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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2,Period 2 Learning about language,重点单词,1.base,It was,more on German than the English we,speak at present.,观察思考,This book,is based on,a true story.,这本书讲的是一个真实的故事。,They decided to,base,the new company in York.,他们决定将新成立的公司总部设在约克郡。,What are you,basing,this theory,on,?,你这种理论的根据是什么?,based,归纳总结,base_。,2base与basis的区别:,二者都有“根底的意思。base所指的“根底是具体的;basis所指,的“根底是抽象的。,the base of a building建筑物的根基根底,底部,the economic basis经济根底,3on the basis of根据;以为根底,v.以为根据;把总部等设在.,be based on.以为根据,the base for 的根据地,1,即学即用,1他把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。,He the good news we had yesterday.,2这部小说是以事实为根据的。,The novel fact. ,based his hopes on,is based on,2 mand,Can you find the following and request from Reading?,观察思考,He commanded the soldiers to attack.,=He commanded that the soldiers (should) attack.,他命令士兵们进攻。,I never promised to obey her commands.,我从未容许服从她的命令。,Mr.Smith has a good command of spoken English.,史密斯先生对英语口语掌握得很好。,command,归纳总结,command _ 。,(1)at ones command 听某人支配,under ones command 由指挥,under the command of sb. 在指挥之下,have (a) command of 掌握;精通尤指语言,take command of 控制,(be) in command of 掌握,控制,(2)command sb.to do sth. 命令某人做某事,command that.(should) do. 命令,v. & n.命令;指挥;掌握;博得,即学即用,1军队由国王直接统率。,The army is .,2她精通法语。,She the French language.,考试题(2021山东济宁二模)What _ of English,Xu Gehui _!,Agood command; is at Ba good command; has,Cgood command; has Dgood commands; has,答案与解析:B此题考查have a good command of的,用法。,under the kings command,has a good command of,B,LONDON - American swimmer,Michael Phelps won the mens,100m butterfly on Friday for his,17th Olympic gold and 21st medal,overall, as the United States,overtook China on the top of the,medals table thanks to a gold rush,in the pool.,Phelps wins 21st medal as US overtakes China,辨析command与order,command和order都有“命令之意,都可以接名词、从,句作宾语,接不定式作宾语补足语,接从句时,从句多,用虚拟语气,即(should)do结构。,command指权威方面的正式命令,主要用于军事场合。,order多为执行任务或掌权者发布命令时使用。,如:,The general commanded his men to attack the city.,将军命令士兵攻城。,His father ordered him to leave.,他父亲叫他走开。,3.request,In English you use a command or a,_,when you want someone to do something.,观察思考,She refused all the,requests,for an interview.,她拒绝了所有要求采访的请求。,They have made an urgent,request,for,international help.,他们迫切要求国际社会的援助。,I,requested,that he (should) leave at once.,我要求他马上离开。,request,归纳总结,request,。,(1)make (a) request for.请求;要求,at sb.s request=at the request of sb.应某人之要求,by request (of)照需要;依照请求;应邀,on request一经要求,(,2,),request sb.to do sth.请求某人做某事,request that sb.(should) do sth.请求,request sth.from/of sb.向某人请求某物,It is requested that.据要求,v. & n.请求;要求,易混辨异,request, ask, demand, require,(1)request意为“请求,要求,指正式或礼貌的请求。通常用于希望别人做某事,语气比较委婉。,She requested permission to film at the White House.,她申请准予在白宫拍摄。,(2)ask意为“请求,指想从别人那里得到什么。其结构为“ask sb.for sth.,ask sb.to do sth.,He asked his mother for six dollars.,他向母亲要6美元。,Parents ask me to come back early after school.,父母要我放学后早点回家。