高一英语《m3u1 grammar and usage》

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Grammar and usage,Fog,smell,reduce,volunteer,experiment,sniff,unpleasant,related,change,data,Words preview,smell,reduce,volunteer,experiment,sniff,unpleasant,related,change,data,n.,味道,气味,嗅觉,Words preview,smell,reduce,volunteer,experiment,sniff,unpleasant,related,change,data,n.,味道,气味,嗅觉,vt,.,减轻,;,减少,Words preview,smell,reduce,volunteer,experiment,sniff,unpleasant,related,change,data,n.,味道,气味,嗅觉,vt,.,减轻,;,减少,n.,志愿者,Words preview,smell,reduce,volunteer,experiment,sniff,unpleasant,related,change,data,n.,味道,气味,嗅觉,vt,.,减轻,;,减少,n.,志愿者,n.,实验,试验,Words preview,smell,reduce,volunteer,experiment,sniff,unpleasant,related,change,data,n.,味道,气味,嗅觉,vt,.,减轻,;,减少,n.,志愿者,n.,实验,试验,vt,.,嗅,闻,Words preview,smell,reduce,volunteer,experiment,sniff,unpleasant,related,change,data,n.,味道,气味,嗅觉,vt,.,减轻,;,减少,n.,志愿者,n.,实验,试验,vt,.,嗅,闻,adj.,令人不快的,Words preview,smell,reduce,volunteer,experiment,sniff,unpleasant,related,change,data,n.,味道,气味,嗅觉,vt,.,减轻,;,减少,n.,志愿者,n.,实验,试验,vt,.,嗅,闻,adj.,令人不快的,adj.,相关的,有联系的,Words preview,smell,reduce,volunteer,experiment,sniff,unpleasant,related,change,data,n.,味道,气味,嗅觉,vt,.,减轻,;,减少,n.,志愿者,n.,实验,试验,vt,.,嗅,闻,adj.,令人不快的,adj.,相关的,有联系的,n.,变化,Words preview,smell,reduce,volunteer,experiment,sniff,unpleasant,related,change,data,n.,味道,气味,嗅觉,vt,.,减轻,;,减少,n.,志愿者,n.,实验,试验,vt,.,嗅,闻,adj.,令人不快的,adj.,相关的,有联系的,n.,变化,n. (datum,的复数,),数据,Words preview,add,link,overall,stressed,blood,misuse,everyday,touch,Words preview,add,link,overall,stressed,blood,misuse,everyday,touch,vt,.,补充说,;,补充,添加,Words preview,add,link,overall,stressed,blood,misuse,everyday,touch,vt,.,补充说,;,补充,添加,vt,. & vi.,联系,;,相关联,;,连接,Words preview,add,link,overall,stressed,blood,misuse,everyday,touch,vt,.,补充说,;,补充,添加,vt,. & vi.,联系,;,相关联,;,连接,adj.,总体的,全部的,全面的,Words preview,add,link,overall,stressed,blood,misuse,everyday,touch,vt,.,补充说,;,补充,添加,vt,. & vi.,联系,;,相关联,;,连接,adj.,总体的,全部的,全面的,adj.,紧张的,感到有压力的,Words preview,add,link,overall,stressed,blood,misuse,everyday,touch,vt,.,补充说,;,补充,添加,vt,. & vi.,联系,;,相关联,;,连接,adj.,总体的,全部的,全面的,adj.,紧张的,感到有压力的,n.,血,血液,Words preview,add,link,overall,stressed,blood,misuse,everyday,touch,vt,.,补充说,;,补充,添加,vt,. & vi.,联系,;,相关联,;,连接,adj.,总体的,全部的,全面的,adj.,紧张的,感到有压力的,n.,血,血液,vt,.,误用,;,滥用,Words preview,add,link,overall,stressed,blood,misuse,everyday,touch,vt,.,补充说,;,补充,添加,vt,. & vi.,联系,;,相关联,;,连接,adj.,总体的,全部的,全面的,adj.,紧张的,感到有压力的,n.,血,血液,vt,.,误用,;,滥用,adj.,日常的,;,每天的,Words preview,add,link,overall,stressed,blood,misuse,everyday,touch,vt,.,补充说,;,补充,添加,vt,. & vi.,联系,;,相关联,;,连接,adj.,总体的,全部的,全面的,adj.,紧张的,感到有压力的,n.,血,血液,vt,.,误用,;,滥用,adj.,日常的,;,每天的,n.,触觉,;,接触,vt,.,触摸,;,接触,Words preview,ignore,deeply,ache,snowstorm,destination,impossible,sweat,sudden,Words preview,ignore,deeply,ache,snowstorm,destination,impossible,sweat,sudden,vt,.,忽视,Words preview,ignore,deeply,ache,snowstorm,destination,impossible,sweat,sudden,vt,.,忽视,adv.,深,沉,;,深深地,Words preview,ignore,deeply,ache,snowstorm,destination,impossible,sweat,sudden,vt,.,忽视,adv.,深,沉,;,深深地,vi & n.,疼痛,Words preview,ignore,deeply,ache,snowstorm,destination,impossible,sweat,sudden,vt,.,忽视,adv.,深,沉,;,深深地,vi & n.,疼痛,n.,暴风雪,Words preview,ignore,deeply,ache,snowstorm,destination,impossible,sweat,sudden,vt,.,忽视,adv.,深,沉,;,深深地,vi & n.,疼痛,n.,暴风雪,n.,目的地,Words preview,ignore,deeply,ache,snowstorm,destination,impossible,sweat,sudden,vt,.,忽视,adv.,深,沉,;,深深地,vi & n.,疼痛,n.,暴风雪,n.,目的地,adj.,不可能的,Words preview,ignore,deeply,ache,snowstorm,destination,impossible,sweat,sudden,vt,.,忽视,adv.,深,沉,;,深深地,vi & n.,疼痛,n.,暴风雪,n.,目的地,adj.,不可能的,vi.,出汗,流汗,n.,汗,汗水,Words preview,ignore,deeply,ache,snowstorm,destination,impossible,sweat,sudden,vt,.,忽视,adv.,深,沉,;,深深地,vi & n.,疼痛,n.,暴风雪,n.,目的地,adj.,不可能的,vi.,出汗,流汗,n.,汗,汗水,adj.,突然的,Words preview,be related to,be linked to,make