How to shop by the Internet(如何在线购物)

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How to shop by the Internet(如何在线购物)_第1页
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How to shop by the Internet(如何在线购物)_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,Section B,online,shopping,Unit 4,Hello !,Im Penny.,We are,Lets show & learn,Which website do you often visit?,Go on the website,set up an account,log in,click the “BUY button,place the order.,How much is the postage?,That sounds really convenient .,Lets show & learn,website,account,click,postage,convenient,Why?,How?,Lets watch & learn,Which website did they visit?,What did they do on it?,How to buy,on the Internet,books,Lets watch & do,What are the,steps,of online shopping?,Put your,cards,in the right order.,What are the,steps,of online shopping?,Put your,cards,in the right order.,Lets look & learn,How to buy,on the Internet,go on the website,find the book that you want,books,How to buy,on the Internet,set up an account,Lets look & learn,books,How to buy,on the Internet,log in,Lets look & learn,books,How to buy,on the Internet,click the “BUY button,Lets look & learn,books,How to buy,on the Internet,place the order,Lets look & learn,books,Project,teach,others how to shop online,Lets do & learn,Make a,plan,of online shopping,&,How to buy,online,Website:,Things to buy:,Steps(,步骤,):,Postage:,Group (,组名,) :,Leader (,组长,):,razjx,Penny,dangdang,Harry Potter,go on the website, find the book, set up an account, log in, click the BUY button, place the order.,free,books,Part 1-Make an online shopping plan,Part 2-Teach people how to shop online,Which website do you often visit?,What do you do on it?,How can I buy one online?,How much is the postage?,Can you tell other,advantages,of the Internet?,Homework,优势,Reading P87,Evaluation,Have you done,your best,today?,(,Yes/No?),I can read the words and phrases,I can say out the sentences,I can talk about online activities,I can teach people how to shop online,How well did I do?,Goal,Lets practice,Jason: Hello, Li Hui. Which website do you,often visit?,Li Hui: I often go to dangdang .,Jason: What do you do on it?,Li Hui: I often buy books on it. Books on there,are much cheaper.,Jason: Really? I want the book Harry Potter.,How can I buy one online?,Li Hui: Look, go on the website and find the book,that you want. Then, set up an account,log in and click the “BUY button below,and place the order. You dont have to pay,until you receive the book.,Jason: How much is the postage?,Li Hui: It may be 5 or 10 yuan. But its free with a,price over 29 yuan.,Jason: That sounds really convenient. Im going,to buy books online, too.,录音,


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