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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?,Unit 1,1,学习目标,一,.知识目标,1.Key vocabularies: activity,try,bird,bicycle,building,trader,wonder,difference, top,wait,umbrella,wet,below,enough,hungry,as;,arrive in, decide to do sth. feel like, get to, because of,2.Target languages: Where did Lisa go on vacation? Did Lisa like her vacation? I felt like I was a bird. My father didnt bring enough money,二.能力目标,Talk about vacation experiences and write a travel diary.,三.情感目标,Learn to remind of vacation experiences and enjoy the life.,学习目标一.知识目标,2,预习检测:,英译汉:,1.到达_2.决定做_,3.去海滩_4.试着做 _,5.尽力做 _,6.好像/觉得 _,7.骑自行车去_,8.大量的/许多的_,9.100年前_,10.喜欢做某事_,11.走上_,12.等待 _,13.因为_,预习检测:,3,读前活动:,导入话题,激活背景知识,激发兴趣,产生期待,语言准备,2a,你发现什么活动让人快乐?,“愉快的;快乐的”。,Discussing,What do people usually do on vacation?,What activities do you find enjoyable?,go to the beach,visit their friends,climb the mountains,walk around the farm,visit some places of interest,do sports,读前活动:2a你发现什么活动让人快乐?“愉快的;快乐的”。,4,2a,Discuss the questions with your partner.,What do people usually do on vacation?,What activities do you find enjoyable?,adj. 快乐的; 有乐趣的,2aDiscuss the questions with y,5,Discuss,Discuss the questions with your partner.,2a,What do people usually do on vacation?,They usually _,2. What activities do you find enjoyable?,Going fishing. _,DiscussDiscuss the questions w,6,2a.Discuss the questions with your partner.,1. What do people usually do on vacation?,2.What,activities,do you find enjoyable?,2b.Read Janes diary about her vacation and answer the questions.,go shopping ,go hiking ,go swimming,go fishing ,eat good food,2a.Discuss the questions with,7,New words,bird,paragliding,bicycle,building,trader,umbrella,New wordsbirdparaglidingbicycl,8,paragliding,Janes vacation,Where,did she go on vacation?,What,did she do on vacation?,Penang Hill,(Malaysia),paraglidingJanes vacationWher,9,仔细阅读课文,小组讨论并回答下列问题,1.How was the weather on July 15th / July16th ?,2.Where did she go on July 15th / July16th /?,3.What did she do on the 2 days?,4.How were her 2 days on the vacation?,仔细阅读课文,小组讨论并回答下列问题,10,先快读、通读,再慢读、细读,先关注关键信息或整体理解,再关注细节信息,先默读,后朗读,培养良好的阅读习惯和阅读策略,恰当展开阅读语篇中语言点的学习,阅读指导,Reading,先快读、通读,再慢读、细读阅读指导Reading,11,仔细阅读2b课文,勾画记忆课文短语,1.feel likefeel like doing,2.Chinese traders from 1ooyears ago,3 in the past,4.wait for,5.because of,6. arrive in +,大地方,arrive at +,小地方 到达某地,7. decide to do sth.,决定做某事,8. try doing sth.,尝试做某事,try to do sth.,尽力做某事,9. enjoy doing sth.,喜欢做某事,10. want to do sth.,想去做某事,11. start doing sth.,开始做某事,仔细阅读2b课文,勾画记忆课文短语1.feel li,12,Did Jane have a good time on Monday? What about on Tuesday?,Monday ,July 15 th,I arrived in,Penang,in,Malaysia,this morning with my family. It was sunny and hot, so we,decided,to go,to the beach near our hotel. My sister and I,tried paragliding,. I,felt like,I was a bird. It was so exciting! For lunch, we had something very special,Malaysian,yellow noodles. They were delicious! In the afternoon, we rode,bicycles,to,Georgetown,. There are a lot of,buildings,now, but many of the old buildings are still there. In,Weld Quay, a really old place in Georgetown, we saw the houses of the Chinese,traders,from 100 years ago.,I,wonder,what life was like here in the past.,I really,enjoyed walking,around the town.,Did Jane have a good time on M,13,今早我和家人抵达了马来西亚的槟城。这里天气很热,所以我们决定去我们宾馆附近的沙滩玩。姐姐和我尝试玩起滑翔伞,我觉得自己像一只鸟,滑翔确实很有趣!我们准备了很特别的午餐马拉西亚的黄面条。面条吃起来很美味!在乔治城,海墘街是一个古老的地方,我们看到了100年前中国商人住的房子。我很想知道过去这里的生活是什么样子的。我喜欢漫步在这个小镇上。,今早我和家人抵达了马来西亚的槟城。