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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 My day,Reading,objective,Get up,Have breakfast,Do morning exercises,Have lessons,Do after-school activities,Do homework,Read and learn the new words,wish,希望,祝愿,best,最好的,chat,聊天,闲谈,each other,彼此,,相互,first,第一;首先,in the morning / afternoon/ evening,在上午,/,下午,/,晚上,library,图书馆,Tuesday,星期二,Friday,星期五,practise,练习;,have a good time,过得愉快,If we,practise,speaking English,more,well,speak English Well.,Give my good,wishes,to your family.,What is the e-mail about?,A Millies family B Millies everyday life,C Millies class D Millies school life,D,Millies e-mail,To,From,Main body正文,Dear Tommy,:,Now I am a student at Sunshine Middle School.,Best wishes,Millie,Skill 1:Skimming,(略读),快速浏览全文,粗略地了解文章大意。,What is main idea of the email?,Its about Millies school day.,Skill 2:Scanning,(索读),淡化其他语句,寻找某个特定信息。,Scanning,Read carefully.Tommy takes notes about Millies e-mail. T/ F. ( P45),Millie likes her school very much.,School starts at 8:15 at Millies school.,English is Millies,favourite,subject.,Millie seldom chats with her friends after class.,Millie goes to the Reading Club on Tuesday,Millie is a member of the school swimming team.,T,F,T,F,F,eight,often,and Thursday.,F,volleyball,Read the e-mail and answer these questions:,1.What is Millies school called?,2. What is her,favourite,subject?,3. What does Millie do first at school?,He does morning exercises first.,4. When do their lessons begin?,Sunshine Middle School.,Her,favourite,subject is English.,At a quarter past eight.,Skill 3:Careful reading,(,细读),仔细阅读全文,把握每段大意。,1,2,3,4,5,Para.1,Para.2,Para.3,Para.4,Para.5,What is the main idea of each paragraph?,Millies school .,Millies school activities.,Millies friends.,Millies and her friends after-school activities.,Millies feeling.,Answer the questions according to the passage:,Paragraph 1,Millies school .,Whats the name of Millies school?,Does she love her school?,Careful reading:,Paragraph 2,Millies school activities.,What time does the school day start?,What do they do first?,What time do the lessons begin ?,Whats Millies,favourite,subject?,Paragraph 3,Millies friends,1.Are her friends nice?,2.What do they do after school?,Paragraph 4,after-school activities.,What does she do every Tuesday and Thursday?,Does she like playing volleyball?,Is Millie in school volleyball team?,What do you think of her school?,Para 4 Millies after-school activities,go to the school library,go to the Reading Club,like playing volleyball,practice,Read the e-mail again , then fill the blanks.,Millie is a student at _ _ _ . She _ her school very much. She goes to school from_ to _. Her,favourite,lesson is _. She also likes playing _ .,Sunshine Middle,School,loves,English,Monday,Friday,volleyball,She goes to the school _ . Sometimes she,practise,playing _ with her friends after school. She is a member of the _ _ . They always _ _ _ _.,library,volleyball,volleyball team,have a good time,Skill 4:Backward reading,(回读),通过回顾上下文,,来猜测某些特殊词句,的含义,,推敲用词。,Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.,wish _,A,a mail sent by a computer and,the Internet,chat _,B,enjoy oneself very much,practice _,c,to talk in a fried way to sb.,4. email _,D,do,sth,repeatedly or regularly in,order to improve ones skills,5. have a good time _,E,used especially in,a letter or card to say,you hope that sb. will,be happy ,well or success,E,C,D,A,B,start,morning exercises,begin,English,a lot of,chat,Reading,Club,Tuesday,Thursday,volleyball,team,practise,Wednesday,afternoon,.,school life,a student at Beijing Sunshine Middle School,Our school starts,a big and clean classroom,lots of friends,chat with each other,be nice to sb.,go to the library,play volleyball,have a good time,Use the key words to say something about Millies school life,My day,wish,希望,祝愿,best,最好的,chat,聊天,闲谈,each other,彼此,,相互,first,第一;首先,in the morning,在上午,library,图书馆,Tuesday,星期二,Friday,星期五,practise,练习;,We always have a good time at school.,我们在校一直很愉快。,Enjoy school,词组练习,1,在早上,9 from Monday to Friday,2,在八点,10 in the playground,3,在星期二,11 be all nice to me,4,我最喜欢的科目,12 a lot of friends,5,做早操,13,practise,playing volleyball,6,擅长,14 Reading Club,7,互相聊天,15 after class,8,玩得高兴,16 start lessons,Summary,Millies school.,


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