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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Ladies and,gentlemen,Welcome Announcement,We welcome you aboard the high-speed rail EMU trains.,On behalf of all the crew members of EMU,I would like to say hello to you and hope you have a nice trip.,Our next station is .,1,Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome,Unit 1,Asking for Information and Buying Tickets,2,Unit 1 2,Unit 1,Asking for Information and Buying Tickets,Lesson 1,Lesson 2,Lesson 3,Lesson 4,3,Unit 1 Lesson 1Lesson 2Lesson,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information,Task Listen and repeat the following words.,1. airport ep:t n.机场,2. inquiry inkwairi n. 打听、询问、调查、查问,3. inquiry office n. 问讯处,4. schedule ske,d,ul n. 时间表、一览表、计划,v. 安排、计划、预定,5. be scheduled to do v.(某人)预定(做),6. due dju: n. 应得物 adj. 预定的、应付的、到期的,7. due to v. 归因于,8. on schedule prep. 按照预定(时间),9. take off v. 起飞,10. land v. 降落,Words Study:,4,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for In,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information,Task Please remember the new words as quickly as you can! Then write down the Chinese for each word.,1. Liu Ting Airport _,2. inquiry office _,3. due to _,4. on schedule _,5. take off _,6. land _,流亭机场,问讯处,归因于,按时,降落,起飞,Words Study:,5,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for In,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information,Task Listen and write down the words you hear.,1,、,_,2,、,_,3,、,_,4,、,_,5,、,_,inquiry office,on schedule,due to,be scheduled to do,take off,6,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for In,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information,Task Listen and fill in the missing words.,1. Is this the Qingdao Airport _?,2. Who is _?,3. _we can do for you, Mr. Denny?,4. It is _ to arrive at 9:25 pm.,5. _ bad weather conditions, this flight will not arrive _.,6. The flight has not yet _ from Kunming.,Inquiry Office?,calling,Anything,scheduled,Due to the,on schedule,taken off,Words Study:,7,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for In,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information,Task5 Translation.,1,、,_,2,、,_,3,、,_,4,、,_,5,、,_,请问是青岛机场的问讯处吗?,Denny,先生,有什么需要帮忙的吗?,(该航班)预计今天晚上,9:25,分抵达。,由于天气原因,本次航班将不能按时抵达。,航班还没有从昆明起飞。,8,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for In,Differences between face-to-face communication and communication on phone,Face-to-face,communication,Communication,on phone,Who,are you?,I am.,Who is that?,Who is calling?,This is.,9,Differences between face-to-fa,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information,Dialogue: Task 2,Listen to the tape and complete the dialogue.,Telephone Call for Information,(电话问讯),A: Hello!,B: Hello, is this the,_,?,A: Yes, who is,_,?,B: Denny,_,.,A:,_,we can do for you, Mr. Denny?,B: Can you tell me the,_,of CZ3460 from Kunming?,A: Certainly. It is,_,to arrive at 9:25 pm. However,_,bad weather conditions, this flight will not arrive,_,.,The flight has not yet,_,from Kunming. Would you please,_,again at 9:00 pm for,_,information?,(This flight will be delayed for two hours. That is to say, it will land at 11:25 pm.),Inquiry Office?,calling,calling,Anything,arrival time,scheduled,due to the,on schedule,taken off,call,further,Dialogue:,10,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for In,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information,请问是青岛机场的问讯处吗?,(该航班)预计今天晚上,9:25,分抵达。,1. Is this the Qingdao Airport Inquiry Office?,2. It is scheduled to arrive at 9:25 pm.,3. Is it a direct flight?,这是直达航班吗?,11,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for In,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information,由于天气原因,,(,1,)本次航班不能按时抵达。