sense,make the most of,cant help (doing),all of a sudden,Words preview,be related to,be linked to,make sense,make the most of,cant help (doing),all of a sudden,和,相关,和,有联系,Words preview,be related to,be linked to,make sense,make the most of,cant help (doing),all of a sudden,和,相关,和,有联系,和,有联系的,和,有关联的,Words preview,be related to,be linked to,make sense,make the most of,cant help (doing),all of a sudden,和,相关,和,有联系,和,有联系的,和,有关联的,有意义,;,有道理,讲得通,Words preview,be related to,be linked to,make sense,make the most of,cant help (doing),all of a sudden,和,相关,和,有联系,和,有联系的,和,有关联的,有意义,;,有道理,讲得通,充分利用,Words preview,be related to,be linked to,make sense,make the most of,cant help (doing),all of a sudden,和,相关,和,有联系,和,有联系的,和,有关联的,有意义,;,有道理,讲得通,充分利用,禁不住,(,做某事,),忍不住,(,做某事,),Words preview,be related to,be linked to,make sense,make the most of,cant help (doing),all of a sudden,和,相关,和,有联系,和,有联系的,和,有关联的,有意义,;,有道理,讲得通,充分利用,禁不住,(,做某事,),忍不住,(,做某事,),突然,猛地,Words preview,At lunchtime, the radio weatherman reported,that,the mist would become a thick fog in the,afternoon.,She wondered,if,the buses would still be,running.,Sorry, Miss, replied the man, the truth is,that,the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.,At lunchtime, the radio weatherman reported,that,the mist would become a thick fog in the,afternoon.,She wondered,if,the buses would still be,running.,Sorry, Miss, replied the man, the truth is,that,the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.,Noun Clauses,At lunchtime, the radio weatherman reported,that,the mist would become a thick fog in the,afternoon.,She wondered,if,the buses would still be,running.,Sorry, Miss, replied the man, the truth is,that,the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.,We call these sentences ,Noun Clauses,touch,名词性从句,在复合句中起名词作用的从句叫名词性从,句,(Noun Clauses),。名词性从句的功能相,当于名词或名词词组,它在复合句中能担,任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语,等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,,名词性从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语,从句、表语从句和同位语从句。,touch,名词性从句,在复合句中起名词作用的从句叫名词性从,句,(Noun Clauses),。名词性从句的功能相,当于名词或名词词组,它在复合句中能担,任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语,等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,,名词性从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语,从句、表语从句和同位语从句。,名词性从句在功能上相当于名词,His job,is important.,主 语,What he does,is important.,名词性从句在功能上相当于名词,His job,is important.,主 语,What he does,is important.,This is,his job,.,This is,what he does every day,.,表 语,I dont like,his job,.,宾 语,I dont like,what he does every day,.,名词性从句在功能上相当于名词,I dont like,his job,.,宾 语,I dont like,what he does every day,.,I dont know about,the man, Mr.,White,.,I dont know about,the fact that he,is a teacher,.,同位语,名词性从句在功能上相当于名词,1 That he will succeed is certain.,2 Whether he will go there is not known.,3 What he said made me upset.,4 Where he hid the money is still unknown .,5 Whoever comes is welcome.,6 How we can help the twins will be discussed,at the meeting.,7 When theyll start the project has not been,decided yet.,Subject Clause,1,That,he will succeed is certain.,2,Whether he will go there is not known.,3 What he said made me upset.,4 Where he hid the money is still unknown .,5 Whoever comes is welcome.,6 How we can help the twins will be discussed,at the meeting.,7 When theyll,start the project has not been,decided yet.,Subject Clause,主语从句,1,That,he will succeed is certain.,2,Whether,he will go there is not known.,3,What he said made me upset.,4 Where he hid the money is still unknown .,5 Whoever comes is welcome.,6 How we can help the twins will be discussed,at the meeting.,7 When theyll,start the project has not been,decided yet.,Subject Clause,主语从句,1,That,he will succeed is certain.,2,Whether,he will go there is not known.,3,What,he said