,(3)demand意为“强烈要求,语气较重,含“自己觉得有理由要求的意思。后接名词或不定式作宾语,但不能接不定式作宾补,可以接用虚拟语气的从句。,The captain demanded to know what was going on.,上尉要求知道发生了什么事。,She demanded that we (should) give her an immediate answer.,她强烈要求我们立刻给她一个答复。,(4)require意为“需要,要求,含“按照法规要求的意思。其后接用虚拟语气的从句,也可接不定式作宾补。,The city government requires that all the people (should) protect the environment.,市政府要求人们保护环境。,The city government requires the people to keep the streets clean.,市政府要求人们保持街道清洁。,即学即用,(1) her request,Tom went out immediately to help her out.,A.On B.At C.Till D.In,(2)We all agreed to his request that he_ to Dalian for sightseeing.,A.went B.were going C.go D.shall go,考试题(2021天津)Dont respond to any emails _ personal information,no matter how official they look.,Asearching Basking,Crequesting Dquestioning,答案与解析:C句意:不要答复任何索要个人信息的电子邮件,不管他们看上去多么正式。A、B两项都应加for。,B,C,C,Similar National Flags,The Commonwealth of Australia,The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,New Zealand,4.recognize,Although many Americans move a lot,they,still,_,and understand each others dialects.,观察思考,Line up these men and see if the witness,can,recognize,the criminal.,让这些人站成一排,看看证人能否从中把罪犯认出来。,I,recognized,him though we were apart for years.,尽管我们分开多年了,我还是认出了他。,recognize,Everyone recognized him to be a lawful heir of the money.,大家都成认他是那笔钱的合法继承人。,归纳总结,recognize _ 。,(1)recognize sb./sth.by/from.根据认出某人/某事(物),be recognized to be/as.被认作/被认为是,It is recognized that.人们公认,(2)recognition n.认识;认出,out of/beyond recognition认不出来,v.识别出;成认,The Republic of The FiJi Islands,Tuvalu,易混辨析,recognize, know, admit, realize,(1)recognize与know都有“认识的含义。know表示“认识,可以用于人或物,以前可以认识,也可以不认识,是一个延续性动词;recognize表示“认出,只能用于原来就已经认识的人或事物,是一个非延续性动词。,(2)recognize与admit都有“成认的含义。但admit的对象一般是不对的或不荣耀的事实;而recognize多指“成认某人或某物是合法的、有效的。,(3)recognize与realize都有“意识到;认出的含义,但realize强调无意中注意到,从而了解本质,明白事理;而recognize那么强调从对记忆的搜索中识别出人、物、声音、方位等。,即学即用,(1)刘翔被认为是世界十佳运发动之一。,Liu Xiang one of the ten first-class athletes in the world.,(2)人们一致认为环境污染已经成了人们面对的最严重的问题之一。,environment pollution has become one of the most serious problems that people face.,is recognized as,It is recognized that,考试题(2021黄冈质检)Zhang Haidis face was easily,_ because more and more media covered her,moving deeds.,Aknown Bdiscovered Crecognized Dseen,答案与解析:Cknow“认识,知道;discover“发现,,觉察;recognize“认出,识别;see“看见,看到。结,合语境“因为越来越多的媒体报导了张海迪的动人事迹,,所以人们很容易认出她的面孔可知,recognize符合语境。,C,孟加拉 Peoples Republic of,Bangladesh,日本 Japan,贝劳 The Republic of Palau,5.,straight,Well,go round the corner on your left-hand,side,_,on and cross two streets.,观察思考,A,straight,line is the shortest distance between two,points,两点之间,直,线最短。,Its time for some,straight,talking.,现在该开诚布公地谈谈了。,There was no wind.The smoke rose,straight,upward.,因为没有风,所以烟笔直地往上升。,straight,The Arab Republic of Egypt,Republic of Iraq,The Syrian Arab Republic,The Republic of Yemen,归纳总结,straight_ 。,straighten v. 