,(,2,)本次航班延误。,Due to the bed weather,(1),the flight will not arrive on schedule.,(2) the flight has been delayed.,12,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for In,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information,practice,1.,有什么需要帮忙的吗?,Anything we can do for you?,2.,请问是流亭机场问讯处吗?,Is this the Liu Ting Airport inquiry office,?,3.,由于天气原因,本次航班不能按时到达。,Due to the bed weather, the flight will not arrive on schedule.,13,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for In,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information,practice,4.,请您告诉我,CZ1001,航班的到达时间吗?,Can you tell me the arrival time of FlightCZ1001?,5.,请您稍后再来电好吗?,Would you please call again for further information,?,14,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for In,Lesson 2 Booking Tickets,Task Listen and repeat the following words.,1. competition kmpitin n.,竞赛,2. book tickets v.,订票,3. available veilbl adj.,可得到的 、可利用的,4. prefer prif: v.,较喜欢,宁可,5. first class n.,头等舱,6. economy i(:)knmi n.,节约,经济,7. economy class n.,经济舱,8. business class n.,商务舱,Words Study:,15,Lesson 2 Booking TicketsTask,Lesson 2 Booking Tickets,Task Please remember the new words as quickly as you can! Then write down the Chinese for each word.,1.,竞赛,2.,订票,3.,可得到的 、可利用的,4.,较喜欢,宁可,5.,头等舱,6.,经济舱,7.,商务舱,8.,办理登机手续,competition,book tickets,available,prefer,first class,economy class,Words Study:,business class,check in,16,Lesson 2 Booking TicketsTask,Lesson 2 Booking Tickets,Task Listen and write down the words you hear.,1,、,_,2,、,_,3,、,_,4,、,_,5,、,_,6,、,_,prefer,first class,available,economy class,book tickets,check in,Words Study:,17,Lesson 2 Booking TicketsTask,Lesson 2 Booking Tickets,Task Listen and fill in the missing words.,1,、,We are going to Beijing for a,_,on the 10th of September.,2,、,I want to,_,twenty tickets to Beijing.,3,、,Both flights have seats,_,for September 10th.,4,、,Id,_,the morning one.,5,、,First class or,_,class?,6,、,Please be at the airport 2 hours before your flight time for _,.,competition,book,available,prefer,economy,check-in,Words Study:,18,Lesson 2 Booking TicketsTask,Lesson 2 Booking Tickets,Dialogue: Task 2 Listen and try to complete the dialogue:,Booking Tickets,(订票),A: Good morning.,_,I help you?,B: Yes, please. We are going to Beijing for a,_,on the 10th of September. I want to,_,twenty tickets to Beijing.,A: Just a,_, sir. Let me check. Oh, yes. We have two flights to Beijing, at 8 oclock in the morning and 4 oclock in the afternoon. Both flights have seats,_,for September 10th.,B: Id,_,the morning one.,A: First class or,_,class?,B:,_,When does it arrive at Beijing?,A: 11:00 am. Please be at the airport,_,before your flight time for check-in.,B: Thank you.,A: Youre,_,. Have a good,_,.,May,competition,book,minute,available,prefer,economy,Economy class,2 hours,welcome,flight,Dialogue:,19,Lesson 2 Booking TicketsDialog,Lesson 2 Booking Tickets,A: Good morning. May I help you?,B: Yes, please. We are going to Beijing for a competition on the 10th of September.,I want to book twenty tickets to Beijing.,A: Just a minute, sir. Let me check.,Oh, yes. We have two flights to Beijing, at 8 oclock in the morning and 4 oclock in the afternoon.,Both flights have seats available for September 10th.,20,Lesson 2 Booking TicketsA: Goo,Lesson 2 Booking Tickets,B: Id prefer the morning one.,A: First class or economy class?,B: Economy class.,When does it arrive at Beijing?,A: 11:00 am. Please be at the airport 2 hours before your flight time for check-in.,B: Thank you.,A: Youre welcome. Have a good flight.,21,Lesson 2 Booking TicketsB: Id,1.,我想订两张去上海的机票。,2.,先生,请您稍等,我查一下。,I want to book 2 tickets to Shanghai.,Just a minute, sir. Let me check.,Lesson 2 Booking Tickets,3.,我们有两班去大连的飞机,一班是早上的,8:00,;一班是下午,3:00,。