made me upset.,4,Where he hid the money is still unknown .,5 Whoever comes is welcome.,6 How we can help the twins will be discussed,at the meeting.,7 When theyll,start the project has not been,decided yet.,Subject Clause,主语从句,1,That,he will succeed is certain.,2,Whether,he will go there is not known.,3,What,he said made me upset.,4,Where,he hid the money is still unknown .,5,Whoever comes is welcome.,6 How we can help the twins will be discussed,at the meeting.,7 When theyll,start the project has not been,decided yet.,Subject Clause,主语从句,1,That,he will succeed is certain.,2,Whether,he will go there is not known.,3,What,he said made me upset.,4,Where,he hid the money is still unknown .,5,Whoever,comes is welcome.,6,How we can help the twins will be discussed,at the meeting.,7 When,theyll start the project has not been,decided yet.,Subject Clause,主语从句,1,That,he will succeed is certain.,2,Whether,he will go there is not known.,3,What,he said made me upset.,4,Where,he hid the money is still unknown .,5,Whoever,comes is welcome.,6,How,we can help the twins will be discussed,at the meeting.,7,When,theyll start the project has not been,decided yet.,Subject Clause,主语从句,1,That,he will succeed is certain.,2,Whether,he will go there is not known.,3,What,he said made me upset.,4,Where,he hid the money is still unknown .,5,Whoever,comes is welcome.,6,How,we can help the twins will be discussed,at the meeting.,7,When,theyll start the project has not been,decided yet.,Subject Clause,主语从句,形式主语,“,It”,is used as,empty subject,.,形式主语,为避免主语冗长,句子头重脚轻,经常用,it,作形,式主语,主语从句放在后面作真正的主语。,“,It”,is used as,empty subject,.,形式主语,为避免主语冗长,句子头重脚轻,经常用,it,作形,式主语,主语从句放在后面作真正的主语。,1. It is certain,that he will succeed,.,2. It is not known,whether he will go there,.,3. It has not been decided yet,when theyll,start the project,.,“,It”,is used as,empty subject,.,在下列句型中常使用,that,引导主语从句,主语从句,在下列句型中常使用,that,引导主语从句,Its likely / possible / important / necessary /,clear,that,很可能,/,重要的是, /,必要的,是, /,很清楚,Its said / reported,that,据说,/,据报道,It seems / appears / happens,that,似乎,/,好像,/,碰巧,.,主语从句,Its been announced / declared,that,已经通知,/,宣布,Its no wonder,that,并不奇怪,/,无疑,Its a pity / a fact / common knowledge (,众所,周知,) / a common saying (,俗话说,),that,在下列句型中常使用,that,引导主语从句,主语从句,Subject Clause,Tell the function of the following clauses,.,Subject Clause, They know,that,the habit will kill them,.,It all depends on,whether,they will support us,.,He asked,how,much I paid for the violin,.,He made,it,clear to the public,that,he did an,important and necessary job,.,I find,it,necessary,that,we should do the,homework,.,Tell the function of the following clauses,.,Object Clause, They know,that,the habit will kill them,.,It all depends on,whether,they will support us,.,He asked,how,much I paid for the violin,.,He made,it,clear to the public,that,he did an,important and necessary job,.,I find,it,necessary,that,we should do the,homework,.,宾语从句,Tell the function of the following clauses,.,宾语从句,宾语从句在句中充当宾语成分,(,可以作谓语动,词、介词、不定式等非谓语动词的宾语,),宾语从句,宾语从句在句中充当宾语成分,(,可以作谓语动,词、介词、不定式等非谓语动词的宾语,),that, whether, if (that,常可省略,),who, what, which, whoever, whatever,when where why how,连词,:,宾语从句,注意,1. whether,和,if,都可以引导宾语从句,宾语从句,注意,1. whether,和,if,都可以引导宾语从句,当,whether,后紧跟,or/or not,时,不用,if,.,a.,宾语从句,注意,1. whether,和,if,都可以引导宾语从句,当,whether,后紧跟,or/or not,时,不用,if,.,I dont know,whether,I will stay,or not,.,a.,宾语从句,注意,1. whether,和,if,都可以引导宾语从句,当,whether,后紧跟,or/or not,时,不用,if,.,I dont know,whether,I will stay,or not,.,介词,后面的宾语从句不能用,if,.,a.,b.,宾语从句,注意,1. whether,和,if,都可以引导宾语从句,当,whether,后紧跟,or/or not,时,不用,if,.,I dont know,whether,I will stay,or not,.,介词,后面的宾语从句不能用,if,.,I worry,about whether,I hurt her,feelings.,a.,b.,宾语从句,注意,2. that,在宾语从句中的省略与保留,宾语从句,注意,2. that,在宾语从句中的省略与保留,在,主,+,谓,+it (,形式宾语,) +,宾补,+that,从句,(,真,正宾语,),的句型中,不省略,。