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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,10/24/2018,.,#,非谓语动词,V-ing,作状语,非谓语动词V-ing作状语,1,2,V-ing,专项练习,3,目录,区别谓语动词与非谓语动词,掌握,V-ing,作状语,12V-ing专项练习3目录区别谓语动词与非谓语动词掌握V-,test yourself,找出下列非谓语动词,1. Making our city greener is everyone,s duty.,2. Ill never forget meeting my school headmaster for the first time.,3. Her job is keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible.,4. He saw a girl getting on the bus.,5. I finally solved the puzzling problem.,7.Hearing the news of their marriage, I felt heart-broken.,test yourself1. Making our,1,学会判断非谓语动词,1学会判断非谓语动词,Task1.,学会判断非谓语动词,1. He,is teaching,English.,2. His job is,teaching,English,.,谓语动词就是指在句子中,充当谓语,的动词,非谓语动词指的是在句中,不是谓语,的动词。,谓语是对,主语,动作或状态的陈述或说明,,指出“,做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样,”。,Task1.学会判断非谓语动词1. He is teachi,Task1:,学会判断非谓语动词,非谓语使用条件(试比较下列两句话,思考什么情况下才能使用非谓语动词,?,),非谓语动词的使用条件:,She got off the bus,but left,her handbag on her seat.,She got off the bus,leaving,her handbag on her seat.,一个句子当中,已经存在一个主句(谓语动词),又没有连词的情况下,Task1: 学会判断非谓语动词非谓语使用条件(试比较下列两,非谓语动词的三种形式,非谓语动词,-ing,形式,过去分词,done,不定式,to do,非谓语动词的三种形式非谓语动词-ing形式过去分词 done,Task1:,学会判断非谓语动词,Seeing,from the top of the mountain, we can see the whole city.,Seen,from the top of the mountain, the city is so attractive.,To see,the whole city , we have to get to the top of the mountain.,试区分以下三种非谓语形式,表主动,进行,表被动,完成,表目的,未发生,Task1: 学会判断非谓语动词,2,V-ing,作状语,2V-ing作状语,Task2: V-ing,作状语,状语:修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,说明动作或状态特征的句子成分。,Task2: V-ing作状语状语:修饰动词、形容词、副词或,Task2: V-ing,作状语,尽管看到老师很失望的表情,但是他们自己做自己的事情,。,1.Notice,2.Disappointed,3.Do ones own business,(notice)their teachers disappointed look , they do their own business.,Noticing,让步,Task2: V-ing作状语尽管看到老师很失望的表情,但是,Task2: V-ing,作状语,因为他们在公共场合吸烟,所以被罚款了。,1. Smoke in public,2. Fine (v.,罚款,),(smoke)in public, he was fined.,Smoking,原因,Task2: V-ing作状语 因为他们在公共场合吸烟,所以,Task2: V-ing,作状语,当看到你们送他的礼物,我儿子高兴地合不拢嘴。,(see)the lovely gift you sent to him, my son felt so happy.,Seeing,时间,Task2: V-ing作状语 当看到你们送他的礼物,我儿子,Task2: V-ing,作状语,1. carry,2. Search for food,her little baby on the back, the mother Koala Bear climbs up the trees,Carrying,伴随目的,searching,for food.,Task2: V-ing作状语1. carry,Task2: V-ing,作状语,It has been raining for several days , _(damage)the Binjiang Park.,damaging,必然结果,Task2: V-ing作状语It has been rai,意外结果?,only to do,Some of us always sleep in the class, when they wake up, (find)they missed the whole class.,only to find,He hurried to the station, (tell)the tickets had been sold out.,only to be told,.,意外结果?only to doSome of us alwa,Task2: V-ing,表主动时的时态语态,语态,主动,被动,Doing(,一般式),Having done (,完成式),Being done(,一般式),Having been done (,完成式),否定式:在其形式前加,not,V-ing,形式的动作与谓语动词动作几乎同时发生,V-ing,形式动作先于谓语动词动作发生,有明显的先后顺序,Task2: V-ing表主动时的时态语态语态主动被动Doi,Task2: V-ing,作状语,(know) how to keep a balanced diet, he became fatter.,Not knowing,由于不知道如何控制饮食,他变得越来越胖。,Task2: V-ing作状语,Task2: V-ing,作状语,(play) basketball for many years, Mr.Jiao is becoming stronger and stronger.,Having Played,坚持打了很多年的篮球后,焦老师变得越来越强壮。,Task2: V-ing作状语,Task2: V-ing,作状语,(play)computer games,A whole day, he felt dazed.,Having played,玩了一整天电脑游戏后,他感觉昏昏沉沉。,Task2: V-ing作状语,3,Practice,3Practice,Practice -1,Combine the two sentences into one by using v+ing structure,.,1. His father died ,leaving,him a lot of money.,2. He stood by the window,watching,the people passing by.,3.,Not knowing,her address, I cant send this book to her.,4.,Living,here for 4 years, I am not familiar with my neighbors.,5.,Practicing,more, I will do better.,6.,Reading,the book, she nodded from time to time.,Practice -1 Combine the tw,Practice -2,1.,(2016北京)Newlybuilt wooden cottages line the street,_(turn)the old town into a dreamland.,2.,(2016浙江),There is a note pinned to the door,_(,say) when the shop will open again.,3.(,2015湖南,),she stood rooted to the ground, _(wonder)whether to stay or leave.,turning,saying,wondering,Practice -21.(2016北京)Newl,Practice -2,using,enjoying,staring,4. (2015,北京,)The park was full of people, _(enjoy)themselves in the sunshine.,5.(2015,重庆,) Like ancient sailors, birds can find their way,(use) the sun and the stars.,6,.,(2014,湖南,)There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland,,,_(stare) at the night sky.,Practice -2usingenjoyingst,Practice -3,得知,你们公司需要一位翻译,我想申请这个职位。,Knowing /Hearing,that your company needs an interpreter , I would like to apply for the post.,求职篇,Knowing / Hearing,Practice -3 得知你们公司需要一位翻译,我,Practice -3,面对,学习中巨大的压力,我们首先要正确看待它。,Facing,the great pressure in study , what we should do first is to treat it properly.,压力篇,Practice -3 面对学习中巨大的压力,我们首,Practice -3,吃的合理,并且经常,定期做锻炼,,你就能保持好身材和健康,。,and regularly, you can have a good body shape and stay healthy.,健康篇,Having a balanced diet,doing exercise,Practice -3 吃的合理并且经常定期做锻炼,,Practice -3,通知,一场关于英语戏剧的讲座将于星期五下午两点在学校报告厅举行。,旨在,帮助学生们更好的了解西方文化。,(aim at ),A lecture about English play will be held at 2:00pm on this Friday in our school hall,aiming at,helping the students learn more about the western culture.,Practice -3 通知一场关于英语戏剧的讲座将,Practice -3,解题步骤,我们一起来总结,1,、根据句子结构确定分词的,语法成分,找准,逻辑主语,。,2,、,判断主、被动关系,,,选定正确的非谓语形式。,3,、(如果确定是,V-ing,),留意非谓语的动作是发生在句子谓语动作之前还是之后,从而确定考虑,用完成式还是一般式。,Practice -3,thank you ,thank you ,


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