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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Overview and Trend of Mobile Marketing in China,Joshua Maa,Madhouse Inc.China,s Largest and Most Intelligent Mobile Ad Network,April 2021,In 2021, Mobile Internet Usage has Continued to Grow,Mobile phone users,640 mm,Internet,Mobile,Internet,118 mm,Total: 298 mm,Mobile phone users,750 mm,Internet,Mobile,Internet,233 mm,Total: 384 mm,Net increase in total mobile users: 110 mm,Net increase in internet (inc. mobile): 86 mm,Net increase in mobile internet users: 115 mm,Source: CNNIC, 31 Dec 2021,Source: CNNIC, 31 Dec 2021,Mobile web users are highly active, with almost,71%,of users using the mobile web,5-7 times/week,and,78%,of users visit,3 or more,mobile sites per visit,Sample description:N=36286;Based on research on 15 main mobile portals in June and July 2021,With a Broader Group of People Using the Mobile Internet,Almost 2x increase in mobile internet users over 25 and those making from RMB2,000 to over RMB 5,000 from 2021 to 2021,Source: iResearch 2021,Source: iResearch 2021,100%,100%,Total: 73 mm 155 mm,73 mm 155 mm,26%,74%,43%,57%,15%,85%,28%,72%,Mobile Internet User Analysis,Source: iResearch 2021,Sample description:N=36286;Based on research on 15 main mobile portals in June and July 2021,Mobile Internet User Analysis,Source: iResearch 2021,Sample description:N=36286;Based on research on 15 main mobile portals in June and July 2021,Mobile Internet User Analysis,Source: iResearch 2021,Sample description:N=36286;Based on research on 15 main mobile portals in June and July 2021,China 3G Develop Landscape,Source: China Mobile, China Unicom IR release, MIIT data release,After China Unicoms WCDMA 3G network commercially launched in October 2021, China 3G subscribers amount has been showing a rapid growth trend.,Mobile Content Delivery Capacity Booms in 3G Network,MMS Ads,2/2.5G network,3G network,Ring Back Tone Ads,SMS Ads,Mobile internet banner Ads,Mobile internet textlink Ads,Search engine Ads,Bluetooth,Flash Ads,Video Ads,3G App Ads,Mobile in-game Ads,Key words Ads,Mobile SNS,Location base Ads,Mobile Microblog,SMS/MMS 2.0,Mobile IM,Carriers are Aggressively Promoting Mobile Internet,Lowering of data tariffs: China Mobile increased the amount of data provided in mobile internet plans while keeping tariffs fixed in 2021, and to date, fees have been further lowered by Guangdong China Mobile and other provincial level carriers. From December, China Mobile has lowered non-data plan rates RMB0.01/KB to RMB0.001/KB in most provinces, 1/10 of the original rate.,Strong 3G Development Efforts: There were approximately 2.3 mm 3G users as of mid-2021. China Mobile launched a RMB600 mm fund to support TD-SCDMA development, with approximately 11 TD-SCDMA phones as of the end of 2021. Key OEMs such as RIM and Nokia has also announced support for TD-SCDMA phones.,and Key Platforms have been Released,2021 marked the launch of a number of key handsets in China, namely China Mobiles initial OPhone (the Lenovo O1) and China Unicoms iPhone. The Moto Droid and Google Nexus One were also released, and in the latters case, announced, with favorable reviews.,OPhone (Lenovo O1),(China Mobiles initial Android Phone,),iPhone,Moto Droid,and Numerous Players are Launching and Aggressively Promoting Mobile App Stores,All of Chinas mobile carriers, a number of mobile OEMs (Nokia, Moto, Samsung), and other players (MTK/Vogins, etc.), have created mobile app stores and are working hard to increase usage and the amount of content in their stores.,Mobile Carriers,CMCC Mobile Market,CU App Store,CT App Store,OEMs,Nokia,Moto,Samsung,Other,MTK,Leading to More High Quality Mobile Content,Top Portals,Top Verticals,4 of the Top 5 mobile internet players are internet players,And out of the top 100 internet