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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/11/27,#,高考英语之阅读理解,高考英语之,1,阅读理解,考试大纲,对阅读理解的要求,要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能:,(,1,)理解主旨要义;,(,2,)理解文中具体信息;,(,3,)根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义;,(,4,)做出判断和推理;,(,5,)理解文章的基本结构;,(,6,)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。,阅读理解,2,高考抢分题之阅读理解,高考抢分题之阅读理解,3,正确的答案均应在原文中找到相关的语句或段落为依据,也必须与题干等量代换。,阅读理解解题原则,正确的答案均应在原文中找到相关的语句或段落为依据,也必须与题,4,关注体裁结构,1.,说明文:,提出问题(说明要点);,-,分析问题(说明过程);,-,解决问题(说明结果);,2.,议论文:,提出论点(主题主旨);,-,论证论点(证明是非);,-,得出,结论,(重点进一步阐明);,3.,应用文:,根据题目仔细搜寻答案,4.,记叙文,人不离事,事不离人,写人的文章事情是重点;,记事的文章人物是关键。,关注体裁结构1.说明文:,5,阅读理解抢分题,1.,按图索骥,2.,同义异构,3.,观点态度,4.,标题主旨,5.,文章出处,6.,写作目的,阅读理解抢分题1.按图索骥,6,阅读理解抢分题之按图索骥,Visit,Pacific Science Centers Store,Dont forget to stop by Pacific Science Centers Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or souvenir to remember your visit. The store is located(,位于,) upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laser Dome.,(2018,卷,)21. Where can you buy a souvenir at Pacific Science Center?,A. In Building 1.,B. In Building 3.,C. At the Laser Dome.,D. At the Denny Way entrance.,B,阅读理解抢分题之按图索骥Visit Pacific Sci,7,解题技巧,1.,先读题干再看文章。,2.,确定题干或选项中的关键词。(人名,地名,专有名词,时间,地点,数字,动词,名词),3.,去原文锁定证据,划线,标题号。,解题技巧1.先读题干再看文章。,8,I work with Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in Locust Valley. Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain. However, when it works, it is simply beautiful.,(2019,卷,) 24. What is unavoidable in the authors rescue work according to paragraph 1?,A. Effortsmadeinvain.,B. Gettinginjuredinhiswork.,C. Feelinguncertainabouthisfuture.,D. Creaturesforcedoutoftheirhomes.,阅读理解抢分题之同义异构,A,I work with Volunteers for Wil,9,解题技巧,1.,与文章出处表述形式不同但意义相同的选项为正确选项,,此即为同义异构原理;,2.,凡以断章取义、捕风捉影、张冠李戴等形式表现的选项均为错误选项。,解题技巧1.与文章出处表述形式不同但意义相同的选项为正确选项,10,阅读理解抢分题之观点态度,(2019)30. What can we infer about Morans opinion on jazz?,A. It will disappear gradually.,B. It remains black and white.,C. It should keep up with the times.,D. It changes every 50 years.,阅读理解抢分题之观点态度(2019)30. What can,11,“Jazz seems like its not really a part of the American appetite,” Moran tells National Public Radios reporter Neal Conan. “What Im hoping to accomplish is that my generation and younger start to reconsider and understand that jazz is not black and write anymore. Its actually color, and its actually digital.”,Moran says one of the problems with jazz today is that the entertainment aspect of the music has been lost. “The music cant be presented today the way it was in 1908 or 1958.,It has to continue to move,because the way the world works is not the same,” says Moran.,2018,年全国,1,卷,C,篇片段,_,_,2018年全国1卷C篇片段,12,阅读理解抢分题之观点态度,(2019)30. What can we infer about Morans opinion on jazz?,A. It will disappear gradually.,B. It remains black and white.,C. It should keep up with the times.,D. It changes every 50 years.,c,阅读理解抢分题之观点态度(2019)30. What can,13,解题技巧:,1.,观点态度往往隐含在说话人的措辞之中;,2.,全文只是出现对事实的描述而没有出现任何表现作者观点态度的描述则说明作者的态度是客观的。,解题技巧:1.观点态度往往隐含在说话人的措辞之中;,14,(,2018,),35.What may be the best title for the text?,Sound and Silence,B. What It Means to Be Silent,C. Silence to Native Americans,D. Speech Is Silver; Silence Is Gold,阅读理解抢分题之标题主旨,(2018)35.What may be the best,15,The meaning of silence varies among cultural groups.,Silences may be thoughtful, or they may be empty when a person has nothing to say. A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness, uneasiness, or worry. Silence may be viewed by some cultural groups as extremely uncomfortable; therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap(,间隙,)with conversation. Persons in other cultural groups value silence and view it as necessary for understanding a persons needs.,2018,年全国,1,卷,D,篇,The meaning of silence va,16,Many Native Americans value silence,and feel it is a basic part of communicating among people, just as some traditional Chinese and Thai persons do. Therefore, when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenly stops, what maybe implied(,暗示,) is that the person wants the listener to consider what has been said before continuing. In these cultures, silence is a call for reflection.,Many Native Americans valu,17,Other cultures may use silence in other ways,particularly when dealing with conflicts among people or in relationships of people with different amounts of power. For example, Russian, French, and Spanish persons may use silence to show agreement between parties about the topic under discussion. However, Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her. In still another use, persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of respect, particularly to an elder or a person in authority.,Other cultures may use sil,18,Nurses and other care-givers need to be aware of the,possible meanings of silence when they come across the personal anxiety their patients may be experiencing. Nurses should recognize their own personal and cultural construction of silence so that a patients silence is not interrupted too early or allowed to go on unnecessarily. A nurse who understands the healing(,治愈,) value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures.,Nurses and other care-giv,19,(,2019,),35.What may be the best title for the text?,Sound and Silence,B. What It Means to Be Silent,C. Silence to Native Americans,D. Speech Is Silver; Silence Is Gold,阅读理解抢分题之标题主旨,合适的标题(或者主旨)特征明显:,(,1,)概括性,换言之,能反映文章的主要内容;,(,2,)以偏概全不可取,有些选项只反映某一段落的内容甚至仅是对某一段个别细节的描述,则该选项为错误选项。,(,3,)外延过大不可取。,B,(2019)35.What may be the best,20,解题技巧,1.,大部分文章有主题句(,topic sentence,),找到了主题句,也就抓住了文章的主旨大意。,2.,一般主题句在文章开头,也可能在结尾或首尾呼应;,3.,而找不到主题句,可将每段的第一句话串起来,这样文章的大意就清楚了。,解题技巧1. 大部分文章有主题句(topic sentenc,21,阅读理解抢分题之文章出处,(,2019,卷,),63.Where does this text probably come from?,A.Science fiction.,B.Childrens literature.,C.An advertisement.,D.A science report.,阅读理解抢分题之文章出处(2019卷)63.Where d,22,The baby is just one day old and has not yet left hospital. She is quiet but alert (,警觉,).Twenty centimeters from her face,researchers,have placed a white card with two black spots,on it.She stares at it carefully .,A researcher,removes the card and replaces it by another, this time with the spots differently spaced. As the cards change from one to the other,her gaze(,凝视,) starts to lose its focus - until a third, with three black spots, is presented. Her gaze returns:she looks at it for twice as long as she did at the previous card. Can she tell that the number two is different from three, just 24 hours after coming into the world?,The baby is just one day o,23,Or do newborns simply prefer more to fewer? The same,experiment,but with three spots shown before two,shows,the same return of interest when the number of spots changes.Perhaps it is just the newness? When slightly older babies were shown cards with pictures of objects(a comb,a key,an orange and so on),changing the number of objects had an effect separate from changing the objects themselves.Could it be the pattern that two things make,as opposed to three? No again.Babies paid more attention to squares moving randomly on a screen when their number changed from two to three, or three to two. The effect even crosses between senses.Babies who were repeatedly shown two spots became more excited when they then heard three drumbeats than when they heard just two;likewist(,同样地,) when the researchers started with drumbeats and moved to spots.,Or do newborns simply prefer m,24,解题技巧:,1.,广告类、时事新闻类、娱乐新闻类、影评和应用文通常出现在报纸、杂志、海报上。,2.,说明文通常选自教科书、实用技术手册或科学报道。,解题技巧:1.广告类、时事新闻类、娱乐新闻类、影评和应用文通,25,阅读理解抢分题之写作目的,(2017)23. What is the purpose of the last part of the text?,A. To encourage donations.,B. To advertise coming events.,C. To introduce special exhibits.,D. To tell about the Centers history.,阅读理解抢分题之写作目的(2017)23. What is,26,S,upport Pacific Science Center,Since 1962, Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion(,热情,) for discovery and lifelong learning in science, math and technology. Today, Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and brings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State. Its an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations.,Visit pacificsciencecenter.org to find various ways you can support Pacific Science Center.,Support Pacific Science Cente,27,阅读理解抢分题之写作目的,(2017)23. What is the purpose of the last part of the text?,A. To encourage donations.,B. To advertise coming events.,C. To introduce special exhibits.,D. To tell about the Centers history.,A,阅读理解抢分题之写作目的(2017)23. What is,28,解题技巧:根据文体类别推断写作目的。,常见的写作目的:,1.,故事类的文章往往是为了愉悦读者或者是给读者一定的教育意义;,2.,广告类文章往往是为了推销一种活动或一种服务等;,3.,科普类文章往往是为了普及某项科学知识;,4.,议论文往往是为了阐述某一种观点。,解题技巧:根据文体类别推断写作目的。常见的写作目的:,29,巩固练习,讲义上的,A-D,四篇阅读理解,巩固练习讲义上的A-D四篇阅读理解,30,Thank You !,Thank You !,31,1,单元介绍,重点是本单元主题,“,女性的声音,”,的发展历史介绍。让学生了解女性小说发展的历史及特点。,2.,2.,在具体的教学中,可以让学生根据自己的课内外阅读情况说一说自己对于女性小说的了解,谈一谈他们印象中女性小说有怎样的特色。,3.,重点是介绍它的主要内容和艺术风格。根据学生对作家萧红的作品以及那个时代的历史环境的了解程度,来安排教学方式。,4.,鲁迅是学生们比较熟悉的,可以从鲁迅与萧红的忘年交来引出对萧红及其作品的介绍。,5.,对比论证。把古代的格物致知和当今世界要求的格物致知放在一起加以比较,从而突出强调了本文的论点。,6.,本文虽然属于学术性演讲,但通俗易懂,听众易于接受。首先,作者在演讲过程中注意结合自己的切身体验,如作者讲到了自己初到美国大学念物理时的彷徨恐慌,这样就拉近了与听众的距离,并使他们真切地感受到格物致知精神的重要性。,8.,唯有经历劳动的洗礼,挥汗如雨,奋斗筑梦,才能悟得真谛,享受劳动所带来的快乐。,感谢观看,欢迎指导!,1单元介绍,重点是本单元主题“女性的声音”的发展历史介绍。,32,


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