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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6 How long have you been,collecting shells?,Section A 1a-2c,Did you sleep well last night?,What time did you go to bed ?,What time did you get up this morning?,How long,did,you,sleep,last night?,I,slept,for,When did you start class today?,Whats the time now?,Are you still having class now?,-I,have been,in class,for,How long,have,you,been,in class today?,A: How long,did,you,sleep,last night?,B: I,slept,for,A: When,did,you,start,class today?,B: I,started class,at ,A:,How long,have,you,been in class,today?,B: I,have been in class,for ,Pairwork,shell,s,I like,collect,ing,shell,s,.,New words,a,shell,a,stamp,I like,collect,ing,stamp,s,.,stamp,s,They are,run,ning,a marathon,.,They are,raisi,ng,money for charity.,raise,money for charity,a skate,a pair of,skate,s,She is,skating,.,She is a,skater,.,How long,has,she,been playing,computer?,(four hours),She,has been,playing computer,for four hours,.,How long,has,he,been playing,baseball?,(two hours),He,has been playing,baseball,for two hours,.,How long,have,they,been working,?(a week),They,have been working,for a week,.,How long,has,he,been riding,a motorcycle?,(ten hours),He,has been riding,it,for ten hours,.,A: How long,have you been playing,soccer?,B:,I,ve been playing,soccer for two hours.,have been,Now:3:00pm,Start: 1:00pm,I like playing soccer,I started playing soccer at 1:00 pm.,Im still playing soccer now.,I started teaching English in 2004.,I am still teaching English now.,How long,have,you,been teaching,English?,I,have been teaching,English,for,5 years,.,have / has是助动词,been是be的过去分,词,表示从过去开始一直持续到现在的动作,,并有可能持续下去,时态现在完成进行时,(一),构成形式:,have / has been + Ving,for +一段时间,have / has been + doing sth,+ since +过去的时间点,since + 从句 (一般过去时),与过去时的比较:,1.I watched TV for three hours.我看了三小时的电视我现在没有看电视了,2.I have been watching TV for three hours.,我看了三小时的电视我现在仍然在看电视,例句,1,我已经学了年的英语了,I,have been learning,English,for 5 years,.,例句 2,他已经集邮10年了,H,e has been collecting,stamps,for 10 years,.,He,has been collecting,stamps,since 10 years ago,.,He,has been collecting,stamps,since 1999,.,画线局部提问:,How long,has he been collecting stamps?,(二),引导时间的介词for与since的区别,for,since,表示时间的持续,for + 时间段,表示“自从过去某一时间点以来,since + 时间点,强调一段时间,强调动作或状态,一直延续到现在,( for与since引导的短语用how long提问 ),时间状语,for与since引导的短语,for,five minutes,ten days,five years,since,May 1, 2003,8:00,he was seven years old,seven years ago,成龙 Jackie Chan ,was born: 1954,act: 1961 now,He,has been acting,for 48 years.,How long,has Jackie Chan,been acting?,He,has been acting,since he was 7 years old.,He,has been acting,since 1961.,Tracey,was born: 1981,learn English: 1994 now,How long,has Tracey been learning English?,She,has been learning,English,since 1994.,She,has been learning,English,for 15 years.,She,has been learning,English,since she was 13.,She,has been learning,English,since 15 years ago.,Pairwork,Linda/30 minutes,Harry/45 minutes,Alice 4 hours,Alan / 3 hours,2 years,1 hour,A:How long has he/she been,?,B: He /shes been,. for ,1b.Listen. A reporter is talking to the participants in a skating marathon. Fill in the chart below.,How long?,Alison,Ive been skating for five hours.,Sam,I skated for four hours.,Victor,Celia,Ive been skating for five hours.,I skated for two hours.,Pairwork,A: How long has Alison been skating?,B: Shes been skating for five hours.,A: How long did Sam skate?,B: He skated for four hours.,2a,Listen to the interview with the skating marathon winner and check the questions you hear.,Questions,Answers,1. How long did you skate today?,a. No, I skated in a marathon last year.,2. How long have you been skating today?,b. Yes, I do.,3. Was this your first skating marathon?,c. For six hours.,4. Do you skate every day?,5. When did you get your first pair of skates?,d. Since I was seven years old.,6. How long have you been skating?,用,for,和,since,填空,They have been learning Chinese _,they came to China.,2. I havent seen her _ a long time.,3. He has been living here _ 2001.,4. She has been doing her homework _,two hours.,5. Its 5 years _ we left school.,6. How long has Mary been a teacher?, _ two years ago.,Have a try,since,for,since,for,since,Since,7.I have been practicing