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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/1/3,#,Lesson 7,Lets go there now,!,Story Fun 1,Lesson 7 Story Fun 1,1,Before listening, Questions,Sports,Its a baseball bat.,What is this?,Its a table tennis bat.,Its a badminton racket.,Its a tennis racket.,Before listening, QuestionsSpo,2,Before listening, Questions,Sports shop,What can you see in the sports shop?,Football, basketball, baseball cap, T-shirt, socks, trainers, helmet,Before listening, QuestionsSpo,3,Before listening, Questions,Where is here?,Bus stop,Before listening, QuestionsWhe,4,Before listening, Questions,2. What can you see in this picture?,1. Where is here?,Before listening, Questions2.,5,Before listening, Questions,2. What can you see in this picture?,1. Where are they?,4. What is the boy doing?,3. What are they doing?,Before listening, Questions2.,6,Before listening, Questions,2. What can you see in this picture?,1. Where are they?,4. What is the girl doing?,3. What are they doing?,Before listening, Questions2.,7,Before listening, Questions,2. What can you see in this picture?,1. Where are they now?,4. What is the man doing?,3. What are they doing?,Before listening, Questions2.,8,Listening and Answer Questions,(play the audio),2. Are they sisters?,1. How many children are in the story?,4. whats the boys name?,3. Where do they live?,Two.,No, they arent. They are friends.,His name is Matt.,They live next to the beach.,5. Whats the girls name?,Her name is Alice.,7. What color is the girls skateboard?,6. What color is the boys skateboard?,9. What sport does the boy do at the park?,8. What does the girl say when the boy is in the water?,10. What does the girl like doing at the park?,Its red.,She says do you like swimming.,Its grey.,He is playing skateboarding.,She likes skateboarding.,Listening and Answer Questions,9,Reading and Answer Questions,1. Where does Matt live?,2. Where does Alice live?,3. Where do they live?,4. Next to,Reading and Answer Questions 1,10,in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening,Reading and Answer Questions,2. at the bus stop,3. answer,4. See you!,in the morningReading and Answ,11,1. At lunchtime,Reading and Answer Questions,2. At the sports shop,3. What does Matt say in the speech bubble?,1. At lunchtimeReading and Ans,12,Reading and Answer Questions,2. like doing= love doing,1. in the playground,3. Which,Where,4. go skateboarding,go shopping,5. in the park,Reading and Answer Questions 2,13,Lets go!,2. Do they like skateboarding?,Reading and Answer Questions,Lets go!2. Do they like skate,14,1. like doing,Reading and Answer Questions,2. Does Matt like fishing?,3. Does Alice like fishing?,1. like doingReading and Answe,15,After listening and Answer Questions,2. What sport does Matt like?,1. Where do they live?,4. What does Matt like doing in the morning?,3. What sport does Alice like?,They live next to the beach./ They live in Sea Street.,He likes badminton, baseball, skateboarding and swimming.,He likes playing badminton.,She likes horse riding, tennis, skateboarding and fishing.,5. What does Alice like doing in the morning?,She likes horse riding.,6. Do they like same things?,No, they dont. They like different things.,7. What sport do you like?,I like.,After listening and Answer Que,16,Answer Questions and Practice,1. How many sports can you see here?,2. How many rackets are there?,3. Have you got a skateboard?,Answer Questions and Practice1,17,Answer Questions and Practice,1. Does Alice like horse riding?,2. Does Matt like horse riding?,3. Who likes horse riding?,Answer Questions and Practice1,18,Answer Questions and Practice,Which is your favourite place?,Answer Questions and PracticeW,19,Answer Questions and Practice,1.,Which,skateboard do you like?,(Listen and draw lines),2.,Which,sport do Alice and Matt do in the park?,Answer Questions and Practice1,20,Answer Questions and Practice,1. What sports do you like?,2. What sports dont you like?,3. Who do you play sports with?,4. Where do you go swimming?,Answer Questions and Practice1,21,Answer Questions and Practice,(Listen and write),1. What can you see?,2. What sport does she like?,3. What is this girls name?,4. Can you spell Kim?,5. How do you spell Kim?,6. How do you spell school?,Answer Questions and Practice(,22,Answer Questions and Practice,1. Which is Alice bag?,2. What is in her bag?,Answer Questions and Practice1,23,Answer Questions and Practice,1. What sports can you play here?,2. Can you,run/ ride a bike/ play ball/ badminton,here?,Answer Questions and Practice1,24,Whats your friends name?,Where do you live?,Who do you sit next to in class?,Whats your favourite sport?,Where do you play with your friends?,How old is your friends?,Answer Questions and Practice,Whats your friends name? Ans,25,Lets have fun!,My Favourite Sport,Draw pictures or find them in magazines and cut them out. And then stick the pictures on a large piece of paper and label them.,Answer Questions and Practice,Lets have fun!My Favourite Sp,26,Answer Questions and Practice,Lets speak!,What do you like?,What are these things?,(basketball, cake, hockey, guitar, cat, computer, spider.),2. Do you like?,Answer Questions and PracticeL,27,Homework,Home FUN booklet,Pages 18-19 sports,Picture dictionary:,sports, places,Go on the CLMS,To Play “Name the picture”,To listen to the audio recordings,To find more FUN activities!,HomeworkHome FUN bookletGo on,28,Thank you!,Thank you!,29,


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