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欢迎参加全国物流管理师资培训班,欢迎参加全国物流管理师资培训班,1,There was a mountain once upon a time,-Inversion(,倒装句型,),讲课人:冯亮亮,1There was a mountain once upo,2,Warm-up,Put these words in correct order,apple the is red,music I like very much,the movie at four oclock ended,2Warm-up Put these words in,3,The apple is red.,I like music very much.,The match ended at oclock.,3The apple is red.,4,The word order would be:,Sb,sth,action,+,+,The,rest,4The word order would be:Sbact,5,1. There,was a mountain,once upon a time.,2.A temple lay on the mountain,.,3.A old monk was living in the temple.,4.A little monk came,then.,5.The old monk told the little monk a story.,6.The story I heard was such.,51. There was a mountain once,6,Text,从前有座山,山上有个庙(,temple,),庙里有个老和尚(,monk,),又来了个小和尚,老和尚给小和尚讲故事,这就是他讲的故事,6Text 从前有座山,7,Sometimes the word order changes,There was a mountain once upon a time.,7 Sometimes the word order,8,the usual word order can be rewritten as:,action,+,sb,sth,The,rest,+,8the usual word order can be r,9,There was a mountain,once upon a time.,On the mountain lay a temple.,Living,in the temple,was a old monk,.,Then came a little monk,.,The old monk told the little monk a story.,Such was the story,I heard.,9There was a mountain once upo,10,A temple lay on the mountain.,On the mountain lay a temple.,A old monk was living in the temple.,Living in the temple was a old monk.,以动词为界,两侧词组换位,以,be,动词为界,两侧词组换位,10 A temple lay on the mountai,11,Differences between the two orders.,Look at the following sentences.,Then guess the differences.,11Differences between the two,12,放心吧,爸爸妈妈!,Dont worry, father and mother!,终于过去了,这个寒冷的冬天!,Away passed the extremely cold winter,!,“着火了,着火了!”人们飞一般的跑了出来。,“,Fire! Fire!” Out ran the people, away flew the people.,12 放心吧,爸爸妈妈!,13,more sentences,悲哉,,,世也,!,工之侨献琴,译:这个,世界,是多么的,悲哀,啊!,“噫!微斯人,吾,谁与,归?”,岳阳楼记,译:唉!没有这样的人,我,与,谁,一道呢?,13 more sentences,14,Characteristics(,特点,) of this order,Feeling:,a natural expression(,表达,) of heart or just a different order with no special meaning.,Style:,literary (,文学化,)or common,14Characteristics(特点) of this,15,Exercise 1,_ _ your letter. A. is B. there,_rushed _. A. a dog B. out,_ _ the fact, no one can deny them. A. such B. was,_ _a tower on the top of the mountain. A. there B. was,B A,B,A,A B,A B,15Exercise 1_ _ your letter.,16,Exercise 2,公共车,来了,随后,主席,走了,飞机,起飞,了,弓箭直,射向,空中,There came _.,Then went,_,Away _ the plane.,Up _ the arrow into the air.,the bus,the,chairman.,flew,went,16Exercise 2公共车来了There came _,17,包裹(,parcel,)里,有封信。,_ _ _ was a letter.,教室的前面,有一颗大树。,_ _ _ _ _ stands a tall tree.,In the parcel,In front of the classroom,17包裹(parcel)里有封信。In th,18,Exercise 3,太阳从海上升起,之后鸡叫(,crow,)了。,从海上升起了太阳,之后鸡(,cock,)叫了。,From the sea rose the sun, and then,crowed the cock.,The sun rose from the sea, and then the cock crowed.,18Exercise 3太阳从海上升起,之后鸡叫(crow),19,半壁见海日,Standing on the mountainside, I saw that_.,空中闻天鸡,Then_.,from the sea rose the sun.,crowed the holy cock.,19半壁见海日Standing on the mountai,20,Snowflakes,(,section,),Longfellow,Out of the bosom,(胸膛),of the Air,Out of the cloud-folds of her garments,(长袍),shaken,Over the woodlands brown and bare,Over the harvest-fields forsaken,Silent, and soft, and slow,Descends the snow.,奇文共欣赏,20Snowflakes (section ) ,21,The snow descends out of the bosom,(胸膛),of the Air,The snow descends out of the cloud-folds of her garments,(长袍),shaken,The snow descends over the woodlands brown and bare,The snow descends Over the harvest-fields forsaken,(抛弃),21The snow descends out of the,22,Summary(,总结,),Content: Inversion (,倒装句,),Style: literary(,文学化,),Feeling:,a natural expression (,表达,)of heart,Structure(,结构,):,the rest +action+sbsth,Example: On the mountain lay a temple.,22Summary(总结) Content: Inversi,23,Your work,1,、完全倒装句的常用,动词,有哪些?,2,、什么情况,不能使用,完全倒装句?,3,、翻译:(要求用倒装句),远处有棵树,树下有辆车。车中坐着一个人,之后来了一个人,车就走了。这就是我看到的。,23Your work1、完全倒装句的常用动词有哪些?,24,Thanks for your attention,感谢您的关注,八月 24,24九月 23,25,Exercise 4(,高考链接,),John opened the door. There _ he had never seen before. A. a girl did stand B. a girl stood,C. did a girl stand D. stood a girl,At the foot of the mountain_.,A. a village lie B. lies a village,C. does a village lieD. lying a village,25Exercise 4(高考链接)John opened,


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