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Match the words and the people.,a,e,f,b,d,c,g,Step 2 what,can,you do?,1b,Listen and number the conversations 1-3,A: Can you swim ?,B: No, I cant .,A: I want to join the art club .,B: Can you paint ?,A: Yes, I can .,A: I want to join the music club .,B: Oh, can you sing ?,A: Yes, I can .,1,2,3,can 的用法小结:,can是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,表示能力,“能”、“会”,1)肯定句:,结构:主语+ can+动词原形。,2)否定句:,直接在can后面加not,结构:主语+cant(can not) +动词原形。,3)一般疑问句:,直接把can提前到句首。,Can,you(/he/she/they/it ),sing? Yes,I can./No,I cant.,3a,Write questions and answers with the words and phrases.,Wu Jun/ speak English/ speak Chinese.,Mike/ play basketball/ play tennis,Jane and Jill/ dance/ sing,Grace/ play soccer/ play volleyball,Bill/ write stories/ tell stories,Can Wu Jun speak English? No, he cant, but he can speak Chinese.,Can Mike play,basketball? No, he cant, but he can play tennis.,Can Jane and Jill,dance? No, they cant, but they can sing.,Can Grace play,soccer? No, she cant, but she can play volleyball.,Can Bill write,stories? No, he cant, but he can tell stories.,1.Canyou_English?,A.speakB.talkC.sayD.tell,2.Canhe_basketball?,A.playB.playsC.playingD./,3.Mybrotherwants_thechessclub.,A.joinB.tojoinC.joinsD.jointo,4.Marycanplaythechess_shecantswim.A.andB.orC.butD.so,5.Hisbrotherplays_pianoeveryday.A the B./C.aD.an,A,A,B,C,A,Step 3. what club do you want to,join,?,d,n,Oral presentation: Filling the application form(报名表),Application Form,Name,Can you swim?,Can you play guitar?,What can you do?,What club do you want to join?,Hi, everyone, my name isI canI cantI want to join,Work in 3 or 4,Show yourself,A: What club do you want to join ?,B:I want to join the .,A: Can you.,B: Yes, I can. / No, I cant.I can,A:What can you do?,B: I can,Art Club,Music Club,English Club,Chess Club,Swimming Club,draw,sing / dance,speak English,play chess,swim,Basketball Club,Soccer Club,play basketball,play soccer,Review 2,Step 4 what club does our friend want to join?,2a,Listen to these two conversations and circle the,clubs you hear.,English club,b. art club,c. music club,d. chess club,e. swimming club,2b.,Listen again. Complete the sentences.,1.Lisa wants to join the _ club, but she cant play _?,2.Bob wants to join the _ club, he likes to speak _ ?,3. Mary likes music. She can _ and _. Bob likes music, too. They want to join the _club.,chess,chess,English,English,sing,dance,music,2c, Look at 2b and talk about what the people can do and the clubs they want to join?,将下列句子变为一般疑问句并进行肯定和否定回答,。,1.Tom can sing in English.,2. We can play chess and guitar.,将下列句子变成否定句。,1. Her daughter can dance.,2.Jane can play the piano.,Can Tom sing in English? Yes, he can./ No, he cant.,Can you play chess and guitar? Yes, we can./ No, we cant.,Her daughter cant dance.,Jane cant play the piano.,1. I can play chess .(改为一般疑问句),2. She can speak Chinese .(改为否定句),3. Can your brother play basketball ?(作肯定回答),4. We want to,join the English club,.(划线提问),5. Can Tom and Amy paint ?