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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第,55,页,Unit 4 A good read,Reading,Words and phrases review,against,be tired out,tie,over,stomach,until,finger,tiny,fall over,prep.,紧靠,碰,撞,筋疲力尽,vt.,捆,绑,prep.,从一边到另一边,n.,腹部;胃,conj.,直到,为止,n.,手指,adj.,极小的,摔倒,Words review,vt. & vi.,继续,adv.,也,vt. & vi.,设法完成;管理,vt.,举起,抬高;提高,n.,大批,大群,modal v.,应该,必须;一定,adj.,不能的,不会的,n.,肩膀,continue,either,manage,lift,army,must,unable,shoulder,Match,against,tired out,tie,tiny,continue,manage,a keep doing something,b very small,c finish what you have,tried to do,d very tired,e hitting something,f hold things together,with ropes,To understand the extract from the book,Gullivers Travels,To learn more information about the,book,Gullivers Travels,To learn the words and expressions in the,extract,Objectives,Important words:,against, tie, over, stomach, until, finger,tiny, continue, either, manage, lift,army, must, shoulder,Important phrases:,be tired out, fall over,Background information,Gullivers Travels,is a novel by Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift. It is Swifts best known full-length work, and a classic of English literature.,This novel tells us Gullivers amazing adventures in some countries.,The novel contains four parts.,Part I: A Voyage to Lilliput (,小人国,),During his first voyage, Gulliver is washed ashore (,在岸上,) after a shipwreck (,船舶失事,) and finds himself a prisoner of a race of tiny people, less than 6 inches tall, who are inhabitants (,居民,) of the island country of Lilliput.,Part II: A Voyage to Brobdingnag (,大人国,),When the sailing ship,Adventure,is blown off course (,航向,) by storms and forced to sail for land in search of fresh water, Gulliver is abandoned (,抛弃,) by his companions (,同伴,) and found by a farmer who is 72 feet (22m) tall. The farmer treats him as a curiosity and exhibits (,展览,) him for money.,Part III: A Voyage to Laputa (,飞岛国,), Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib, and Japan,After Gullivers ship was attacked by pirates (,海盗,), he is marooned (,陷于孤立无援困境的,) close to a desolate (,荒凉的,) rocky island near India. Fortunately, he is rescued by the flying island of,Laputa, a kingdom devoted to the arts of music and mathematics but unable to use them for practical ends.,Gulliver is then taken to,Balnibarbi,to await (,等待,) a trader who can take him on to Japan. While waiting for a passage, Gulliver takes a short side-trip to the island of,Glubbdubdrib, where he visits a magicians (,魔法师,) dwelling (,住处,) and discusses history with the ghosts of historical figures, the most obvious restatement of the ancients versus moderns theme in the book.,In,Luggnagg,he encounters the,struldbrugs,斯特勒尔布勒格,(,虚构的永不死亡的人,),unfortunates who are immortal (,长生的,). They do not have the gift of eternal (,永恒的,) youth, but suffer the infirmities (,虚弱,) of old age and are considered legally dead at the age of eighty. After reaching,Japan,Gulliver asks the Emperor “to excuse my performing the ceremony imposed upon my countrymen of trampling upon the crucifix (,请求天皇赦免执行践踏十字架的仪式:十字架踩踏仪式涉及,17,世纪的日本历史,从前日本人反对耶稣教,外国人去通商的不准登岸,除非在十字架上踩踏而过,表明自己不是基督教徒,),” which the Emperor does. Gulliver returns home, determined to stay there for the rest of his days.,Part IV: A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms (,慧骃国,/,智马国,),Despite his earlier intention of remaining at home, Gulliver returns to the sea as the captain (,船长,) of a merchantman (,商船,). He is abandoned in a landing boat and comes upon a race of hideous (,可怕的,), deformed (,丑陋的,) and savage (,野蛮的,) humanoid (,像人的,) creatures. Shortly afterwards he meets a race of horses who call themselves Houyhnhnms (which in their language means the perfection of nature).,Gullivers Travels,A Voyage to Lilliput,1699,年,5,月,4,日,格列佛应“羚羊号”船长的雇请,乘船到太平洋一带航海,因遇风暴,“羚羊号”触礁沉没了。