弄直;使正确;整顿,go straight 改正自新,straight away 马上,立即,set sb. straight 纠正某人,即学即用,A road goes from our college to the city center.,A.straight;straight B.straightly;straightly,C.straight;straightly D.straightly;straight,adj.& adv.,直的;坦诚的;直接;一直,A,墨西哥 The United,Mexican States,意大利 The Republic of,Italy,乍得 The Republic of Chad,罗马尼亚 Romania,6. rapidly adv. 快速地,Their influence is rapidly on the rise.他们的影响在迅速的提高。,辨析-rapidly/quickly/fast/immediately,rapidly指一个或一连串的动作迅速、敏捷,着重指动作本身。,quickly一般指动作敏捷迅速、毫不延迟,在较短的时间内发生或完成某项动作。,fast主要指运动着的人或物体速度快。,immediately侧重于在时间上毫不耽误。,选词填空 rapidly/quickly/fast/immediately,(1)Do you understand the _ changing world of computer technology?,(2)When you turn on the TV set,clear picture will,。,appear on the screen.,(3)The report was _ prepared for publication.,(4)The trains running five minutes _.,rapidly,immediately,quickly,fast,哥伦比亚,The Republic of Colombia,厄瓜多尔,The Republic of Ecuador,委内瑞拉,Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,7. include vt. 包括,包含,My plan includes most of your suggestions.这项方案包括了你的大局部建议。,The expenses are included in the account.费用包括在账内。,辨析 contain/include/cover,contain“包含,含有,装着,通常指在一个整体中所包含的全部内容,或在一个容器中容纳的全部东西,强调包含的整体内容。,include“包含,包括,指在一个整体中包括了其中一部,分内容、工程等,强调包含局部。常用的两种表达方式:,including sb./sth. sb./sth. included。,cover“包括;设计,处理;适用于;(钱)够之用,足,以支付。,选词填空contain/include/cover/hold,(1)We all went,_ Mary.,We all went,Mary _.,(2)Will $200 _ the cost of the damage?,Im afraid not. I need at least 100 more.,(3)He was worried,because he lost his bag,_,his passport,ID card and a lot of money.,including,included,cover,containing (including),8,.,present,adj.,现在的,;,出席的,;,到场的,v,.,颁奖,授予,n,.,礼物,Water pollution is,present,in this area.这个地区存在水污染的现象。,The Smiths,and other people,present,,are all my friends.,史密斯夫妇以及其他在场的人都是我的好朋友。,搭配,(1)at present,;,at the present time 目前,现在,(2)make a present of sth. to sb.,make sb. a present of sth.把某物赠送给某人,(3)be present at the meeting 出席会议,Keep your face always to the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you!,永远面朝阳光,阴影就会被甩到后面!,完成句子,(1)There were 200 people_(出席会议),(2)He admired my typewriter so much.,I_,(赠送给他) it.,(3)They _ a sum of money _(赠与) the,college in memory of their son.,present at the meeting,made him a present of,presented,to,9,.direction,n.,方向,;,指导,;,(常用复数)指示,;,说明书,As we fired at the enemys position,they fled in all,directions.,当我们向敌军阵地开火时,他们四处逃窜。,搭配,(1)in one direction 朝某一方向,in all directions 朝四面 八方,(2)under the direction of sb.,u,nder ones direction,在某人指导下,(3)in/from the direction of 朝着/来自方向,(4)according to ones directions 根据某人的指示,follow/obey/listen to ones direction 听从某人指导,(5)keep sb.s directions in mind 记住某人的指示,在某人指导下,【英文谚语】,1.Bad news has wings.,坏事传千里,2.Beauty is in the eyes of the gazer.,情人眼里出西施,3.Behind bad luck comes good luck.,塞翁失马,焉知非福,4.Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle.,随遇而安,完成句子,(1)She _(,问了方向,) and then tells her friends.,(2)Tom went off _(,朝着一个方向,) and,Harry in another.,(3)He did the work _.(,在我的指导下,),asks direction,in one direction,under my direction,A smile is the shortest distance between two people.,微笑是两个人之间最短的距离。