这里天气很热,所以我们决定,14,Tuesday, July 16th,What a,difference,a day makes!,My father and I decided to go to Penang,Hill,today. We,wanted to walk up to the,top, but then it,started raining,a little so we decided to take the train. We,waited,over an hour,for,the train because there were,too many,people,. When we got to the top, it was raining really hard. We didnt have an,umbrella,so we were,wet,and cold. It was terrible! And,because of,the bad weather, we couldnt see anything,below,. My father didnt bring,enough,money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. The food tasted great because I was so,hungry,!,Tuesday,15,多么与众不同的一天吖!我和父亲决定今天去爬槟榔山。我们原本想步行到山顶,但是天开始下起小雨来,所以我们决定乘火车。,因为人太多,所以,我们等了一个多小时。,当我们到达山顶的时候,,雨下得很大。而且我们没有带伞,所以身上又湿又冷。状况很糟糕!因为这个坏天气,我们看不到山下的任何东西。我父亲没有带足够的钱,所以我们只吃了一碗米饭和一些鱼。由于我很饿,所以吃起来感觉特别美味!,多么与众不同的一天吖!我和父亲决定今天去爬槟榔山。,16,Reading,2b,Read Janes diary entries about her vacation quickly and answer the questions.,Did Jane have a good time on Monday?,_,2. What about on Tuesday? _,Yes, she did.,She didnt have a good time on Tuesday.,Reading2bRead Janes diary ent,17,2c,Read Janes diary again. Fill in the chart.,Things Jane did or saw,Did she like it? (Yes/No),Why or why not?,Tried paragliding,There are many old buildings.,It was exciting.,Yes,Had Malaysian yellow noodles,They were delicious.,Walked around Georgetown.,Yes,Yes,2cRead Janes diary again. Fil,18,went to Penang Hill,It tasted great because she was hungry.,It was raining really hard.,No,Had one bowl of fish and rice,Yes,Only had one bowl of fish and rice.,went to Penang Hill It tasted,19,2d,Complete the conversation about Janes trip to Penang using the information in the diary entries.,Anna,: Hi, Jane. Where did you go on,vacation last week?,Jane,: I _ to Penang in _.,Anna,: Who _ you go with?,Jane,: I went with my _.,Anna,: What did you do?,Malaysia,went,did,family,2dComplete the conversation ab,20,Jane,: The weather was hot and _ on,Monday, so we went _ on,the beach. Then in the afternoon, we,_ bicycles to Georgetown.,Anna,: Sounds great!,Jane,: Well, but the next day was not as good.,My _ and I to Penang Hill, but,the weather _ really bad and rainy.,We _ a long time for the train,father,was,waited,sunny,paragliding,rode,Jane: The weather was hot and,21,and we were _ and cold because we,forgot to bring an _.,Anna,: Oh, no!,Jane,: And thats not all! We also didnt bring,_ money, so we only had one,bowl of fish and rice.,wet,umbrella,enough,and we were _ an,22,2e,Imagine Jane went to Penang Hill again and had a great day. Fill in the blanks in her diary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,2eImagine Jane went to Penang,23,阅读指导:,1. 读短文可知,本文是一篇日记。记述了七,月十八日他们一次旅游的经过。因此,本,文在时态上应用一般过去时态。,2. 应注意括号中动词过去式的形式,是规则,变化的还是不规则变化的。然后做写出正,确的形式。,阅读指导:,24,Thursday, July 18th,Today _ (be) a beautiful day. My father and I,_ (go) to Penang Hill again, but this time,we _ (walk) to the top. We _,(start) our walk at 9:30 a.m. and _ (see) lots,of special Malaysian flowers along the way. About,one hour later, we _ (stop) and _,(drink) some tea. Then we _ (walk) for,another two hours before we _ (get) to the,top. I _ (be) quite tired, but the city _,(look) wonderful from the top of the hill!,went,was,walked,started,saw,stopped,drank,walked,got,was,looked,Thursday, July 18thwentwaswalk,25,点拨提升,1.I arrived in,Penang,in,Malaysia,this morning with my family.(翻译)_,arrive为不及物动词,意为_,arrive in +大地点,arrive at +小地点。同义词组:_,The Smiths_New York at 8:00 last night.,A.arrived at B. got to C.reach D.arrived,2. so we,decided,to go,to the beach near our hotel. (翻译)_,decide为及物动词,意为决定,决心。决定做某事:_.,3. My sister and I,tried paragliding,. (翻译)_,try to do sth.意为_;try doing sth.意为_,We shouldnt try _(study) English, we should try,_(,study) English.,4.I,felt like,I was a bird.(翻译)_.feel like意为_后常接_.另外feel like还意为_Do you feel like a cup of tea?,5.I,wonder,what life was like here in the past.(翻译)_,wonder为及物动词,意为“想知道”,后常接疑问词(who, what, why)引导的从句。I wonder _ you are doing.