他和五个水手跳入救生艇中逃生,可是半途救生艇也翻了。格列佛只身被风浪刮到利立浦特岛上。上岸后,他由于过度疲乏,躺在草地上酣睡了一觉。待他醒来时,他觉得全身都动弹不得,他的四肢、身体被紧紧捆缚住了,连他的头发也一根根地被缚牢在地上。 他被献给了国王。后来格列佛温顺的表现逐渐赢得了国王和人民对他的好感,他也渐渐熟悉了小人国的风俗习惯。,在格列佛的帮助下,该小人国打败了另一个小人国,但是格列佛不愿灭掉该国,国王对此很不高兴。一次,皇宫失火。由于运水困难,格列佛撒了一泡尿浇灭了大火。这使皇后十分反感。加上海军大臣嫉妒他的功劳,于是国王召开了一次密谋会,准备除掉格列佛。格列佛得知后,慌忙逃到那个被打败的小人国。再从那儿找到了一只小船,便乘船离去。他在公海上遇到一只英国商船。他便搭乘这只商船,于是,1702,年回到伦敦。从而结束了他的第一次游历。,Listen and choose,Which adventure does this extract,belong to?,A.,Lilliput,B.,Brobdingnag,C. Laputa D. Houyhnhnms,In this extract, who am “I”?,A. Jonathan Swift B.,Gulliver,C. Sandy D. A small man,Read the extract carefully and match the events with their causes.,1 Gulliver fell down on the beach and,went to sleep.,2 Gulliver found himself unable to move.,3 The tiny men all fell over.,4 Gulliver got one hand free.,5 Gulliver wanted to run away.,a He managed to break the ropes.,b His arms, legs and hair were tied to,the ground,c He was tired out after swimming for a,long time.,d He saw a huge army of tiny people,coming towards him.,e Gulliver shouted at them.,1 c 2 b 3 e 4 a 5 d,1.,Gullivers ship crashed against the rocks.,2. When Gulliver woke up, it was almost evening.,3. A tiny man climbed onto Gullivers body and stood on his shoulder.,T,F,F,4. Gulliver shouted at the tiny men,but they did not care.,5. Gulliver talked with those small,men.,6. Gulliver finally pulled his right,hand free.,T,F,F,Read and answer.,1. What did,Gulliver do after their ship,crashed against the rocks?,He swam as far as he could. By the,time he finally felt the land under his,feet, he was tired out. He fell down,on the beach and went to sleep.,2. Did Gulliver know where he was,when he woke up?,No, he did not.,3.,What did,Gulliver find after he woke,up?,He found he could not move. His,arms, legs and hair were tied to ground.,4. How big was the small man?,He was the same size as Gullivers little,finger.,5. Could Gulliver communicate with the,small men?,No, he could not.,Language points,After our ship crashed,against,the rocks, I swam,as far as I could,.,against,表示“紧靠;碰,撞”,后接名词、代词、,V-ing,形式等作宾语。,His bike crashed,against,the rock, so he,hurt his leg,.,他的自行车撞到岩石上,伤了腿。,against,还可以表示“反对”。,Are you,against,it or for it?,你对此事是反对呢还是赞成,?,as far as I could,表示“尽我所能地远”,使用“,as + adj./adv. + as”,结构。,This film is,as interesting as,that one is.,这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。,He speaks English,as fluently as,you.,他英语说的和你一样流利。,By the time,I finally felt the land under my feet, I,was tired out,.,by the time,等到;到,的时候,The injured man was fairly far gone (,病重,),by the time,the ambulance (,救护车,) arrived.,救护车到时那伤者已生命垂危。,be tired out,筋疲力尽,He,was tired out,after his long trip to California.,至加利福尼亚州长途旅行归来后,他觉得非常疲倦。,However, they soon,got up,again and,continued,moving across my body.,get up (,使,),起立,站起来,Get up,when the king enters the room.,在国王进屋时大家应该起立。,回顾复习:,get up,起床,(,七年级上册,U3),get away,逃脱,离开,(,七年级下册,U6),get off,下车,(,八年级上册,U3),get on,上车,(,八年级上册,U3),continue,用作及物动词,表示“继续”,后接名词、代词、,V-ing,形式、动词不定式等作宾语。,He,continued,the work day after day.,他一天一天地继续做这件工作。,How can you,continue,to work/continue working with all that noise going on?,你在那不停的噪声中怎么能工作得下去呀,?,continue,用作不及物动词,意为“持续;继续”,After a short break the play,continued,.,经过短暂的休息以后,戏继续上演。,I,tried to,pull one hand free and finally,managed to,break the ropes.,manage vt. & vi.,设法完成;管理,I,managed,to pull myself up onto a wet, sloping (,倾斜的,) ledge (,暗礁,).,我终于爬上了一块潮湿倾斜的暗礁。,Jones,manages,the finances here.,琼斯主管这里的财务。,managetodo,强调通过努力获得了预期的结果,(= succeed in doing sth.),;,trytodo,强调尝试的过程,(= to make an effort to do sth.),。,He,managed to escape,to South America.,他设法逃到了南美。,He,tried to escape,to South America.,他设法要逃到南美去。,Tips for teacher,Let the word fly,板块是帮助学生学习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见词的用法、意思有一个全面的了解。