(作否定回答),Can you rewrite them ?,No , they cant .,Can you play chess ?,She cant speak Chinese .,Yes , he can .,What do you want to do ?,Summary,Words and expressions,说英语,弹吉他,象棋俱乐部,下象棋,英语俱乐部,美术俱乐部,游泳俱乐部,舞蹈俱乐部,Can 的用法,Homework,Make a survey in your group to find out what they can do and report the results to your classmates.,Memorize the new words and expressions in this unit.,Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?,Period 2,按要求写出下列单词或短语,说英语,弹吉他,象棋俱乐部,下象棋,英语俱乐部,美术俱乐部,游泳俱乐部,舞蹈俱乐部,speak English,play the guitar,chess club,play chess,English club,art club,swimming club,dance club,2d,Role-play the conversation,Fast reading,What club does Bob want to join?,What club does Jane want to join?,He wants to join the sports club.,She wants to join the story telling and art clubs.,Listen and follow,What sports can Bob play?,Can Jane tell stories well?,Does Jane like to draw?,Jane: Hi, Bob. What club do you want to join?,Bob: I want to join a sports club.,Jane: Great! What sports can you play?,Bob: Soccer.,Jane: So you can join the soccer club.,Bob: What about you? Youre very good at telling stories. You can join the story telling club.,Jane: Sounds good. But I like to draw, too.,Bob: Then join two clubs, the story telling club and the art club. Jane: OK, lets join, now!,Role play the conversation,2d,want to do sth 想做某事,be good at 擅长做某事,like to do sth 喜欢做某事,sth.,doing sth.,2d Role-play the conversation. (Two),Jane,: Hi, Bob. _?,Bob,: I want to join a sports club.,Jane,: Great! _?,Bob,: Soccer.,Jane,: So you can join the soccer club.,Bob,: _? You are very good at telling,stories. You can join the _ club.,Jane,: _. But I like to draw, too.,Bob,: Then join two clubs, _ club and,_ club!,Jane,: OK, let,s join now!,Key phrases,want to do,I,want to join,the music club.,我想弹吉他。,I,want to play,the guitar.,My brother,wants to join,the chess club.,我弟弟想参加国际象棋俱乐部。,我想加入音乐俱乐部。,Key phrases,be good at,I am,good at telling,stories.,我最擅长游泳。,I,am very good at swimming,.,Lily is very,good at playing,chess.,Lily最擅长下象棋了。,我善于讲故事。,弹吉他,跳舞跳得好,游泳游得好,唱歌唱得好,下象棋,说英语,画画画,得好,8,.,参加艺术俱乐部,1.play the guitar,2. dance,well,3.swim well,4. sing well,5. play chess,6. speak English,7.paint well,8. join the art club,9. join the music club,10. join the English club,11. join the chess club,12. join the,swimming,club,13. join the basketball club,14. what club,9. 参加音乐俱乐部,10参加英语俱乐部,11参加象棋俱乐部,12参加游泳俱乐部,13 参加篮球俱乐部,14 哪个俱乐部,play, brother, the, your, guitar, can?,2. play, you, the, can, guitar?,3. guitar, sing, the, I, play, can, and.,4. to, club, music, join, want, do, you, our?,Do you want to join our music club?,Can your brother play the guitar?,Can you play the guitar?,I can sing and play the guitar.,一、连词成句。,二、补全句子和对话。,1. A: _ you dance? B: Yes, I can.,2. What club does she_ to join ?,3. We want to _ the guitar club.,4. A: What club _ you want _join?,B: We_ to join the chess_.,A: Can you_ chess ?,B: No , I _.,5. She can speak English but she _,speak it very well.,Can,want,join,do,to,want,club,play,cant,cant,_ you _? Yes, I _. No, I _.,_ Jane and Jill _?,Yes, _ _. No, _ _.,_ he _ _?,Yes, he _. No, he _.,_ you and Tom _ _?,Yes, _ _. No, _ _.,_ _ do you want to _?,I want to _ the _ _.,_ _ you do?,I _ _. I _ _.,Can,swim,can,cant,Can,swim,they,can,they,cant,Can,play,chess,can,cant,Can,play,chess,we,can,we,cant,What,club,join,join,chess,club,What,can,can,dance,cant,sing,Name,Music club,Art club,English club,Chess club,Mary,Sing, not well,Tom,Play chess well,A:What club do you want to join?,B:I want to join,A:Can you,sing,?,B: Yes , I can.,the music club,.,A: Can you,sing,well?,B: No, I cant.,Make a survey,重点、难点,一、,Can,的用法,(1)它是辅助动词帮助说明,能力、意愿,等的词,,can后跟动词原形,,,并且它不随主语人称的变化而变化 。