,We have two flights to Dalian, at 8 oclock in the morning and 3 oclock in the afternoon.,22,1. 我想订两张去上海的机票。2. 先生,请您稍等,我查一下,4.,我可以预定这个航班的一个商务座位吗?,Can I make a business class reservation for this flight,?,Lesson 2 Booking Tickets,5.,祝您旅途愉快。,Have a nice trip.,We hope you enjoy your flight.,23,4. 我可以预定这个航班的一个商务座位吗?Can I mak,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,Task Listen and repeat the following words.,1. issue isju: v. 发出,发行,2. issue tickets v. 出票,3. urgent :,d,nt adj. 紧急的,急迫的,4. fill in = fill out v. 填写,5. contact kntkt v. 联系,6. single ticket n. 单程票,7. return ticket n. 往返票,Words Study:,24,Lesson 3 Issuing TicketsTask,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,Task Please remember the new words as quickly as you can! Then write down the Chinese for each word.,1.,出票,2.,紧急的,3.,填写,4.,联系,5.,单程票,6.,往返票,issue tickets,urgent,fill in,contact,single ticket,return ticket,Words Study:,25,Lesson 3 Issuing TicketsTask,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,Task Listen and write down the words you hear.,1. _,2. _,3. _,4. _,5. _,urgent,contact,issue,fill in,single ticket,Words Study:,26,Lesson 3 Issuing TicketsTask,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,Task Listen and fill in the missing words.,1. Im going to Beijing on,_,business.,2. Id like to know tomorrows,_,flight for Beijing.,3. Would you,_,this form, please?,4. Excuse me, do you want,_,or,_,ticket?,5. Have a good,_,!,urgent,scheduled,fill in,single,return,trip,Words Study:,27,Lesson 3 Issuing TicketsTask,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information,Task5 Translation.,1,、,_,2,、,_,3,、,_,4,、,_,5,、,_,我要去北京办一次很紧急的事务。,我想了解一下明天去北京的航班。,请您填写这张(购票)单。,请问您需要单程票还是往返票?,祝您旅途愉快。,28,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for In,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,Dialogue: Task2 Listen and try to complete the dialogue:,Issuing Tickets,A: Good morning, Sir.,B: Morning. Im going to Beijing on,_,. Id like to know tomorrows scheduled flight for Beijing.,A: We have,_,flights for Beijing tomorrow, CZ3151, leaving at,_,in the morning and CA1304 leaving at,_,in the evening.,B: CZ3151, please.,A: OK. Would you,_,this form, please? Your name,_,number, route, date,_,telephone number and so on.,B: Here you are. How much is it?,A: Excuse me, do you want,_,or,_,ticket?,B:,_,ticket, please.,A: RMB,_.,Yes, good-bye. Have a good,_,!,urgent business,two,8:00,6:20,please fill in,passport,contacting,single,return,Single,1380,trip,Dialogue:,29,Lesson 3 Issuing TicketsDialog,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,A: Good morning, Sir.,B: Morning. Im going to Beijing on urgent business.,Id like to know tomorrows scheduled flight for Beijing.,A: We have 2 flights for Beijing tomorrow,CZ3151, (leaving),at 8:00,in the morning and,CA1304 (leaving) at 6:20 in the evening.,B: CZ3151, please.,Dialogue:,30,Lesson 3 Issuing TicketsA: Goo,A: OK. Would you fill in this form, please?,Your name, passport number, route, date, contacting telephone number and so on.,B: Here you are. How much is it?,A: Excuse me, do you want single or return ticket?,B: Single ticket, please.,A: RMB 1308. Yes, good-bye. Have a good trip!,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,31,A: OK. Would you fill in this,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,直达航班,定期航班,3.,airport inquiry office,机场问讯处,5.,make a reservation,6.,take off/ depart,Practice:,1.,direct flight,2.,scheduled flight,单程票,4. single ticket,预订,起飞,32,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets直达航班定期,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,7.,China Eastern Airlines,8.,due to,9.,return ticket,10.,fill in,11.,economy class,12.,first class,Practice:,中国东方航空公司,归因于,往返票,填写,经济舱,头等舱,33,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets7. Chi,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,1.,直达航班,2.,定期航班,3.,机场问询处,4.,单程票,5.,预定,6.,起飞,/,出发,direct flight,scheduled flight,airport inquiry office,single ticket,make a reservation,take off/ depart,Practice:,34,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets1.