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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,M7 U1,Reading,The evolution of video and sound devices,M7 U1,Language points,Language points,Important expressions,t,he,evolution of video and sound devices Title,shortly afterwards L4,contributed to the development of TV L6,was very primitive and had many drawbacks L8,made important breakthroughs L9,in the late 1920s and early 1930s L10,TVs use,many of the principles L10,constructed the first colour TV L12,regular colour TV broadcasts were delayed L15,Important expressions the evol,within a short time L15,Satellites allow TV programmes to be broadcast live L19,over vast distances L20,over a long distance L2 P5,make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities L21,throughout the countryside and the remote,areas L22-23,a small percentage of people L23,within a short time L,benefit from satellite TV L24,broadcast the signals,L24-25,made the first record,ing,of a human voice L27,used round tubes to record on L28-29,used discs as alternative to tubes L30,be wound up by hand L31,Times surely have changed! L32,employed steel tape to record on L35,by the late,1960s L38-39,benefit from satellite TV,Sound and video go digital. L42,T,he first CDs were made available.,L43,make,things of the past L49-50,keep pace with L51,foresee what the future will bring L51-52,adaptations were made L9 P5,Relay conversation and music L9 P5,had access to L13(,倒数,L3) P5,The primary means of getting news and entertainment L14(,倒数,L2) P5,Sound and video go digital.,Many different people contributed to the development of TV. (L6),很多不同的人对电视的发展作出了贡献。,contribute: verb vi or vt,1),捐助,贡献,必修,6,Come to the meeting if you feel you have something to contribute.,Her family have contributed 50, 000 to the fund.,2),投稿,She contributes to several magazines.,contribute to,sth.,有助于,成为,的原因,Smoking certainly contributed to his early death.,Many different people contribu,注意:以下短语中,“,to”,是,介词,,,后接名词或动名词,:,look forward to; take to; refer to;,get/be used to;,be/get/become accustomed to;,lead to; contribute to,;,devote to; pay attention to;,get down to; the key to,注意:以下短语中 “to” 是介词,,2. It took more than two decades, though, until 1951, for colour broadcasts to begin in the USA.,(L13-14),但是彩色电视节目一直到,1951,年才得以在美国开播,这其间一共经历了二十多年的时间。,though,conj.,1),虽然,She hasnt phoned, even though she said she would.,2),但是,Theyre coming next week, though I dont know,which day.,adv.,despite this:,可是,不过,We were at school together. I havent seen her for,years though.,2. It took more than two decad,as if/though,似乎,仿佛,She looked as if shed had some bad news.,I felt as though Id been lying in the sun for hours.,They stared at me as if I was crazy.,even though,尽管,Even though he left school at 16, he still managed to become prime minister.,as if/though 似乎,仿佛,delay sth. until,推迟到,The opening of this section of the road is delayed until September.,2) to make someone or something late,延误,seriously/badly/slightly etc delayed,The flight was badly delayed because of fog.,delay sth. until 推迟到 The,3.,Regular colour TV broadcasts,were delayed,in,the UK,until,1967.,L15,delay (v.),1) to wait until a later time to do something,He delayed his decision on whether to call an election.,推迟,delay doing sth.,Big companies often delay paying their bills.,3. Regular colour TV broadcas,4.,Satellites allow TV,to be broadcast,live,over vast distances, L19-20,live (adj.),a live television or radio program is seen or heard on television or radio at the same time as it is actually happening 直播的,a live radio phone-in show,There will be live TV coverage of tonights big match.,2) not dead or artificial =,living,生动的,experiments on live animals,4. Satellites allow TV to be b,3) a live performance is one in which the entertainer performs for people who are watching, rather than a film, record etc,有生气的,活泼的,The band will be giving a live concert performance next week.,a wire or piece of equipment that is live has electricity flowing through it,(正在)通电的,Be careful - those wires are live.,3) a live performance is one,live (adv.),The ceremony will be broadcast live on television.,直播,The match will be shown live by the BBC.,I love their music, but Ive never seen them perform live.,现场,The band is playing live in Birmingham tonight.,现场,live (adv.),5.,They