,重点短语,1come up,The sun has come up.太阳升上来了。,The farmers will come up to Beijing.那些农民要上北京。,联想,come up 上升;上来;(从乡下)上(城市);(种子等)长出,地面;被提出。,come up with (人)找到或提出(答案,方法等),come about 发生 come up to 到达,come back 回来 come across (偶然)碰到,遇见,come on 加油;出现;出场;开始,come out (照片上)显露;结果是;出版,come to/round 恢复知觉,用come的有关短语填空,(1)Would you,my flat for a visit?,(2)The question _ at the meeting whether we had enough money.,(3)She,new idea for increasing sales.,(4)We should think of the problems that may _ in the future.,(5) Can you tell me how the accident,?,come up to,came up,came up with a,come up,came about,各种鬼的英文表达,1)demon 2)lazybones,魔鬼 懒鬼,3)alcoholic 4)drunkard,酒鬼 醉鬼,5)chain smoker 6)naughty child,烟鬼 淘气鬼,7)troublemaker 8)vampire,捣蛋鬼 吸血鬼,9)coward 10)gambling addict,胆小鬼 赌鬼,11)lecher,色鬼,2.make use of,利用,Most of the waste can be,made use of,.大多数废物可以利用。,联想,make full use of 充分利用,make good use of 好好利用,make the best use of 尽量利用,be of great use 很有用,come into use 开始被使用,be in use 在使用中,bring/put.to use 使投入使用,完成句子,(1)我们工厂对机器人的使用与日俱增。,Our factory is,_,robots.,(2)她开始考虑怎样利用它。,She began to consider,.,(3)我们必须好好利用我们有限的时间和金钱。,We must,.,(4)人类,尤其是中国人,应该充分利用其自然资源。,Human beings,especially the Chinese,should,_ their natural resources.,making increasing use of,what use could be made of it,make good use of our limited time and money,make full use of,3,.,because of,becasue of 因为,.,后面跟,n,./,pron,.作状语,.,because后面跟从句,作原因状语。,联想,due to,+,n,./,pron,.由于,;,作表语或状语,不可放于句首,thanks to,n,./,pron,.,多亏,由于,;,作表语或状语,owing to,n,./,pron,.,由于,;,作表语或状语,as a result of,因为的结果,;,作状语,on account of,因为,;,作状语,result from因为,by reason of由于(作状语),用because/because of填空,(1)He realized she was crying,what he had said.,(2)The light went out,_ the oil was out.,(3)Weve made such great progress,your help.,because of,because,because of,考试题(2007浙江)The open-air celebration has been,put off_the bad weather.,Ain case of Bin spite of,Cinstead of Dbecause of,答案与解析:DThe openair celebration has been put,off的原因是the bad weather,因此用because of。其他选,项中,in case of意思是“以防;instead of意思是“代,替;in spite of意思是“尽管。,D,各种版本的“我再也不相信爱情了,正常版:I will never ever believe in love.,四六级作文高分版:Never will I believe in love,any more.,托福版:Id rather die than believe in love.,金山翻译版:I do not believe love is the.,莎翁版:Oh love, never shall I believe in thee!,(2021杭州质检)Ill never forget such an attractive,city_ I spent many happy hours there with my,classmates last summer holidays.,Athat Bwhere,Cin which Dbecause,答案与解析:D根据上下文语意知后面是原因状语从句。,D,4. believe it or not,信不信由你,完成句子,(1)信不信由你,那个老人原来是个贼。,_,the old man turned out to be a thief.,(2)布朗先生昨天回来了,信不信由你,他失踪了好几年。,Mr.Brown came back home yesterday.,_,he was gone for years.,Believe it or not,Believe it or not,5.play a part(in) 扮演一个角色;参与;充当作用,联想 play a role in 扮演角色;充当作用,act a part/role in扮演一个角色;装腔作势,根据汉语意思完成英文句子。,(1)刘德华将在那部电影中扮演一个角色。,Andy Liu in that movie.,(2) 在我们的日常生活中起着重要的作用。