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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,家具的仿生设计,家具的仿生设计,1,摘要,胃产设;等缬垓本显篷金透在24,家具设计大赛中,采,仿生思维的家具大放异彩,成为最大的羸家,图高资,们的罚老笔口考克数,这个疯狂,耪籍彷生岌祛鹎:不外乎五点:功能仿生,形念仿生,结构仿生,樊翱和爻生霑憲笱籍突矞篆賣弩窃相奖生濡粪酊,的离请箱对葛迷滑行名大格泵合星管生物机,计存搴人右籥萋閻耪计,用蜈蚣的生态结构,根居其生态特点,关键词:仿生学仿生设计家具设,摘要,2,Abstract,4 Bionics is the lover of modern design, he is a modern age to develop,learn to learn the fork course that combine together with the technique,s. A little bit first biologist while studying discover, some animal with,vegetative and look alike function, in reality overstepped the human,oneself here the design project of the aspect. The inferior in heartless,and excellent in great universe make plant evolved with the animal,nature in millions year center not only adapt to nature and its degrees,completely almost perfect. But then imitate to living the design in the,aspects of technique mimicry animal with plant is in the function in the,nature,s Mankind imitate the rare footstep to has,part at the long the,age that carries in fact, fabulous person,myth Ikarus ever wing,made into with the feather of the bird but,ft for the subsequence,with this crary creativity in numerous factitiousness in empress before,keep to the aero contrivance,Abstract,3,o The each realm life for people of bionics at,mankind living brings biggest of convenience,relate to with it close related with live and closely,related furniture in life more. but the furniture,imitates to living the design can be far relate to,new stone age, bronze age, arrive modern age,imitate to living again the design that design due,into furniture is a new lesson. Imitating to living,design can inspire people to the nature living,creature machine ofof observation with,contrast Creates to match people the life to imitate,to living the new furniture demandingly,s Key Words: Bionics Imitates to Bionics of,design The furniture design,o The each realm life for peo,4,第一章仿生学与工业设计,仿生学的兴起与发展,很小的时候就知道有个诸葛亮,他发明了可以像动的木牛流马。其实,前,人们就开始了对仿生的探索,仿集的生物形态,的,是生物形态值得人类去研,众最呆制人麦到吴倍是各理飞,成鸟翅模刑,奇被,实现的飞行,00年,翔机成功地飞行了250,他也取得了滑翔机,究鼯篡韆白禦婩搦和船鹦应用亭许多,第一章仿生学与工业设计,5,家具仿生设计课件,6,家具仿生设计课件,7,家具仿生设计课件,8,家具仿生设计课件,9,家具仿生设计课件,10,家具仿生设计课件,11,家具仿生设计课件,12,家具仿生设计课件,13,家具仿生设计课件,14,家具仿生设计课件,15,家具仿生设计课件,16,家具仿生设计课件,17,家具仿生设计课件,18,家具仿生设计课件,19,家具仿生设计课件,20,家具仿生设计课件,21,家具仿生设计课件,22,家具仿生设计课件,23,家具仿生设计课件,24,家具仿生设计课件,25,家具仿生设计课件,26,家具仿生设计课件,27,家具仿生设计课件,28,家具仿生设计课件,29,家具仿生设计课件,30,家具仿生设计课件,31,家具仿生设计课件,32,家具仿生设计课件,33,家具仿生设计课件,34,家具仿生设计课件,35,家具仿生设计课件,36,家具仿生设计课件,37,家具仿生设计课件,38,家具仿生设计课件,39,家具仿生设计课件,40,家具仿生设计课件,41,家具仿生设计课件,42,


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