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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,A Trip Along the Three Gorges,A Trip Along the Three Gorges,1,Free Talk,1.Do you like travel?,2.Which places have you ever travelled?,Free Talk1.Do you like travel?,2,What do you know about the Yangtze River? What are the Three Gorges?,What do you know about the Yan,3,Qutang Gorge(,瞿塘峡),是长江第一峡,长八千米,以,雄,著称,瞿塘峡是三峡中最短的一个峡,Qutang Gorge(瞿塘峡) 是长江第一峡,长八千米,,4,Wu Gorge(,巫峡),是长江第二峡,全长,42,千米,巫峡以,秀,著称天下。巫山十二峰,是巫峡风光中的胜景,其中俏丽动人的神女峰最为迷人 。,Wu Gorge(巫峡)是长江第二峡,全长42千米,巫峡以秀,5,Xiling Gorge(,西陵峡),是长江第三峡,以,险,为特色,全长,126,千米。以宜昌市的西陵山得名,是三峡中最长的一个峡。,Xiling Gorge(西陵峡)是长江第三峡,以险为特色,6,Small Three Gorges (,小三峡),是大宁河下游流经巫山境内的龙门峡、巴雾峡、滴翠峡的总称,这三段峡谷全长,60,千米。,Small Three Gorges (小三峡)是大宁河下游,7,Complete the definitions with the help of the pictures.,Vocabulary,Lets check the new words,.,VocabularyLets check the new,8,Vocabulary,cave cliffs lake peak plain plateau shore slope valley wood,Vocabulary cave cliff,9,Reading,:,A Trip Along the Three Gorges,Reading :,10,Imagine youre going on a trip through the Three Gorges. which of these,topics will you talk about?,the boat, the food, life along the river,the scenery, the weather,Pre-reading,Imagine youre going on a,11,Task 1:Skimming,pick out the,topics the writer talks about?,the boat,the food,life along the river,the scenery,the weather,history and legend,Fast reading,Task 1:Skimming pick out,12,A,Trip Along,the,Three Gorges,Time,Place,character,event,Task 2:,Fill in the blanks,In January 1997,The Three Gorges,Peter and a colleague,Taking a boat downstream,Time PlacecharactereventTask 2,13,Read each paragraph and find out what the writer did.,Careful reading,Read each paragraph and find o,14,place,what the writer did,Para. 1,Fuling,Para. 2,From Fuling to Fengdu,Para. 3,Along the Qutang Gorge,Para. 4,At Wushan,Along the Wu Gorge,Para. 5,Out of the Xiling Gorge,Buying tickets for the Jiangyou boat,Leaving the docks and docked at Fengdu,Sleeping through the first gorge,Making a detour up the Daning River,to see some of the smaller gorges;,Going through the big gorges and passing the Xiang River,Sailing into the construction site of the dam,placewhat the writer didPara.,15,Task 3:,Read the passage and complete the,statements about the writers journey.,1 Peter and his friend went downstream _.,(a) to see the dam,(b) to see the Three Gorges,(c) to get to Fuling,2 He chose the Jiangyou boat because_.,(a) it was crowded,(b) it didnt stop at temples,(c) it didnt usually carry foreigners,Task 3: Read the passage and c,16,3 When they started the trip it was_.,(a) sunny (b) cold (c) evening,4 When the boat went through the first,gorge, Peter and his friend _.,(a) took lots of photographs,(b) spent most of the time on deck,(c) were asleep,3 When they started the trip i,17,5 When they reached the site of the dam,_ came to look.,(a) everyone,(b) no one,(c) only the foreigners,Peter was impressed by the Yangtze,Rivers sense of _.,(a) power (b) history (c) danger,5 When they reached the site o,18,Read the text carefully and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).,1. The ships like the Jiangyou boat are,mainly for goods and people who trade,along the river.,2. As the sun set we docked at Fuling.,T,F,In Para. 1,Fengdu,In Para. 2,Read the text carefully and de,19,3. The words “two more” in the third paragraph refer to the Wu Gorge and the Xiling Gorge.,4. The home of Qu Yuan, the 3rd century BC poet, is located on the Daning River.,In Para.3,F,T,Xiang River,In Para. 4,3. The words “two more” in the,20,Post reading,Task 4: Look at the map and then try to write the places the writer travelled.,Post readingTask 4: Look at th,21,Task5:Retell Peters route of the trip,Post reading,bought a ticket.,left the docks,sailed downstream.,sun set . docked.,slept through .,made a detour upto see. went through. passed. came out of. sailed into.,Summary:,6.Smaller Gorges,5.Daning,River,2.Fengdu,1.Fuling,3.Qutang Gorge,7.Wu Gorge,8.Xiang,River,9.Xiling Gorge,10.Three Gorges Dam,4.Wushan,Task5:Retell Peters route of,22,Peter and his colleague,bought tickets,in Fuling,for the Jiangyou boat. They,left the docks,and,sailed downstream,on a beautiful afternoon from,Fuling.,As,the sun set, they,docked,at,Fengdu.,They,slept through,the first gorge called,the Qutang Gorge.,Summary,Peter and his colleagu,23,At,Wushan,they,made a detour up,the Daning River,to see,the smaller gorges.,The next day they,went through,the Wu Gorge,and,passed,the Xiang River, home of Qu Yuan. As they,came out of,the,Xiling Gorge, they,sailed into,the construction site of the dam.,Summary,At Wushan they made a det,24,Homework:,1.Write the route of the writer with the help of map and key words.,2.Finish exercise 4 &5 on Page43.,3.Try to recite the article with the help of drawing pictures.,Homework:,25,的基本撒即可都不恐怖方式,打发第三方士大夫阿萨德按时风高放火 发给发的格式的广东省都是方式方式方式度过度过发的发的,的基本撒即可都不恐怖方式打发第三方士大夫阿萨德按时风高放火,26,OK,的十分肯定会说不够开放的时间快发红包国剧盛典冠军飞将,啊所发生的方便的科级干部看电视吧高科技的设备科技发布十多年开放男可视对讲你疯了放到疯狂,饭,看过你的飞,给你,地方干部,密保卡价格不好看积分班上课的积分把控时代峻峰不看电视,OK的十分肯定会说不够开放的时间快发红包国剧盛典冠军飞将啊所,27,


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