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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Word Power,南京五中,黄祖明 方玉勇,Word Power南京五中,1,Blank-filling,_ (advertise) are an important part of life.They use lots of _ (persuade) and _ (excite) images to sell products or services. _(general) speaking, there are two main types:_ (commerce) ads and PSAs.They do not always tell you the _ (true). We should be _(care).,Advertisements,persuasive,exciting,Generally,commercial,truth,careful,Question:How are these new words formed?,Blank-filling _ (,2,More examples:,Root,derivatives/new words,health,interest,depend,use,difficult,week,healthy,interesting,dependent,useful,difficulty,weekly,More examples:Rootderivatives/,3,Competition:,Think more words that are created this way.,Which group can win ?,The group that has the most words wins.,Competition:Think more words t,4,How to form adjective from nouns and verbs?,Wu Ping:,Do all ads play tricks on people?,Wu Hong:,No. PSAs use some of the same methods as,commercial,ads, like,persuasive,language and,exciting,images, but they are not meant to trick us.,commerce N.,commerc,ial,persuade V.,persua,sive,excite V.,excit,ing,Using suffixes,How to form adjective from nou,5,Noun +y,+ly,+ic,+al,+ous,+ful,health health,y,week week,ly,hero hero,ic,origin origin,al,danger danger,ous,help help,ful,Verb +ed,+ing,+ive,amaze amaz,ed,excite excit,ing,attract attract,ive,Can you think of more examples?,Noun +yhealth healt,6,Exercise: Best Clothing Shop,Possible answers:,(1) lovely (2) attractive (3) boring,(4) creative (5) fantastic (6) exciting,(7) friendly (8) competitive (9) famous,(10) lucky,Lets learn more about suffixes.,Exercise: Best Clothing ShopPo,7,Suffix,Meaning,Examples(adj.),-ical,having the quality of,-able,having the quality of,-ous,like,full of,-ful,characterized by,-less,without,medical,electrical,enjoyable,reasonable,dangerous,adventurous,joyful,mouthful,cloudless,hopeless,SuffixMeaningExamples(adj.)-ic,8,Puzzle,c,o,m,m,e,r,c,i,a,l,1 commerce,2 health,3 hero,4 attraction,5 help,6 excitement,7 origin,8 danger,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Hidden word,Food and _ are quite important to,our human beings.,用所给单词的形容词形式填空!,h e a,l,t h y,h e r,o,i c,a t t r a c,t,i v e,h,e l p f u l,e x c,i,t i n g,o r i g i,n,a l,d a n,g,e r o u s,clothing,Puzzlecommercial1 commerce 123,9,Active show,Suppose you are a book seller. You want your,customer to buy a new book called English,Literature.How can you make your customer,buy it?Make a dialogue with your partner and,then have it presented.,learn more about sales and marketing,Active showSuppose you are a,10,Useful expressions:,Product,Market research,Sales and marketing,Sales/marketing department,Consumers,Market share,Sales target,Market leader,High quality,Sales figures,What do they mean?,Can you have a guess?,Useful expressions:ProductWhat,11,Practice: B,Possible answers:,(1) product (2) market share,(3) sales figure (4) consumers,(5) high quality (6) market research,(7) sales/marketing department (8) Sales target,(9) market leader (10) sales and marketing,Exercise for consolidation,Practice: BPossible answers: E,12,product sales quality figure consumer discount,I want to buy some milk _ from the shop. _of milk usually go up during this time.I like Fresh milk very much because this band usually has a good_ . Recent sales _,show that it is popular among _. The shop also gives much _ of 10 per cent for cash.Why dont you have a try?,products,Sales,quality,figures,consumers,discount,product sales,13,Homework,1 Finish the Ex on Page 91.,2 Make good preparation for Grammar and Usage.,Homework1 Finish the Ex on Pag,14,Thanks!,Bye-bye!,Thanks!Bye-bye!,15,


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