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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Where did you go on vacation?,Unit 1,Section A,Look at the pictures carefully and guess what they did.,Guessing game,What,did,he do,last weekend,?,He play,ed,tennis last weekend.,What,did,he do,last weekend,?,He play,ed,basketball last weekend.,What,did,he do,last weekend,?,He watch,ed,TV last weekend.,What,did,he do,last weekend,?,He,went,swimming last weekend.,Task 1,I,went,to,New York City.,Where,did,you go on vacation?,Where,did,you go on vacation?,I .,went,to the,mountains,went to,the beach,Where,did,they go on vocation ?,went to,summer camp,visited,museums,stayed,at home,Match the activities with the pictures a-g.,stayed at home,_,2. went to New York City,_,3. visited my uncle_,4. went to summer camp_,5. went to the mountains_,6. went to the beach _,7. Visited museums_,1a,e,b,d,c,a,f,g,1c,A:,W,here did Tina go on vacation?,B:,She went to the mountains .,Pairwork,Make similar conversations with your partner.,Did,you,swim,?,Yes,I,did,.,Did,you,play soccer,?,No, I,didnt,.,1b,Listen. Number the people1-5 in the picture.,4,3,5,2,Task 2 Listening,people,Places,Grace,Kevin,Julie,2a,Listen. Whe,re did the people go on vacation? Complete the chart.,Did,?,Yes,.did.,No,didn,t.,Grace,Kevin,go with anyone?,go to Central Park?,buy anything special?,play volleyball?,swim?,meet anyone nteresting?,do anything interesting?,Julie,go out with anyone?,study for tests?,2b,Listen again. Check(,)Yes, did or No, didnt for each question.,Did,he/she/ they . ?,Pairwork,A: Grace, where did you go on vacation ?,B: I went to New York City.,A: Oh, really? Did you go with anyone?,B: Yes, I went with my mother .,Pairwork,Task 3,挑战自我补全对话,Ric,k,: Hi, Helen.,Helen: Hi, Rick. I was on vacation last month.,Ric,k,: Oh, did you go,?,Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family.,Ric,k,:,Wow !,Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall?,Helen: Yes, I did.It was !,We took,quite,photos there.What,about you ? Did you do last month?,Ric,k,: Not really,.,I just stayed at home the time to read and relax.,Challenge,Long time no see.,anywhere interesting,wonderful,a few,anything special,most of,Task 4,根据题目要求,为3a、3b选择正确的词填空。,读一读,做一做,Task 5,拓展创新,小组合作,:,讨论3c表格中的问题,然后一组为单位展示自己的学习成果。,Did you.,Everyone,Someone(write classmates name),No one,eat anything in a restaurant,read anything interesting?,visit anyone in your family?,buy anything?,keep a diary?,Example:,In our group, everyone ate something in a restaurant. xxx and xxx read something interesting.,1、,Grammar Focus,2、我的收获:,Words and expressions:,Sentences:,3、我的易错点:,我需要提高的是:,课堂小结,Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City.,Did you go out with anyone? No. No one was here.,Everyone ws on vacation.,Did you buy anything special/he/she/they go to Central Park?,Yes, I/he/she/they did.,No, I/he/she/they didnt.,5. My father,s,at home and,w,TV,yesterday.,当堂达标,1.Where did Jim go on,v,?,2. Where did you go,,,Gina ?,I,v,the museum.,一、根据首字母和句意补全单词,3.The boy went to the,s,and he had,great fun.,4. Did you go to go to New York City?,No, I,d,.,acation,isited,ummer camp,idnt,tayed,atched,二、,句型转换,1.I was at school yesterday.,(变为一般疑问句,并做肯定和否定回答),at school yesterday?,Yes, I,. No, I,.,I,at,school,yesterday.,(变为否定句),2.Lin Tao visited the Great Wall with his parents last year.,Lin Tao,the Great Wall with his parents last year.,(变为否定句),Lin Tao,the Great Wall with his parents last year.,(变为一般疑问句),Were,you,did,didnt,wasnt,didnt,visit,Did,visit,3.Bob,went,somewhere interesting on vacation.,(变为否定句),Bob,anywhere interesting on,vacation.,4.Tara,went to the mountains,on vacation.,(对划线部分提问),What,Tara,on vacation?,didnt,go,did,do,Thank You!,


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