the piano _ 10:30.,8.Maricia has been running _ 15 minutes.,9.Sarah has been sleeping _ 9:00.,10.Dale has been talking on the phone _5 minutes.,11.Louie has been studying Chinese _ he was 6 years old.,12.I have been watching you _10 minutes.,since,for,since,for,since,for,I. Write the questions:,1_,He has been standing there for four hours.,2_,I have been riding a bike since I was ten years old.,3_,She has been walking for five hours.,4._,Ive been watching TV since 7:00.,5._,Hes been waiting for the train for an hour.,Homework,Section A 3a-4,How long have you been learning English?,We have been learning English,since,2007.,We,ve,been learning English,for,2 years.,Weve been learning English,since 2 years ago,.,When did you start learning English?,We started learning English,in 2007,/,2 years ago,.,2 hours,How long has she been reading ?,She has been reading,for,2 hours.,She has been reading,since,2 hours ago.,15 minutes,How long has he been drawing a picture?,He has been drawing a picture,for,15 minutes.,since,15 minutes ago.,45 minutes,How long have they been playing soccer?,They have been playing soccer,for,45 minutes.,since,45,minutes ago,.,She is still teaching English now.,.She started teaching English in 1998.,-,She,has been teaching,English,since,1998.,11 years,ago,.,How long,has,she,been teaching,English?,for,11 years,.,*He started teaching math when he,was 20 years old.,He is 50 years old now and he is still,teaching math.,How long,has,he,been teaching,math?,He,has been teaching,math,30 years ago.,for,30 years.,since,he was 20 years old.,What is / are doing?,How long has / have .been?,Practice with your partner using,since,/for,:,20 minutes,half an hour,an hour,Pairwork,1 year,5 years,50 minutes,Write the questions:,1_,He has been standing there for four hours.,2_,I have been riding a bike since I was ten years old.,3,_,She has been walking for five hours.,4._,Ive been watching TV since 7:00.,5._,Hes been waiting for the train for an hour.,How long has she been walking?,How long have you been riding a bike?,How long has he been standing there?,How long have you watching TV?,How long has he been waiting for the train?,Read the passage and then complete the table,3a,Name,Has been skating for,Alison,5 hour,s,Sam,4 hour,s,Lu Ning,4 hour,s,Li Chen,1 hour,1. Why are students skating?,2. How much does each student raise for every hour they skate?,3. How long has the skating marathon been going?,4. Who was the first to start?,5. How long has he been skating?,Reading Section A 3a,To raise money for charity.,Ten yuan.,For five hours.,Alison was the first to start.,He has been skating for five hours.,6. How long have Sam and Lu Ning been skating?,7. Who was the last one?,8. When did he start?,9.How long has he been skating?,They have been skating for four hours.,Li Chen was the last one.,He started an hour ago.,He has been skating for an hour.,for whole raise to skate still has,Im talking,you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon. Here, students are skating to raise money for charity. For every hour they, each student,ten yuan for charity. The skating marathon,been going for five hours now, and several skaters are,skating. Alison was the first one to start, and has been skating for the,five hours. Next is Sam, and he has been skating,four hours. Lu Ning has been skating for four hours too, and Li Chen just started an hour ago.,to,skate,raises,has,still,whole,for,9am,10am,11am,12am,1pm,2pm,Alison,Sam,Lu Ning,Li Chen,Its now 2pm.Write the students names from activity 3a on the time line.,3b,I like ,Whats your,hobby,?,A: What do you like?,B: I like playing basketball.,A: When did you start ing?,B: I started ing ,A: How long have you been ing ?,B: I have been ing for/since,Talk about your hobby,Name: Jackie Chan,Job: actor,Hobby: playing golf,started playing golf :,1990,.,Name: Jay Zhou,Job:singer,Hobby:writing songs,started writing songs :,1995,.,Lets write,Section B 1a-3a,stamp,s,I,collect,stamps because they are,interesting,.,What things do people like to collect ?,shell,s,I collect shells because they are,beautiful,.,What things do people like to collect ?,book,s,I collect books because they are,useful,.,What things do people