,Mobile phones are_in our daily life.,will play a part,playing an important part,考试题(2021浙江六校联考)Former US president Jimmy,Carter played an important _ in establishing China,US ties.,Agame Bcard,Crecord Drole,答案与解析:D play an important role in在方面起了重,要作用。,D,6.at present,It was based more on German than the English we,speak,_,.,观察思考,We do not have any more information,at present,.,目前我们没有进一步的消息。,The situation for college students is very serious,at present,.,对于大学生来说形势是很严峻的。,at present,老师在黑板上写下,woman without her man isnothing,让学生给这句话加标点符号。,男生加完标点,Woman, without her man, is,nothing.,(,女人,如果没了男人,什么也不是.,),女生加完标点,Woman,!,Without her, man is nothing.,(,伟大的女人!没有她,男人什么也不是。,),归纳总结,at present意为:_。,at the present time (=for the present) 眼前,暂时,be present at the meeting 出席会议,be present to mind 放在心里;记忆犹新,be present to 出现在上,present sb.with sth. 把某物赠给/颁发/授予某人,present sth.to sb. 把某物颁发给某人,present sth.to sb. 向某人提交出某物,present sth. 展现某物,目前,眼下,即学即用,1出席这次会议的大局部人是科学家。,Most of the people_were scientists.,2她现在很忙,不能同你说话。,Shes busy_and cant speak to you.,present at the conference,at present,7.more than,Do you know that there is one kind of English?,观察思考,More than 100 scientists attended the meeting.,有100多位科学家参加了这次会议。,He is more than a writer;he is also a professor.,他不仅仅是位作家,还是一位教授。,They were more than glad to help.,他们非常乐意帮助。,The fox is more sly than clever.,与其说狐狸聪明,不如说它狡诈。,more than,归纳总结,(1)more than+数词,意为“_,相当于over。,(2)more than+名词,意为“_,相当于not only。,(3)more than+形容词,意为“_,相当于very。,(4)more.than.意为“_,,在此结构中,肯定的是more后面的内容,而否认的是than后面的内容。,(5)no more than只不过,仅仅not more than不超过,至多other than不同于;除了 rather than而不是,no less than和一样,不少于no other than恰恰是,正是,less than不到,少于后接数词,与more than相对,超过,不止,不仅,不只,非常,极其,与其说,不如说,典型句式运用,1.Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.,以英语为母语的人,即使所讲的英语种类不尽相同,他们也可以互相理解。,考点提炼,本句中的even if相当于_,意为“_,引导让步状语从句。even if/though所引导的让步状语从句可用现在时代替将来时。,even though,即使,尽管,You might be worthless to one person, but youre priceless to another.Dont forget your value.,你可能一个人面前一文不值,却在另一个人面前是无价之宝。谨记自己的价值所在。,Even though/if he had got a good job, he still wants to look,for a better one.,即使他找到了一份好的工作,他还想找更好的。,联想,even ifeven though即使,尽管;引导让步状语从句,as ifas though好似,似乎,仿佛;引导方式状语从句或表语,从句,even now 即使现在,尽管如此,even so 即使如此,even then 即使那时,尽管这样,考试题(2021宁波质检)I wont give you such help,_ you tell me the truth. Its beyond my ability.,Awhen Bsince,Cif Deven if,答案与解析:D根据句意:即使你说出实情我也帮不了你。我无能为力。知D项正确。,D,2.,Believe it or not,,there is no such thing as standard,English.信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。,believe it or not信不信由你。常在句中作,插入语,。这句,口语用在说话者要告诉对方一件事,但这件事连说话者自,己都觉得难以置信时,所以在告诉对方这件事之前,先加,上believe it or not。,如:,Believe it or not,I saw my favorite movie star in the,street.,信不信由你,我在街上见到我最喜欢的影星了。,Brian is not a man to trust, believe it or not!,布莱恩不是一个值得信赖的人,信不信由你。,Believe it or not, the price of this kind of cellphone will,greatly drop down in half a year.,信不信由你,这种 的价格半年以内将大幅度下降。