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,Click to edit Master title style,*,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2,Check-in,Unit 2Check-in,1,Learning Objectives,In this unit you will learn,How to receive guest(s),How to do check-in service,Learning ObjectivesIn this uni,2,Snapshot,Snapshot,3,Reading Tip,s,are very important, for it will leave guests the first impression. If they are not dealt with properly, it will cause great inconvenience to guests.,I,n order to fulfill these tasks, the Front Office staff must have a neat and smart appearance, good manners, and good knowledge of languages, adaptability and a head for figures. The most important of all the qualities is a real liking for people and a warm desire to help them.,Check-in services, Reading TipsCheck-in service,4,Q&A,What are those people doing in the picture,s,below?,Front Desk,前台,Room Key,酒店房卡,Registration Form,登记表,Reception Desk of Executive Floor,行政楼层接待处,Q&AWhat are those people doing,5,Q&A,What do guests often ask and need from the Reception Desk?,How does a receptionist do check-in service?,Q&AWhat do guests often ask an,6,The procedure of doing check-in,Step 1,As,k,the,guest to fill in,the,form,让客人填表,Step 2,Let,the,guest show the ID card and credit card,让客人出示身份证和信用卡,Step 3,Receive the deposit from,the,guest,收取客人押金,Step 4,Ask for the departure time,询问离店时间,Step 5,Confirm all information and give back ID card and credit card,核对信息,并返还客人身份证和信用卡,Step 6,Offer receipt, room key and show good wishes,提供发票和房卡,并祝福客人,The procedure of doing check-i,7,Conversation,Conversation,8,Before the reading(Q&A),Dialogue 1,What kind of room does Mr. White wants?,Is there any room available for Mr. White?,How long does Mr. White want to stay?,Before the reading(Q&A)Dialogu,9,Scene: A gentleman walks in the City Wall hotel, trying to find a room for two nights.,R: Good evening, sir. May I help you?,G: Good evening, I am Peter White. My wife and I have just arrived from Shanghai.,R: Welcome to our hotel. Have you made any reservation?,G:,Im afraid not.,R: Wait a moment please. Oh, room 1108 is,available,which has,G: Great, Ill take in.,Wed like to have a room at your hotel for 2 nights.,Could you arrange a king-bed room with bath for us,?,a good view of the city,.,How much do you charge,for,one night,?,Scene: A gentleman walks in th,10,R: 800 yuan per night.,G: OK.,R: Please show me your passport and,G: Here you are.,R:,G: Ill take care of it.,R: Thank you, Mr. White. Would you please pay 2400 yuan as,deposit,?,G:,R: Certainly, Mr. White.,G: OK. Here you are.,would you mind giving us two pieces of your name cards,?,Please fill in this registration form,.,Could I pay by credit card?,R: 800 yuan per night.would yo,11,R: By the way,Mr. White?,G: Er, let me see, may be 9:30 in the morning the day after tomorrow.,R: Yes, Mr. White. You have a king bed room with bath from June 1st to June 3rd and your departure time will be 9:30. Am I right?,G: Yes, you are right.,R: Thanks,Mr. White. This is the,receipt,and here are the keys to room 1108, its on the 11th floor.,G: Thank you.,May I know your departure time,The bellman will,show you up with your baggage.,I hope youll enjoy your stay with us,.,Thats very kind of you,.,R: By the way,12,Before the reading(Q&A),Dialogue 2,Did Mr. White have a reservation?,Is there a lower room for Mr. White?,What information should be filled in the registration form?,How would Mr. White make payment when he checks out?,Before the reading(Q&A)Dialogu,13,Scene: Peter white made a reservation in City Wall Hotel a week before, now he is coming,R: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?,G: Good afternoon, I am Peter White. I made a reservation in your hotel a week ago.,R: Wait a moment, Mr. White, let me