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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,整理课件,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Unit 4,Growing UP,The Doctors Son,Harold Eppley with Rochelle Melander,Unit 4 Growing UPThe Doctors,Part,Discussion:,How did you feel about your parents when you were a child?,Did your attitude towards them change when you grew into a teenager?,PartDiscussion:How did you,The text,can be divided into three Parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part.,Part,Paragraph(s),Main Ideas,I,1-2,II,3-13,III,14-31,The text can be divided into t,The text,can be divided into three Parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part.,Part,Paragraph(s),Main Ideas,I,1-2,When the writer was a child, he was popular because people respected his father very much. And he enjoyed being “Doctor Eppleys son.”,II,3-13,When he was a teenager, the writer wanted his own identity and became defiant and rebellious. In college, he successfully made quite some new friends without the help of his father.,III,14-31,After the car accident, the writer was very grateful to his father. His attitude towards his father changed. Their relationship improved a lot.,The text can be divided into t,Key Words and Expressions,beam 笑,眉开眼笑;发射,发送,greet欢迎,迎接;致敬,致意;映入眼帘,settle in/into sth. 习惯于(新环境、新工作等),as long as只要;和一样长,soft-spoken说话温和的;善于言辞的,be known as被称为;被认为是;以著称,Key Words and Expressions,Soon the local people accepted him as one of their own.,很快,当地人就把他当成了自己人。,Soon the local people accepted him as one of their own.,在佛蒙特州的小镇上,消息传播得很快。,They know good people when they meet them.,人们分得清谁是好人。,Soon the local people accepted,If you,re anything like your father, you,ll be a smart boy.,要是你多少有点像你父亲的话,你就会是个聪明的孩子。,I couldn,t stop beaming.,我不禁喜形于色。,If youre anything like your f,Answer the following questions with the information contained in,the t,ext,.,Describe Doctor Eppley in a few sentences.,2. What did the people in the town of Enosburg think of Doctor Eppley?,Answer the following questions,Doctor Eppley was a soft-spoken gentleman, who practiced medicine quietly in Enosburg, a small town in Vermont. He won the respect of the people in the town soon after he moved there.,They thought he was a good man, a smart, honourable and industrious man who lived an honest life,.,Doctor Eppley was a soft-spoke,Part ,Listen to the second part of this passage and answer questions bellow.,Part Listen to the second par,Q1: What is the transitional sentence ?,Somewhere in the midst of my teenage years, however, something changed.(para.3),Q1: What is the transitional s,His attitude towards his father changed.,Beaminggroan,Q2: What changed when the writer turned a teenager?,His attitude towards his fathe,I had become popular in my own right, without my fathers help.(Para.13),Q3: Why does he feel proud of himself after few month at school?,I had become popular in my own,1. I groaned whenever I heard their compliments.(para.3),T:,每当我听到这些赞美,我都很不以为然地哼哼几声,What does the sentence imply?,The boy did not agree with the neighbors opinions. As a teenager, he wanted to be independent and wanted his own identity.,Important sentences,1. I groaned whenever I heard,2. I,survived,my last years of high school until finally I turned eighteen.,我好不容易挨过高中,总算满了十八岁。,Why do you think the writer used the words “survived” and “finally” when he talked about his last years of high school?,These words showed that he felt miserable and was trying hard to put up with the life at high school, where he thought he was popular and likeable only because of his fathers good reputation. He couldnt wait to go away.,2. I survived my last years of,Words and expressions,Groan,呻吟,抱怨,Fit in with,适合,On ones own,孤立地,无援地,Stubborn,固执,顽固,Survive,幸存,Enroll in,吸收为会员,入学,登记,Compare with,与,相比较,Would give anything to do,愿意付出一切做,In ones own,根据自己的能力做,Words and expressionsGroan,(cause to) match or agree,(使)符合,适合,适应,I wondered how I would ever fit in with my teenage friends.,我不知道自己怎样才能融入我那些少年朋友的圈子,e.g. 1. His ideas didnt quite fit in with our aims.,2. His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion.,1. fit in with,:,(cause to) match or agree (使)符,(与)作比较;(与)对照,e.g. I compared the copy with the original but found no difference.,compare to,指两物有类似或相似之处,从而,“,把(一物)比作(另一物),”,。