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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2,Healthy eating,Unit 2,1,Word study,Word study,2,1. diet,She decided to,go on a diet,.,= lose weight,The patient can only have a low fat salt-free,diet.,He is dieting .,=He is on a diet.,1. dietShe decided to go on a,3,2. balance,Try to,keep a balance between,work,and,relaxation.,The boy,keeps,the seesaw,in balance,.,keep / lose ones balance,Tom always tries to,balance,home life and career.,balanced,diet,2. balanceTry to keep a balanc,4,3. lose weight,put on / gain weight,It,weighs,70 kg.,4. slim,She is trying to,slim,.,= lose weight,A diet will make you,slim,.,She lived on a,slim,income.,3. lose weightput on / gain we,5,5. curiosity,Children,show,great,curiosity about,things around them.,Children,are curious about,things around them.,Children,are curious,to do different things.,The old wooden box is a,curiosity.,5. curiosityChildren show grea,6,6. raw,raw,vegetables / materials,The newly-come teacher is still a bit,raw,.,7. get away with,He was lucky to,get away with,only a fine.,Do you think you can,get away with,it ?,How did she,get away with,cheating?,6. rawraw vegetables / materia,7,8. lie,Never,tell a lie,to the person who loves you.,Do tell,a white lie to,the person who loves you.,Tom always,lies,.,Please,lie down,and have a rest.,The problem,lies in,what you should next.,原形,词义,过去式,过去分词,现在分词,lie,lie,lay,躺,位于,撒谎,放,下蛋,lay,lain,lying,lied,lied,lying,laid,laid,lying,8. lieNever tell a lie to the,8,9. discount,We give,a discount of,10% for cash.,The store,discounted,all its slow-selling goods.,10. strength,I dont have the,strength,to go on walking.,English is my,strength,.,We want to,strengthen,our relationg with them.,strong,9. discountWe give a discount,9,11. consult,I will do nothing without,consulting,you .,He went to town to,consult,his doctor.,He,consulted,his notebook while making his speech.,12. digest,Protein,digests,slowly.,I cant,digest,milk.,I have,digested,the meaning of the book.,This is a,digest,of the weeks news.,digestion digestible,11. consultI will do nothing w,10,13. earn ones / a living,= make ones / a living,earn ones fame,14. in debt,He is heavily,in debt,now.,He is,out of debt,now.,He has,paid off his debt,now.,13. earn ones / a living= mak,11,15. glare,The teacher,glared at,the you.,The sun,glared,on the ice.,He has to wear the sunglass because of the,glare,of the sun.,glare stare glance glimpse,1. I only caught a _ of him . 2. He _ at the word trying to remember what it meant. 3. she _ down the list of names but couldnt find hers. 4. The police just stood there _ at the thief without saying a word.,glimpse,stared,glanced,glared,15. glareThe teacher glared at,12,16. limit,We must,limit,ourselves,to,one cake a day.,I have reached the,limit,of my patience.,Our energy is,limited,.,17. benefit,The company will bring us a lot of,benefit,.,We can,benefit,a lot,from,the company.,The company is,beneficial,to us.,= be of benefit,16. limitWe must limit ourselv,13,18. combine,The new teaching method,combines,education,with,pleasure.,combination,19. cut down,Cut down,the article to 1000 words.,cut in cut off cut up cut through,1. She kept _ our conversation. 2. they want to _ a large forest in the area. 3. the army was called in to _ the fallen trees on the road. 4. He was badly _ in the fight. 5. Our water supply has been _.,cuttin in,cut down,cut through,cut up,cut off,18. combineThe new teaching me,14,


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