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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?,Section B,koala,Australia,Revision,What animal is it?,Where is it from?,giraffe,Africa,Revision,What animal is it?,Where is it from?,lion,South America,Revision,What animal is it?,Where is it from?,dolphin,the sea,Revision,What animal is it?,Where is it from?,It,is from,the sea.,= It,come,s,from,the sea.,penguin,the South Pole,Revision,What animal is it?,Where is it from?,It,is from,the South Pole.,= It,come,s,from,the South Pole.,fast,slow,Ask and answer,What do you think of this animal?,l,eo,p,ar,d,l,e,p,d,t,ur,tle,t,:,tl,beautiful,ugly,Ask and answer,What do you think of this animal?,p,ea,c,o,ck,p,i:,k,k,cr,o,cod,i,le,kr,k,d,ai,l,Animals,Marys words,Tony s words,elephants,pandas,1c,Listen. What words do they use to describe,the animals? Fill in the chart.,interesting, really smart,lazy,beautiful, kind of shy,kind of cute,1d,Talk about the animals you know with your partner.,A: What animals do you like?,B: I like elephants.,A: Why?,B: Because theyre,cute,.,What animals do you like?,A: I like dogs because,theyre,friendly,and,smart,.,Adjectives(,形容词,):,smart, friendly, beautiful, cute, lazy, scary, small, shy, strong, tall, .,2b,Read this website article and check () the best,title for it.,_ What Is an Elephant?,_ Come to Thailand,_ Lets Save the Elephants,_ Elephants Are Good Pets,2c,Read the article again and complete the mind map.,ELEPHANTS,Importance in Thailand,first flag had _,symbol of _,Facts and figures,people_ many trees,people kill them for _,today there are _,(over_before),Abilities,can play_,can also _well,can _places,with food and water,How to save them,dont cut down so many_,dont _things made of ivory,_ is Thai Elephants Day,a white elephant on it,good luck,soccer or music,draw,remember,cut down,ivory,only about 3,000 elephants,100,000,trees,buy,March 13th,We are students,from,Thailand.,from,“,来自”,2.,The elephant is,one of,Thailands symbol,s,.,one of,+ 可数名词复数,“,.,其中之一”,3.,a symbol of.,“是,.,的象征”,Eg.,Tom是我最好的朋友之一。,Tom is,one of,my best friend,s,.,Eg. The,pigeon is,a symbol of,peace.,鸽子是和平的象征。,Language pionts in 2b,4.,good luck,“,好运,”,5.,forget to do sth,忘记要,做某事(未做),forget doing sth,忘记做了,某事(已做),D,on,t,forget to,give,me some money,.,别忘记给我一些钱。(钱还没给,),You,forget,giving,me some money,.,你忘记你给过我一些钱了。(钱已经给了,),remember,to do sth,记,得,要,做某事(未做),remember,doing sth,记,得,做了,某事(已做),Please,remember to close,the door before you leave.,I,remember closing,the door before I leave.,6.,for a long time,“,很长时间;很久”,Eg. They often play computer games,for a long time,on weekends.,7.,get lost,“,迷路,走,失,”,lose one,s way,也是“迷路,迷失”的意思,Eg.,我在森林里面迷路了,I,get lost,in the forest.,= I,lose my way,in the forest.,8.,places with food and water,“,有食物和水的地方,”,with,表示“有,”,8.,be in danger,“面临危险”,常用形容词,big,或,great,与,danger,搭配,,其,反义词组,be out of danger,“脱离危险”,Eg.,The lion is coming,. W,e are,in danger,.,狮子来了。我们有危险了。,9.,cut down,“,砍下,”,Eg.,He,cuts down,many trees to buil,d,a house.,他砍下很多树去建房子。,10.,k,ill,.,f,or,“,为了,.,而杀,.,”,Eg.,People,kill,pigs,for,meat.。,人们为了吃肉而杀猪。,11.,over 100, 000,“,超过十万”,over “,超过”,12. things,made of,ivory “,象牙制成的东西”,be made of,“由,.,制成”(看得,见原材料),be made from,“由.制成”(看不见原材料),Eg. The,desk,is made of,wood.,桌子是由木材制成的。,(看得见木材,),Eg. The,book,is made,from,wood.,书是由木材制成的。,(看不见木材),一 单项选择,1,.,I don,t like tigers, because they,re_.,A.,friendly,B.,cute,C.,smart,D.,scary,2.,My friends are_ big danger.,A. in,B. for C.,on,D. at,3.,People kill the elephants_ ivory,.,A.,with,B. on C. for D. about,4.,Lucy is one of my_.,A.,friend,B.,friends,C.,friendly,D.brother,5,.,A glass is made_ glass.,A.,in,B.,by,C.,from,D.,of,D,A,C,B,D,Exercises,二,单词拼写,1. The,elephant is,_,_,(,可,爱的,), we all like him.,2.,Tom,_,_,_,(忘记,),to clean the classroom.,3.,Many animals are in_,_(危险,),.,We should save them.,4.,The birds don,t have homes because people_,(砍,切),down all the trees,.,5.,There are many_,(地点,位置,),to play,games.,6. People_(杀死,弄死) elephants for ivory.,cute,forget,s,danger,cut,place,s,kill,三 翻译句子,1.在中国红色是好运的象征。,2.我喜欢大熊猫,因为它们可爱又友好。,3.人们为了象牙而杀害大象。,4.请记得今天下午给你妈妈打电话。,5.这座房子是由木材建的。,Red is a symbol of good luck in China.,I like panda,s,because they,re,cute,and,friendly.,People kill elephant,s,for their ivory.,Please remember,to,call your mother this afternoon.,The house is made,of,wood.,3a,Becky is Jills favorite animal. Fill in the blanks,with the words in the box.,like beautiful,Africa,years,lives,because,This is Becky. Isnt she_? She is from_. She is twelve _ old. I _ Becky _ she is smart and friendly. She _ in Blackwood Zoo.,Africa,years,like,because,lives,beautiful,3b,Write a description of a panda using the words in the box, or write about favorite animal using your own ideas.,Beibei five years old China,cute shy Beijing Zoo,_,My favorite animal is a panda in Beijing Zoo. His name is Beibei. He is five years old. He is from Sichuan, China. He is black and white. He likes eating bamboos very much. He is very cute and he is friendly to people. But he is kind of shy sometimes. Many people like to take photos with him. I take a photo with him, too. Look! How lovely the panda is!,Thank you! Goodbye!,


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