(我想知道你正在做什么。),今天早上我和家人到达了马来西亚的槟城,到达,get to ,reach,B,因此我们决定到旅馆附近的海滩,decide to do sth.,姐姐和我尝试了滑翔运动。,尽力做某事,尝试做某事,studying,to study,我感觉到自己就像一只小鸟。,感觉到,从句,想要,我想知道在这儿过去的生活是什么样的。,what,Explanation,点拨提升1.I arrived in Penang in M,26,点拨提升,1.What a,difference,a day makes! 感叹句,结构为What +名词+主语+谓语!,2. We,waited,over an hour,for,the train because there were,too many,people,. wait for 为 等候 ,后接人或物。too many 为太多,后接可数名词复数;too much+不可数名词(money);much too 为太后接形容词或副词( much too big),3 .My father didnt bring,enough,money,.,enough+名词,good enough( 形容词/副词enough),点拨提升1.What a difference a day,27,Explanation,1. I,feel like,I was a bird.,feel like+从句,意为“,觉得好像是”,e.g. 我感觉好像是倘佯在历史的长河中。,I,feel like,Im walking through the history.,Explanation1. I feel like I wa,28,拓展feel like的其他用法:,feel like + 名词或代词,意为“觉得好像”,感觉天好像很快就要下雨了。,It,feels like,rain soon.,feel like + 动名词,意为,“想做,”,今天我不太想去散步。,I dont,feel like,walking today.,拓展feel like的其他用法:,29,2. And,because of,the bad weather, we,couldnt see anything,below,.,because of,意为“因为”,,后跟,名词,。,e.g. 因为坏天气的原因他们没有去钓鱼。,They didnt go fishing,because of,the bad,weather.,辨析,because 与 because of 的区别:,because + 句子,意为,“因为”,2. And because of the bad we,30,e.g.,他因为生病而没有上学。,He didnt go to school,because,he was ill.,或He didnt go to school,because of,his,illness.,e.g. 他因为生病而没有上学。,31,below,意为“在下面,,到下面”,e.g.,在飞机下面的远处我们能看到伦敦的灯火。,We could see the lights of London,below,the,plane.,辨析,below与under的区别:,below指某物处于较低的地方,但不一定是正,下方; under指处于某物的正下方。,e.g.,我们在月下。,We are,below,the moon.,那名男孩子站在树下。,The boy stood,under,the tree,.,below意为“在下面,到下面”,32,3. My father didnt bring enough money.,enough,作形容词,意为“充足的,足够的,充分的”,e.g.你有足够的时间按时到达那里。,You have,enough,time to get there on time.,注意,当enough作副词时,意为“足够地,,充足地”。它修饰形容词时应置于该,形容词后面来修饰。,e.g.,这个房子对我们来说太小了。,The house isnt,big enough,for us.,3. My father didnt bring enou,33,Exercise,选词填空。,1. I feel like _ (going/go) to Hong Kong,for vacation next summer vacation.,2. Hes not going to buy that car,_ (because /because of) its too,expensive.,3. The train was late _ (because/,because of) the heavy frog (雾).,because,going,because of,Exercise选词填空。becausegoingbecau,34,4. Her coat reaches _ (below/ under) her,knee.,5. The boy is _ (enough old/,old enough) to get dressed himself.,below,old enough,4. Her coat reaches _ (bel,35,反馈检测:,(一)写出下列动词的过去式,1. stay_ 2. study_,3. stop_ 4. decide_,5. write_ 6. feel_,7. has_ 8. find_,9. come_ 10. are_,(二)写出下列动词的原形,1. went_ 2. spent_,3. played_ 4. called_,5. wore_ 6. bought_,7. sold_ 8. enjoyed_,9. got_ 10. ran_,反馈检测:,36,选择填空,( )1. How _you _your summer vacation? I visited Xian.,A. do,spend B. did,spend C. did,spent,( )2._did you go on vacation?,A. Where B. What C. Who,( )3. There _a small boy _in the comer,and I helped him find his mother.,A. was,crying B. is,cry C. was,cries,( )4. Can you help me _a taxi?,A. look B. give C. find,( )5. Do you want _the music club?,A. join B. joining C. to join,选择填空,37,( )6. I found a little cat _with a ball in the garden.,A. plays B. played C. playing,( )7. What did they decide _then?,A. do B. to do C. doing,( )8. We had great fun _in the water.,A. play B. played C. playing,( )9. That computer was too expensive,_I decided not to buy.,A. because B. so C. if,( )10. I didnt have _money for a taxi, _I have to walk home.,A. many, because B. any, so C. some, so,( )6. I found a little cat _,38,Homework,一、Review the diary entries in 2b.,二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。,1. My mother _ (,buy,) a new schoolbag for,me yesterday.,2. When _ you _ (,start,) to learn English?,3. My aunt _ (,take,) us to dinner at a,restaurant but the food _ (,is,) not good at all.,4. When I _ (,am,) in America, I _,(,make,) a lot of new friends.,5. They _ (,have,) a great sale last weekend.,Homework一、Review the diary ent,39,


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