also,make,TV,accessible to,people who live far away from cities, L21,accessible (adj.),easy to obtain or use 容易获得或使用,accessible to,the need for an efficient health service that is accessible to all,easily/readily accessible,Computers should be made readily accessible to teachers and pupils.,5. They also make TV accessibl,2) a place, building, or object that is accessible is easy to reach or get into,The island is only accessible by boat.,There is a church which is,easily accessible,from my home.,3) someone who is accessible is easy to meet and talk to, even if they are very important or powerful,I think that youll find shes very accessible.,4) a book, poem, painting etc that is accessible is easy to understand and enjoy,He wants his music to be accessible to everyone.,2) a place, building, or obje,access (n.),1) the right to enter a place, use something, see someone etc,have,access to,进入,得到,获得,1,、,Access to the papers is restricted to senior management.,2,、,Cats should always,have access to,fresh, clean water.,2) how easy or difficult it is for people to enter a public building, to reach a place, or talk to someone,(容易或难以)进入、通向,access to,a house with,easy access to,the sea,access (n.),access (n.),3) to succeed in entering a place or in seeing someone or something,获得进入的方法、找到进入的路、进入,gain/get access (to sth),The police managed to gain access through an upstairs window.,access (vt.),使,进入、获得(信息),to find information, especially on a computer,Users can access their voice mail remotely.,access (n.)3) to succeed in e,6.,The first record players had to,be wound up by hand,L31,wind (v.) (wound, wound ),1) to turn or twist something several times around something else 绕、缠绕,wind sth around/round sth,The hair is divided into sections and wound around heated rods.,2) to turn part of a machine around several times, in order to make it move or start working 上/紧发条,also,wind up,Did you remember to wind the clock?,6. The first record players ha,3) if a road, river etc winds somewhere, it has many smooth bends and is usually very long,蜿蜒前行,wind (its way) through/along etc sth,Highway 99 winds its way along the coast.,a winding path,4) to make a tape move in a machine,进带、到带,wind sth forward/back,Can you wind the video back a little way - I want to see that bit again.,3) if a road, river etc winds,Understanding difficult sentences,1. Regular public broadcasting followed shortly afterwards, first,beginning,on 11 May 1928 in New York,L4,Regular public broadcasting followed shortly after.,Regular public broadcasting first _ on 11 May 1928 in New York.,began,Understanding difficult senten,2,.,it was not until,1938,that,the first colour TV programme was broadcast,.,L12-13,The first,colour TV programme,_.,3. Satellites were used to broadcast TV,beginning,in 1962. L19,Satellites were used to broadcast TV and this _ in 1962.,was not broadcast until 1938,began,2. it was not until 1938 tha,4. ,and so satellite dishes can often be seen,distributed,throughout the countryside and the remote areas.,L22-23,and so you can often see _,_,_ _,_,_ _,_,_ throughout the countryside and the remote areas.,5. ,broadcast the signals they get from satellite receivers to the population,living,nearby. L25, broadcast the signals they get from satellite receivers to the population _ _ nearby.,satellite dishes,who live,distributed,4. and so satellite dishes,6.,Technology is now changing,faster than,most people can keep pace with.,L51,Most people _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_.,can not keep pace with the speed of the changing of technology,6. Technology is now changing,Read the text again and again. Try to memorize the language points.,Parts A and B on pages 106 & 107 in Workbook.,Homework,Homework,1.,近年,越来越多的天鹅选择到伊犁河流域越冬,这与当地实施天然林保护、湿地生态恢复等重点林业工程建设使湿地生态明显改善有很大关系。,2.,校庆在即,学校要求全体师生注重礼仪,热情待客,让从全国各地回母校参加庆祝活动的校友感到宾至如归。,3.,近三十年来,中国社会的快速发展,以及中国和国际交流的扩大,西方媒体从敌视到误读,逐渐改变了对华的片面报道,4,我们可通过河流触摸历史,把河流和历史抽象成一种符号,赋予河流更加丰富和充满变数的内涵。,5,河流不仅焕发了所有大地景观的活力,且还是重要的经济资源、战略资源和不可替代的文化资源。,6, 帮助家境不好的孩子上大学,是我们应该做的,况且这孩子各方面都很优秀,我们一定要帮助她圆大学梦。,7, 在那个民族独立和民族解放斗争风起云涌的时代,能激发人们的爱国热情是评判一部文学作品好坏的非常重要的标准。,8,社会大转型的时代,往往也是造就伟人的时代,几乎所有基本领域,都在春秋战国那个充满活力的黄金时代开山立宗并创造了我们民族精神的最高经典。,9,原生文化是一个民族的根基,其体现的精神没有因为经历了两千多年就逐渐消退,当各种复杂的问题困扰我们的时候,每个人都能从中寻找到再生的动力。,1.近年,越来越多的天鹅选择到伊犁河流域越冬,这与当地实施天,


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