直达航班,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,7.,中国东方航空公司,8.,归因于,9.,往返票,10.,填写,11.,经济舱,12.,头等舱,China Eastern Airlines,due to,return ticket,fill in,economy class,first class,Practice:,35,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets7.中国东方,Due to the bad weather, the flight will not arrive on schedule.,我可以预定这个航班的两个经济舱座位吗?,由于天气原因,本次航班不能按时抵达,.,Could I make two economy class reservations for this flight,?,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,36,Due to the bad weather, the fl,Id like to change the Qingdao-Beijing reservation and reserve a seat to Tianjin.,请在飞机起飞前两小时到达机场办理登机手续。,我想将青岛到北京的订票改成青岛到天津的订票。,Please be at the airport 2 hours before your flight time for check in.,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,37,Id like to change the Qingdao,I would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay.,Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?/ Anything I can do for you ?,航班延误,(,给您,),带来的不便我们深感抱歉。,有什么需要帮忙的吗?,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,38,I would like to apologize for,我们每周二和周四都有航班飞往武汉。,The flight,will,go via Jinan, and the whole trip/flight will be 2 hours.,We have scheduled flights to Wuhan every Tuesday and Thursday,。,本次航班经停济南,总航程需要,2,小时。,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,39,我们每周二和周四都有航班飞往武汉。The flight wi,您想购买普通舱机票还是头等舱机票?,Have a nice trip.,Would you like an economy ticket or the first-class ticket?,祝您旅途愉快。,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,We wish you a good trip.,40,您想购买普通舱机票还是头等舱机票?Have a nice t,1. How old are you?,Guilin University of Aerospace Technology, Laibin Campus.,Im.,2. Which school are you in?,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,41,1. How old are you?Guilin Univ,3. What calss/grade are you in?,Im in,C,lass .,G,rade .,4.,Yes,I,want to drink some cold water/eat some fruit,.,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,42,3. What calss/grade are you in,5. What did you have for lunch?,I ha,d,.,Lesson 3 Issuing Tickets,43,5. What did you have for lunch,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservation,Task Listen and repeat the following words.,1. reservation rezvein n.,预定,2. change the reservation v.,更改订座,3. China Eastern Airlines n.,中国东方航空公司,4. Air China n.,中国国际航空公司,5,. China National Aviation Corp n.,中国航空公司,1.ppt,6,. China Southern Airlines n.,中国南方航空公司,7,. China United Airlines n.,中国联合航空公司,8,.China Northwest Airlines n.,中国西北航空公司,9,. China Southwest Airlines n.,中国西南航空公司,1,0,. Hong Kong Dragon n.,港龙航空公司,1,1,. China Airlines n.,中华航空公司,1,2,. depart dip:t v.,离开、出发、放弃,Words Study:,44,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservat,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservation,Task Please remember the new words as quckly as you can! Then write down the Chinese for each word.,1. change the reservation _,2. China Eastern Airlines _,3. Air China _,4. China National Aviation Corp _,5. China Southern Airlines _,6. depart _,更改预定,中国东方航空公司,中国国际航空公司,中国航空公司,中国南方航空公司,离开,45,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservat,Task Listen and write down the words you hear.,1._,_,_,2._,_,_,3._,_,4._,_,_,5._,_,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservation,reservation,China Eastern Airlines,change the reservation,depart,China Southern Airlines,46,Task Listen and write down th,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservation,Task Listen and fill in the missing words.,1. _,. May I help you?,2. Id like to,_,.,3. Ive,_,on your flight on the 10th of September.,4. Which flight would you like to,_,?,5. Flight CA930,_,at 3 in the afternoon on the11th.,China Eastern Airlines,change my reservation,made a reservation,change to,departing,47,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservat,Task5,Read and try to translate the above sentences,.,1,、,_,_,2,、,_,3,、,_,_,_,4,、,_,_,_,5,、,_,_,_,中国东方航空公司,有什么可以帮到您?,我想更改订座。