在翻译过程中体会词汇使用的丰富多彩。,Let the word fly,Its never,over,till its,over,.,未到最后关头,绝不轻言放弃。,Dont cry,over,spilled milk.,别为过去不好的事儿而伤心了。,over,名言警句读一读,介词,prep.,We live,over,a small bookstore.,我们住在一家小书店的楼上。,在,.,之上,在正上方,We spread a carpet,over,the floor.,我们给地板铺上了地毯。,(,覆盖,),在,.,上面,He never tries to curry favor (,讨好某人,) with those,over,him.,他从不去讨好上司。,(,职位等,),高于,;,支配,;,监督,A plane flew,over,the house.,一架飞机飞过了房子。,越过,.,;,(,从一边,),到,的另一边,My grandchildren will stay,over,Christmas.,She told me,over,the telephone about it.,她在电话里把这事告诉了我。,通过,.,媒介,我的孙儿孙女们圣诞节期间将呆在这儿。,在,.,期间,形容词,adj.,Summer is,over,. It is autumn now.,夏天过去了。秋天到了。,结束的,完了的,副词,adv.,She stepped,over,to the other side to avoid meeting him.,她走到大街另一边,避免与他相遇。,从一边至另一边;越过,The soup spilled,over,.,汤泼出来了。,越出边缘;溢出,He plans to do it,over,again.,他打算从头再做一遍。,再一次,重复地,活学活用,从上面给出的例句中我们可以看到,over,的含义很丰富,不仅仅表示 “在,.,之上”或者“结束的”。大家还知道哪些与,over,相关的口语表达或短语呢?请选择几个进行造句或对话练习。,Reflection,1. as far as I could,2. be tired out,3. fall down,4. go to sleep,5. fall over,6. continue doing,7.,manage to do,8. run away from,1. The bus driver always says to us, “Dont,get off _ the bus stops.”,(2012,贵州铜仁,),A. when B. while C. until D. if,2. When shall we leave for China?, We wont _ we have visited all,the places of interest here.,(2012,湖北荆州,),A. until B. while C. as D. since,I.,单项选择。,3. Where are you going for the coming,winter camp?, I wont decide on the place _,the end of this month. (2012,湖北宜昌,),A. until B. unless,C. though D. through,4. They didnt go to bed _ the work,was finished. (2012,山东滨州,),A. when B. while,C. until D. after,5. Tigers wait _ it is dark, then go,out to find their food. (2012,山东潍坊,),A. since B. until,C. as D. because,6. Helen didnt know anything about it,_ her father told her.,(2013,江苏宿迁,),A. if B. because,C. after D. until,7. Its too late. I have to go now., Oh, its raining outside. Dont,leave _ it stops. (2013,湖南长沙,),A. since B. until C. while,8. Jimmy, its time to go to bed., Oh, I wont do that _ I finish,my homework. (2013,黔东南,),A. if B. until,C. after D. when,9. Mr Wang is strongly _ keeping,animals in the zoo, because he thinks,animals should also enjoy freedom.,(2013,山东临沂,),A. up B. for,C. against D. down,10. Im _ building a new zoo,because I think zoos are terrible,places for animals to live in.,(2013,山东青岛,),A. against B. on,C. in D. for,11. Mrs. King put a coat _ the,sleeping girl to keep her warm.,(2013,安徽,),A. over B. with,C. behind D. beside,II.,根据提示填空。,1. Why dont we put the bed _ (,紧靠,),the wall?,2. I _ (,绑,) my hair back when its hot.,3. She jumped _ (,从一边到另一边,) the,gate.,4. I was hungry and my _ (,胃,) had,started making noises.,5. I cut my _ (,手指,) last night.,6. A _ (very small) fishing boat was there.,against,tie,over,stomach,finger,tiny,7. If she _ (,继续,) drinking like that,Ill have to carry her home.,8. I dont eat meat and my husband doesnt,_ (too).,9. I only just _ (,设法完成,) to finish,on time.,10. Could you help me _ (,抬高,) this table,please?,11. She brought an _ (a large group) of,supporters with her.,12. I _ (,应该,) get some sleep.,13. I rested my head on her,_ (,肩膀,).,continues,either,managed,lift,army,must,shoulder,1.,沙漠一直伸展到视线的尽头,。,The desert continued,_,the eye,could see.,2.,我们到达时,会议已结束了。,_ we arrived, the meeting was,over.,3.,要是你讲着话时我睡着了,可别以为是,不敬,我筋疲力尽了。,Dont take it as an insult (,侮辱,) if I _,_ during your speech; _.,go,to sleep,III,.,翻译句子。,as far as,By the time,Im tired out,4.,你这么到达那里的?,How did you _ there?,5.,在内战期间成千上万的人逃离了这个,国家。,During the civil war thousands of,people _ the country.,6.,詹金斯夫人一脚踩空,跌倒在地。,Mrs Jenkins missed her footing and,_.,manage to get,run away from,fell over,Preview,To preview,Grammar,1) Using question words +,to,-infinitives,2) Using,must,and,have to,Finish exercise B5 on Page 53.,Homework,


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