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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,老子及其思想,老子及其思想,His life,Daoism as Philosophy of laozi,Dao De Jing,His life,.,Name,:,Lao,-Tzu(,about 571 B,.,C - 471 B,.,C,),surnam,e,Li,and name Er,style name,Dan.,Home,:,Quren Village, LI Township(厉乡曲仁里) ,Ku County in the state of Chu ,in present day Luyi(鹿里) ,Henan Province,Career,:,librarian,grand scribe(太史),O,ld age,:,resigned from official post and lived in seclusion。,Life of Laozi,.Name: Lao-Tzu(about 571 B.C -,.,Work,:,Writting:,D,aode,J,ing(also,called Lao zi,Achievement,:,G,reat philosopher and thinker,the founder of,the,D,aoist school,and Daoism;,W,orld culture celebrities,one of the worlds one hundred historical figures,;,His,theory has a profound influence on the development of Chinese philosophy,.,Notable ideas,:,Wu wei (means non-action,letting things take their own course);,Dialectical Thought (辩证法思想 ) Noninterference(无为而治) The dual cultivation (性命双修),.Work:Writting: Daode Jing(a,It is the rule of the nature.,We need to observe the nature and understanding the way of it, so that we can use it to benefit us.,The,D,aoism,What is the way?,It is the rule of the nature.T,What is ,Non-action,?,Wu wei : means non-action or t,o take things let their own course,proposed by Lao Zi,is not doing nothing, but comply to nature, excludes the unnecessary indulging, and not reluctantly using peoples power to interfere the natural or social laws own development.,What is Non-action?,advanced the concept of Dao, the central concept of Laozi philosophical system and the core,of classical Chinese philosophy,established the earliest ontology (,本体论),and cosmology,(宇宙学),in China,advanced the concept of Dao, t,Difference,Philosophical,Daoism,Daoist Thingking,the works of Lao Zi and zhuang Zi,Religious,Daoism,Daoist Religion,The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea(八仙过海),DifferencePhilosophicalReligio,Dao De Jing,Dao De Jing,.,Lao-Tzus sayings,:,The highest good is like that of water. The goodness of water is that it benefits the ten thousand creatures.,上善若水,水善利万物而不争。,The Tao prouduced one, one produced two,Two produced Three,Three produced Three,Three produced All things.,道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物,.Lao-Tzus sayings:The Tao pro,THANKYOU!,THANKYOU!,


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