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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,醉生活,小区景观设计方案,醉生活,小区景观设计方案,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 79,Carol,s shopping list,1,Lesson 79Carols shopping list,鹤城,一座来了就不想走的城市,2,鹤城 一座来了就不想走的城市2,What did you do last weekend?,Did you go shopping with your parents ?,If so , where did you go , and do you like going shopping ? Why .,Before going shopping, what do you usually do ?,3,What did you do last weekend?D,If you want to buy a lot of,thing,s in the supermarket,but you cant remember clearly,what will you do?,thing,东西,事情,4,If you want to buy a lot of th,shopping list,5,shopping list5,shopping,n.,购物,去购物,go shopping,购物中心,shopping centre,On Sundays, she always goes shopping .,list,n.,单子,/mall /plaza,购物清单,shopping list,New words,=do some shopping,6,shopping n. 购物去购物 go shopping,vegetable,n.,蔬菜,need,v.,需要,She needs more money.,Vegetables are becoming more and more expensive.,7,vegetable n. 蔬菜needv. 需要She ne,money,n.,钱,8,money n. 钱8,hope,v.,希望,hope to do sth/ hope that ,9,hopev. 希望hope to do sth/ hope,单词连线,shopping,n.,购物,list,n.,单子,vegetable,n.,蔬菜,need,v.,需要,hope,v.,希望,thing,n.,东西、事情,money,n.,钱,10,单词连线shopping n. 购物list n. 单子v,学课文啦 哈哈哈哈,11,学课文啦 哈哈哈哈11,What is Carol doing ?,She is making a shopping list.,Watch the video then answer this,question.,12,What is Carol doing ?She is ma,Tom,Carol,13,Tom Carol 13,写,What are you doing, Carol?,Im,making,a shopping list,Tom.,14,写What are you doing, Carol? I,What do we,need,?,We need,a lot of,things this,week.,a lot of = lots of+,可复,/,不可,15,What do we need? We need a lo,I must,go to the grocers,.,We,havent got,much,tea,or,coffee, and we,havent got,any,sugar,or,jam.,have = have got,much +,不可,many +,可复,“,和”,and,用于肯定句,or,用于否定句,16,I must go to the grocers. We,I must go to the greengrocers.,We,haven,t got,many tomatoes,,,but,weve got,a lot of potatoes.,What about,vegetables?,17,I must go to the greengrocers,I must go to the butchers,too,.,We need some meat.,We,havent got,any meat,at all,.,18,I must go to the butchers,too,1.,make a shopping list,写一张购物单,2. a lot of “,许多”,=lots of,make the tea,make the bed,沏茶,铺床,+,可复,/,不可,a lot of books,a lot of tea,a lot of money,一般用于肯定句,19,1. make a shopping list 写一张购物单,3.much + u.n. (,不可数名词,),much water,many books,many + c.n. (,可数名词,),many,和,much,一般用于否定句和疑问句。,20,3.much + u.n. (不可数名词)much wate,本课重点,have & have got,2.have,可以用在任何场景中,而,have got,通常用于口语等非正式的环境中。,have,和,have got,的意思一样,都有“有”的意思;,21,本课重点have & have got2.have可以用在任,have & have got,3,. have,和,have got,的肯定句没区别,疑问句和否定句的,变化方法不同。,I,have,a bike.,I,dont,have a bike.,Do,you have a bike?,- Yes, I do.,No, I dont.,Have,you got a bike?,- Yes, I have.,No, I havent.,I,have got,a bike.,I,havent,got a bike.,本课重点,22,have & have gotI have a bike.H,23,23,24,24,I,ve got,a lot of,.,books,flowers,fruits,cheese,cocacola,25,Ive got a lot of .booksflo,We haven,t got,many,tomatoes.,Have they got,many,oranges?,26,We havent got many tomatoes.2,Have you got,many,?,I haven,t got,many,cabbages,birds,colour eggs,27,Have you got many ?cabbagesbi,We haven,t got,much,tea,or coffee.,Have your friends got,much,honey?,28, We havent got much tea or,Have you got,much,?,I haven,t got,much,steak,cheese,whisky,29,Have you got much ?steakchees,Dragon Boat Festival is coming!,30,Dragon Boat Festival is coming,What do you want _ (buy)?,to buy,I want_ (,许多,) things?,a lot of,We have got them at home!,I can cook them.,I need to_,(,写购物单),.,make a shopping list,31,What do you want _ (buy)?t,We_,没有,)eggs or rice dumplings !,havent got,We must go to the grocers_(,买,) some.,to buy,But ,32,We_havent gotWe must,33,33,34,34,35,35,36,36,Activity time!,Let,s make a shopping list!,37,Activity time!Lets make a sho,38,38,Well begun is half done.,好的开始是成功的一半,39,Well begun is half done.好的开始是成,Homework,:,变四句,1 I have two eggs.,2 We have got some cheese.,40,Homework:变四句40,See,you,!,41,See 41,


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