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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,企业管理学习网,海量营销管理培训资料下载,sigma,By : Al-Salmi , Khaled,1,What is Six Sigma?,General View of the concept .,Historical View of the concept.,Technical View of the concept .,2,General View at 6sigma,High quality business processes,Defect-free business processes,=,Happy customers,+,3,Standard Deviation shows how the output numbers are distributed around the mean (how close are you ),The old Greek alphabet character , used today mathematically to indicate the standard deviation .,Technical View of the concept,s,It is having 3.4 defects in 1,000,00 outputs .,The Main Goal is,CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT,s,4,History of the Concept,Motorola published its six sigma quality program in 1987 by,Mikel J. Harry,Malcolm Baldrige quality prize,Developed by Harry , when he,Worked at ABB inc .,Widely used after that in different companies .,5,Six Sigma Implementation,6,Phase 1,Establishing management commitment,training the principles and tools to senior management,development of a management infrastructure,7,Phase 2,Information gathering,intensive communication with customers, suppliers, and employees.,8,Phase 3,Training,Black,Belt And,Green,Belt ?,9,Phase 4,Developing Monitoring Systems,10,Phase 5,business improvement,The current key processes in general level are mapped and problems identified,11,Phase 6 Final,Conducting 6 sigma projects,Improve the processes and validate them by simulations and statistical methods,modifying the management system,Establish a proper documentation system,12,Limitations to 6sigma,?,Mind,limitations,Knowledge,limitations,Management,limitations,13,Mind Limitations,Fear,Time pressure,Resistant to,change,Lack of trust,Poor communication,14,Knowledge Limitations,Lack of 6sigma training,Lack of knowledge among team members,Lack of statistical knowledge,15,Management Limitations,Lack of leadership,Lack of hands involvement,Unprofessional management behavior,Lack of management support,16,Companies Used 6sigma,ABB inc.,American express.,General Electric.,Lockheed martin.,Honda.,Hitachi,Nokia,Polaroid,Sony,Texas instrument,17,Effects of 6sigma ?,General Electric annual savings estimated to be,$ 6.6,billions .,Motorola reduced manufacturing costs by,$1.4,billions .,Allied Signals cost reduction by,$2,billions .,18,Summary,6sigma is a collection of practices to achieve improvement .,Way of success for companies .,Makes management involvement a necessity.,A strategy to achieve 3.4 defect of an output of 1,000,000 .,World class level of quality and customer satisfaction .,19,And Finaly,Questions ?,20,


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