring well-paid job?,2. What questions do you think are often asked in a job interview? How do you prepare for them?,3. What factors are important in finding a good job, education, ability, experience, appearance, or character?,三级话题(5),SOCIAL PROBLEMS,1.,Why do some people become alcoholics? How can they solve their drinking problem?,2. What should be done to help the unemployed people?,3. What do you think can be done to improve the medical care service in China?,三级话题(6),ENVIRONMENT,1.,According to your experience, what damages are being done to the environment?,2. Can you think of some measures to protect forests?,What types of energy should we use: wood, coal, petroleum, water power, nuclear energy or solar energy?,三级话题(7),TRANSPORTATION,1.,What means of transportation do you know and which do you prefer to take?,2. What are the transport problems you know in you life and tell the reason behind them?,3. How to solve the traffic problems in Beijing effectively, have a discussion with your partners.,三级话题(8),FESTIVALS,1.,Do you think it is necessary to celebrate the Spring Festival?,2. It is sometimes claimed that many festivals are created to encourage people to spend money, do you agree?,What do you think of the Golden Week Holiday around May and October in China, do you think it is worth all the time and efforts?,四级话题,口语测试题库二期建设内容。,具体话题及内容将在06年完成。,主题功能句型,(1),Greetings & Responses,Good morning /afternoon /evening.,Good morning /afternoon /evening.,Hi, how are you?,Not too bad.,Hi, how are the things?,Evening is all right.,Hi, what,s new/up?,Very well, thanks.,主题功能句型,(2),Introductions & Responses,My name is,.,Very please to meet you.,Let me introduce myself.,I,d like to meet you.,Meet,/ this is,it,s a pleasure to meet you.,I,d like you to meet,A pleasure to meet you.,主题功能句型,(3),Directions: asking & giving,Excuse me, could you show me the way to,?,Sure, go down this road, turn,Excuse me, would you please tell me how to get to,?,Go straight along this road for about,Excuse me, how can I get to,?,Keep going, and you can get there within,I wonder if you could tell me,?,Sure, go straight along this street,then there,主题功能句型,(4),Congratulations & Responses,Congratulation!,Thanks!,Well done !,Thank you.,That,s great !,Thanks a lot.,How wonderful !,Thank you so much.,I,m very happy for you.,Thanks.,主题功能句型,(5),Sympathizing & Responses,What,s wrong?,I,m so sorry.,Oh, bad luck!,I,m sorry to heat it.,Terrible!,I Don,t know what to say.,What a pity!,I understand how you feel.,That,s a shame.,I hope you,ll be alright soon.,主题功能句型,(6),Making complaints,I hate to have to say this, but,Pardon me, I wonder if it would be too much trouble to,I wonder if you could help me,Look, I,m sorry to bother you, but,Excuse me, would you mind,It,s getting on my nerves.,主题功能句型,(7),Asking for suggestions,What do you think,?,Do you have any advice?,Any other suggestions?,You,ve got any good ideas?,Can you recommend,?,I wonder if you could recommend,?,主题功能句型,(8),Offering suggestions,Can I offer you some advice?,I,d suggest,Why not,You,d better,What about,Take my advice.,主题功能句型,(9),Worries & Reassurance,It makes me uneasy.,Don,t worry.,It worries me.,Everything will be ok.,I,m worried about,I,m sure things will be better.,I,m afraid,Cheer up.,主题功能句型,(10),Request & Responses,Will/ Would you please,?,Ok /Sure / All right.,Could you,?,No problem.,Shall we,?,That,s fine.,I wonder if you could possibly,?,I feel like to help, but,主题功能句型,(11),Denying & Admitting,That,s not true!,the truth is,You,re mistaken!,I.m afraid you,re right.,I certainly did not.,it,s all my fault.,I,m sorry, but that,s not what I said.,I,m to blame.,主题功能句型,(12),Giving invitations,Would you like to,?,Would you be interested in,?,We,d like you to join us for,Do you think you can come?,Can you make it?,If you,re free,?,I,m wondering if you,re free to,?,主题功能句型,(13),Expressing likes & dislikes,Do you like,?,I,m crazy about,How do you like,?,I,m a real fan of,What is your favorite,?,My favorite,is,What do you think of,?,It makes my stomach turn.,主题功能句型,(14),Asking for opinions,What do you think of,?,In my opinion, it,s unbelievably good.,What,s your opinion of,?,It,s s wonderful movie, but not half as good as the previous one.,Tell me your opinion of,It,s a super work, far better than what I,ve seen.,主题功能句型,(15),Asking for clarification,What do you mean by,?,What I mean is,Could you explain a bit more about,?,It means,Pardon, what,re you trying to say?,What I,m trying to say is,主题功能句型,(16),Making recommendations,You should, I highly recommend it.,Perhaps I should give it a try.,You should, I think it is wonderful.,Maybe I should have a try.,Why not, it,s so good.,Probably I,ll try it as well.,主题功能句型,(17),Expressing unreal conditions,If I could, I,ll be really happy.,If I could, I would as happy as a king.,I wish I could,.,My dream is that I could,one day.,主题功能句型,(18),Resuming interrupted speech,Where was I?,Where did I leave off?,What was I saying?,Let,s back up.,Let me think.,Just a moment.,My mind has gone blank.,主题功能句型,(19),Making comparison,Is it the same,?,Is it also the case,?,Can you compare,and,?,How do you compare,?,There,s absolutely no comparison between,and,主题功能句型,(20),Giving advice,Can you give me some more tips about how to,?,Sure, have you,Could you give me some advice on how to,?,I,d like to, did you,Please tell me how to,Ok, first,then,and last,主题功能句型,(21),Expressing certainty,Are you sure about,?,Certainly.,Are you certain about,?,Definitely.,Are you confident,?,Absolutely.,Do you think you have no doubt of,?,Yes, I,m sure,主题功能句型,(22),Making concessions,I,ve seen your point, but,I understand your argument, but,I know you are right, however,主题功能句型,(23),Expressing disappointment,I,m rather disappointed,How very disappointing!,It,s a real pity.,It,s too bad that,What a shame!,I have to say that it,s not as good as I,ve thought.,主题功能句型,(24),Making apologies,Excuse me for,I,m so sorry,Pardon me.,I can,t tell how sorry I,m.,It,s all my fault.,I apologize for what I,ve done.,I do beg your pardon.,


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