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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016/4/26,#,书法,Calligraphy,楷书,regular script,The formation of the script to the end of the Han Dynasty to Wei and Jin Dynasty, heyday in the Sui and Tang dynasties. Also known as the real and the book. It absorbs the script structure symmetry clear merits, the strokes of the Lishu twists and turns instead of straight, the script form flat change founder, writing is much more convenient, has been in use ever since. After the Sui Dynasty, the regular script note testimonies, neat structure, founder and calligraphers emerge in endlessly, to Yan, Liu Gongquan, the highest achievement. The Ming and Qing calligrapher in Tang Dynasty before the script as a standard, modern and contemporary science books especially.,楷书形成于汉末、魏晋,全盛于隋唐。也称作“真书、“正书。它吸收隶书结构匀称明晰的优点,把隶书笔画的“曲折改为平直,把隶书形体的扁平改方正,书写时比隶书更方便,一直沿用至今。隋代以后,楷书注意法度,结构整齐、方正,书家层出不穷,以颜真卿、柳公权等人成就最高。宋元明清的书法家都以唐以前楷书为标准,近代以至当代学书者更是如此。,书法的起源,Chinese calligraphy is the art of writing ancient Chinese characters, evolved from the oracle bone inscriptions, stone drum inscriptions, bronze inscriptions on ancient bronze objects and seal script, seal script to finalize the design, and to the Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, cursive script, regular script, running hand, calligraphy has been sending out the charm of art.,中国书法是一门古老的汉字的书写艺术,从甲骨文、石鼓文、金文钟鼎文演变而为大篆、小篆、隶书,至定型于东汉、魏、晋的草书、楷书、行书等,书法一直散发着艺术的魅力。,Origin of calligraphy,running,script,行书,Running script 行书,Running,script is less constrained and faster, where more movements made by the writing,implement. It,is the script between the regular and the cursive, neither as neat as the former nor as difficult to recognize as the latter. It is commonly used &,easiest,way of handwriting,.,Running,script,is the,most popular style of Chinese characters. It is formed by linking adjacent strokes. So its very convenient to write. Many calligrapher are good at writing this style.,Learn,C,hinese calligraphy,To learn to write a nice hand in Chinese calligraphy, assiduous and persevering practice is necessary. This has been borne out by the many great masters China has produced.,Chinese calligraphy is a,resplendent,jewel of China Cultural,Heritage ,it,is a great art and it can let people,relaxed, and,it can improve our spiritual realm, so I think we should pay more attention to the Chinese calligraphy. We should inherit this culture and move it to carry forward.,Thank you!,


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