,常见的插入语有:,honestly speaking老实说 generally speaking 一般来说,frankly speaking 坦白地说 judging from/ by 从来判断,to tell you the truth 说真的;老实说,to be honest 说实在的 to make matters worse 更糟糕的是,考试题(1)(2021浙江)_, the pay isnt attractive,enough, though the job itself is quite interesting.,AGenerally speaking BOn the contrary,CIn particular DTo be honest,答案与解析:D句意:说实话,这点工资没有足够的吸引力,但工作本身还是非常有趣的。to be honest往往引导转折句,其他选项明显不合题意。,D,(2)(2021安徽)Im amazed to hear from my school teacher,again. _, it is ten years since we met last.,AIn a word BWhats more,CThats to say DBelieve it or not,答案与解析:D句意:想不到又一次收到学校老师的来,信,信不信由你,我们上一次见面还是在十年前。in a,word总之;whats more而且;thats to say也就是说;,believe it or not信不信由你。,D,Win a few, lose a few. Thats life!,有得,有失!这才是生活!,3.It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as well as a native English speaker.对中国人来说,想把英语说得像英国人一样好,并不是件容易的事。,考点提炼,本句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是_。,该句是句式“It is/was+adj.(+for sb.)+to do.的具体应用,for sb.表示不定式to do.的动作是由谁发出的。,当作表语的形容词是表示不定式逻辑主语的特征,即形容词用来描述不定式行为发出者的性格、品行等时,要用“_句型。,to speak English as well as a native English speaker,It is/was+,adj,.+of sb.+to do.,此类形容词常见的有:,kind,nice,clever,wrong,right,foolish,wise,stupid,rude,careless,brave,polite,等。在这种句型中,sb.可以作句子的主语。,4.This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English.,这是因为在早些时候,人们期望电台节目中的新闻播音员英语说得很棒。,this/that is because.意为 “_,because.在,句子中作表语,because引导一个表示_的句子。,that is why.后面跟的是表示_的句子, 译为“那是的原因。,考点提炼,这/那是因为,原因,结果,irect Indirect Speech (requestcommand),直接引语和间接引语祈使句和疑问句,概念:,直接引语是祈使句,变为间接引语时,句子的谓语动词要根据语境选用含有祈使意义的动词,如tell, ask, order, advise, remind, request,suggest, insist等,引语的动词改成不定式如果祈使句为否认式,在动词不定式前加not,直接引语如果是疑问句,变为间接引语时,要把疑问句语序变为陈述句语序,句末用句号,主语的人称、时态和状语等也要作相应的变化。,1.如果直接引语为比较客气的请求其中常用please)时,转变为:ask sb. (not) to do sth.,He said to me, Shut the window, please. ,He asked me to shut the window.,2.如果直接引语表示的是平等关系的人之间一般的要求时,转变为,:,tell sb. (not) to do sth.,The teacher said to the students, “Stop talking!,The teacher told the students to stop talking.,3.如果直接引语表示的是比较强硬的指令要求(如上级对下级)时,转变为:order sb. (not) to do sth.,The officer said, “Go away. ,The officer ordered us to go away.,4.,直接引语如果是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,谓语动词是say或 said时,要改为 ask 或asked,原,问句变成由连词if或 whether引导的宾语从句,.,没有,间接宾语的,可以根据情况加上,.,He said, Are you interested in English? ,He asked (me) if I was interested in English.,She said, Did you see him last night? ,She asked (me) whether I had seen him the night before.,用法归纳及本卷须知:,.当祈使句的直接引语变为间接引语时,其人称、,时间状语和地点状语等的变化还应根据陈述句直接,引语变间接的方法进行相应地改变。,One of the doctors said ,Let me go on with the operation, Dr. Smith. ,One of the doctors asked Dr. Smith to let him go on with the operation.,(该句直接引语中有个称呼语Dr. Smith,一般把它当作宾语用,祈使句的间接引语复原为直接引语时,也应该遵循陈述句间接引语变直接引语的方法。,Wei Fang asked him to give it to her. ,“Give it to me, please, Wei Fang said to him.,2.当直接引语是祈使句时,变成间接引语的要点是:去掉引号要加to, ask, order须记住,直引假设是否认式,not 加在to前面。,3.,祈使句中的please在间接引语中必须省去.,“Please tidy the lab, she said. ,She asked me to tidy the lab.,4.有些表示建议、要求或劝告的祈使句变为间接引语时,可以用suggest, insist, offer ,advise等动词加以


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