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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2019/12/22,0,Happy reading,Animals,Happy readingAnimals,1,Which is faster?,Do a quiz,A_is faster.,A. a horse B. a cheetah,cheetah,Which is faster?Do a quizA_,2,Which is faster?,Do a quiz,A_is faster.,A.a turtle B. a snail,turtle,Which is faster?Do a quizA_,3,Which is taller?,Do a quiz,A_is taller.,A.a giraffe B. a zebra,giraffe,Which is taller?Do a quizA_,4,Which is,bigger,?,Do a quiz,A_is bigger.,A.,a gorilla(,大猩猩),B.,a monkey,gorilla,Which is bigger?Do a quizA_,5,Which is,bigger,?,Do a quiz,A/An_is bigger.,A.,a blue whale(,蓝鲸) B.,an elephant,blue whale,Which is bigger?Do a quizA/An_,6,Which is heavier?,Do a quiz,A_is faster.,A.,a,panda B.,a,polar bear,polar bear,Which is heavier?Do a quizA_,7,Lets learn,Animals are having a competition(,比赛,),.,A cheetah is faster than a horse.,A turtle is faster than a snail.,A giraffe is taller than a zebra.,A gorilla is bigger than a monkey.,A blue whale is bigger than an elephant.,A polar bear is heavier than a panda.,Which is the,topic sentence,?,(,中心句,),Tip:,Topic sentence,is a sentence which gives,the main idea or point,of the whole paragraph or passage. Its usually,at the beginning or the end,of it.,中心句,是概括,中心意思,的句子。它通常在,段落和文章的,开头或结尾处,。,Lets learnAnimals are having,8,Lets learn,Magic World,Where is the text from?,A. A newspaper,(报纸),.,B. A magazine,(杂志),.,C. A book.,the name of,the newspaper,报刊名称,the section,版面,the title of,the passage,文章标题,Lets learnMagic WorldWhere is,9,question time,What do you want to know about brains?,question timeWhat do you want,10,Fast reading,Whats the text talking about?,这篇文章主要讲了关于大脑的什么内容?,Tip: find,topic sentences,(找中心句),!,Fast readingWhats the text ta,11,Read pictures,What animals take part in the competition?,哪些动物参加了大脑王者争霸赛?,Read picturesWhat animals take,12,S,ome animals,brains are different from ours and can do some special things.,How different are they?,What can they do?,Read subtitles,(,小标题),Tips:,小组合作,读小标题,快速寻找信息!,Some animals brains are diffe,13,What can they do?,How different are their brains?,Read in groups,小组合作:,1,组,1,动物,细读内容,填写关键词,成为小组专家、分享报告,(,形式自选哦:朗读、表演、问答),They can do special things.,What can they do?How different,14,Pigeons can use their_to find their way.,They have _ in their brains.,The cells can sense _fields,(,地磁场),.,They have their own_.,Share and report,cells,geomagnetic,GPS,brains,GPS= Global Position System,全球定位系统,If you get lost, what will you do?,Pigeons can use their_t,15,Share and report,Woodpeckers can stay_. They can _ their heads against trees about _times a day.,They have a _ bone.,safe,peck,12000,spongy,Share and reportWoodpeckers ca,16,Lets learn,a spongy bone,Lets learn a spongy bone,17,Share and report,Mice can smell _.,They have large_ bulbs(,嗅球),in their brains.,mines,olfactory,Share and reportMice can smell,18,Share and report,Young chimpanzees can remember _very quickly.,They can do it faster than _.,numbers,humans,Share and reportYoung chimpanz,19,Lets try,983183940198,Lets try 983183940198,20,Lets try,589387191039,Lets try 589387191039,21,Lets try,983183940198,589387191039,Lets try 983183940198 58938,22,Lets try,Lets try,23,Share and report,Sperm whales have the _ brains on the planet. A sperm whales brain is about _kg. Its as heavy as a big schoolbag full of _.,largest,7,books,Share and reportSperm whales h,24,Lets learn,Who has a larger brain?,A sperm whales brain is about _kg. An_ brain is about 5 kg. A dolphins brain is about_ kg. A humans _ is about 1.2 kg.,7,elephants,1.5,brain,Who has a larger brain?,A sperm whale,has a larger brain.,Which one is better?,A.,B.,Lets learn Who has a larg,25,Lets learn,Pie Chart,Bar Chart,Line Graph,Table,Show and compare numbers more clearly!,(更清晰得展示和对比数字),Lets learn Pie ChartBar C,26,Share and report,Humans brains are also_.,We can _to,(适应),different environments,(环境),.,We can appreciate,(欣赏),different kinds of beauty.,We understand _,(幽默),.,We know the difference between right and wrong.,powerful,adapt,humor,Share and reportHumans brains,27,Voting time,Vote for a better brain!,(,给你认为的最强大脑投票,送上颁奖词!,),Dear_,Y,ou have a better brain!,You can_,_,.,You have,/can,_,_,.,You _.,You are great/clever/.!,You are the winner!,Voting timeVote for a better b,28,How do we read news?,newspapers,titles,topic words,topic,sentences,dictionary,pictures,videos,.,How do we read news?newspapers,29,An ostrichs brain is smaller than its eyeball.,鸵鸟的大脑比它的眼球小。,An ostrichs brain is smaller,30,A spiders brain is so big that it spill into its legs.,蜘蛛的大脑太大了,所以分布到了腿上。,A spiders brain is so big tha,31,A killer whale shuts down half of its brain when sleeping.,虎鲸睡觉时,其大脑有一半也在休息。,A killer whale shuts down half,32,Homework,1.Draw a mind map and talk about animals brains.,2.Read more about brains.,3.Make a poster,(,制作小报,展示你所学),.,Homework1.Draw a mind map and,33,


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