,a.,宾语从句,注意,2. that,在宾语从句中的省略与保留,在,主,+,谓,+it (,形式宾语,) +,宾补,+that,从句,(,真,正宾语,),的句型中,不省略,。,We must make,it,clear,that,we mean,what we say.,a.,宾语从句,注意,2. that,在宾语从句中的省略与保留,在,主,+,谓,+it (,形式宾语,) +,宾补,+that,从句,(,真,正宾语,),的句型中,不省略,。,We must make,it,clear,that,we mean,what we say.,由连词,and,连接的两个由,that,引导的宾语从,句中,,第二个,that,不省略,。,a.,b.,宾语从句,注意,2. that,在宾语从句中的省略与保留,在,主,+,谓,+it (,形式宾语,) +,宾补,+that,从句,(,真,正宾语,),的句型中,不省略,。,We must make,it,clear,that,we mean,what we say.,由连词,and,连接的两个由,that,引导的宾语从,句中,,第二个,that,不省略,。,He told me (that) he would come,and,that,he would come on time.,a.,b.,表语从句, The question is,whether we can rely on him,.,Thats,because we were in need of money,at that time,.,Thats,why I was late,.,表语从句,表语从句,:,在句中充当表语成分,一般放在系,动词之后。, The question is,whether we can rely on him,.,Thats,because we were in need of money,at that time,.,Thats,why I was late,.,表语从句,表语从句,:,在句中充当表语成分,一般放在系,动词之后。,作用,:,对主语进行解释说明。, The question is,whether we can rely on him,.,Thats,because we were in need of money,at that time,.,Thats,why I was late,.,表语从句,连接词,连接代词,连接副词,表语从句,that / whether / as if /,as though (if,不引导表语从句,),连接词,连接代词,连接副词,表语从句,that / whether / as if /,as though (if,不引导表语从句,),who / whom / whose / which / what,连接词,连接代词,连接副词,表语从句,that / whether / as if /,as though (if,不引导表语从句,),who / whom / whose / which / what,when / where / why / how / because,连接词,连接代词,连接副词,1) Word came,that Napoleon himself was,coming to inspect (,视察,) them,.,2) Sydney kept his promise,that he would,always do anything he could for Lucie,to make sure of her happiness,.,同位语从句,同位语从句,3) The idea,that computers can recognize,human voices,surprises many people.,同位语从句,同位语从句在句中充当同位语成分,其一,般跟在一些抽象名词,(idea; belief; fact;,truth; problem; news,等,),后面,对名词作,进一步解释说明。,3) The idea,that computers can recognize,human voices,surprises many people.,同位语从句,同位语从句常用,that,引导或用连接副词,when / where / why / how / whether,同位语从句,同位语从句常用,that,引导或用连接副词,when / where / why / how / whether,1. Two thirds of all girls in Britain are on a,diet. / The fact worries their parents and,teachers a lot.,同位语从句,同位语从句常用,that,引导或用连接副词,when / where / why / how / whether,1. Two thirds of all girls in Britain are on a,diet. / The fact worries their parents and,teachers a lot.,同位语从句,同位语从句常用,that,引导或用连接副词,when / where / why / how / whether,1. Two thirds of all girls in Britain are on a,diet. / The fact worries their parents and,teachers a lot.,同位语从句,同位语从句常用,that,引导或用连接副词,when / where / why / how / whether,1. Two thirds of all girls in Britain are on a,diet. / The fact worries their parents and,teachers a lot.,同位语从句,同位语从句常用,that,引导或用连接副词,when / where / why / how / whether,1. Two thirds of all girls in Britain are on a,diet. / The fact worries their parents and,teachers a lot.,The fact,that,two thirds of all girls are on,a diet,worries their parents and teachers,a lot.,2. The Queen of England was on a three-,day visit in China. / We heard the news,last night.,3. Teenagers should not spend too much time,online. / Many British parents hold the view.,同位语从句,2. The Queen of England was on a three-,day visit in China. / We heard the news,last night.,3. Teenagers should not spend too much time,online. / Many British parents hold the view.,同位语从句,2. The Queen of England was on a three-,day visit in China. / We heard the news,last night.,3. Teenagers should not spend too much time,online. / Many British parents hold the view.,同位语从句,2. The Queen of England was on a three-,day visit in China. / We heard the news,last night.,3. Teenagers should not spend too much time,online. / Many British parents hold the view.,同位语从句,2. The Queen of England was on a three-,day visit in China. / We heard the news,last night.,3. Teenagers should not spend too much time,online. / Many British parents hold the view.,同位语从句,We heard,the