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The young man made a quick recovery from his illness.,They havent,recovered from,the shock.,I recovered from the cold soon.,6. failure:n.,1) un. 失败,Failure is the mother of success.,2) c. (具体)失败的人、事 As a singer, she is a failure.,3) 减退、衰退,The old man died of heart failure.,4)缺乏,不足,The drought caused crop failure.,干旱造成农作物歉收。,failure success (成功): achieve / earn / enjoy / gain / get / win success in sth.,fail:vi. 失败 / succeed:成功, 与in连用 The boy failed in the English test.,Finally they succeeded in getting two tickets for the film.,fail to do sth.:没能做 The young man failed to pass the test.,The policeman failed to tell me the right direction.,7. contain / include,This book contains 12 units.,Sea water contains salt. This hall can contain 2000 people altogether.,contain:,vt. 包括(全部),含有(成分),容纳,include:vt. 包括(部分),The cost includes postage.,This book includes an article of,Luxuns,.,注:including:prep. 包含,There are 12 articles in this book, including one of mine.,included:adj. 包含,There are 12 article in this book, one of mine included.,contain: 内含,着重指其中容纳或装载的量,着重指包含在内的成分。,The drink doesnt,contain,any alcohol.,这种饮料不含有任何酒精。,include: 着重强调被包含者只是整体的一部分。,The price,includes,postage charges.,这个价钱包含邮费。,hold作“容纳”讲时,主要指容量。,This bottle can,hold,two glasses of milk.,这个瓶子能装两杯牛奶。(指瓶子的容量),例句(some examples),His new book,contained,some interesting ideas.,This drawer,contains,all the forks we own.,A pound,contains,16 ounces.,The house,contains,four rooms.,The tour,includes,a visit to Paris.,The parcel contained a dictionary .,那包裹里装的是一本字典。,The parcel included a dictionary .,那包裹里也包括了一本字典。,popular (adj.)受欢迎的;流行的、通俗的、普及的,popularly (adv.) 广泛地、普遍地,popularity (n.) 流行、通俗、声望,popularize (v.) 宣传、推广,be popular with 受欢迎,喜爱,be popular among 在受欢迎,8. damage,do/cause damage to对.造成损害,The strong wind caused terrible damage to the crops.,destroy:只能作及物动词,不作名词用。一般指毁灭性的破坏。,还可作及物动词,表示不同程度的损害、毁坏,但不是毁灭性的,可以修复。,damage:可用作名词.,The flood,damaged,several bridges over the river.,The big fire,destroyed,the whole building.,attractive: 有吸引力的,引起兴趣的,Everyone wants to be healthy and attractive. Cartoon is very attractive to children.,Which TV program is attractive to you?,(news report/soap opera/animal world/comedy),attract (v.) 吸引,attraction (n.)吸引力,有吸引力的事,Am I attractive?,9. embarrass:vt. 使发窘、使尴尬、使难为情,embarrass sb.,The difficult question embarrassed the boy.,Shy and embarrassed, she hid her face in hands.,be embarrassed by / at / about sth.: 对感到尴尬、难为情、难受,She was embarrassed at / by such a request.,n. embarrassment:困窘、尴尬,weight n.,weigh (v.) 称重;重达;权衡,衡量,She weighs 60kg.,The girl_ 60kg is from England.,weightless (adj.) 轻的,没有重量的,失重的,短语,lose weight,减肥,put on/gain weight,增肥,watch ones weight,注意体重,by weight,按重量,over weight,超重,weighing,10. affect:vt. 对有影响、发生作用,affect sb. / sth.,The bad weather affected the growth of the crops.,effect:n. 影响、效果,have an effect on,What he said had a great effect on me.,side effect:副作用,11. count:,计数; 重要的, 有价值的,counter:柜台、帐台,Can you count numbers?,I can count from 1 to 100 without a mistake.,Time is limited. Every minute counts.,count vt.,to say numbers in the correct order,(,按顺序)数数,从一数到十,count from one to ten,(2),t,o be important,重要,vi.,_ in my family.,在我家他人微言轻。,(3) To include sth. when you calculate into total,把算入,包括,I count you (as) my dearest friend.,我把你视为最亲的朋友。,What he says doesnt count,快点,现在分秒必争。,Hurry up! Every time now counts.,12. concentrate:,concentrate on/upon ,Youd better concentrate your attention on your studies.,We must concentrate all our efforts upon our work.,vt. 专心、致力于,concentration:集中精力,做这项工作需要集中精力,Doing this work needs concentration.,13. in no time:立刻、马上 = soon/ at once,ahead of time 提前; all the time 一直; at any time 随时; at a time 一次、同时;,at one time 一度、一次; at the same time 与此同时; at times 有时、偶然;,for the time being:暂时; from time to time:偶尔; have a good time:过得愉快; in time及时;,on time 准时; kill time 消磨时间;,1. We didnt plan our art exhibition like that, but it _ very well.,A. worked out,B. tried out,C. went on,D. carried out,2. Fifteen persons were present, _ the chairman.,A. being including B. included C. includes D. including,3. Our English textbook for Senior One _twenty-two units, _ ten other units for the next term.,A. contains, contains B. includes, includes,C. contains, including D. includes, containing,4. Professor Smith, along with his assistants,_ on the project day and night to meet the deadline.,A. work B. working C. is workingD. are working,5. The man _ me though he promised to.,A. failed in help B. failed to help,C. fails in helping D. fails to helping,6. We are short of money, so every coin _ now.,A. countsB. values C. worthD. prices,7. Can I help you, sir?,Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but _.,A. didnt work B. wont work C. cant work D. doesnt work,8. They are not only making it difficult to sleep at night, but they are _ damage to some places of interest.,A. doing B. raising C. putting D. producing,9. The conference had been held to discuss the effects of tourism _ the wildlife in the area.,A. in B. on C. at D. with,10. They really had a great time too, designing everything, drawing the blueprints, _ the angles and so on.,A. looking out B. taking out C. finding out D. figuring out,11. Life is tough in the city. In order to lose their _, some people drink alcohol.,A. temper B. mood C. consciousness D. pressure,12.,Dont be _ of your last failure. You have some other chances.,A. shameB. shamefulC. shamedD. ashamed,13. It can take many years to _ from the death of a loved one.,A. uncover B. discover C. recover D. replace,14. I dont think I am _ ; for _ is the mother of success.,A. a failure ; failure B. failure ; a failure C. a failure; a failure D. failure; failure,15. Thousands of foreigners were _ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.,A. attended B. attained C. attracted D. attached,现在越来越多的女士加入了减肥大军,最近你班就此事展开了讨论。60%的同学赞成40%的反对,请你写一篇英语短文。短文应包括下表中的内容:,赞成反对1. 使人身材苗条,漂亮1浪费时间,精力和钱2正确减肥利于身体健康2吃减肥药会损坏身体健康3坚持减肥有助于锻炼人的意志你对它的看法。 (内容由考生自己拟定)注意:1。对所给要点,不要简单翻译,要有适当发挥,2字数120左右。录,参考答案,人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,,明辨是非的能力。,所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。,”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,,培养逻辑思维能力;,通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,,培养文学情趣;,通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。,有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,,给我们巨大的精神力量,,鼓舞我们前进,。,


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