,我已经订好了9月10日的机票。,您想改乘哪个航班?,CA930航班于11日下午3点起飞。,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservation,48,Task5 Read and try to translat,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservation,Changing the Reservation,A:,?,B: Yes, Id like,.Ive,on your flight on the 10th of September. The flight is 8:30 in the morning, and the flight number is CA918 from Shanghai to Beijing.,China Eastern Airlines. May I help you,to change my reservation,made a reservation,Dialogue:,Task 2 listen and try to complete the dialogue.,49,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservat,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservation,Dialogue: Changing the Reservation,A: Which flight would you like to,?,B: Flight CA930,_,at 3 in the afternoon on the11th.,A:,.,Ill check Yes, you may have a,on Flight CA930.,change to,departing,Just a moment,seat,Dialogue:,50,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservat,Practice:,1. Complete the following dialogues.,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservation,Dialogue 1,A:_,(中国国际航空公司,愿为您服务。),B: I want to book two tickets to Xian.,A: _,(稍等一会, 我给您查一下。),(您什么时候出发?),Air China. May i help you,Just a moment, let me check,When will you depart?,51,Practice:1. Complete the follo,Practice:,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservation,B: Id like to take a flight tomorrow morning.,A: Will a flight at 10:15 be all right?,B: That will be fine.,A: _?,(头等舱还是经济舱)?,B: Economy class, please.,First class or economy class,52,Practice:Lesson 4 Changing the,Practice:,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservation,Dialogue 1,A: Hello, this is China Eastern Airlines Booking Office._,(能为 您做点什么?),B: Yes, I want to book_,(一张往返票。),A:_ _,May i help you?,Would you tell me when will you depart and return,?,(能告诉我您出发和返回的时间吗?),a return ticket,53,Practice:Lesson 4 Changing the,Practice:,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservation,B: I will go on Feb.18 and return on Feb.24.,A: _,(您想订哪个座位等级的机票?),B: Economy class.,A: Whats your name and telephone number?,B: _,(李华,电话号码是,56414523,。),Which class would you want to book?,Li Hua, my telephone number is 56414523,54,Practice:Lesson 4 Changing the,scheduled departure time,scheduled arrival time,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information,Words Study:,原定出发时间,原定抵达时间,55,scheduled departure timeLesson,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information,due to:,due to air traffic control.,due to the late arrival of joining passengers.,由于空中管制,由于等待旅客登机,We are sorry to inform you that the flight has been delayed,due to the bed weather condition.,由于天气原因,56,Lesson 1 Telephone Call for In,57,57,58,58,City Where Visa Is Issued,在哪个城市得到签证,Date Issued (Day/Mo/Yr),得到签证的日期,(,日,/,月,/,年,),59,City Where Visa Is Issued在哪个城市,Corp,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservation,Words Study:,Corporation (,公司,),60,CorpLesson 4 Changing the Rese,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservation,Words Study:,Limited,Company,有限的,公司,有限公司,1. XXX Company Limited,4. XXX CO Ltd.,(较少),3. XXX CO, LTD,2. XXX Co., Ltd.,(常用),61,Lesson 4 Changing the Reservat,


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