,Eg. I can sing.,He can swim.,(2) 变否定句直接在can后加“not”。,Eg. I can not dance,(3)变一般疑问句直接把can提前。,Eg. Can you dance ?,What can you do ?,Grammar focus,3b,Complete the poster with the words in the box.,Students Wanted for School Show,We want students for the school show. Can you _ or _? Can you _ the guitar? Can you _ stories? Please talk to Mr. Zhang after school.,play sing tell dance,sing,dance,play,tell,What kind of show do they want to have?,2. What kind of students do they need?,3. If you want to join the show ,who do you need to talk to?,Musicians Wanted,for School Music Festival,Do you like _? Can you sing and _? Can you _ the piano or the violin? Can you play the_ or the drums ? Then you _be in,our school music festival. Please _ Mr. Zhang at 622-6033.,music,dance,can,guitar,play,call,Complete the ad with the words in the box.,3b,guitar can call dance music play,3c,What can your group do in the school show? Make a list.,School Show,Sunday 6:00 p.m. in the music room.,What can you do?,Come and show us!,Name What can you do?,_,_,_,Li Xin,do kung fu,A: What can you do? B: I can do kung fu.,Report:,Our school have a school show. We want to join it.,Li Xin,can,do the Chinese Kung fu,.,Mary,can,play the guitar,Jim,can and,I,can ,( )1. Lets go and play _ping-pong. I dont want to play _violin.,A. a, the B. the, a C. /, the D. the, /,( )2. Who wants _the swimming club?,A. to joins B. join C. to join D. joins,( )3. A:Can you swim? B: Yes, I _.,A. am B. do C. cant D. can,( )4. Maybe he can _in their basketball team.,A. is B. be C. are D. am,( )5. Can he _ well?,A. sing B. to sing C. sings D. singing,( )6. She can play _ chess.,A. / B. a C. an D. the,( )7. Can you play the guitar? No, I _.,A. am not B. mustnt C. couldnt D. cant,( )8.My brother doesnt like playing basketball _ watching TV.,A. and B. but C. or D. so,Exercise,:,C,Exercise,:,C,D,B,A,A,D,C,Jim: Hi, Li lei. 1_,Li: I want to join the music club.,Jim: Oh. 2_,Li: Yes, I can. I can sing well. 3_,Jim: No. 4_ I can play chess well.,Li: I can play it, too.,Jim: Really? 5_,Li: OK.,A. Can you play chess?,B. What club do you want to join?,C. Can you sing?,D. Do you want to join the music club?,E. Lets sing a song together.,F. I want to join the chess club.,G. Lets play it, now.,B,C,D,F,G,Summary,Words and expressions,说英语,弹吉他,加入象棋俱乐部,擅长做某事,听起来不错,讲故事,Can 的用法,Homework,Write the survey done in this period down for at least 40 words.,Memorize the words and expressions learnt in this period.,Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?,Period 3,Can you say these in English?,1.下象棋,2.弹吉他,3.英语俱乐部,4.艺术俱乐部,5.加入音乐俱乐部,6.