like to collect ?,telephone card,s,I like collecting telephone cards because they are,interesting,.,What things do people like to collect ?,I collect coins because they are,valuable,.,coin,s,What things do people like to collect ?,banknote,s,What things do people like to collect ?,movie and theater ticket,s,What things do people like to collect ?,toy,s,I like to collect toys because they are,lovely,.,What things do people like to collect ?,toy animal,s,stuffed,animals,What things do people like to collect ?,I like to collect kites because they are,beautiful,.,kite,s,Story-books,stones,bank cards,tickets,What other things do people like to collect ?,snow globes,内有雪花的球型玻璃器装饰品,What other things do people like to collect ?,I collect,I would like to collect,_,_,A:,I collect shells because they are beautiful. Id like to collect stamps because they are interesting.,B:,I collect because they are . Id like to collect because they are .,What would you like to collect? Fill in the chart.,1a,1b,Pairwork,What,How long,How many,Bob,Marcia,Liam,kites,stuffed animals,theater and movie tickets,since he was ten years old,for five years,since last year,22,35,20,2a. Listen. What do Bob, Marcia, and Liam collect? Fill in the chart under “What.,2b. Listen again. How long have they been collecting these things? How many do they have?,Pairwork,A: What does Bob collect?,B: He collects kites.,A: How long has he been collecting kites?,B: He s been collecting kites since he was ten years old.,A: How many kites does he have?,B: He has 22 kites .,Ask and answer questions about Bob, Marcia, and Liam.,a,snow globe,with,Father Christmas,Dear Jack,Thanks for sending me the,snow globe,of the monster. I love it. In fact I think its probably my favorite. Ive been collecting snow globes for seven years, and now I have 226 of them. My mom says I have to stop, because weve run out of room to store them. Theyre all around our apartment. I even store them in boxes under my bed. The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my seventh birthday. I particularly love globes with animals. I have a big one with bears in it, and another one with penguins. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me. Id like to start a snow globe collectors club. By the way, whats your hobby?,Love,Ellen,Read the following message. Draw lines to match the snow globes with the descriptions.,3a,a,birthday cake,snow globe,a snow globe with,penguins,a snow globe with,bears,a snow globe of,a monster,Dear Jack,Thanks for sending me the,snow globe,of the monster. I love it. In fact I think its probably my favorite. Ive been collecting snow globes for seven years, and now I have 226 of them. My mom says I have to stop, because weve run out of room to store them. Theyre all around our apartment. I even store them in boxes under my bed. The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my seventh birthday. I particularly love globes with animals. I have a big one with bears in it, and another one with penguins. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me. Id like to start a snow globe collectors club. By the way, whats your hobby?,Ellen,Love,怪物,妖怪,用尽,缺乏,顺便问一下,贮藏,存储,especially,Look at activity 2a on page 47. Write an e-mail message from Bob,Marcia or Liam. Tell about his or her collection.,kites,since I was ten years old.,Ellen,I have 22 kites now.,I collect kites because,they re very beautiful.,else who collects them, please tell me. Id like to start a kite collectors club.,If you know anyone,Love,Bob,SELF CHECK,Fill in the blanks with the words given.,collect run out of know store raise,1. Our class is organizing a talent show to,money for charity.,2. I need extra English lessons. Do you,a good English teacher?,3. My hobby is,old coins.,4. I didnt finish writing my,test because I,time.,5. During the winter I,my summer clothes in bags under my bed.,raise,know,collecting,ran out of,store,Make your own sentences with the words,2 Read the ad. Then write a letter to apply for the job.,Writer,wanted,The school newspaper needs a writer. We will give you free,topics,to different things. To get the job, please answer these four questions:,1. How long have you been listening to music