,compare,with,指,“,把,用,作比较,”,以便找出差异或好坏,contrast,指比较两个或更多东西之间的差异,侧重不同点,2. Compare with,(与)作比较;(与)对照2. Compare with,1. The poet his lover a rose in his poems.,2. Her actions sharply her promises.,3. If you her work his, youll find hers is much better.,compares,to,contrasted,with,compare,with,1. The poet his love,because of a personal claim that does not depend on anyone else,根据自己的能力或合法权利(而不依赖其他因素),I had become popular in my own right, without my fathers help.,我没有靠父亲,而是靠自己的本事赢得了众人的欢心。,e.g.: He was born into a farmers family and became a scientist in his own right through hard work.,3. in ones own right,because of a personal claim th,Part,Lets listen to the paras14-26 together and try to answer the following questions.,Part Lets listen to the para,How would you describe the writers tone when he said to his father “Sam, Im sick of being treated like a child. Im in college now. Dont you think I know how to drive?”(paras14-19),How would you describe the wri,It was an annoyed and defiant tone,.,It was an annoyed and defiant,What was the change in the attitude of the lady after she learned who the writer was? Why do you think she changed her attitude so abruptly?(paras24-26),What was the change in the att,The change was dramatic. A moment before she was screaming and complaining, but she turned apologetic and nice afterwards. Dr Eppley was so well-known and respected that she felt bad about scolding his son.,The change was dramatic. A mom,Key words and expressions,enjoyed being back,The main topic of interest,take it out for a drive,glared at him,sick of being treated like a child,hopped into the car,headed down the road,savoring the beauty of ,jumped out,surveyed the damage,sat there like a guilty child,choked back my tears,a smile of recognition,Key words and expressionsenjoy,glare,:,v.,(,para17,),(at, on, upon) look in an angry way,怒目而视,e.g. 1) She glared at me.,2) The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word.,这位老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视,一句话也没有说。,区别,: glare,stare,gaze,&,peer,这些动词都有“看,瞧”之意。,glare,指用愤恨、凶狠或含敌意的眼光死死看着某人。,stare,侧重因惊奇、好奇、粗鲁无礼等而睁大眼睛看。,gaze,指出于羡慕、感兴趣、关心或惊异而长时间目不转睛地看。,peer,指眯着眼睛仔细地或略为吃力地看,glare: v. (para17)(at, on, up,Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words. Change the form when necessary.,Directions: Fill in the blanks,glare,stare,gaze,peer,1. The old lady,peered,through her spectacles at the contract.,2. He didnt shout or swear, but just,glared,silently at me.,3. The child,gazed,at the toys in the shop window.,4. He,stared,at the word trying to remember what it meant.,5. He,glared,furiously at me when I contradicted him.,glare, stare, gaze , peer1. Th,wander,:,vi.,(in, off),1. walk or move in a leisurely, casual or aimless way,漫步,闲逛,游荡,e.g. The children wandered in the woods.,2. move slowly from a fixed point or place,迷路,迷失方向,e.g. The child wandered off and got lost.,3. (of a person or thoughts) be or become confused and unable to make or follow ordinary conversation,(人或思想)走神,开小差;错乱,e.g. He realized his audiences attention was beginning to wander.,wander: vi. (in, off) 1. walk,Collocation:,wander about/over the world,漫游世界,wander from the subject/point,离题,wander from the path of righteousness,迷失了正途,注意,: wander,和,wonder,是形近词,但是意思不相同。,wonder,表示“惊讶,怀疑,想知道”。,Collocation: wander about/over,Thanks for your attention,Thanks for your attention,


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