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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 8,How do you make a banana milk shake?,米易一中 刁勇,Task 1,情景再现,Good morning, everyone! Now I,want to teach you to make a turkey dinner / a milk shake / popcorn. Can you make it ?Thats all , thank you !,Task 2,重点短语再现,切碎,倒入,好主意,还有一件事,在多数国家,在第四个星期四,在这时候,感恩节大餐,用,装满,用,覆盖,薄片,一个接一个,cut up,pour into,good idea,one more thing,In most countries,on the fourth thursday,at this time,a Thanksgiving dinner,fillwith,coverwith,thin pieces,one by one,Task 3,重点句型再现,1,、你怎样制作爆米花?,2,、我们需要多少香蕉?,3,、你们需要多少酸奶?,4,、最后,打开搅拌器。,5,、人们通常在特殊的节日里吃传统食物。,6,、人们也回忆起首批旅行者。,How do you make popcorn ?,How many bananas do we need ?,How much yogurt do you need ?,People usually eat traditional food on special holidays .,Finally, turn on the blender .,People also remember the first travelers .,Task4,词汇变化!,1._(not make) any noise in class.,2.The food is too _(salt) .,3.How many _(tomato) do we need ?,4.They _(shake)the tree yesterday .,5.The _(mix) is delicious.,6._(sandwich) are very delicious .,7._(final) ,enjoy your meal .,8.You need _(add) some salt to the noodles .,9.It is a time _(give) thanks .,10.The mans _(die) makes us sad .,Dont make,salty,tomatoes,shook,mixture,Sandwiches,Finally,to add,to give,death,Task 5,词汇运用!,1.Place the turkey on a large plate and cover them with gravy ._,2.How many milk do we need ?_,3.Two spoon of sugar are enough ._,4.There are some butter on the bread .,_,5.Please cook for another 10 minute .,_,6.Please turn on the light when you leave the classroom ._,them,改为,it,many,改为,much,spoon,改为,spoons,are,改为,is,minute,改为,minutes,on,改为,off,Task 6,话题运用!,Do you know how to m,1,a cup of tea? You may t,2,it,s simple. In fact, it is not. Now let me t,3,you the steps. F,4,warm up your teapot by p,5,hot water into it. After a while, pour the water out and p,6,some tea in the teapot. Next, pour fresh hot water over the tea and cover the teapot with its cap tightly(,紧紧地,).Then brew(,泡,)the tea for five m,7,. Good tea n,8,much time to brew. But the tea will be quite bitter(,苦的,)if you brew for too long. F,9, pour the tea into your cup and you can d,10,it.,ake,hink,ell,irst,ouring,ut,inutes,eed,inally,rink,Task 7,能力提升!,Watch a video,then answer some questions .,1.Where were the first travelers from?,2.When did they start to go to the US?,3.Whats the name of the boat ?,4.When is Thanksgiving ?,5.What is the main dish of a Thanksgiving dinner ?,England,.,1620 .,May flower .,Turkey.,The fourth Thursday in November.,Thank you!,


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