sites,over,80 had mobile versions,The governments anti-pornography efforts will also help improve content quality,Mobile SNS Marketing is Going to Be Big,Established Brands Still Comprise the Majority of Madhouses Traffic, but Other OEMs are Growing Quickly,Based on Madhouse network data, the established OEMs have retained market share in 2021, with the exception of Sony Ericsson and Motorola, which have seen share decrease by approximately 38% and 52% from the beginning of the year. In turn, traffic from other brands has increased by 24%.,1Q2021 Mobile Internet Phones by Brand,4Q2021 Mobile Internet Phones by Brand,Source: Madhouse market intelligence,Source: Madhouse market intelligence,Screen Sizes Have Continued to Increase Quickly,Mobile phone screen resolutions have increased extremely quickly with 240px phones increasing from 12% of phones seen in 1H2021 to 51% of phones seen in 4Q2021; users are shifting towards higher-end phones.,2Q2021 Mobile Internet Phones by Screen,4Q2021 Mobile Internet Phones by Screen,Source: Madhouse market intelligence,Source: Madhouse market intelligence,The Majority of Traffic on Madhouses Network is Derived from “Other Operating Systems,4Q2021 Mobile Internet Phones by OS,4Q2021 Mobile Internet Phones by OS,Source: Madhouse market intelligence,Source: Madhouse market intelligence,Note: “Other includes non-detectable phone models from major handset brands and MTK phones.,“Other operating systems have continued to increase share on Madhouses network. In 2021, Mediatek is expected to have shipped over 170mm chipsets to China alone.,and Symbian Still Comprises the Majority of Smartphone OS Traffic,4Q2021 Phones, Smartphone OS,4Q2021 Phones, Smartphone OS,Source: Madhouse market intelligence,Source: Madhouse market intelligence,Note: Symbian S40 not considered smartphone operating system due to lack of multi-tasking etc.,Symbian still dominates the traffic on Madhouses network, with share of smartphones actually increasing from 4Q2021 to 4Q2021.,But New Platforms are Emerging,Source: Morgan Stanley,New device platforms such as iPhone and Android typically account for multiples of their shipment volume in terms of WAP and Internet visits, versus fractions of shipment volume for Symbian and RIM.,Rich Media Mobile Ad Network,Flash-based,ads, as well as those using,Javascript, are now tools that may be used to deliver,high-impact advertising,.,Rich Media Mobile Ad Network,Flash-based,ads, as well as those using,Javascript, are now tools that may be used to deliver,high-impact advertising,.,Evolution of the Mobile Site,1.X,2.0,HTML,Widget,马刺输在缺少第三点,Mobile Internet Evolution,2005-2006,2021-2021,2006-2021,2021-2021,Mobile Provides Reach, Interactivity, and Trackability,Mobile is becoming one of the,most cost-effective,marketing platforms.,Massive +,Personalized +,Always-on Interactivity,Mobile =,Integrated Interactive Campaigns are Critical for Digital Strategies in China,Digital Marketing,=,Internet,+,Mobile,Mobile phone users,750 mm,Internet,Source: CNNIC and MIIT, 2021,Anytime,Anywhere,Home,Office,School,Internet cafes,Mobile,Internet,233 mm,Total: 384 mm,Rapid market development drives both opportunity and complexity,24,The future.,Multiple formats mean production & campaign coordination becomes a barrier,Greater,opportunities,for targeting,Region,Brand / Model / Capability,Price,Greater,opportunities,campaign control,Freq. capping,Clear reporting,Innovation,What can mobile do,Mobile Media,Targeted Ad Serving on,Mobile internet,(Targeted Ad Serving),MMS magazine,Mobile widgets/apps,And build your own,Mobile Campaign site,Mobile web engagement,Interactive Tool,SMS/MMS interaction,Bluetooth,Mobile Augment Reality,Digital Image Reorganization,IVR,Branded Mobile Widget,Mobile Game,Mobile CRM,


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