have a check.,(A few minutes later),Mr. Peter White, a double room with bath from April 15th to 17th.,Am I right?,G: Yes, absolutely.,R:,G:,R: Im afraid not. A convention is being held in the city, this is the only double room.,Its on the top floor.,Do you have anything on a lower floor?,Scene: Peter white made a rese,14,G: Okay, Ill take it,R:,G: Here you are.,R:,G: What is this?,R: Thats the way in which you wish to make your,payment,when you check out.,G: Thatll be my VISA card. Shall I leave the card number here?,R: Yes, thank you, Mr. White. Here is the room-key to room 2018. The bellman will show you up to your room. We hope youll enjoy your stay.,May I see your passport please,?,Now please fill out this registration form-,nationality,age,occupation, passport number and your,signature,here.,G: Okay, Ill take it May I se,15,Words & phrases consolidation,Words & phrases con,16,A. Match the following sentences.,R: May I see your passport please? G: Im afraid not.,R: Could I pay by credit card? G: Perhaps 10:00.,R: May I know your departure time? G: Here you are.,R: Have you made any reservation? G: Certainly, sir.,A. Match the following sentenc,17,B. Fill in the blanks.,1. Could I pay by_ _ ?,2. May I know your _ time?,3. Would you mind _ _this registration form?,4. Could you arrange a king-bed room _ _ _ us?,5. I want to stay here _the April 15th_17th.,credit,card,departure,filling,in,from,to,with,bath,for,creditcarddeparturefillinginfr,18,Focus On,Focus On,19,Different ways of asking for information,Would you mind filling in this registration form?,请您填写一下这个表格。,May I see your passport please? / Please show me your passport?,请您出示一下您的护照。,May I know your departure time?,我能知道您的离店时间吗?,Have you made any reservation?,你做过预定吗?,Different ways of as,20,Common questions from guests,Could you arrange a king-bed room with bath for us?,您能给我们安排一个大床房间吗?,Could I pay by credit card?,我能用信用卡 付款吗?,Do you have any other ro,om,on a lower floor?,低一点的楼层上有房间吗?,Common questions from guests,21,Pair Work:,make a dialogue according to the situation below,A walk-in guest wants to stay in the City Wall Hotel. The receptionist receives the guest and arranges a room for him.,Pair Work: make a dialogue ac,22,Listening,Listening,23,Directions: Listen to a dialogue about check-in. Complete the following sentences after the tape.,(R: Receptionist; G: Guest),R: Good afternoon, sir,.,?,G: Good afternoon,I am Peter White,.,.,R: Oh, Im sorry, Mr. White, all rooms are booked up.,?,G:,No, thanks. Id like to stay at your hotel. Its more convenient.,R: Then,instead?,G: How much is the double room?,R:,.,G: Thats OK. Ill take it.,R: May I see, please?,G: Here it is.,R: Could you,?,G: Oh, Ill take care of it. Thanks.,May I help you,I want a single room with bath for two nights.,Would you like me to get in touch with another hotel for you,would you mind having a double room,1000,yuan,per night,your passport,fill in the registration form,Directions: Listen to a dial,24,Homework,Homework,25,A. Role-play:,With your classmates, play the roles of the receptionist at the front desk or the guests who need to check-in. Try to do your roles actively.,饭店专业英语Part-1-Unit-2-Check-inppt课件,26,D,. Translate the following sentences into English.,1.,请您帮我安排一个带浴室的大床房间。,2.,请您出示一下您的证件。,3.,您有预定吗?,4.,我能用信用卡付押金吗?,5.,请您给我两张您的名片。,6.,请稍候,我查一下预抵客人名单。,D. Translate the following sen,27,1. Please arrange a king bed room with a bath for me.,2. Please show me your certificates.,3. Have you made any reservation?,4.,Can I use credit card to pay the deposit?,5. Would you please give me two business cards of yours?,6. Please wait for a moment, I d like to check the arrival list.,1. Please arrange a king bed r,28,Thank You,Thank You,29,


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