videos?,2. How long have you been watching English movies?,3. How long have you been watching sports?,4. How long have you been writing in English?,Dear Editor,I,am interested in,the writer job. I have been listening to music videos since I was seven years old. I have,Yours sincerely,Bob,been watching English movies since two years ago. I have been watching sports for about five years. And I have been writing in English since 2001. I love writing. And I hope I can be a writer for our school newspaper.,Reading,Ive been studying history in China,How many Chinese dynasties can you think of?,It has a long history. There are so many,dynasties,in it.,What do you think of Chinese history?,And each dynasty has its own famous characters.(人物,How many famous characters(人物) from,Chinese history can you think of?,emperor,Qin Dynasty,Qu Yuan,Yue Fei,Kong,Zi,Li Bai,Newton,Marie Curie,Einstein,Beethoven,Shakespeare,Hitler,Jew,犹太人,Can you think of famous characters from the history of other countries? Make a list.,European buildings,欧洲风格的建筑物,Its,in English style.,Big Ben,London,Its in,Russian,style.,Russia,Moscow,Its,in,French,style,.,France,How long has Leo been staying in China?,2. What did he think of Harbin?,3. Were there a lot of Jewish coming to China many years ago?,He has been staying in China for 2 years.,He thinks that Harbin is an interesting city with a very colorful history.,Yes, there were.,5. When did he start learning Chinese history?,6. Does Leo think that Chinese history is hard to understand?,4. When did the first Jews come to Keifeng?,When China was in Song Dynasty.,He started learning Chinese history when he heard that he was going to work in China.,No, he doesnt.,My name is Leo. Im from Australia, and Ive been teaching in China for two years. I teach in Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang Province. This is really an interesting city with a very colorful history. There is some,European influence,in the city, and some of the old buildings in Harbin are in Russian style.,Ive been studying history in China.,有着非常丰富的历史,欧洲化影响,俄罗斯风格,Since I came to China, Ive been learning a lot about my family history. Although Im Australian, my family is Jewish. So it was very interesting for me to learn that a lot of,Jews,came to live in Harbin many years ago. My parents were so surprised when I told them about this in China. In fact, the first Jews probably came to Kaifeng more than a thousand years ago, and were welcomed by the Song Emperor.,事实上,最早的犹太人可能一千多年前就来到了开封,他们受到了宋朝皇帝的热情欢送。,很多年前就有很多犹太人来到哈尔滨居住,这对我来说了解这一历史是非常有趣的。,When I lived in Australia, I studied history at school but we usually studied Australian or western history. However, when I heard that I was going to work in China, I started studying Chinese history. Ive been studying for over two years now. My friends in Australia said that Chinese history was very hard to understand, but I dont really agree.,然而,当我听说我将在中国工作的时候,我开始学习中国历史。,I think if you study hard, youll be able to understand any culture. For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China.,I really enjoy my time in China. Although I live quite far from Beijing, Im certain I will be here for the Olympic Games in 2021!,对于一个象我这样的外国人来说,了解中国历史越多,我越喜欢住在中国。,1. Leo has been teaching in China for,.,2. Some of the old buildings in Harbin are,.,3. The,welcomed the first Jews to China.,4. In Australia, students usually study,and,history.,5. The more Leo learns about, the,more he enjoys,in China.,two years,in Russian style,Song Emperor,Australian,western,Chinese history,living,Reading strategy:,Let your eyes “scan the text quickly to find details that you are looking for. You can find information quickly without reading the whole text.,Go for it!,1.What problems might you have living in a foreign country?,2.What problems do you think a foreigner might have in China?,Ill be short of money.,Ill miss my friends.,Ill miss my family.,Theyll miss their friends,Theyll miss their family,Theyll not be used living in China,.,Theyll miss their food,Ill not be used living in a foreign country,More.,Lets have a Discussion! Complete the chart.,Ill have problems with the language.,


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