news,last night,that,the,Queen of England was on a three-day,visit in China,.,2. The Queen of England was on a three-,day visit in China. / We heard the news,last night.,3. Teenagers should not spend too much time,online. / Many British parents hold the view.,同位语从句,We heard,the news,last night,that,the,Queen of England was on a three-day,visit in China,.,2. The Queen of England was on a three-,day visit in China. / We heard the news,last night.,3. Teenagers should not spend too much time,online. / Many British parents hold the view.,同位语从句,We heard,the news,last night,that,the,Queen of England was on a three-day,visit in China,.,2. The Queen of England was on a three-,day visit in China. / We heard the news,last night.,3. Teenagers should not spend too much time,online. / Many British parents hold the view.,同位语从句,We heard,the news,last night,that,the,Queen of England was on a three-day,visit in China,.,2. The Queen of England was on a three-,day visit in China. / We heard the news,last night.,3. Teenagers should not spend too much time,online. / Many British parents hold the view.,同位语从句,We heard,the news,last night,that,the,Queen of England was on a three-day,visit in China,.,Many British parents hold,the view,that,teenagers shouldnt spend too much time,online.,4. Time travel is possible./ There is no,scientific proof for the idea.,5. Chinese students should be given more,free time. / The suggestion is welcomed,by many people, especially kids in school.,同位语从句,4. Time travel is possible./ There is no,scientific proof for the idea.,5. Chinese students should be given more,free time. / The suggestion is welcomed,by many people, especially kids in school.,同位语从句,4. Time travel is possible./ There is no,scientific proof for the idea.,5. Chinese students should be given more,free time. / The suggestion is welcomed,by many people, especially kids in school.,同位语从句,4. Time travel is possible./ There is no,scientific proof for the idea.,5. Chinese students should be given more,free time. / The suggestion is welcomed,by many people, especially kids in school.,同位语从句,4. Time travel is possible./ There is no,scientific proof for the idea.,5. Chinese students should be given more,free time. / The suggestion is welcomed,by many people, especially kids in school.,同位语从句,There is no scientific proof for,the idea,that,time travel is possible,.,4. Time travel is possible./ There is no,scientific proof for the idea.,5. Chinese students should be given more,free time. / The suggestion is welcomed,by many people, especially kids in school.,同位语从句,There is no scientific proof for,the idea,that,time travel is possible,.,4. Time travel is possible./ There is no,scientific proof for the idea.,5. Chinese students should be given more,free time. / The suggestion is welcomed,by many people, especially kids in school.,同位语从句,There is no scientific proof for,the idea,that,time travel is possible,.,4. Time travel is possible./ There is no,scientific proof for the idea.,5. Chinese students should be given more,free time. / The suggestion is welcomed,by many people, especially kids in school.,同位语从句,There is no scientific proof for,the idea,that,time travel is possible,.,4. Time travel is possible./ There is no,scientific proof for the idea.,5. Chinese students should be given more,free time. / The suggestion is welcomed,by many people, especially kids in school.,同位语从句,There is no scientific proof for,the idea,that,time travel is possible,.,The suggestion,that,Chinese students,should be given more free time,is,welcomed by many people, especially,kids in school.,1.,_ the baby could speak made his,parents very happy.,A. That B. What C. Why D. If,2. I wonder _ you will go shopping or,stay at home.,A


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