我想加入音乐俱乐部,play chess,play the guitar,English club,art club,I want to join the music club,join the music club,Can you fill in the blanks ?1._ you swim ? Yes, I can.2.Can your father play the guitar ? No,he _ .3. What club _ you want to join ?4. Can Lucy and Alice dance ? Yes , _ can .5. We want _ join the English club .,Can,cant,do,they,to,guitar,play,the,guitar,violin,play,the,violin,piano,play,the,piano,trumpet,play,the,trumpet,drums,play,the,drums,1b.,Listen and number the words in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a.,Piano,3,Violin,4,Guitar,1,Drums,2,Can you play the .?,No,I cant.,Yes,I can.,1c,Pairwork,1d. listen and circle the words you hear,Play the violin,Play the guitar,Play the drums,Play the piano,sing,dance,draw,tell stories,1e. Listen and fill in the chart with the words and phrases,in 1d.,Name,can,cant,Bill,sing,Cindy,Frank,play the guitar,sing play the drums,play the piano,play the piano,sing or dance,name,can,cant,Tom,play the guitar,sing,Make a survey in your group,Make a,report,about what your group members can and cant do.,Exercise,I can play chess.(变为一般疑问句),you,chess?,2. She can play the guitar?(变为一般疑问句),she,the guitar?,3.They can play the basketball.(变为否定句),They,_,the basketball.,4.He can dance.(变为否定句),He,dance.,5.We can,speak English.,(对划线部分提问),_,you,?,6.I want to join,the art,club?,.,(对划线部分提问),_,_,you want to join?,Can,play,Can,play,cant,play,cant,What,can,do,What,club,do,Summary,Words and expressions,鼓,打鼓,钢琴,弹钢琴,吉他,弹吉他,小提琴,拉小提琴,讲故事,Sentence patterns,Can sb. do sth.?,Yes, sb. can, but he/she cant do sth.,Homework,Write the report done in this part down with at least 40 words and check with your partner.,Memorize the words and expressions learnt in this part.,Review the words learnt before by dictating with your partner.,Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?,B 2a-2c,Review,Words and expressions,鼓,打鼓,钢琴,弹钢琴,吉他,弹吉他,小提琴,拉小提琴,讲故事,drums,play the drums,piano,play the piano,guitar,play the guitar,violin,play the violin,tell stories,1. Who likes to play basketball?,2. Who likes to talk and play,games with people?,3. Who is in the school music club?,Peter.,Ma Huan.,Alan.,Read 2a and answer the questions.,Read the three descriptions about Peter, Alan and Ma Huan. Answer the questions.,2a,4.,5. What can Ma Huan do?,6. What can Alan do?,He can speak English and play soccer.,Read 2a again and answer the questions.,She can play ping-pong and chess.,2a,He can play the guitar and the piano.,He can sing and dance, too.,What can Peter do?,Read 2b,Match the,titles(题目),with the,ad(广告),.,C. Help with Sports in English,2b,B. Music Teacher Wanted,A. Help for Old People,( ),We need help,at,the old peoples home,. Are you free in July?,Are,you,good with,old people? Can you,talk to them,and,play games with,them? They can,tell you stories, and you can,make friends,. It is interesting and fun! Please,call us at 689-7729,today!,A. Help for Old People,( ),Are you busy after school? No? Can you speak English? Yes? Then we,need you to,help with sports,for,English-speaking students,. It is relaxing and easy! Please come to,the Students Sports Center,. Call Mr. Brown at 293-7742.,C. Help with Sports in English,( ),Can you play the piano,or,the violin? Do you have time,on the weekend,? The school needs,help to teach music,. It is not difficult! Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721.,B. Music Teacher Wanted,Peter _,C,Ma Huan _,Read 2a and 2b again. Match a,person(人),in 2a with an ad in 2b.,Alan _,B,2c,A,al,s,o,/too,p,eo,ple,h,o,me,be good with,m,a,ke,make friends,t,o,day,help (sb.) with sth.,c,e,nt,er,=c,e,nt,er,on the w,ee,k,end,t,ea,ch,m,u,s,i,c,ia,n,adv.,也;而且,n.,人们,(复数,不能加s),n.,家,adv.,到家,在家,go/at home,善于应付的; 对有办法,v.,使成为; 制造,结交朋友,make friends with,adv.,在今天,在某方面帮助(某人),n.,中心,在周末,v.,教,teaches(三单) teacher(名),n.,音乐家,music,a,s,o,/too,p,eo,ple,h,o,me,be good with,m,a,ke,make friends,t,o,day,help (sb.) with sth.,c,e,nt,er,=c,e,nt,er,on the w,ee,k,end,t,ea,ch,m,u,s,i,c,ia,n,Write them in English,1.跟谈话,2.弹吉他,3.敲鼓,4.拉小提琴,5.讲故事,6.给某物某人看,7.写作,8.擅长于游泳,9.打功夫,10.或者;也不(否定句),talk to,play the guitar,play the drums,play the violin,tell stories,show sb. sth./show sth. to sb.,write,be good at swimming,do kung fu,or,also,意为“,_”,,与,too,意思相同。,also,在句子中常放在句子的,_,。,too,常放在句子的,_,,并用,逗号与前句分开。,1.,also ; too,的用法。,Language points,也;而且,中间,末尾,拓展:either, “也”,用于否定句。,I,can swim well. My brother can _swim well,.,Mike is _ in the soccer club.,Her sister,can play,chess,_.,I cant play chess, he cant play chess, _.,also,also,too,either,=help sb.,do,sth.,“_”,Can you _ _ _my English?Can you,help,me _ English?,你能帮助我学习英语吗?,2. help (sb.),with,sth. “_”,在某方面帮某助某人,help,me,with,帮助某人做某事,learn,He wants to _ the English-speaking,students _ sports.,他想在体育运动方面帮助讲英语的学生。,help,with,3.,be good with 意为“ _”,Ms. Brown _ _ _ students.,布朗女士擅于和学生们交往。,Jack _ _ _ _people.,杰克不太擅于与人相处。,擅于(处理);对于有办法,is good with,is not good with,4.,make friend,s,意为“_”,You can join a club and _.,你可以参加一个俱乐部并且交一些朋友。,Linda wants to _ _ _them.,琳达想和他们交朋友。,交朋友,make friend,s,with sb. “_”,与某人交朋友,make friends,make friends with,I cant swim with you _.,今天我不能和你一起去游泳了。,They want to play chess_.,他们想在周末去下棋。,Jack always go to the soccer club _.,杰克总是在周末去足球俱乐部。,5.,today “_”,on the weekend = on weekends,“_”,这两个词都是表示时间的,常放在,句末,。,在周末,今天,today,on the weekend,on weekends,Miss Li _ _ _.,李老师教我们英语。,I _ _ _ play chess.,我教他们下棋。,6. teach,sb.,sth. “_”,teach,sb.,to do sth. “_”,teach,第三人称形式为_, 名词为_,教某人做某事,教某人某事/物,teaches us English,teach them to,teaches,teacher,7. Or 或者; 还是(用于否定句和疑问句),常引导,选择疑问句:,一般疑问句+or +选择的对象?,Eg: 1. 他在家还是在学校?,_,2. 你喜欢数学还是英语?,_,3. 她还是他拉小提琴?,_,4. 吉姆会唱歌还是跳舞?,Is he,at home or at school,?,Do you like,math or English,?,Does,she or he,play the violin?,Can Jim,sing or dance,?,把下面的两个句子改为选择疑问句.,1. I can tell stories. I can play the piano.,2. He likes apples. She likes pears.,方法: 先把两个句子改为一般疑问句:,两句相同的部分用一次,不同的用or连起来:,Can you,tell stories,? Can you,play the piano,?,Can you,tell stories or play the piano,?,Does he like,apples,? Does she like,pears,?,Does he like,apples or pears,?,一、按要求写出下列各词或词组。,too (,同义词,) _,2. music (,人物,) _,3. teach (,人物,) _,4. teach (,第三称单数形式,) _,5. busy (,反义词,) _,6. on the weekend (,同义词组,) _,7. help sb. do,sth,. (,同义词组,),_,also,musician,teacher,teaches,on weekends,help sb. with sth.,free,二,、根据汉语提示完成句子。,1. Are you _ (擅长) children?,2. I want _ (join) the music club.,3. Mr Lin is very busy _ (在周末).,4. Theyre friendly. I want to _(交朋友) with them.,good with,to join,on the weekend,make friends,5. Can you _ _ _(帮我学习音乐) my music.,6. Please _ Jane _ (打电话给)321-5497.,help me with,call at,My name is Mike.,I like _ I can ,我们班想办个人风采专栏,让大家介绍一下自己喜欢做的事情,以及自己的特长。请你用英语来介绍一下自己吧。,句型提示:I like I can ,Mike,谢谢观赏,


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